The Clinical Workflow™ suite (formerly known as the Orchestrate™ application) is a perioperative workflow application that can integrate with the Capacity Management Suite™ system and with the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions (TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions).
The Capacity Management Suite™ system maintains complete bed details and status change history for patients within the software. It also enables the Clinical Workflow™ suite Care Traffic Control Manager (CTCM) Environmental Services (EVS) and patient placement services to be managed by the Capacity Management Suite™ system.
The Capacity Management Suite™ system includes:
The BedTracking® application allows your organization to automatically dis- patch and manage bed cleaning jobs (for Environment Services [EVS] beds) after patient discharge.
The PatientTracking Portal™ application allows an organization to:
Manage shifts and caregiver assignments and schedules
Manage patients, patient placements, and patient transports
Manage beds, bed assignment priorities, and patient bed assignments.
The PreAdmitTracking® application with the electronic bedboard view allows your organization to manage patient placement and bed assignment attributes.
The TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions (TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions), when integrated with the Capacity Management Suite™ system, allows your organization to manage equipment that is necessary for procedures.
What Is the Clinical Workflow™ Suite Integration with the Capacity Management™ Suite User’s Guide?
This guide is for existing Clinical Workflow™ suite users to learn about using the Clinical Workflow™ suite when it is integrated with the Capacity Management™ suite. This guide assumes readers are familiar with the Clinical Workflow™ suite and describes only the features that are relevant to integration. To learn more about the Capacity Management™ suite, see the Capacity Management™ suite online help.
The Clinical Workflow™ suite features described include:
Creating, editing and viewing bed requests (Add, Edit, or View a Bed Request)
Adding, viewing, and merging patient records (Adding/Searching for a Patient)
Adding and modifying patient attributes (Viewing and Editing Patient Information)
Adding or editing patient types (Adding or Editing Patient Types)
Displaying procedure status and procedure status reports from the Capacity Management™ suite (Changes to the Capacity Management™ Suite to Support the Clinical Workflow™).
Creating, viewing, and editing Transport Requests (Creating and Editing Transport Requests)
Searching for assets (Searching for an Asset)
OR-XT Merge Tab
The OR-XT Merge tab supports patient matching and merging to reduce the num- ber of duplicate records between the Clinical Workflow™ suite and the Capacity Management™ suite. The figure below shows this tab.
Patients that meet the following criteria appear on this tab:
The patient type assigned to the patient has the Is an Inpatient box checked.
The visit number field for the patient is blank.
For information about how to locate and merge duplicate patient records, refer to Merging Patient Records.
Add, Edit, or View a Bed Request
The Patient/Placement Details dialog box identifies the details required for a patient to transition from the operating area to the inpatient hospital bed. The Patient/Placement Details dialog box and allows you to add, edit, or view bed request information.
What Permissions Are Needed?
There are two privileges related to the bed request:
View Bed Request – This allows the user to open and view requests.
Update Bed Request – This allows the user to add, edit and cancel a bed request.
What Can Be Added or Edited from the Clinical Workflow™ Suite?
The Clinical Workflow™ suite user can add or edit information to the following sections of the Patient/Placement Details dialog box:
Patient Action
Admission Information
Patient Contact Information
Bed Attributes
Patient Attributes
Miscellaneous Information
Placement Information
Notification Information
The Patient Identifiers section of the Patient/Placement Details dialog box displays read-only fields that are controlled by the Capacity Management™ suite. The Clinical Workflow™ suite user cannot add or edit information in this section.
Accessing the Bed Request dialog Box
If the Clinical Workflow™ suite is integrated with the Capacity Management™ suite, you can directly access the Patient/Placement Details dialog box in order to make a bed request. Do one of the following:
To add or edit a bed request, change the fields in the Patient/Placement Details dialog box and then click the Save, Save and Close, or Close button.
The fields in the Patient/Placement Details dialog box are shown below:
Patient Identifiers
The fields in this section of the Patient/Placement dialog box cannot be changed in the Clinical Workflow™ suite. Changes to these fields must be made in the PreAdmitTracking® application. The Medical # and Visit # fields are used jointly to uniquely identify the patient.
Patient Action
After saving the Patient/Placement Details form, the Patient Action field becomes active.
You can select one of the following options from the list:
Admit Patient
Cancel Bed Request
Discharge Patient
Send Patient to Procedure
Set Intake Location
Admission Information
Campus— (Edit Patient Campus permission required.) Select the campus where the patient is being admitted. You may only select a campus within your membership. If you have membership to only one campus, it appears automatically, and you cannot change it. After the patient has been admitted to or transported within this campus, you cannot change the selected campus. However, the campus can be updated automatically if the patient's home location changes.
Confidential—If the name entered in the Alias box should appear in list views instead of the patient's first and last name, then select this check box. You must select this check box for the alias to appear.
Home Location—If you selected Admit Patient or Transfer Patient in the Patient Action list, you must select a home location (bed to which patient will be admitted or transferred.) . Do one of the following:
Type the first few characters of the ADT ID, abbreviation, or name of the bed, and then select the appropriate bed from the list that appears.
Note: For each campus, the administrator has selected a bed display type in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. Possible bed display types are ADT ID, abbreviation, and name. Type the appropriate bed identifier depending on the bed display type selected for the campus shown in the Campus box. For example, if ABC Women's Hospital appears in the Campus box and the administrator has selected Abbreviation as the bed display type for ABC Women's Hospital, then type the bed abbreviation. You may only select only locations in units and clusters to which you have membership.
Click the magnifying glass and then complete the following steps.
In the Search Text box, type a few letters of the location name.
The search finds locations containing text that you type. For example, searching for out could find Outpatient Waiting Area and South Wing Office. You may include a % sign with the text that you type in the box. For example, you may type s% to find all location names that include the letter S.
You cannot change the campus displayed in the Campus list. This is the campus selected in the Campus list on the Patient/Placement Details form.
The Units/Clusters list displays all units and clusters to which you have membership within the campus selected on the Patient/Placement Details form.
To select the check boxes for all units and clusters that appear in the Units/Clusters list so that the Location Results list will include locations from all of them, select the Check All check box.
If you did not select the Check All check box, then in the Units/Clusters list, select the units or clusters that should be included in the search.
Note: If necessary, use the scroll bars to move the list.
Click Click to Search to display a list of locations that match your search criteria.
Click Select Location.
Origin Nurse — The alias (or first name if the administrator did not define an alias for the nurse) and (if available) phone number of the nurse associated with the current home location. The information comes from the staff assignments that are made in the PatientTracking Portal application. To view additional nurses associated with the home location, hover over the origin nurse to see a tooltip.
Current Location or Intake Location—Current location is the patient's known location at present. It is set automatically as the result of the patient's admission, transfers, or transports. You can manually set the current location only for an out- patient. After you have set it, you cannot change it manually. You can manually set the intake location for a preadmitted patient or an unsaved preadmit record. If a preadmit record has not been saved yet, the Current Location list is called the Intake Location list. To set the location, follow the steps noted above for setting the home location. Only locations marked with intake codes in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component can be selected. After you have set a current location or intake location, you cannot change it.
Spec Location—If you selected Send PatienttoProcedure in the Patient Action list, you must select a specialty location (bed to which patient will be sent for the procedure.). In the Spec Location field, following the same steps noted for selecting a home location above. You may only select a bed with a location type of Specialty. (For example, bed with a location type of Home cannot be selected.)
Admit Diagnosis—Type the diagnosis that the patient is being admitted with.
Proj. Discharge—This is the date when the patient is expected to be discharged. The date is calculated automatically based on the Length of Stay value associated with the unit that contains the patient's home location. To change the projected discharge date, click the calendar and select a different date (for example, January 13). Dates and times that are automatically calculated using the enterprise or unit length of stay time do not override manually entered dates and times.
Patient Contact Information—Click the double arrow next to Patient Contact Information to display the Address, Home, and Work boxes. Type the patient's address, home telephone number, and work telephone number.
