Application User Guide Clinical Workflow™ Suite
Introduction to the Clinical Workflow™ Suite
The Clinical Workflow™ suite has two modules:
Perioperative Services — this module allows users to track the current day’s patients through the three stages of surgical procedures: the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative stages.
Clinic — this module allows users to track the current day’s patients during their time in the clinic. Clinics can provide diagnostic or therapeutic services such as Xray, computerized tomography (CT scan), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), electrocardiogram (EKG), and endoscopy.
This document describes the standard features of the Clinical Workflow™ suite. The first sections of this guide describe functionality that is common to both the Perioperative and the Clinic modules. The functionality particular to each module is described in separate Perioperative and Clinic sections.
Your software may differ from the information provided in this document, depending on your site’s customization of the product.
Description of Application
The Clinical Workflow™ suite combines the most advanced visual controls, care alerts, operational alerts and business intelligence to form the central nervous software for Peri-operative and Clinical areas.
Who Should Read This Document
This document is intended for Clinical Workflow™ suite users. Individual users or groups of users with the same job tasks can refer only to the chapters that describe tasks required for their job. Different functionality and screen configurations are available to users depending upon their roles and accompanying permissions. Some of the functionality described in this manual may not be available on your screen depending on the roles and permissions that you have.
Access the Clinical Workflow™ Suite
Your ability to view, change, and delete information in the Clinical Workflow™ suite depends on factors such as your role, how the software supports activities in your area, and the security measures enforced at your facility. Under certain circumstances, you may not be allowed to perform certain tasks or may be prompted to enter a password. If you have questions about what you can see or do in the application, contact your supervisor or Clinical Workflow™ suite administrator.
Software Access Factors
Access to the Clinical Workflow™ suite and certain information and functions within the software are based on your login user ID, which determines the following:
Roles: One or more roles are assigned to each user ID. A role is usually associated with staff position.
Privileges: One or more privileges are assigned to each role. Privileges determine what actions, such as view, edit, add, or delete are allowed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Configurations: The default or selected configuration for each user on a standalone configuration determines which tabs or windows display in the application.
Opening and Closing the Clinical Workflow™ Suite
Users should log in and log out of the application as needed. However, overhead monitors should always be displaying the running application. If it is not running, you may need to log into the application. Typically, the Clinical Workflow™ suite is always running and is not closed when you are not using it. Check with your supervisor or Clinical Workflow™ suite administrator before logging in or closing the application on an overhead display.
Opening the Clinical Workflow™ Suite
Standalone Version
In a web browser (IE version 10/11 or Chrome) enter the URL of the TeleTracking IQ® platform server.
If DNS is enabled at your site, you may replace the IP address with the DNS name. Please contact your administrator as procedures to connect to this server at your site can vary.
2. In the Login dialog box, type your username and password if necessary.
Select Login
Make a selection from the Configuration list, if necessary. For example, the Clinic module of the Clinical Workflow™ suite may be an option in the drop-down list.
Select Login.
The Clinical Workflow™ suite opens. The tabs displayed within this window depend on the configuration, which may be the default for the workstation, the default for your username, or the configuration you selected when logging in.
Selecting Clear deletes the information from all the login fields.
TeleTracking IQ® Enabled Version
In a web browser (IE version 10/11 or Chrome ) enter the URL of the TeleTracking IQ® platform server to display the Sign in page.
If DNS is enabled at your site you may replace the IP address with the DNS name. Please contact your administrator as procedures to connect to this server at your site can vary.
2. Type your user ID in the top field and your password in the Password field. Then select Sign in.
3. If you have permission to more than one facility, choose the facility that you want to access at this time. Select a facility from the drop down arrow and select OK, Continue to display that facility’s information.
4. You may switch to another facility at any time while still signed in by using the drop-down arrow next to the signed in user’s name, selecting different facility and selecting the Update button.
5. Go to Clinical Operations > Clinical Workflow to display the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Closing the Clinical Workflow™ Suite
To close the Clinical Workflow™ suite, select Sign Out in the upper right corner of the application window.
Viewing Privileges
You can view the privileges that determine what users are allowed to do in Clinical Workflow™ suite. For example, add, view, edit, or move a patient. One or more privileges are assigned to each role, and one or more roles are assigned to each user ID. You can view the privileges assigned to the user ID currently logged in. This information is view only. To change privileges, contact your Clinical Workflow™ suite administrator.
To view your privileges, do the following:
1. On the Patients menu, select User Privileges. The Privileges dialog box opens.
2. The left column displays unassigned privileges, and the right column displays assigned privileges.
3. Select Save or Save & Close to exit the dialog box.
Work with Events and Icons
What Are Events?
Events are the key elements of information communicated in the Clinical Workflow™ suite. An event can be a status, action, condition, or other notation associated with patients, staff, equipment, services, locations, or schedules.
What Are Icons?
An icon can be a picture, letter, number, symbol, or a combination. Icons represent events. This allows the quick communication of a lot of information on one screen. Icons communicate a wide variety of events. For example:
Room availability.
Status of room cleanup.
Amount of time a patient has been in a location.
How to Know What Icons Mean
Right-select an icon to view a description of its meaning and its state. For example, if you right-select the R icon ( ) on the screen, the following Event Information dialog box appears:
After the R icon is selected (R), the Event Information dialog box displays a different status:
When Do Icons Appear?
Icons generally do not appear until one of the following actions occurs:
You move the cursor over a hidden icon.
An event occurs that automatically displays an icon.
Mouseover Hidden Icons
Some icons are available on a screen but are hidden until you hold the cursor over them. Mouse over icons will display as the cursor passes over them.
When you move the cursor away from a mouseover icon, it disappears from view.
What Happens When Icons Are Selected?
Selecting icons can have one of the following results:
The icon changes to the next state in the order determined for the event, or the icon disappears from the screen.
A dialog box appears.
A checklist appears.
When selected, mouseover icons work the same as non-mouseover icons.
Manually Create Events
Events can be issued manually or automatically. To manually issue an event, do one of the following:
Left-select on an icon to progress to the next state OR
Left-select on an icon to display a checklist. Select or deselect an item(s).
Automatically Generated Icons
Clinical Workflow™ suite automatically displays some icons based on certain event triggers. For example, the Bucket icon displays automatically to request a cleanup when a location is vacated.
What Are Icon States?
Some icons have different appearances that are called states. The icon may have a line through it, change color, or flash. The state of the icon typically conveys the status or condition of the event. For example, a service is needed, not needed, completed, or re-requested. The following icon colors generally represent the corresponding states:
Yellow - Needed
Blue - Underway
Green – Completed
Red – Alert
Brown – Room Dirty
The following table shows examples of how icon states are used to communicate a number of related but different events.
The following table shows an example of icon with lines through them and meanings for each state.
What Are Timer Icons?
