New Data IQ® Dashboards are available to recreate functionality that existed in our mobile applications.
Executive Overview
This dashboard will serve to replace our Executive App and recreate its functionality in Data IQ.
This is the first Data IQ dashboard designed specifically for a mobile device. For the best functionality we recommend viewing on the Tableau Mobile app, but viewing within a web browser will also work.
To view the Mobile view on a desktop, select Device Layouts button in the top right.
Executive Overview Sections
Enterprise Census
This displays a high-level visual of the census of all campuses within your health system. By default these will fall into 3 categories - Green, Orange, and Red. The percentages for these can be modified within the filter menu.
Census by Campus
This shows the census of each campus within your health system. To expand this to view at the Campus and Unit level click on the campus name and then hit 'Drill Down'. If you then wish to revert to the Campus-only view you can click on the unit name and hit 'Drill Up'.
Census by Unit Category
This shows the census of each Unit Category within you health system.
Emergency Department Metrics
Patients Waiting in the ED - The current number of patients in the ED who are waiting to be placed into a bed.
Current Longest Wait in ED - The longest wait time of any patients currently in the ED.
Current Avg Wait Time in ED - The average wait time of all patients currently in the ED.
Current EVS Employee Status
This dashboard shows the current status of EVS employees.
EVS Employee Sections
Employee Count by Status
This shows a donut chart of the number of employees in each status.
Employees by Status by Campus
This shows a table of the number of employees in each status by campus.
Idle Employees by Campus
This shows a table of all employees whose current status is 'Idle'.
This is sorted by longest time being idle, meaning the employee at the top of the list has been idle for the longest amount of time.
Current Transport Employee Status
This dashboard shows the current status of EVS employees.
Transport Employee Sections
Employee Count by Status
This shows a donut chart of the number of employees in each status.
Employees by Status by Campus
This shows a table of the number of employees in each status by campus.
Idle Employees by Campus
This shows a table of all employees whose current status is 'Idle'.
This is sorted by longest time being idle, meaning the employee at the top of the list has been idle for the longest amount of time.