Patient Attributes and Bed Attributes
Patient attributes are characteristics associated with patients that are used in conjunction with characteristics associated with beds (bed attributes) to locate an optimal bed for a patient in the advanced bed search in the PreAdmitTracking® application and PatientTracking Portal™ application.
Examples of patient attributes are Fall Risk, Hard of Hearing, Legally Blind, and Language Barrier. Examples of bed attributes are Near Nurses' Station, Negative Airflow Room, Hardwire Monitor, or Tele-Medicine Room.
A patient who has a patient attribute of Fall Risk might need a bed with a bed attribute of Near Nurses' Station. The user who is searching for the bed for the patient can select the appropriate bed attributes and patient attributes on the Patient/Placement Details form in PreAdmitTracking® and PatientTracking Portal™.
Setting Bed and Patient Attributes for a Placement
In the Bed Attributes and Patient Attributes section of the Patient/Placement Details form, you may select the attributes that apply to the patient. When you select Adv Search to assign a bed to this patient, the selected bed and patient attributes will be considered so that an optimal bed can be assigned.
The bed and patient attributes that you can select are entered in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. The administrator may link bed attributes to patient attributes so that if you select a certain patient attribute, a certain bed attribute will be selected automatically. For example, the patient attribute Falls Risk might be linked automatically to the bed attribute Near Nurses' Station so that if you select Falls Risk as a patient attribute, Near Nurses' Station will be selected automatically as a bed attribute.
To Set Bed Attributes:
In the Bed Attributes section, for each of the standard attribute categories listed below, do the following:
Select an attribute (for example, for Level of Care, select Critical).
Select whether the attribute is preferred (P) or required (R).
In the Bed Attributes section, select custom bed attributes (such as Lead- Lined or Negative Airflow)
Click the magnifying glass icon.
Click the plus sign (+) beside the bed attribute category to display a list of bed attributes within that category.
Select the check boxes for the appropriate bed attributes (for example, Hardwire Monitor, Telemetry).
In the list next to the check box, select whether the attribute is preferred (P) or required (R)
Click Save to place the selected custom bed attributes in the Bed Cus- tom Attributes box
To Set Patient Attributes:
If the patient should be in isolation, in the Patient Attributes section, in the Isolation list, select the patient's isolation type (such as Contact Isolation).
Note: If a bed attribute has been associated with the selected isolation type in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component, then that bed attribute appears in the Bed Custom Attributes box automatically when the isolation type is selected.
In the Patient Attributes section, select custom patient attributes (such as Legally Blind, Prisoner, or Hard of Hearing).
Click the magnifying glass icon.
Click the plus sign (+) beside the patient attribute category to display a list of patient attributes within that category.
Select the check boxes for the appropriate patient attributes (for example, Falls Risk).
Click Save to place the selected custom patient attributes in the Patient Custom Attributes box.
Click Save on the Patient/Placement Details form.
Miscellaneous Information
The Miscellaneous Information section of the Patient/Placement Details dialog box further describes particular needs of the patient. Clinical Workflow™ suite users can view, add, and edit the information in this section.
Comments—Type notes or comments about the patient.
Procedures/Precautions—Type procedures that must be performed or pre- cautions that must be taken with the patient.
Admit Type—Select why the patient was admitted. Examples of admit types might be Emergency Surgery or Therapy. The admit types that you can select are entered in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management com- ponent. Typically, the admit types are the same as those that are in your ADT system.
Admit Source—Select how the patient was admitted. Examples of admit sources might be Emergency Room or Physician Referral. The admit sources that you can select are entered in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. Typically, the admit sources are the same as those that are in your ADT system.
Patient Type—Select the patient type. Examples of patient types might be A (for Adult) or I (for Infant). The patient types that you can select are entered in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. Typically, the patient types are the same as those that are in your ADT system.
Misc.—Type any miscellaneous information about the patient that is important for the staff to know.
Flag—This option places a light-blue corner on the cell that displays the Occupied status for this patient's bed in the electronic bedboard® view to indicate that there is special information about the patient. Moving the cursor over the light-blue corner displays the text that has been entered in the Flag box about the patient. If the bed that this patient occupies should have a special marker (or flag) on the electronic bedboard® view that can display important patient information, select the Flag check box and then type the information in the text box. To remove the flag, clear the check box. The Set/Clear Patient Bedboard Flag per- mission is required to perform this task.
Observation—If observation time has been set already for the patient, this box shows the amount of time left until the observation stops. If you have the Set Observation Start permission, you may enter or select the date and time that observation for the patient should start and how many hours it should last (dur- ation). The time that the observation should stop will be calculated automatically based on the start time and the duration. If you have the Set Observation Stop permission, you may enter or select the date and time that the patient's observation actually stopped.
Set Observation Start Time (Set Observation Start Permission Required. Not available for patients in Discharged or VisitCancelled statuses.)
Click the Observation box to display the Observation dialog box.
In the Start Time box, type the date that observation should begin in the format shown (for example, mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy) OR click the cal- endar icon and select a month and a date.
In the time lists, select the hour and minute when observation should begin (for example, 7 and 30) and either AM or PM OR clickSet Now if observation should begin immediately.
In the Duration box, type the number of hours that the patient should be under observation (for example 12).
Remaining Time and Calculated Stop Time will be determined automatically based on the Start Time and Duration entered.
Click Apply.
Select Time That Observation Ended (Set Observation End Permission Required. Not available for patients in Discharged or Visit Cancelled statuses.)
Click the Observation box to display the Observation dialog box.
In the Actual Stop Time box, type the date that observation stopped in the format shown (for example, mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy) OR click the calendar icon and select a month and a date.
In the time lists, select the hour and minute when observation stopped (for example, 6 and 30) and either AM or PM OR click Set Now if observation stopped at the current time.
Note: You must select an Actual Stop Time that is after the Start Time and earlier than or equal to the current time. The option to select times or click Set Now is only available if the observation has already started.
Click Apply.
Patient Walkout Alarm Opt Out—If the Capacity Management Suite™ system is integrated with the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions the administrator can enable a "patient walkout alarm" for individual units. The alarm can promote safety and security, especially in units with special patient populations, such as dementia patients or prisoners. If the alarm is enabled, then when a tagged patient whose home location is in the unit leaves the unit without a tagged staff member, an alarm sounds. Staff members hear the alarm and see a warning on their computer screens in the PatientTracking Portal™ application. Individual patients can be excluded, if appropriate. If there is no need for an alarm when this patient leaves their home location unit without being escorted by a staff member, select the Patient Walkout Alarm Opt Out check box. If the Capacity Management Suite™ system is NOT integrated with the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions, then this option is not available.
Placement Information
Clinical Workflow™ suite users view, add, and edit the bed placement information in the Placement Information section of the Patient/Placement Details dialog box.
In the Placement Information section, complete the following:
Request Time—Select the date and time when a bed for this patient is needed. (Edit Request Date Time permission required)
Click the calendar icon, select a month, and then click a date.
Origin Unit—Select the unit where the patient is assigned or located currently. (Edit Origin Unit on a Placement permission required)
Note: Only units that have the Allow as Origin Unit setting enabled in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component are available to select. Your hospital's Clinical Workflow™ Suite administrator can enable this setting.
Click the magnifying glass to display a list of campuses.
Click the plus sign (+) next to a campus to display the units in that campus.
Click the check box for the patient's origin unit, and then click Select.
Target Unit—Select the unit where the patient is to be admitted or trans- ferred. (Edit Target Unit on a Placement permission required.). Do one of the following:
Begin to type the unit name and when a list appears, select the name OR click the arrow to display a list, and then select the name.
Click the magnifying glass to display a list of campuses. Click the plus sign (+) next to a campus to display the units in that campus. Select the check box for the unit where the patient will be admitted or transferred, and then click Select.
Assigned Bed—Select the bed (location) to which the patient should be assigned. (The Set Bed Assignment permission is required to initially select the assigned bed. The Change Bed Assignment permission is required to change a bed assignment that has been set already.)