A timer icon indicates how long an event has been underway. For example, the length of a procedure or how long a patient has been at a location. A timer typically counts up but in some cases may count down. Timer icon numbers appear within a circle and may have a letter indicating minutes (m), hours (h), or days (d). Background and icon colors vary.
View Event Information
You can access information about an event, such as:
Event number
Event Name
State of the event
Patient location
Date and time the event was issued
Event notes entered by staff
To view event information, do one of the following:
1. Right-select the icon to open the Event Information window.
In the Event Information window, the following information appears:
Event number: “7500.2” in the example above.
Event: “Room Cleanup Activity” in the example above.
State of the event: “Room Cleanup Started” in the example above.
Patient location: “OR 3” in the example above.
Date and time the event was issued: “08/11/16 1:46:34 PM” in the example above.
Event Notes: You can type notes for the procedure after selecting the EDIT button, for example, “Broken light”.
2. Select Cancel to close window without changes.
When an event is resolved so that the icon is no longer displayed, the notes associated with it are deleted. If the event is re-issued, the Event Notes box is blank.
Edit Event Information
You can edit the date and time of an event and add, edit, or delete event notes. To edit event information, do the following:
1. Right-select the icon to display the Event Information window.
2. Select Edit to display the Event Information window in edit mode.
3. Edit the following information: Date Time Event Notes
4. Select Save to save your changes.
View Patient Event History
Users can also access Patient Event History by selecting the Events button from the Patient information window. This will display all patient events including those events deleted by checking the box Show deleted events which will display in red.
Work with Patients
View Patient Information
1. Do one of the following:
Select Patients > Find Patient to display the Find Patient dialog box.
a. Type search criteria and then select Search. Select Search without typing search criteria to display all patients.
b. Select a patient.
c. Select View to display the Patient Information dialog box.
Right-select a patient’s row > View Info: to display the Patient Information dialog box.
What Information Appears in the Patient Information Dialog Box?
Last Name – Text up to 32 characters.
First Name – Text up to 32 characters.
Last Alias – Alternate last name, if any, up to 32 characters.
First Alias – Alternate first name, if any, up to 32 characters.
Birthdate – DD/MM/YYYY format.
Gender – Male (M) or female (F).
MRN – Medical Record Number, up to 20 characters.
Visit # – Visit Number
Comments This is a large text box for additional information.
RTLS [[[Undefined variable Primary. Tag/BadgeCAP]]] – Select to open the Patient Tagging dialog box to associate an RTLS tag with the patient. See "Tag Patients Using the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ (RTLS)" starts.
Message – Select to open the Patient Messaging dialog box if the patient has opted in to receive messages. See "Send Messages to Patients" starts.
Find Patients
1. On the Patients menu, select Find Patient.
The Patient Search window opens.
2. To limit the list, enter one or more characters in Last Name, First Name, Gender, MRN, or Visit #. You can enter a combination of search criteria. For example, entering “s” in Last Name and “f” in Gender will find all female patients with a last name starting with “S.” You can search by the following criteria:
Last Name
First Name
[[[Undefined variable Primary.MRN/HospitalNumber]]]
[[[Undefined variable Primary.Visit Number/Spell NumberCAP]]]
Chart Number
3. To display a list of all patients (or only those who match your criteria), select Search. If no matches are found, No matches found displays.
Patients must be currently active in the system to appear in the search results. Patients who have been archived do not appear in search results.
4. To sort the list, select on a column title. For example, select the Last Name column to sort the list by last name in ascending A to Z order (up arrow) or descending Z to A order (down arrow).
5. To view more information about the patient, select the patient and select View (or double-select or right-select on the patient name) to display the View Patient window.
6. To close the window, select Close.
Add New Patients
The health system’s Admissions, Transfers, Discharges system places patients that are scheduled for procedures today on the Roster. You can also manually add new patients:
1. On the Patients menu, select New Patient. The Patient Search dialog box appears.
2. Type the criteria for your search as described in the Find Patients section.
3. Select Search.
4. The search results appear in the Search Results section of the dialog box.
5. Do one of the following:
a. Select the patient that you want from the search results and select Add Selected Patient.
The patient that you selected appears in the patient list of the Roster screen.
b. Do not select a patient that appears in the list and select Add New Patient.
The Patient Information dialog box appears.
6. If you selected Add New Patient, type the patient information in the Patient Information dialog box and select Save to save the patient to the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
The patient appears on the OR Roster list and on any procedure screen for which the patient is scheduled.
Move Patients
The Clinical Workflow™ suite allows you to move patients on the screen to reflect their actual locations in your facility. The ability to know where each patient is located at all times is a key benefit of the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
What Are Off-Floor Boxes?
Off-Floor boxes are available at the bottom of many windows provide a means of moving patients to and from areas not visible on the current screen. They also serve as holding areas for patients in transition. For example, patients in the process of being moved between departments, or patients that are in another area such as X-Ray. Patients may also be moved between off-floor boxes. The number in the off-floor box represents the number of patients in the area.
What Are the Types of Off-Floor Boxes?
Waiting box — A waiting area box holds patients who have arrived at the OR or clinical area and are waiting to move into the procedure room.
In Transit box — In the perioperative and the clinical module, drag and drop patients into the In Transit when they are being transported to another part of the perioperative department.
Off Unit box —, drag and drop patients into the Off Unit box if they are temporarily in a unit that is not part of the perioperative department. For example, a patient may need to have a procedure in the MRI clinic before moving to another area of the perioperative department.
OR Discharge box — This box tracks patients who have completed surgeries and who have moved out of the perioperative department.
Who Can Use the Off-Floor Boxes?
Users who have been assigned the Move Patients privilege can use off-floor boxes.
View Patients Who Are Off-Floor
You can see the following patient lists from off-floor boxes:
Pending Unarrived Patients List — Left-select an off-floor box to see a list of all unarrived patients in the Clinical Workflow™ suite. The example below appears when you left-select any off-floor box:
Patients in Specified Area List — Right-select an off-floor box to see a list of all patients that are currently located in that area. The example below appears when you right-select the In Transit off-floor box:
How to Move Patients to Off-Screen Areas
You can use the In Transit or Off-Unit boxes to move patients to other perioperative or clinical areas:
1. Select and drag a patient from the list of patients, at the top of the screen, to the In Transit box.
2. The patient appears in the In Transit or Off-Unit box list on all of the screens.
3. On the screen for the area to which you want to move the patient (such as, OR SuiteVue™), right-select the In Transit or Off-Unit box. A list appears of all the patients in the off-floor box.
4. Select the patient that you want to move from the list.
5. Select Move. The cursor becomes a gurney icon.
6. Move the gurney icon from the In Transit or Off-Unit box to an empty row in the desired area screen the patient’s information appears on the screen.
7. If you are moving the patient to another off-floor box, the second box is highlighted as you hold the gurney icon over it.
The number in parenthesis next to the box name updates.