Unless the setting called Allow Assignment to Other Than Non Holding Beds is enabled in the Master Configuration section of the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component, then only home locations (the location type selected in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component for this location is Home) that were NOT marked as holding beds in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component are available to assign. A TeleTracking Technologies representative can help you to enable or disable the setting. A patient cannot be assigned to an Exam bed. If Allow Assignment to Other Than Non Holding Beds is enabled, a patient can be assigned to an Admit or Discharge bed only if that bed is designated as a holding bed.
Do one of the following:
Select from the list |
Click the magnifying glass icon and select | Click the magnifying glass icon and then:
To find the optimal bed based on selections in the Bed Attributes and Patient Attributes sections, complete an advanced search
To clear a selected assigned bed, in the Assigned Bed box, select the bed identifier and press the Delete key on your keyboard. You must have the Remove Bed Assignment permission.
View the following read-only information:
Origination—Date and time that this placement request for a bed was created.
Requester—User who created the placement request for a bed. The requester information appears after the request has been activated.
Target Unit Time—Date and time that target unit was selected.
Assigned Nurse — If the patient has been assigned to a new home location, then Assigned Nurse shows the alias (or first name if the administrator did not define an alias for the nurse) and (if available) phone number of the nurse associated with the assigned bed. The information comes from staff assignments that were made in the PatientTracking Portal application. To see additional nurses associated with the assigned bed, hover over the assigned nurse to see a tooltip.
Assigned Time—Date and time that bed was assigned
Assigned By—User who assigned bed.
Setting a Patient’s Location after Release from OR
If your system is configured to automatically move patients in the PreAdmitTracking® application when they are release from the operating room, the following criteria determine if and when the patient is moved:
If the patient is not known to the PreAdmitTracking® application, it does nothing.
If the patient has an activated placement, the patient is moved to that location as long as that location is not occupied.
If the patient does not have an activated placement, the patient is moved to his or her home location if one is assigned.
If the patient is an outpatient, the patient is discharged.
Complete the Notification Information section. Select the users who will be notified when each of the following placement events occurs.
Note: You may select only users who have Alpha paging devices or who have chosen on the My Notifications tab to receive notifications through email or screen alert/hand-held device. Selected users must have the Receive Placement Pages permission.
Bed Assigned—A bed has been assigned for this placement request. You may select only users who have chosen in My Notifications to receive notifications through email, or screen alert/hand-held, or who have alpha paging devices. Users receiving notifications through paging devices must have alpha pagers to receive this message. Selected users must have the Receive Placement Pages permission. If a bed is currently assigned to a placement, you cannot select recipients. (You cannot click the Bed Assigned check box.)
Bed Cleaned—A bed that was assigned for this request, but was not clean, has been cleaned. You may select only users who have chosen in My Notifications to receive notifications through email or screen alert/hand-held devices, or who have alpha paging devices. Users receiving notifications through paging devices must have alpha pagers to receive this message. Selected users must have the Receive Placement Pages permission. If a clean bed is currently assigned to a placement, you cannot select recipients. (You cannot click the Bed Cleaned check box.)
Ready to Move—The patient associated with this placement request has been marked Ready to Move (can be moved to the new location). You may select only users who have chosen in My Notifications to receive notifications through email or screen alert/hand-held devices or who have alpha paging devices. Users receiving notifications through paging devices must have alpha pagers to receive this message. Selected users must have the Receive Placement Pages permission. If the patient associated with the placement is currently marked Ready-to-Move, you cannot select recipients. (You cannot click the Ready-to-Move check box.)
Notify Now—Someone has saved this placement request. You may select only users who have chosen in My Notifications to receive notifications through email or screen alert/hand-held devices or who have alpha paging devices. Users receiving notifications through paging devices must have alpha pagers to receive this message. Selected users must have the Receive Placement Pages permission. Select the Notify Now option when you want another staff member to receive a message immediately about the change that you made and saved on the placement request.
Bed Size Change—After a bed has been assigned, someone has changed and saved the selection in the Bed Size Needed list of this placement request (for example, Crib was changed to Child and the change was saved). A bed cleaner must be notified about the change. The placement request must have an assigned, clean bed associated with it. Only users with the BedTracking® Employee Workflow permission who are signed in currently can be selected to receive the notification. If no users are available to select, the notification will be sent to a user by default. If no bed size was selected in the Bed Size Needed list, the Bed Size check box cannot be selected.
Select the check box for the placement event (for example, Bed Size Change).
In the row next to the placement event name, begin to type the user's first or last name to display a list of names to select from.
When a list of names appears, select the user's name.
Repeat until the names of all users who should receive the message appear.
To remove a name, click the x next to the name.
Cancelling a Patient Placement Request (Bed Request)
About Cancelling a Patient Placement Request
If you have the permissions listed below, you may cancel a patient placement request. Cancelling a placement request changes the patient's status to Visit Cancelled (if the patient does not have a home location) or Inhouse (if the patient's placement is in PreAdmitted status and the patient has a home location or if the patient's placement is in Pending Transfer status). Only placement requests for patients in the following statuses may be cancelled:
Pending Transfer
Permissions Required
If you have the Maintain Patient/Placement Details permission with View rights, you may access and view the Patient/Placement Details form, but you may not make changes unless you have specific permissions to change individual items. For example, if you have the Edit Patient Name permission, you may change the patient name.
If you have the Maintain Patient/Placement Details permission with Edit rights, you may access the Patient/Placement Details form and make changes. You must have individual permissions to make some specific changes. For example, you must have the Edit Patient Name permission to change the patient name and the Edit Patient Associated Physicians per- mission to add or change physician information.
If you have the Create New PreAdmits permission, you may create a new preadmit record.
To cancel a placement request, you must have the Cancel Bed Placement Requests permission.
To Cancel a Patient Placement Request:
Access the Patient/Placement Details form.
In the Patient Action list on the left, select Cancel Bed Request, and then click Save or Save and Close.
Adding/Searching for a Patient
Search for a Patient
To search for a patient select Clinical Workflow > Patients > New Patient in the Clinical Workflow™ suite. The Patient Search dialog box appears.
Enter the search criteria (Last Name, First Name, Campus, MI, Birthdate, MRN or Visit number), and click Search.
Add a Patient
Note: You must search for a patient before you can add a new patient. See "Search for a Patient" on the previous page.
To add a new patient who does not appear in the search results, click the Add New Patient button. It displays the Patient Information dialog box. See Viewing and Editing Patient Information.
To add a patient who does appear in the search results, select the patient in the Search Results field, and click Add Selected Patient. The Patient Information dialog box appears. The Patient Information dialog box dis- plays the patient information for the selected patient. See Viewing and Editing Patient Information.
Description of the Fields in the Patient Search Dialog Box
Last Name — Enter all or part of the patient’s last name for a patient search. This may be an incomplete match, that is, “abc” will return “abcd” and “abce”.
First Name — Enter all or part of the patient’s first name for a patient search. This may be an incomplete match, that is, “abc” will return “abcd” and “abce”.
MI — Enter the patient’s middle initial for a patient search. This requires an exact match.
Birthdate — Enter the patient’s date of birth. This requires an exact match for the birthdate The format for the date M/D/YYYY.
MRN — Enter the patient’s medical record number for the patient search. This requires an exact match.
Visit # — Enter the patient’s visit number for the patient search. This requires an exact match.
Campus — Selects the campus in which to search for the patient.
Search — Clicking the Search button, submits the search criteria to the PreAdmitTracking® application. The list of patient matches populates the Search Results: section of the dialog box.
Cancel — Closes the dialog box without taking any further action.
Search Results — Displays the results from the search request. This field contains patients that match the search criteria, and are known to the PreAdmitTracking® application®. This part of the dialog box is limited to 100 patients. If the search criteria generate more than 100 matches, you should modify your search request.
The Clinical Workflow™ suite sorts the records that it displays by Name, then Birthdate. Clicking on column headers re-sorts the records in the Search Results. Each additional click on the same column header reverses the sort order of that column.
Viewing and Editing Patient Information
To view or edit a given patient, right-click on a patient’s name and then select View Info: <patient name> from the menu:
Modify the fields that you want to add or change for the patient.