Indicate Patients Have Arrived
You can indicate that patients who have scheduled procedures have arrived in the OR by using the Waiting box. The same is true of the clinical area box in the clinical module screens. You can indicate that patients have arrived by using the clinical area box:
1. When the patient arrives in the OR or Clinic, select the patient’s row in the list of scheduled patients for the current day. The cursor becomes a gurney icon.
2. Move the gurney to the Waiting box or the clinical area box on the screen.
The Waiting box is highlighted as you hold the gurney icon over it.
The OR Waiting box appears as:
The clinical area’s waiting box appears as the example for MRI below:
3. Select the OR Waiting box or the clinic area box to indicate that the patient has arrived in the waiting area.
The Waiting box or the clinic area box updates to reflect the number of patients at the location.
If the patient has arrived in a clinical area, such as MRI, the clinical waiting box appears as shown below:
In the patient list on all views next to the patient’s name, the patient’s current location updates with the icon for the Waiting or clinical area.
If the patient has arrived in the Perioperative suite, a W appears before the patient’s name:
If the patient has arrived in a Clinical area, the letters for the clinical area appear before the patient’s name:
Move Patients with Pending Procedures into Locations
You can move an unassigned patient directly into an unoccupied location:
1. Left-select an unoccupied location to open the Patients with Pending Procedures list.
2. Select the patient name and select Move To. The patient name displays in the selected location.
Move Patients with Same Name
Patients with the same name in the same list display a patient same name icon.
1. When you move one of the two patients with the same name a warning dialog box will appear, requesting to verify the correct patient is being moved.
2. Select Yes, Continue to move patient or No, Cancel to abandon the move.
Undo a Patient Move
After you have completed a move, you can still undo it by doing the following:
1. Right-select the patient that was moved.
2. Choose the Undo Last Move option to display the Undo Move dialog box.
3. Select Fix to return the patient to their previous location.
Tag Patients Using the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ (RTLS)
What Are Patient Tags?
Patients can wear radio tags which communicate with the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ (RTLS). This allows the patients' locations to be automatically updated in the Clinical Workflow™ suite as they move through areas and locations of the facility, such as registration, pre-op, procedure, and post-op rooms. Minimum technical requirements for the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ (RTLS) are available for download from Go to Products and Solutions > Documents > TeleTracking® RTLS > Technical Information Reference Documents. A TeleTracking Technologies representative can help your organization to enable this setting.
Who Can Tag Patients?
Any staff member who has the View Patient Information permission can assign a tag to a patient.
How to Tag and UnTag Patients
1. Do one of the following to display the Patient Tagging dialog box:
On any view, select the Patient Tag Status icon for the particular patient.
In the patient's Patient Information dialog box, select the RTLS Tag button.
2. Type the tag ID number into the RTLS TagID field.
3. Scan the tag barcode. Press the ENTER key after scanning the tag ID to automatically remove the leading characters and zeros from the ID number.
4. If your scanner has been configured to automatically press the ENTER key, you do not have to manually press ENTER after scanning the tag's barcode.
5. In the Unable to Tag field, select the appropriate option as listed in the Unable to tag field.
6. Select Attach Tag if you want to attach the tag to the patient and close the dialog box. This button is only active when no tag is associated with the patient.
7. To detach the tag from this patient, select the Detach Tag button. The RTLS TagID field clears. Select Update to save your change and exit the dialog box.
Send Messages to Patients
Clinical staff, such as Registrars, can communicate with patients who have checked in and elected to receive messages.
1. Do one of the following to display the Patient Messaging dialog box.
On a list view, right-select a patient's name and select Patient Messaging from the list that appears.
In a patient's Patient Information dialog box, select the Message button at the bottom.
The Patient Messaging dialog box appears with the patient's name in the appropriate fields.
2. In Device Type, select Mobile Phone or Pager. The pager is supplied to the patient at check in.
3. By default, the Patient/Family has opted out of messaging box is selected. If the patient wants to receive messages, clear the Patient/Family has opted out of messaging box.
The Phone # or Pager ID field, the Save & Test button, and the Full Text box become active.
4. Supply the device information by doing one of the following:
If you selected Mobile Phone as the Device Type, in Phone # type the device's number.
If you selected Pager as the Device Type, in Pager ID select the pager name from the drop-down list.
5. Select Save & Test to send a test message to verify that the device receives your messages.
6. Do one of the following:
Select the arrow next to the Send Message > Message field and select the name of one of the pre-configured messages from the list that appears. The complete text of the selected message appears in the Full Text box below the message name. You can edit the pre-configured message in the Full Text box. The maximum message length is 140 characters. The number of remaining characters appears below the box and counts down as you type.
In the Send Message > Message field, select Custom and type a message of up to 140 characters in the Full Text box. The number of remaining characters appears below the box and counts down as you type.
7. Select Send Message to send your message to the patient's device.
Do not include a patient's protected health information or personally identifiable information in the message.
Work with Procedures
View Procedure Information
In the Patient Information dialog box for a particular patient, select Add OR or Add Clinic in the Procedure Information section.
The Procedure Dialog box appears.
See View Patient Information for information about accessing the Patient Information dialog box.
What Information Appears in the Procedure Dialog Box?
The following fields and sections appear in the Procedure Dialog box.
Location Information — In this section, you can define the location for the procedure using the following fields:
Schedule Information — In this section, you can define the date and time for the procedure using the following fields:
Scheduled Date
To Follow Time
Procedure Staff — In this section, you can schedule staff members for the procedure using the following fields:
Primary Provider
Primary Assist
Secondary Provider
Secondary Assist
Anesthesia Information — In this section, you can define information about the anestheia for the procedure using the following fields:
Procedure Information — In this section, you can define information about the procedure using the following fields:
Procedure Code
Service Code
Procedure Comments — Additional comments about the procedure can be typed in this field.
Add Procedures
You can manually schedule procedures for patients using the Procedure Dialog box.
1. In the Patient Information dialog box for a particular patient, select Add OR or Add Clinic in the Procedure Information section.
The Procedure Dialog box appears.
2. Make the appropriate selections in the Procedure dialog box. Refer to the View Procedure Information section for more information.
3. Select Save to save the procedure with the patient in the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Edit Procedure Information
You can manually edit existing procedure information using the Procedure Dialog box.
1. In the Patient Information dialog box > Procedure Information section, select a procedure.
2. Select Edit to display the Procedure Dialog box.
3. Make changes to the procedure information.
4. Select Save to save your changes to the patient’s procedure in the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
View Messages
At the bottom of all the views of the Clinical Workflow™ suite is a row that displays messages that are sent to the staff members of the perioperative department.
View Staff Assignments
How to View Staff Assignments
Go to any view of the Clinical Workflow™ suite to display the Staff Assignment boxes across the top of the view.
The staff members who are assigned for the current day appear next to the various roles.
What Staff Assignments Appear?