If you are adding a new patient, the following fields will be blank. If you are modifying an existing patient, these fields will be filled with the information for that patient.
Last Name – Contains the patient’s last name.
First Name – Contains the patient’s first name.
MI – Contains the patient’s middle initial.
Last Alias – Contains the patient’s last name alias
First Alias – Contains the patient’s first name alias.
Birthdate – Contains the patient’s date of birth. The format is M/D/YYYY.
Gender – Contains the patient’s gender. The possible values are M, F and U. U stands for unknown.
MRN – Contains the medical record number. The medical record number is used in conjunction with the visit number to identify the patient. Either the medical record number or the visit number must be unique for each patient visit.
Visit # – Contains the visit number. Visit numbers are codes that identify each of the patient's hospital stays. The visit number is used in conjunction with the medical record number to identify the patient. Either the visit number or the medical record number must be unique for each patient visit.
Click the OK button to save the patient information with the Capacity Management™ suite.
Click Close to discard any changes made to the Patient Information dialog box.
Viewing, Adding, and Editing Procedure Information
View a Procedure
Right-click a patient’s name and then select View Info <patient name> from the menu that appears.
Edit a Procedure
1. In the Procedure section of the Patient Information dialog box, select a scheduled procedure.
Click Edit.
Make the changes to the procedure information.
Add an OR Procedure
1. Go to the Procedure section of the Patient Information dialog box for a particular patient.
Click Add OR.
Enter the information for the perioperative procedure that you want to add.
Click OK to save the scheduled procedure.
Note: When adding a new patient, the information is added to the PreAdmitTracking® application only after a procedure has been added to the Patient Information dialog box.
Add a Clinic Procedure
Go to the Procedure section of the Patient Information dialog box for a particular patient.
Click Add Clinic.
Enter the information for the clinic procedure that you want to add.
Click OK to save the scheduled clinic visit.
Merging Patient Records
When to Merge Patients
You may use the Merge Patient dialog box to merge duplicate patient records that refer to the same patient. Duplicate records may be produced when slight differences in personal information are entered for the same actual patient.
Duplicate patients might occur when a patient is created as Susan Doe in the Clinical Workflow™ suite and Sue Doe in the Capacity Management™ suite. Both records refer to the same patient, but because the first name is different these records are treated as two different patients.
Who Can Merge Patients?
Users must have the Merge Patient permission to merge patient records.
How to Merge Patient Records
Click the merge icon ( ) or right click on a patient on the OR –XT Merge tab and select Merge Patient from the menu that appears.
Enter all or part of the information for the patient you want to merge and click Search.
Highlight the patient that you want to merge with the patient in the Merge Patient section, and click Merge Patient. See OR-XT Merge Tab for details on how the merge is performed. Confirm the merge.
Fields of the Merge Patient Dialog Box
The fields of the Merge Patient dialog box are described below:
Last Name — Specifies the patient’s last name for a patient search. This may be an incomplete match, that is, “abc” will return “abcd” and “abce”.
First Name — Specifies the patient’s first name for a patient search. This may be an incomplete match, that is, “abc” will return “abcd” and “abce”.
MI — Specifies the patient’s middle initial for a patient search. If you specify this field, only patient records whose middle initial matches exactly are displayed.
Birthdate — Specifies the patient’s date of birth. If you specify this field, only patient records whose birthdate matches exactly are displayed. The format for the date M/D/YYYY.
MRN — Specifies the patient’s medical record number for the patient search. If you specify this field, only patient records whose medical record number matches exactly are displayed.
Visit # — Specifies the patient’s visit number for the patient search. If you specify this field, only patient records whose visit number matches exactly are displayed.
Campus — A list that allows you to select the campus to search.
Search — Click the Search button to submit the search criteria to the PreAdmitTracking® application. The search criteria can be any combination of the Last Name, First Name, MI, Birthdate, MRN, and Visit # fields. The list of matches populates the Search Results section of the dialog box.
Search Results — Displays the results from the search request.
The Clinical Workflow™ suite sorts the records that it displays by Name, then Birthdate. Clicking on column headers re-sorts the records in the Results field. Each additional click on the same column header, changes the sort order of that column from ascending to descending and back.
This part of the dialog box is limited to 100 patients.
Merging Patient Records with Conflicts in Fields
When two patient records are merged, and there is a conflict between fields in the two records, the fields of the patient record that has precedence are used.
There are three possible situations that can occur between conflicting patient records in the Search dialog box:
Both patients listed have not arrived and, therefore, both patient records do not display locations.
One patient has arrived and, therefore, the patient’s record displays a location, while the other patient has not arrived and, therefore, the other patient’s record does not display a location.
Both patients listed in the search dialog box have arrived and, therefore, both patients’ records display locations.
The OR-XT Merge tab of the Clinical Workflow™ suite shows the location for each patient record.
Both Patient Records Display No Location
When both patient records have no location, the contents of the patient record listed in the Merge Patient section of the dialog box takes precedence over the patient record selected from the Search Results part of the dialog box.
One Patient Record Displays a Location and One Patient Record Does Not Display a Location
When one patient record displays a location, and one patient record does not display a location, the fields in the patient record that has a location take precedence over the patient record that has no location.
Both Patients' Records Display Locations
When each patient record displays a location, the user must choose which patient record takes precedence over the other.
A dialog box appears which requires you to select one patient to have precedence.
The information from the patient that you select is used in the Clinical Workflow™ suite screens.
Note: When two patient records are merged, the fields of the patient record that has precedence are used when there is a conflict.
About Transfer Requests
When integrated with the Capacity Management™ suite, the Clinical Workflow™ suite™ version 8.2 and later allows all users to view, create, and update patient transport requests in the Transport dialog box of the Capacity Management™ suite.
Creating and Editing Transport Requests
Access the Transport Request Dialog Box
To create a new transport request or to edit an existing transport request, open the Transport Request dialog box by doing one of the following:
In a procedure location (example: X-ray tab), right-click a patient and select the Transport Request option from the list.
Click the Transport Request icon ( ) where it appears on various screens in the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Click Add Patient Request in the Transport History dialog box.
The Transport Request dialog box appears.
Subject | Tips |
Patient search results | Search results include only patients whose admit dates or expected admit dates are the current date and time or earlier PLUS the number of hours configured for the Master Configuration setting in the Admin Tool component or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management called Number of Hours Before Admit/Expected Admit to Include Patients for Transport. A TeleTracking Technologies representative can help your organization to configure this setting. |
Outpatients |
Patients who already have active jobs | If there is already a transport job for a patient that is in one of the following statuses, then a new pending transport job cannot be created for that patient until the existing, current job is completed or cancelled: Pending, Dispatched, Delayed/Dispatched, Delayed/In Progress, In Progress, or any Assist status. However, an appointment job for that patient will change to Pending status at the appropriate time automatically (depending on the lead time configured in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component for the appointment's destination location). ADT orders can also create additional pending jobs for the patient. |
Jobs that have been dispatched already |
License | If you want to create a transport job in the PatientTracking Portal™ or PreAdmitTracking® application, then the campus where the job is located must have a TransportTracking™ application license. |
Permissions Required
Users must be assigned to roles that are associated with groups that have the TransportTracking™ application >User may edit patient transports permission. If a requester's membership gives them access to the selected patient, then the requester may request to move that patient from any origin to any destination.
To Add or Edit a Patient Transport Request:
How-To in Pictures
Details About Completing the Form
How to Add or Edit a Patient Transport Request
Complete the following on the Transport Request page:
List or Box | Details | Required or Optional? | To do this | Complete this procedure… |
Origin | The origin is where the patient is being picked up. The Origin list displays the patient's current location or the destination of the patient's previous transport job (This depends on whether the Use Last Transport Location to Set Job Locations Master Configuration setting is enabled. A TeleTracking Technologies representative can help your organization to enable this setting.)
| Required if the patient should be picked up at a location other than the one shown.
| Select a location, other than the one shown, where the patient should be picked up.
| Do one of the following:
Destination | Location to which the patient will be transported. This could be another home location (if the patient is being transferred) or a location such as an X- Ray room, a physical therapy room, or a testing room.
| Required | Select the destination location to which the patient will be trans- ported.