The following staff assignment boxes are standard in the base Perioperative module:
Preop Charge Nurse (Preop CN)
PACU Charge Nurse (PACU CN)
OR Charge Nurse (OR CN)
Anesthesiologist in Charge (AIC)
Additional assignments may appear in columns on individual views.
Who Can Make Staff Assignments?
Users who have the Edit Staff Assignment privilege can assign staff members.
How to Make Staff Assignments
For instructions about how to assign staff members, see the Make Staff Assignments section of the Clinical Workflow™ Suite Application Administration Guide.
On the ScheduleVue™ screen, staff members can be assigned by right-selecting the staff assignment boxes and selecting a name from the list that appears. Refer to About ScheduleVue™.
About the Perioperative Services Application
What Does the Application Do?
The Perioperative Services for the Clinical Workflow™ suite allows perioperative staff members to view all of the patients scheduled for services for the current day, as well as the current status and location of any patient already in the department. The screen set is comprised of functional screens (Vues) designed for use by specific perioperative staff (Registration, Preop, OR, PACU and Phase II). The Perioperative module can be integrated with the TeleTracking XT™ platform, or it can operate as a standalone module.
What Screens Appear in the Perioperative Services Application?
The following table gives a general description of the standard screen set of the Perioperative Module:
About the OR Roster Screen
What Does the OR Roster Screen Do?
The Perioperative module’s Roster screen displays all patients who have surgery scheduled for the current day along with their location and status during their time in the perioperative service. This screen is useful for staff members working at the front desk or where patients enter the perioperative service.
What Information Appears on the OR Roster Screen?
Current Day’s Appointments — The Roster displays the current day’s patients alphabetically in two or three columns.
Messages Refer to View Messages. Staff Assignment Boxes — Refer to View Staff Assignments.
Off-Floor Boxes – Refer to How to Move Patients To Off-Screen Areas.
OR Waiting Box
In-Transit Box Off
Unit Box
OR Discharge Box
Patient Rows — Each patient’s row displays the following information and icons by default. Selecting or right-selecting each icon in the patient’s row displays an event list, dialog box, or changes the state of the icon to communicate more about the patient.
To learn more about the patient row icons, refer to the Base Icons for the Perioperative Module section:
Common Tasks for OR Roster
Filter the OR Roster Screen
In Viewing, select one of the following from the list to display only those patients on the Roster screen:
Today's Inpatients by Name
Today's Inpatients by Procedure Location
Today's Inpatients by Provider
Today's Inpatients by Scheduled Time
Today's Outpatients by Name
Today's Outpatients by Procedure Location
Today's Outpatients by Provider
Today's Patients by Name
Today's Patients by Scheduled Time
Today's Patients by Procedure Location
Today's Patients by Provider
Tomorrow's Inpatients by Name
Tomorrow's Inpatients by Procedure Location
Tomorrow's Inpatients by Provider
Tomorrow's Inpatients by Scheduled Time
Tomorrow's Outpatients by Name
Tomorrow's Outpatients by Procedure Location
Tomorrow's Outpatients by Provider
Tomorrow's Patients by Name
Tomorrow's Patients by Scheduled Time
Tomorrow's Patients by Procedure Location
Tomorrow's Patients by Provider
The information on the screen is sorted in alphabetical order by the selected category.
Save Default View Selection
1. After selecting the options in Viewing, select Set default selection to display the Set Default View Selection dialog box.
2. Select a view option from the list and select Save.
The view options that you selected will appear whenever you log in. This is not required. If you do not specify a default filter, the overall default (for all users) appears when you first log in.
About Incoming SuiteVue™
What Does the OR Incoming SuiteVue™ Screen Do?
The Incoming SuiteVue™ screen is designed for dual use by Preop and Phase 2 Recovery staff. The screen allows users to view and track patients for the current day who are coming into the Perioperative Service for preop and postop care. The screen represents the actual rooms used in the areas of the perioperative department with separate sections for patients who will be arriving shortly.
What Information Appears on the Incoming SuiteVue™ Screen?
Preop Incoming — Patients who are in the OR Waiting box appear in the Preop Incoming column to let the preop staff know that the patient has arrived to the facility. This list also contains inpatients that have been called to OR based on the Call to OR Status icon (Phone).
Preop/Phase 2 — This section is used by both preop staff to prepare patients for surgery and by postoperative staff to care for post-surgical patients as they recover. Selecting and dragging a patient’s name to the left side of the column (Preop) indicates that the patient is in Preop. Selecting and dragging a patient’s name to the right side of the column (Phase 2) indicates that the patient is in Phase 2.
Phase 2 Incoming — Patients who are in surgery and have the Need Phase 2 Bed option selected in the Postop Dest box appear in the Phase II Incoming column. The patient can also appear in the Phase 2 Incoming column if he or she is assigned the Phase II area from the PACU Periop bed request.
Nurse — Staff members’ assignments to particular patients can be made or changed by right-selecting the Nurse column.
Messages — Refer to View Messages. Staff Assignment Boxes —Refer to View Staff Assignments.
Off-Floor Boxes – Refer to How to Move Patients To Off-Screen Areas.
OR Waiting Box
In-Transit Box
Off Unit Box
OR Discharge Box
Patient Rows — The icons on each patient’s row function as milestones for preop preparations. The icons clear from the row as they are selected to show that the associated activity is completed. When the patient’s row is cleared of Preop icons, the patient is ready to go into surgery. Each patient’s row displays the following information and icons by default.
Refer to the "Base Icons for the Perioperative Module" for more information about the Perioperative icons.
Below is an example of a Preop Patient row:
Common Tasks for OR Incoming SuiteVue™
View Preop and Phase 2 Incoming Patients
Why View Preop and Phase II Incoming Patients?
The OR Incoming SuiteVue™ screen lets preop staff know that the patient has arrived at the facility or have been called to the OR from their inhouse locations.
The screen also alerts the phase II staff that a patient in surgery will be coming to the phase II area. The staff members can then prepare for the patient’s arrival after surgery.
How to View Preop Incoming Patients
1. Go to OR Incoming SuiteVue™ to display the Incoming SuiteVue™ screen.
2. The Preop Incoming column automatically displays the following patients:
Patients who are in the OR Waiting box.
Inpatients that have been called to OR based on the Call to OR status icon.
How to View Phase 2 Incoming Patients
1. Go to OR Incoming SuiteVue™ to display the Incoming SuiteVue™ screen.
2. The Phase 2 Incoming section automatically displays:
Patients who are in surgery and have the Need Phase 2 Bed option selected in the Postop Dest box.
Patients who are assigned the Phase 2 area from the PACU Periop bed request.
Sort Preop Incoming Patients
In the Viewing field, select one of the following options:
OR Incoming by Patient Name – Displays the incoming patients alphabetically by patient’s name from A to Z.
OR Incoming by Procedure Time – Displays the incoming patients chronologically by estimated time of arrival, from earliest time to latest time.
Sort Phase 2 Incoming Patients
In the Viewing field, select one of the following options:
OR PII Incoming by Patient Name – Displays the incoming patients alphabetically by patient’s name from A to Z.
OR PII Incoming Requests by ETA – Displays the incoming patients chronologically by estimated time of arrival, from earliest time to latest time.
Move Patients to Preop or Phase 2
1. Go to OR Incoming SuiteVue™ to display the Incoming SuiteVue™ screen.
2. Select a patient who appears in the Preop Incoming or Phase II Incoming section.
3. Drag and drop the patient to an available room in the Preop/Phase 2 section.
The patient’s row is highlighted and the gurney icon appears. The row for the destination room is highlighted as you move the gurney over it.
4. The Shared Locations dialog box appears.
5. Select the destination that you want, either Phase II or Preop, and select OK.
The patient’s row appears in the room that you selected. The location timer for patients who are in preop appear with a blue background. The location timer for patients who are in Phase II appear with a green background.
Make Staff Assignments
If you have the Edit Staff Assignment privilege, you can assign staff members to particular patients. Select the Add link in the Staff column and select a name from the list that appears. See the Make Staff Assignments section of the Clinical Workflow™ Suite Application Administration Guide.
About OR SuiteVue™
What Does the OR SuiteVue™ Screen Do?
The OR SuiteVue™ screen displays a general overview of the beds available for all of the stages of perioperative care, preoperative, operative, and postoperative.
Why Use OR SuiteVue™?
This screen is useful for control staff as they manage staff assignments and location changes, schedules, and the process of opening more beds in response to changes in the workflow. Staff can visually track patients who are currently in OR rooms, see patients who will be coming to the OR from preop, and monitor patients who have left the OR to go to PACU.
What Information Appears on the OR SuiteVue™ Screen?
Preop/Phase II — the left column represents the preop and Phase II beds used by preoperative staff to prepare patients for surgery and by postoperative staff to care for post-surgical patients as they recover.
OR — the center column represents all of the surgical beds.
PACU — the right column represents the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) beds and patients who are receiving pre-procedure care.
Messages — Refer to View Messages. Staff Assignment Boxes —Refer to View Staff Assignments.
Staff Assignment Boxes —Refer to View Staff Assignments.
Off-Floor Boxes – Refer to How to Move Patients To Off-Screen Areas.
OR Waiting Box
In-Transit Box
Off Unit Box
OR Discharge Box
Patient Rows — The icons on each patient’s row correspond to the icons available for preop status, OR status, and recovery status on other screens throughout the Perioperative module. For more information, refer to the Incoming SuiteVue™ section, the OR RoomVue™ section, and the PACU section.
Refer to the Base Icons for the Perioperative Module section for more information about the Perioperative icons.
Common OR SuiteVue™ Tasks
Move Patients to PACU or Phase II
1. In the OR section, select a patient's name and drag it to the PACU or Phase 2 section.
The Shared Locations dialogue box appears.
2. Select the area that you want to move the patient to.
The patient's name appears in the section that you selected. If you selected a post procedure location, the location timer in the patient's row appears with a green background.
About AnesthesiaVue™
What Does AnesthesiaVue™ Do?
The AnesthesiaVue™ screen is used to track non-OR Anesthesia procedures that are performed outside of the Perioperative Suite. The patients who have scheduled procedures for the current day are listed chronologically by procedure start time under the appropriate location.
Why Use AnesthesiaVue™?
Users can track the scheduled start and end time of the patient’s procedure, information about the anesthesia administered, and anesthesia staff members assigned to the location.
What Information Appears on the AnesthesiaVue™?
Area Rows — The blue rows designate a procedure area that requires anesthesia. Each area lists the following staff assignments in the row:
CRNA/Resident — Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
Anesthesia Technician
Patient Row — the beige rows display the current day’s patient and procedure information. Base icons on each patient’s row include the following:
Anesthesia Type — Right-select the patient’s row and select View Procedure to select an option from the Type field in the Anesthesia Information section.
Procedure Description — Right-select the patient’s row and select View Procedure to view or edit the Procedure Description field.
Refer to the Base Icons for the Perioperative Module section for more information about the Perioperative icons.
About ScheduleVue™
What Does ScheduleVue™ Do?
The ScheduleVue™ screen lists surgical procedures that are scheduled for the current day. The screen displays in two columns all the locations of the operating room by room ID number. The patients who have scheduled procedures for the current day are listed chronologically by procedure start time under the appropriate operating room ID number. When the patient leaves the OR, the patient’s record no longer appears on the screen.
Why Use ScheduleVue™?
Users can track the procedure milestones, and surgical staff members assigned to the room. The ScheduleVue™ screen is often displayed on big screen monitors near surgical control desks to give the staff an at-a-glance view of the schedule for the day. With this information, appropriate staff assignments can be made, and the daily workload can be managed.
Plan Ahead Using ScheduleVue™
There are two ScheduleVue™ screens that display future cases and staff schedules for “tomorrow” or for multiple days in the future. Each day's schedule appears on an additional ScheduleVue™ page with the word “Tomorrow” or “Today + 2” on the menu. Staff assignments can also be made for these future cases on the ScheduleVue™ page. The cases for the next day are displayed on the current day ScheduleVue™ tab after 7 PM or an appropriate time that is configured for your facility.
What Information Appears on ScheduleVue™?
Staff Assignment Rows — the numbered rows each designate an operating room and lists the following staff assignments in the row:
CRNA/Resident — Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist or Resident
OR Nurse
Room Status
Patient Rows — The rows below each room number display the current day’s patient and procedure information for that location. Base icons on each patient’s row include the following.
Refer to the Base Icons for the Perioperative Module section for more information about the perioperative icons.
Common ScheduleVue™ Tasks
Filter the ScheduleVue™
In Viewing, select one of the following from the list to display only the patients associated with your selection on the Roster screen:
Save Default View Selection
1. After selecting the options in Viewing, select Set default selection to display the Set Default View Selection dialog box.
2. Select a view option from the list and select Save.
The view options that you selected will appear whenever you log in. This is not required. If you do not specify a default filter, the overall default (for all users) appears when you first log in.
The information on the screen is sorted in alphabetical order by the selected category.
View Case Gaps and Overlaps
This screen offers two lines for each patient row allowing more space to display information like another new configurable feature – Case Gap/Overlap Indicators.
What Are Case Gaps and Overlaps?
Overlaps are when cases are started late, and gaps are when extra time is available.
Why View Case Gaps and Overlaps?
The ScheduleVue™ screens display a graphical representation of gaps and overlaps as the scheduled cases progress during the day. Users can easily identify potential shortages of time and extra time available and react accordingly. When procedures will last longer than expected, the start time of the next case scheduled for that room is delayed. When a procedure will end earlier than scheduled, the room is freed to accommodate an unscheduled procedure. Staff members can see the coming hours of the day's schedule and make changes as necessary to keep from falling behind and to make efficient use of room availability.