Occupied Bed Override
| Selecting an already-occupied bed as a transport job destination can displace the patient who was occupying that bed and make the transported patient the occupant of that bed. If you selected an already-occupied bed as a destination in the previous step, you might be prompted to select a reason code and enter comments about your selection.
| Required only if you selected an occupied bed as a destination and you are prompted to select a reason code.
| Continue to select an occupied bed as a destination and provide a reason for selecting it.
Mode of Travel | Mode of travel is the equipment that will be used to transport the patient (for example, Wheelchair or Stretcher). Note: If there was a previous transport job for this patient, the mode of travel from the previous job might be selected already. You can change it if needed. | Required | Select the equipment that will be used to transport the patient (for example, Wheelchair or Stretcher). | Click the arrow and select the mode of travel. |
Isolation Type | If the transporter should take special precautions when transporting this patient (for example, if the patient has a contagious condition), then select the appropriate isolation type. The color code for the selected isolation type will appear on the request on the console. If another user has already selected an isolation type for this patient, it might already appear. You may change it if needed. | Required only if trans- porters must take pre- cautions because the patient has an infectious condition.
| Select the isolation type that applies to the patient (for example, Airborne).
| In the Isolation Type list, click the arrow and then select an option.
Job Status | Select whether the job is:
| Required | Select the type of trans- port job. | Click the arrow to display a list, and then click Pending, Appointment, or Possible. |
Date and Time | If Appointment was selected for Job Status, then select the date and time of the appointment. | Required if Appointment was selected in the Job Status list.
| Select the date and time of the appointment. |
Travel Requirements | Travel requirements are items that must accompany the patient during transport (for example, Oxygen, IV). | Optional unless there are items that must accompany the patient during transport. | Select the travel requirements that apply to this transport job for this patient. |
Save | You must save your selections. | Required | Save your selections. |
Close | Close the Transport Request dia- log box.
| Required | Close the dialog box. |
Viewing a Patient Transport Schedule (Transport History)
You can view information about transport job requests associated with each patient if you have the appropriate permissions and the patients are associated with the areas in your membership.
Permissions Required
You must have the User May View Transports or User May Edit Transports to view patient transport schedules.
What is the Patient Transport History?
The Transport History dialog box is a read-only history of a specific patient’s trans- fer requests. From this view, your can update an existing transport request or create a new transport request.
The Transport History Dialog appears after the patient’s procedure is completed and when the user schedules the return transport to the patient’s home location. If the patient has another transport request in the near future, the user may want to transport the patient directly to the second destination, rather than taking the patient back to their home location first.
How to Access the Patient Transport History from the Clinical Workflow™ Suite
Open the Transport Request dialog box by following the steps described in Creating and Editing Transport Requests.
If the patient has previously scheduled transport jobs, the Patient Transport History page appears.
Information in the Patient Transport History Page
On the top of the page, under Patient Information:
Patient Name
Admission Date (and time)
Bed Number— Patient's home location (the bed to which the patient is assigned). (If appears, then the patient has no home location.)
Current Location— Where the patient is now.
Current Status— Displays whether the patient is currently in the hospital (Inhouse) or has been discharged within the last 48 hours (DISCHARGED). InhouseUNOCCUPIED means that this patient shares a home or current location with other patients.
Note: It is possible to add a request to transport this patient using the Add Patient Request button.
Under Patient History
Note: Dates and times appear in the format configured in the Admin Tool component or in Admin > Settings > Capacity Management. For example, dates might appear in dd/mm/yyyy format (07/05/2016 is May 7, 2016) and times might appear in twenty-four-hour format (16:00 is 4 PM).
Status—Status of the transport job listed in the Job Number column. For status definitions, see Transport Job Request Status Definitions. To change the status, click the status name to display the Transport Job Status dialog box.
Job #—Identification code of the job associated with the patient. To view job details, click the job number.
Origin and Destination
Travel Mode—Mode of travel for the job listed in the Job # column.
Trv Reqs—IVR IDs of the Travel requirements for the job listed in the Job #
Reason—Reason that the transport job was cancelled, rescheduled, or delayed (if applicable).
StatusTime—Time that the status listed in the Status column took effect.
ApptTime—If the transport job started as an appointment, the date and time of the appointment.
Creating a Possible Job to Return a Patient to the Home Location
When you are creating or editing a request for a patient transport job, you may select an option to create a possible transport job request for the patient to be returned to the home location. For example, if there is a request for a transport job to take a patient to X-Ray, you can select an option to create a possible job to have the patient returned to the patient room after the X-Ray procedure. This adds a sequential transport job with a status of Possible to the request that has the destination of the previous job as the origin and the patient's home location as the destination.
Permissions Required
Users must be assigned to roles that are associated with groups that have the TransportTracking™>User may edit patient transports permission. If a requester's membership gives them access to the selected patient, then the requester may request to move that patient from any origin to any destination.
To Create a Possible Job to Have a Patient Returned to the Home Location:
In the Transport Summary section at the top of the Transport Request page, click the transport job that should come BEFORE the job to return the patient to the home location to highlight it.
Click Return Patient. The job is added to the sequence after the highlighted job. The job status is Possible (or Poss). When you access the console again, the number of the job will be the original job number, plus a dash, plus the number listed for this job under Ser# in the Transport Summary section.
Note: If a message appears stating that the origin and destination cannot be the same, check the selected origin and destination. If they are the same, change them, and then click Save and repeat Steps 1 and 2.
To close the Transport Request page, click the X in the upper-right corner or click Close.
Changing the Status of Transport Job Requests
About Changing Statuses
You can change the status of patient or item transport job requests if you have the appropriate permissions.
Important Note!
After a job has reached Dispatched status, only the original or primary trans- porter on the job may change its status with one exception—a user who is not the original transporter on the job may cancel the job if it is still in Dispatched status. If a transport job is in a status later than Dispatched, then only the original transporter may cancel it.
Only the primary or original transporter on a job with the appropriate permissions can:
Change the job to another status such as In Progress, Completed, or (if the job is in a status later than Dispatched) Cancelled.
Request assistance with a patient or item transport job and remove assisting transporters who are no longer needed from the job.
Use the Remove Self from Job option when at least one other transporter is assisting with the job.
The following are the status changes that can be made:
Transport jobs in this status… | Can be changed to these statuses… |
Appointment | Possible, Pending or Cancelled Note: To change the status from Appointment to Possible, click the job number to open the transport request, then select Possible in the JobStatus list, and then click Save. |
Possible | Appointment, Pending, or Cancelled Note: To change the status from Possible to Appointment, click the job number to open the transport request, then select Appointment in the JobStatus list, select a future date and time, and then click Save. |
Pending | Cancelled, Appointment, Possible |
Dispatched | Delayed/Dispatched, In Progress, Assist (through the IVR), Appointment (through the IVR), or Cancelled Note: The original transporter can request assistance, changing the transport job's status to Assist or can reschedule the job to change it to an appointment to be completed at a later time. |
Delayed/Dispatched | Dispatched (Resume), In Progress, Assist (through the IVR), Appointment (through the IVR), or Cancelled Note: The original transporter can request assistance, changing the transport job's status to Assist or can reschedule the job to change it to an appointment to be completed at a later time. |
In Progress | Delayed/In Progress (though the IVR), Completed, Assist (through the IVR), or Cancelled (through the IVR) Note: The original transporter can request assistance, changing the transport job's status to Assist. You must be the original transporter on the job to delay or cancel a job in the In Progress status. If you are the original transporter on a transport job and you have the Round Trip permission, you may select the Create Round Trip option to make the job a round trip. However, see the definition of to learn how the rights of an original or primary transporter might be transferred to an assisting transporter if the original transporter is removed from the job. |
Delayed/In Progress | In Progress (Resume), Appointment (through the IVR), or Cancelled (through the IVR), Rescheduled (through the IVR) Note: You must be the original transporter on the job to cancel a job in Delayed/In Progress status. The original transporter may also reschedule the job to change it to an appointment to be completed at a later time. However, see the definition of to learn how the rights of an original or primary transporter might be transferred to an assisting transporter if the original transporter is removed from the job. |
Assist | Dispatched or In Progress (depending on the status the original transporter was in when requesting assistance). Note: The change from Assist status to Dispatched or In Progress occurs either when the number of transporters who have accepted the job is equal to the total number of transporters entered when the request for assistance was made OR if the ori- ginal transporter changed the total number of transporters needed, the number of transporters who have accepted the job is equal to the revised number. Example: The job is in the In Progress status. The original transporter requests assistance and enters 3 as the total number of transporters required. If two more transporters accept the job in addition to the original transporter, the job status will change to In Progress again. If the original transporter changes the required number of trans- porters to 2, then when only 1 transporter in addition to the original transporter accepts the job, the job status will change to In Progress. If a third transporter accepts the job after the second transporter, the third transporter is removed from the job and placed in the Available status. The third transporter can accept another job. |
Permissions Required
To change a status, the User May Edit Patient Transports permission is required. To cancel a job you must have the User Can Cancel Job permission.