How to View Case Gaps and Overlaps
Case Gap: Time in minutes that a previous case within an OR will finish prior to the start time of the next scheduled case. The visual indicator appears in the upper left corner of the case detail in a green cell. As the contiguous cases converge, the Gap time will count down.
Case Overlap: The time in minutes that a previous case within an OR will impact the start time of the next scheduled case. The visual indicator appears in the upper left corner of the case detail in a red cell. The number of minutes of the Overlap will appear in this rectangular indicator and refresh every minute. As the contiguous cases converge, the Overlap time will count up.
Make Staff Assignments
If you have the Edit Staff Assignment privilege, you can assign staff members to particular patients. Select the Add link in the Staff column and select a name from the list that appears. See the Make Staff Assignments section of the Clinical Workflow™ Suite Application Administration Guide.
Edit the Procedure Schedule
1. Select a scheduled case and drag and drop it to another available rooms or time slots.
2. In the Reschedule Confirmation dialog box type a different time of the procedure if desired. The Gap/Overlap indicator is recalculated based on the scheduled case time.
About OR RoomVue™
What Does OR RoomVue™ Do?
Individual operating rooms each have their own screen called a RoomVue™. These screens are the tabs that are labeled with the actual location names (i.e. OR 1, OR 2, OR 3, etc.), which surgical staff use to track the progress of a patient’s surgery.
Why Use OR RoomVue™?
Staff members can see patients who are scheduled for the operating room for the current day, record surgery milestones, and request beds in postoperative care such as Phase II Recovery or PACU.
What Information Appears on OR RoomVue™?
Room Staff Assignments — The top of the screen displays the staff members assigned to the OR room. Staff members’ names are the are assigned on the ScheduleVue™ screen or by right-selecting these boxes and selecting a name from the list that appears.
Scheduled Patients — Below the staff assignment row, the patients who have been scheduled for the operating room for the current day appear.
In-Room Information — The main section of the RoomVue™ displays information about the case that is currently in the operating room:
Patient — The patient’s name displays in this section.
Type — The type of patient for this procedure displays in this section.
Provider — The provider’s name displays in this section.
Anes — The anesthesiologist’s name displays in this section.
Procedure — The type of procedure displays in this section.
Communication Points — In this section, the interoperative milestones can be time stamped by selecting Time Stamp next to the milestone name. The icon for the currently activated milestone and its timer appear in the general case information row. Base milestones include:
Patient in Procedure Room
Anesthesia Ready
P/P Completed – preparation and positioning completed.
Time Out
Procedure Start Time
Procedure Conclusion Begin
Procedure Finish
Patient out of Procedure Room
Case Information
PT Alert
PACU Report
Bed Request
Special EQ
Postop Dest. — Select this box to select options for the patient’s postoperative destination.
Refer to the Base Icons for the Perioperative Module section for more information about the perioperative icons.
Common OR RoomVue™ Tasks
Begin the Surgery
1. Go to More > OR RoomVues and select the OR room that you want to display its RoomVue™.
2. To begin the surgery milestones, select and drag a patient who is ready for surgery from the scheduled patient area to the in-room patient line.
Set Interoperative Milestones
1. When the patient is moved to the procedure room, the first milestone, Patient in Procedure Room, automatically appears with the timestamp. The next milestone, Anesthesia Ready also appears.
2. Select Timestamp next to the milestones as they are completed, to display the next milestone in the procedure.
The activated milestone’s icon appears on other views of the Clinical Workflow™ suite to communicate the procedure’s status to the postoperative care staff and in the top row of the room information next to the procedure timer.
Add Notes to the Interoperative Milestones
1. In the Communication Points section of the RoomVue™ screen, select the notes icon
next to the milestone to display its Event Information dialog box.
2. Select Edit to make the Event Notes box active.
3. Type your notes in Event Notes.
Undo Interoperative Milestones
To undo the timestamp for an interoperative milestone, select the milestone and then select Undo Milestone in the list that appears.
The timestamp clears and the milestone is no longer set to a completed state. The milestone icon in the top row of the room information next to the procedure timer updates to display the previously completed milestone’s icon.
Change Timestamps for Interoperative Milestones
1. To change the timestamp for an interoperative milestone, select the milestone and select Event Timestamp in the list that appears.
The Event Information dialog box appears.
2. Select Edit.
3. In the time of day box, type the update to the milestone’s timestamp.
Set Postoperative Information
1. Before selecting the Patient Out of Procedure Room timestamp, select Postop Dest to display the Recovery Bed dialog box.
2. In Recovery Information, select the appropriate options from the lists for the Service, Area, Bed and estimated time of arrival (ETA).
3. Select Save.
The Postop Dest information updates to display the destination area, bed number, and the ETA count down timer.
The bed location that you selected displays Incoming: on the OR PACU or the Phase II section of the OR Incoming SuiteVue™.
Complete the Procedure
To complete the procedure, select the timestamp for Patient Out of Procedure Room milestone.
The patient automatically appears in the postoperative destination that you selected in Postop Dest., and the patient’s information clears from the OR RoomVue™.
About the PACU Screen
What Does the PACU Screen Do?
Similar to the Incoming SuiteVue™, the PACU screen is designed for dual use by pre-procedure and post anesthesia care (PACU) staff. The PACU Incoming section of the screen allows users to view patients for the current day who will be coming to the unit for preoperative or postoperative care before they actually arrive. The screen is sorted by the bed numbering and the layout used in the PACU area.
Why Use the PACU Screen?
Users can view patients as their surgeries progress so that the PACU can anticipate and prepare for their arrival.
What Information Appears on the PACU screen?
PACU Incoming — Patients who are in surgery and have the Need PACU Bed option selected in the Postop Dest box appear in the PACU Incoming column.
PACU/Pre-Proc — The center section can be used by both pre-procedure staff to prepare patients for surgery and by PACU staff to care for post-surgical patients as they recover.
Nurse — Staff members’ assignments to particular patients can be made or changed by right-selecting the Nurse column and selecting a name from the list that appears.
OR — PACU staff can view the progress of patients’ surgeries to make sure they have a bed ready when the surgery is completed.
Staff Assignment Boxes — Refer to View Staff Assignments on page 34.
Off-Floor Boxes – Refer to How to Move Patients to Off-Screen Areas on page 20.
OR Waiting Box
In-Transit Box
Off Unit Box
OR Discharge Box
Patient Row — The icons on each patient’s row correspond to the icons available for preop status, OR status, and recovery status on other screens throughout the Perioperative module. For more information, refer to the Incoming SuiteVue™ section "About Incoming SuiteVue™ " starts and the OR RoomVue™ section "About OR RoomVue™" starts.