To Change Status:
In the Transport Summary section of the Transport Request dialog box, select the job that you want to change.
In the Job Status field of the Scheduling section, select the status that you want to assign to the job.
Note: See the chart above to learn which status changes are possible through the console. The list contains only those statuses to which the selected status can be changed based on the permissions of the user who is signed in. If the user who is signed in is the original transporter on the job, then more options will be available. For example, if that user has delayed a transport job through the IVR, then Resume will be available.
If you selected Cancelled, and the administrator has configured your per- missions so that you are required to select a reason for cancellation, then in the Reason Code list, select a reason code.
Note: The reason codes listed were configured in the Dictionary Management section of the Admin Tool component or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management.
Cancelling Transport Job Requests
About Cancelling Transport Job Requests
Sometimes, it is necessary to cancel a transport request that has been submitted (for example, if the patient becomes too ill to be moved). You can cancel transport job requests if you have the appropriate permissions.
Important Note!
If a transport job is in a status later than Dispatched, then only the original transporter on the job may cancel it.
Note: If you cancel the first job in a sequence of jobs, then all jobs in that sequence will be cancelled.
Permissions Required
The User Can Cancel Job Permission is required. The User May Edit Patient Transports permission is also required.
Open the Transport History dialog box by following the steps described in Creating and Editing Transport Requests.
In the Job# column of the Patient Transport History dialog, select the job number to display the Transport Request dialog box.
When the Cancel Request dialog box appears, if you are required to select a reason, then the Reason for Cancel list appears. Select a reason for cancelling from the list.
If this a sequential job and the rest of the jobs in the sequence also should be cancelled, select the Cancel All Remaining Jobs check box. If this is the first job in the sequence, then all remaining jobs will be cancelled automatically and you do not have the option to select the check box.
If the patient should be sent back to their bed (home location), then select the Return Patient to Home check box.
Select Submit to close the Cancel Request dialog, and then Close to close the transport request, and then Close to close the Patient Transport History dialog.
Adding a Job to a Sequential Transport Job Request
Note: You can only add a job to a sequence if the previous job in the sequence and the remaining jobs in the sequence are in Possible, Pending, Completed, or Cancelled status. You cannot add a sequential job to a recurring appointment job.
Permissions Required
Users must be assigned to roles that are associated with groups that have the TransportTracking™>User May Edit Patient Transports permission. If a requester's membership gives them access to the selected patient, then the requester may request to move that patient from any origin to any destination.
To Add a Job to a Sequential Transport Job Request:
At the top of the Transport Request page under Transport Summary, click the transport job that should come BEFORE the one that you are adding to highlight it.
Click Add to Sequence.
The new job is added to the sequence after the highlighted job. The new job status is Possible (or Poss). The destination of the previous job appears in the Origin column. There is a "?" in the Destination column, indicating that the destination has not been selected yet. To select a destination, go to Step 3. When you access the console again, the number of the job will be the ori- ginal job number, plus a dash, plus the number listed for this job under
Ser# on the Transport Summary page (for example, 1750-3).
To select a destination, follow Step 2 under To Add or Edit a Patient Trans- port Request in Adding a Request for a Patient Transport Job.
Note: If a message appears stating that the origin and destination cannot be the same, check the origin and destination that were selected. If they are the same, change them. Then click Save.
Selecting an already-occupied bed as a destination can displace the patient who was occupying that bed and make the transported patient the occupant of that bed. If you selected an already-occupied bed as a destination in the previous step, you might be prompted to select a reason code and enter comments about your selection. If the Occupied Bed Override dialog box appears, do the following. If the Occupied Bed Override dialog box does not appear, skip this step.
In the Reason Code list, select a reason code for choosing the already-occupied bed (for example, Patient Issue).
In the Comments box, type information about why the already- occupied bed was chosen.
Click Select.
Click Save.
To close the Transport Request page, click the Close button or the X in the upper-right corner.
Releasing a Possible, Sequential, or Appointment Patient Transport Job Request
About Releasing a Possible, Sequential, or Appointment Transport Job
If a possible transport job has been created for a patient and it is time to place it in Pending status, you may use the Release Job button on the transport request to place the job in the queue for dispatching.
You may release a sequential job only if all the jobs before it in the sequence are in Completed or Cancelled status. If the previous jobs in the sequence are not completed or cancelled, then the Release Job button appears gray and unavailable.
Appointments are released to Pending status automatically, depending on the lead time that has been set for the destination location. However, you may release an appointment manually using the Release Job button.
Permissions Required
Users must have the User May Edit Patient Transports permission.
Open the Transport Request dialog box by following the steps described in Creating and Editing Transport Requests.
In the Job# column of the Patient Transport History dialog box, select the job number to display the Transport Request dialog box.
Open image-20240227-190256.png
At the top of the Transport Request dialog box, click the job that you want to release to highlight it, and then click the Release Job button that appears. The Status column for the trip displays Pending and the job is placed in the queue for dispatching.
Transport Job Request Status Definitions
A request for a transport job can be in one of the following statuses at various times until it is completed or canceled. More information about each status is below.
Only the primary or original transporter on a job with the appropriate permissions can:
Change the job to another status such as In Progress, Completed, or (if the job is in a status later than Dispatched) Cancelled.
Request assistance with a patient or item transport job and remove assisting transporters who are no longer needed from the job.
Use the Remove Self from Job option when at least one other transporter is assisting with the job.
However, see the definition of to learn how the rights of an original or primary transporter might be transferred to an assisting transporter if the original transporter is removed from the job.
A destination location is selected for each request. (For example, an X-Ray room could be a destination location for a request.) Each location has a lead time asso- ciated with it. (For example, if the appointment's destination location is an X-Ray room, the X-Ray room might have a lead time of 30 minutes associated with it.) A requester manually selects Appointment as the job status on the request and specifies an appointment time that is later than the current time. If the specified time is later than the lead time associated with the transport job's destination location, then the request will change automatically from Appointment status to Pending status at the number of minutes specified in the lead time setting before the specified appointment time (in the example above, 30 minutes). This will give the TransportTracking™ application enough time to notify a transporter and allow the transporter to get the patient to the destination on time. If the appointment time is earlier than the lead time that was set for the destination location, then the request will be created as an appointment, but will change automatically to Pending status immediately.
An "on-demand" request for a transport job has a status of Pending at first. This means that the requester has saved the request with the current date and time, but a transporter has not yet accepted the job (indicated using the IVR or the TransportTracking™ application that he or she will do the job).
A transporter has accepted a job and is on the way to pick up the patient or item. A request for a transport job remains in Dispatched status until it is rescheduled, canceled, delayed, moves to In Progress status, or the transporter requests assistance from additional transporters.
In Progress
The transporter has arrived at the origin and is ready to take the patient or item to the destination. The transporter has indicated on the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system that job is in progress. The job will remain in the In Progress status until it is canceled, delayed, completed, or until the transporter requests assistance from additional transporters.
(See the definition of possible job.) A requester can manually select Possible as a transport job's status when creating a transport job request in the TransportTracking™ application. In addition, an ADT system transaction can automatically create a transport job with a status of Possible. If the same transport job number for that patient already exists in the TransportTracking™ application and the job currently has a status of Pending or Appointment, then the job's status will change to Possible after the ADT transaction is received. If the same job already exists in TransportTracking™, but it has a status of Dispatched or later, then that job's status will NOT change to Possible after the ADT transaction is received.
The transporter who has been dispatched to the job or has a job in the In Progress status has asked for help. The transporter requests assistance by entering an option into the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system or mobile app and specifying the total number of transporters required for the job. (For example, the trans- porter arrives at the origin and discovers that the patient or item is too heavy to be transported by one person. Additional transporters are needed to help.) The TransportTracking™ global setting called Max Transporters per Job determines the maximum number of transporters who can be on a job at once. For example, if the Max Transporters per Job global setting is 4, then 4 total transporters can be on a job at once—the primary transporter and up to 3 assistants. In this scenario, the primary transporter can request up to 3 assistants at once. Until the job has been accepted by the required number of transporters, the original transporter on the job and any additional transporters who have already accepted the job will have a status of Assist. When the last required transporter accepts the job, the status of all transporters will change to the status that the original transporter had when assist- ance was requested. Then, the job can be completed. If more transporters were requested than are needed, the original transporter on the job can enter a lower total number of transporters required. In this case, the last transporters to accept the job will be removed from the job and their status will change to Available. Only the original or primary transporter on a job may request assistance and remove assisting transporters. However, see the definition of to learn how the rights of an original or primary transporter might be transferred to an assisting transporter if the original transporter is removed from the job. If item transport jobs have been batched, a transporter cannot request assistance for them.
Example: Transporter A is in the In Progress status and requests assistance and enters 3 as the total required number of transporters. Within one minute, Transporter B accepts the job. Both Transporter A and Transporter B have a status of Assist. One minute later, Transporter C accepts that job. Transporter A, B, and C then all have a status of In Progress. Transporter A then realizes that only 2 total transporters are needed for the job. Transporter A calls the IVR again and enters 2 as the total number of transporters required. Transporter C (the last transporter to accept the job) is then removed from the job and is placed in the Available status.
Delayed Dispatched
The transporter has accepted the transport job and discovered that there is a delay and the patient or item cannot be transported immediately. However, the transporter has been asked to wait during the delay instead of accepting another job. The trans- porter enters a delay option into the IVR and the job status becomes Delayed/Dispatched. The transporter's status changes to Delayed/Dispatched as well, so that he or she will not be able to accept other jobs while waiting. When it is time to continue the job, the transporter can enter an option on the IVR to resume the job. The job status will change to Dispatched again and the transporter can con- tinue the job and move it to another viable status such as In Progress, Assist, Cancelled, or Rescheduled.
Delayed in Progress
The transporter has already indicated that the job is in the In Progress status but has encountered a delay. The transporter must wait until the delay is over and then continue transporting the patient or item. The transporter enters a delay option into the IVR and the job status becomes Delayed/In Progress. The transporter's status changes to Delayed/In Progress. The transporter will not be able to accept other jobs while waiting. When a resolution to the delay is known, the transporter can enter an option on the IVR to resume the job. The job status will change to In Progress again and the transporter can continue the job and then take the job to another viable status.
A job can be cancelled if it has a status of Possible, Appointment, Pending, Dispatched, In Progress, Assistance, or Delayed. The transport job to which the transporter was dispatched will not occur at all and the transporter will become available to accept another job. Jobs can be cancelled by users with the appropriate permissions through the IVR, the TransportTracking™ console, or smart device, such as the Apple iPhone® or iPod touch®. A requester or another user with the appropriate permissions can also cancel a transport job using the TransportTracking™ console. (See the definition of requesters.)
If a transporter cancels the first job in a sequence of jobs, then all the jobs in the sequence will be cancelled. If a transporter cancels a job other than the first in the sequence, only that job will be cancelled. The origin or the next job will be changed to the destination of the previous non-cancelled job in the sequence.
The transport job to which the transporter was dispatched should be done at a future time. Once a transporter is dispatched to the job, the transporter may change the time (in minutes) using the IVR by specifying the number of minutes from now that the job should be re-dispatched. The job will change to Appointment or Pend- ing status depending on the destination lead time. The transporter’s status will change to Available and the transporter can accept another job.
The transporter has finished the job and has used the IVR to indicate that the job is complete. The transporter's status becomes Available. The transporter may now be offered another job.
Searching for an Asset
What is an Asset?
An asset is a moveable piece of equipment that is used for patient care. Examples are pumps and scanners. The floor plan can help you to locate a specific asset.
About Searching
You can search for an asset by the asset name (or part of the name), such as pump or scanner, or by the number of the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions tag that is attached to the asset. When you search, you can learn information such as:
The current location of the asset and how long it has been there
The asset status (Dirty, In Use, or Ready)
How long ago TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions sent information about the asset.
Permissions Required
You must have the Show Asset Search permission to search for assets.
To Search for Assets
Go to > In the Clinical Workflow™ suite, do one of the following:
Right-click the row of a patient who is in an operating room and select Search Assets.
Right-click a patient who is in an operating room and select Special Equipment. Click the name of the equipment that you need and click Save. The equipment icon appears in the patient's row. Click the equipment icon.
Click an equipment icon that appears in the row of a patient who is in an operation room.
The Search for Asset dialog box appears. If you right-clicked an equipment icon, the details about the equipment automatically appear in the dialog box.
In the Search box, type either part of the asset name, part of the asset owner name (such as Unit 1 or ABC Equipment Rental), or part of the tag number for the tag that is attached to the asset.
If you know the status of the asset you are looking for (such as Dirty, In Use, or Ready), select it in the
Status list. Otherwise, select All in the Status list.
In the Campus list, select the campus where the asset is located and in which you would like to search. If there is only one campus in the enterprise, then you do not need to select anything in this list.
Click Search to display a list in the Search Results section.
Understanding Search Results
The following information appears about the assets found in the search:
Name—The name of the asset, such as Insulin Pump.
Owner—The name that was entered in the Title field in the Owner section of the AssetTracking application. This could be any entity that is designated as the owner of the asset. For example, it could be the name of a unit or the name of a vendor from which the asset has been rented.
Floor Plan—The name of the floor plan showing the unit where the asset is located.
A floor plan appears similar to the one below:
Location—The location of the asset. The location name shown is the one used in TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions. If your organization uses Centrak hardware for real-time track, then when you tap and hold the cell in this column, a tooltip appears showing RF: <name>. The AssetTracking® application uses devices called beacons, which are installed throughout the hospital, to detect the location of asset tags. The name of the beacon that last detected the tag associated with this asset is shown after RF. This information can provide a general idea of where the asset might have been last. If Unknown appears, then the asset tag is missing or might be in an area where no beacon has been installed. If your organization does not use Centrak, then RF: <name> does not appear.
Status—The status of the asset.
Ready —This asset is clean and ready to be used.
In Use—Someone is using this asset currently and it is not available.
Dirty—This asset is not in use currently, but it must be cleaned before it can be used.
In Maintenance—This asset is being fixed or cleaned and cannot be used.
Last Update—The last time information about this asset (for example, a status change) was received from TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions.
Time in Location—How long the asset has been in this location.
If time was less than a minute ago, then time is shown in seconds (s). If time was less than an hour ago, then time is shown in minutes (m). If time was less than 24 hours ago, then time is shown in hours (h). If it was more than 24 hours ago, it is shown in days (dy).
Changes to the Capacity Management™ Suite to Support the Clinical Workflow™ Suite
The changes to the Capacity Management™ suite can be seen on the PreAd- mitTracking® application with the electronic bedboard® view (this includes, Place- ment, Discharge Pending Confirmation, Admits Today, or Patient Search list views) and the PatientTracking Portal™ application list views. These list views can be customized to show procedure information from the Clinical Workflow™ suite. See the Capacity Management™ suite online help for a description of how to customize these list views.