Refer to "Base Icons for the Perioperative Module" for more information about the perioperative icons.
Common PACU Tasks
View Patients Coming to PACU
1. Go to PACU to display the PACU screen.
2. In the OR section, you can see the patients in each procedure room. The icons in the patient's row represent the milestones that have been completed for the procedure so that you can estimate when they will arrive in the PACU.
3. The PACU Incoming section displays the patients that are arriving for either preoperative or postoperative care. Patients who are in surgery and have the Need PACU Bed option selected in the Postop Dest box appear in the PACU Incoming section.
Move Patients to PACU or Pre-Procedure
1. In the PACU Incoming section, select a patient's name and drag it to the PACU/Pre-Proc section. The Shared Locations dialogue box appears.
2. Select the location that you want to move the patient to.
The patient's name appears in the PACU/Pre-Proc section. If you selected a post procedure location, the location timer in the patient's row appears with a green background. If you selected a pre-procedure location, the location timer appears with a blue background.
Sort Incoming PACU Patients
In the Viewing field, select one of the following options:
OR PACU Request by Patient Name – Displays the incoming patients alphabetically by patient’s name from A to Z.
OR PACU Request by ETA – Displays the incoming patients chronologically by estimated time of arrival, from earliest time to latest time.
About Perioperative FamilyVue®
The FamilyVue® screens are displayed on a large screen monitor in the family waiting area and communicate the patient’s progress through different stages of the procedure or visit. All of the patients who have entered the perioperative/clinical service for the current day are listed on their respective FamilyVue®. The information on the screen is organized in a grid and sorted alphabetically by patient name. Each patient’s information populates one row.
The following is a description of the base FamilyVue® screen:
Columns — Each column represents a different stage of the patient’s procedure and displays the time that the patient began that stage. The first column displays the patient’s encrypted name.
Standard Instructions — General directions for the families can appear at the bottom of the screen.
About StaffVue™ and ANES StaffVue™
What Do StaffVue™ and ANES StaffVue™ Do?
The StaffVue™ and ANES StaffVue™ screens provide an overview of the perioperative and anesthesia staff assignments and the ability to schedule relief staff for lunches, breaks, and end of shift relief. Employee status icons can also display whether an employee is requesting a break; is overdue for a break or has already taken a lunch/break.
What Information Appears on StaffVue™ and ANES StaffVue™?
Each row represents an OR room or a location where anesthesia is used. The location's name appears in the left column.
The screen is typically split into two main sections:
One section displays staff assignments and current room status, and those staff covering them for lunch/break and relieving them after their shift is over.
The second section displays available employees who are working that day, their start time, and their location assignments.
If the Clinical Workflow™ suite is interfaced with the Real Time Locating System™ solutions, another section displays the actual location of the OR staff or anesthesia staff in real time.
Common StaffVue and Anesthesia StaffVue Tasks
Add Available Staff Members
1. Select the Manage... link next to the name of the staff role to display the Available - Perioperative Services dialogue box.
2. All staff members with the role appear. The staff with a selected check box next to their names are available for the current day. Other Locs displays the locations where they are currently assigned and their role at each location.
3. Select the box next to the staff member that you want to add to the available list.
4. Select Change.
The staff member appears in the Available section.
Add Staff Assignments
1. Select an empty cell in the location's row to display the staff assignment dialog box. You can assign staff to work at a location (Name column), or to temporarily work at a location while the assigned staff member is on break (Break column) or at lunch (Lunch column).
2. Select the Available Staff Only box to display only the staff members who appear in the Available section of the StaffVue™ or Anesthesia StaffVue™ screen.
3. Select the box next to the Staff Name of the staff member you want to assign to the location.
4. Select Change.
The staff member appears in the appropriate cell of the location's row on the StaffVue™, the OR RoomVue™, and the ScheduleVue™ screens.
Edit Staff Assignments
1. Select the Name, Break or Lunch cell that displays the staff name that you want to edit.
2. The staff assignment dialog box appears with the check box selected next to the name that currently appears on the StaffVue™.
3. Clear the currently selected check box and select a different check box next to the staff member name that you want.
4. Select Change.
5. The staff member that you selected replaces the staff member that was previously selected on the StaffVue™.
Assign Staff Break Activities
1. Hold your mouse over the Name cell of a location where a staff member is assigned. Select the B Icon that appears to display the Staff Break Activities dialog box.
2. Select the appropriate break activity from the list.
3. Select Save.
The icon for the break activity appears next to the staff member's name in the assigned location row.
About OR-XT Merge
For environments having Clinical Workflow™ suite integrated with the Capacity Management™ suite, patient visit numbers may be missing if merged from the Capacity Management™ suite. The OR-XT Merge screen lists those patients not having a visit number and a Patient Type that is set to create a bed request. See checkbox below.
About OR Cleanup/Setup
This is a worklist used by staff who are responsible to monitor various activities in the perioperative suite such as bed deliveries, OR cleanup/setup or OR Anes Setup/Cleanup. Room location, status and timers are monitored on one screen instead of viewing several screens for this information.
About PCA Requests
What Does PCA Request Screen Do?
This screen is used to monitor notification requests for Preop, OR, or Postop when a care assistant has been requested.
Add A PCA Requests
1. Go to a Preoperative, OR, or Postoperative care section in a different screen.
2. Select the PCA icon.
3. The PCA request appears on the PCA Requests screen in the section that is appropriate for the origin of the request.
About Sterile Processing
What Does the Sterile Processing Screen Do?
This screen is used by the sterile processing area to view incoming requests, requests that are underway and when requests are completed and equipment is ready.
Add Sterile Processing Requests
1. Go to an OR RoomVue.
2. In a patient's row, select the scissors icon.
3. The sterile request appears on the Sterile Processing screen.
Base Icons for the Perioperative Module
The following table describes the base icons and their different states for the Perioperative module. Icon appearance changes when it is selected to progress it through its stages. For more information about icon functionality, see the Work with Events and Icons section.
About the Clinical Module
The clinical module of the Clinical Workflow™ suite is a set of screens that provides clinical centers/departments/areas the ability to view the entire schedule for the current day. The module also tracks current location and status of the patient while in the department.
Clinical services can be diagnostic, therapeutic and custodial. Some examples of ancillary clinic departments are:
Cancer Treatment
Kidney dialysis
Occupational therapy
Speech therapy
Physical therapy
Imaging and Radiology
Cardiac testing
Clinic Registration Kiosk
Returning patients using the kiosk are able to check themselves in when they arrive at a clinic or physician’s office intake area. Once a patient checks in via the Clinic Registration Kiosk, the system displays the arrival status. The staff sees the “waiting” icon on the daily schedule (Roster) and other clinic screens letting them know the patient has arrived for treatment. This is useful in treatment centers that experience high volumes such as cancer centers, physical therapy, radiology and others.
Patients enter initials on HIPAA compliance screen to sign in at a clinic registration kiosk. Once an appointment is found based on the information entered, the application asks for a confirmation by displaying the appointment time.
The patient selects the ‘Yes, Check Me In’ button to confirm the appointment, and a dialog box is displayed to acknowledge a successful check-in. Once patient checks in via the Clinic Registration Kiosk, staff sees the “waiting” icon on the daily schedule in Orchestrate letting them know the patient has arrived for treatment.
Standard Screen Set for the Clinic Module
This Clinic screen sets allows the clinic staff and management to fully track the cases to be performed for the current day. The clinical screens are specific to particular clinical areas. In addition, patients can be tracked across multiple clinical areas. The Clinic module can be used as a standalone module or it can be fully integrated with the Capacity Management Suite™ system.
The Clinic screen set consists of the following separate screens:
Roster – The Roster screen displays all patients for the current day who have a scheduled case.
Clinic Screen(s) – The individual clinic screen monitors location and events for each particular clinical area. There are three basic screen designs for clinic use:
In/Out – The In/Out design is suited for tracking patients when clinical appointments are short and patients are in and out quickly.
Location Based – The Location Based design is suited for clinical areas where room-level location information is necessary in order to track patient movements and statuses.
Low Prep/Recovery – The Low Prep/Recovery design is suited for clinical areas that involve minimal prep and recovery activities. Example: Cath Lab.
About Clinical Roster Screens
For the Cancer Clinic, Exam, Orthopedic, and regular Clinic, there is a roster screen that displays all of the patients with active or scheduled procedures for the current day. Below is an example for the Cancer Clinic.
A description of the sections and fields of the Roster screen follows:
Current Day’s Appointments — The Roster displays patients alphabetically in two or three columns and distributed over four tabs (Roster A-F, Roster G-L, Roster M-R and Roster S-Z).
Registration Boxes — Assign staff members to the registration process using the Registration Boxes.
Waiting Areas —Waiting areas are for tracking patients’ locations before their procedures.
Clinic Discharge — Drag and drop patients into this box when they have completed their procedures.
Patient Row — Each patient’s row displays information and icons by default: Depending on the type of clinic used, this patient row may vary.
Refer to Base Icons for the Clinic Module for more information about the ambulatory clinic icons.
About Clinical In/Out Screens
The In/Out Clinical screens are suited for tracking patients when appointments are short and, patients are in and out quickly. Base screens are configured for CT Scan, Mammography, MRI and X-ray. Here is an example of a CT Scan screen.
A description of the sections and fields of the Clinical In/Out screens are as follows:
Current Day’s Appointments — The Clinic In/Out screen displays patients who have appointments for the current day chronologically by the time of their appointments.
Waiting Areas —Waiting areas are for tracking patients’ locations before their procedures.
In-Transit Box — Drag and drop patients to this box when they are being transported to another clinical area or to an area of the perioperative department. For more information, see the Moving Patients To and From Off-Screen Areas section.
Clinic Discharge Box — This box tracks patients who have completed procedures and who have moved out of the clinical area.
Routing Area — At the bottom of the Clinic In/Out screen is routing area to which patients are moved when their procedures are marked Completed. From the routing area, the user can select and drag the patient to the In-Transit or to the Clinic Discharge box.
Patient Row — Each patient’s row displays information and icons by default: Depending on the type of clinic used, this patient row may vary.
Refer to Base Icons for the Clinical Module for more information about the clinic icons.
Complete Procedures
To complete a procedure on the Clinical In/Out screens do the following:
1. Select the Appointment icon in the patient’s row when the procedure is started.
2. Select the Appointment icon in the patient’s row when the procedure is completed. The patient’s row automatically moves to the routing area at the bottom of the screen and the procedure counter stops progressing.
3. Drag and drop the patient to the In-Transit box for the next scheduled procedure or to the Clinic Discharge box.
About Incoming and Location Based Screens
The incoming and location based screens best suited for tracking patients for the current day to a room level location. These screens track patient appointments and locations after they have been placed in a treatment room. The screens are EKG SuiteVue™, Exam Rooms and Ortho Exam Rooms.
A description of the standard sections and fields of the Location based screen follows:
Patients — The first two columns display patients who have appointments for the current day chronologically by the time of their appointments.
Procedure Rooms — The third column on the screen displays a row for each exam room. The rooms are numbered corresponding to the layout of the clinic. Patients are moved into the rooms to begin their procedures. When patients are ready to start their procedure, drag and drop them to an available procedure room from either the patient list section of the screen or from the waiting box.
Waiting Box— When patients arrive, drag and drop them to the Waiting box to indicate that they have arrived in the clinic area. The icon representing the clinical area appears on the patient’s row in the patient list.
In-Transit Box — Drag and drop patients to this box when they are being transported to another clinic or an area of the perioperative department. For more information, see the Moving Patients To and From Off-Screen Areas section.
Discharge Box — Drag and drop patients into this box when they have completed procedures.
Clinic Discharge Box - Drag and drop patients to this box when they are discharged.
Patient List Row — Each row in the patient list section represents a patient. The base icons in the patient’s row are as follows.
Refer to Base Icons for the Ambulatory Clinic Module for more information about the ambulatory clinic icons.
In-Room Patient — The following base icons appear on the In-Room patient rows:
About SuiteVue™
These screens provide a high level view of Incoming/Preop/PACU and Procedure locations typically for centers that perform procedures outside of the typical hospital environment specific for that modality. Screens for Ortho, Infusion, and Endo are available. Here is an example of an Ortho SuiteVue™.
A description of the standard sections and fields of the SuiteVue™ based screen follows:
Registration Wait — This displays the name of patients who are waiting to be registered. Registration — Displays the names of staff who are registering patients.
Wait— When patients arrive, drag and drop them to the Waiting box to indicate that they have arrived in the clinic area after registering.
Off Floor – Displays the names of patients who are out of the department to another are such as radiology.
Check Out/Surg Scheduling – Patients in this area have their exams completed or are waiting to have a surgery scheduled.
Exam Rooms – Physical locations of patients displaying their name and physician.
About Ortho X-Ray/Cast
This specialized orthopedic screen is a combination of Incoming/Locations/Worklist fields all on one screen. It provides a worklist showing patient progression through the x-ray and casting procedures.
About Clinic FamilyVue®
The Clinic FamilyVue® screen is displayed on a large screen monitor in the clinic family waiting area and communicate the patient’s progress through different stages of the procedure or visit. All of the patients who have entered the clinical service for the current day are listed on the Clinic FamilyVue®. The information on the screen is organized and sorted alphabetically by patient name with their current location and the time they entered that location. Each patient’s information populates one row.
Standard Icons for the Clinic Module
The following table describes the icons and their stages for the Clinic module. Icon appearance changes when it is selected to progress it through its stages. For more information about icon functionality, see the Work with Events and Icons section.