Procedures are created and assigned to patients by the Clinical Workflow™ suite in the same way as they have always been assigned. The figure below shows the PreAdmitTracking® application list view with the Procedure Status column configured to appear.
Displaying the Procedure Information Report - Dialog Box
To view procedure information for a given patient, click the Procedure Status
column for that patient to display the Procedure Information Report – Dialog Box.
The Procedure Information Report – Dialog Box displays details about the procedures listed in the Procedure Status column. An example of this report is shown in the figure below:
Fields in the Procedure Information Report - Dialog Box
Gender — This field comes from the patient record. The information is entered in the Patient Information dialog box.
Birth Date — This field comes from the patient record. The information is entered in the Patient Information dialog box.
Patient Comments — This field comes from the patient record. The information is entered in the Patient Information dialog box.
Scheduled Location — This field comes from the patient record. The information is entered in the Schedule Information section of the Procedure dialog box.
Procedure Code and Description — This field comes from the patient record. The information is entered in the Procedure Information section of the Procedure dialog box.
Duration — This field comes from the patient record. The information is entered in the Schedule Information section of the Procedure dialog box.
Procedure Service — This field comes from the patient record. The information is entered in the Procedure Information section of the Procedure dialog box in the Orchestrate™ application.
Anesthesia Type — This field comes from the patient record. The information is entered in the Anesthesia Information of the Procedure dialog box.
Status — The fields in this part of the report come from the patient record entered in the in the Intraoperative Case Milestones section of the Operating Room tab.
Staff Role and Staff Name — These fields come from the patient record. The information is entered in the Procedure Staff section of the Procedure dialog box.
Print — The Print button generates a pdf that is displayed in a separate web browser window. A figure showing this pdf is shown below.
Close — The Close button closes the Procedure Status Report window.
The following figure shows an example of a print PDF generated by the Print button on the Procedure Status Report window.
Administrative Functions
Adding or Editing Patient Types
To Add or Edit a Patient Type
In the Clinical Workflow™ suite on the Edit menu, select AdminLists >Patient Types... to display the Patient Types list.
Do one of the following:
To add a patient type, select the name of the Patient Type, and then click
To edit a patient type, select the name of the Patient Type to be edited, and then click the Edit.
To add a patient type, select the name of the Patient Type, and then click
To edit a patient type, select the name of the Patient Type to be edited, and then click the Edit.
Note: The List Administration Dialog New… button and Edit… button require the Clinical Workflow™ suite Administer System permission.
The Add Patient Type dialog box appears:
Open image-20240227-193011.png
Description of the Fields in the Add Patient Type Dialog Box
Patient Type — Shows the patient type being added or edited. This is a unique name that identifies the patient type. This name will appear in the Pt. Type menu on the Patient Information dialog box. Once added the patient type cannot be changed.
Description — Contains a description of the patient type. This is a free text field to document the expected use of this patient type.
Will be Admitted, create a bed request for patients with this type — If this check box is selected for this patient type and you add a patient with this patient type, the (missing or bad snippet) automatically generates a bed request for the patient. If a bed request already exists for the patient, the software does not generate a duplicate request. If this box is not checked, the software does not generate a bed request, when the patient type is assigned to a patient.
Is an inpatient — If this box is selected, the patient is automatically assigned an Inpatient status.
Inactive — If this box is selected, the patient is automatically assigned an Inactive status.
Location Administration
From the Location Administration window, the administrator can access the Service Dialog box, Area Dialog box, and the Location dialog box to map locations in the Capacity Management Suite™ system to corresponding locations at different levels of the Clinical Workflow™ suite. Users can access the Location Administration window if they are assigned to a Staff Role that has the XT Interface Administrator privilege.
Accessing the Location Administration Window
To access the Location Administration window:
Click the Administrative Console icon on your desktop.
Click the Settings menu.
Select the Location Administration option.
View Service, Area, and Locations
In the Location Administration window, the service, area, and location levels of the Clinical Workflow™ suite are represented by a tree hierarchy.
Service Level — The highest level is the service level.
Areas — Click the + next to a service to show the list of areas included in that service. For example, the Surgical Suite service may include the Preop, OR, and PACU areas.
Locations — Clicking the + next to one of the areas expands the list of locations included in that area. For example, the PACU area may expand to show the IDs for a number of locations (beds) within the area.
Mapping Clinical Workflow™ Suite Service to the Capacity Management™ Suite
If the Clinical Workflow™ suite is integrated with the Capacity Management™ suite, the Service in the Clinical Workflow™ suite needs to be mapped to a Campus, Unit, and Location in the Capacity Management™ suite.
In the Location Administration window, select a service in the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Click Edit.
You can type a description of the service in the Description field, or accept the description that is supplied.
Click the arrow next to the XT Campus field and select a campus from the list.
The campus in the Capacity Management™ suite is mapped to the Clinical Workflow™ suite service that is in the Name field.
Click the arrow next to the XT Origin Unit field and select a unit from the list that is based on the XT Campus selection.
The unit in the Capacity Management™ suite is mapped to the Clinical Work- flow™ suite service that is in the Name field.
Click the arrow next to the XT Location field and select a location from the list that is based on the XT Origin Unit selection.
The location in the Capacity Management™ suite is mapped to the Clinical Workflow™ suite service that is in the Name field.
Click OK to save your updates, or click Cancel to discard your changes.
Mapping Clinical Workflow™ Suite Area to the Capacity Management™ Suite
If the Clinical Workflow™ suite is integrated with the Capacity Management™ suite, the area in the Clinical Workflow™ suite needs to be mapped to an Origin Unit, and Location in the Capacity Management™ suite.
In the Location Administration window, click the + next to a service in the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
The list expands to show the areas included in the service.
Select an area.
Click Edit.
You can type a description of the area in the Description field, or accept the description that is supplied.
Click the arrow next to the XT Origin Unit field and select an origin unit from the list.
The origin unit in the Capacity Management™ suite is mapped to the Clinical Workflow™ suite area.
Click the arrow next to the XT Location field and select a location from the list.
The location in the Capacity Management™ suite is mapped to the Clinical Workflow™ suite area.
Use the Alternative Transport Destination in the Orchestrate section, when a patient will not be transported directly to the Clinical Workflow™ suite location defined in the Service and Name fields. For example, a patient who is going to the Endo Orchestrate™ Area will be transported to the Endo waiting room and then to a particular Endo room. In this situation, you need to define the Endo Waiting Room in the Alternative Transport Destination in the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Click the arrow next to the Service field and select a Clinical Workflow™ suite destination service from the list.
Click the arrow next to the Area field and select a Clinical Workflow™ suite destination area from the list.
The Clinical Workflow™ suite Area is mapped to the Transport Destination
in the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Click the arrow next to the Transport Type and select a transport type from the list.
The Clinical Workflow™ suite Area is mapped to the Clinical Workflow™ suite Transport Type.
In the RTLS Dwell Times in TeleTracking® Clinical Workflow™ section, type the number of seconds that a patient badge must be in a location before the location change appears in the Clinical Workflow™ suite. Enter values in the following fields:
Inbound Dwell – The number of seconds from when a patient badge arrives in a location until the patient is moved into that location in the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Outbound Dwell – The number of seconds from when a patient badge leaves a location until it appears in a different location or in In Transit in the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Click OK to save your updates, or click Cancel to discard your changes.
Mapping Clinical Workflow™ Suite Location to the Capacity Management™ Suite and to the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ Solutions
If the Clinical Workflow™ suite is integrated with the Capacity Management™ suite, the location in the Clinical Workflow™ suite needs to be mapped to a location in the Capacity Management™ suite and the TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions (TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions).
In the Location Administration window, click the + next to a service in the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
The list expands to show the areas included in the service.
Click the + next to an area.
The list expands to show the locations included in the area.
Select an Clinical Workflow™ suite location.
Click Edit.
You can type a description for the location in the Description field, or accept the description that is supplied.
Click the arrow next to the RTLS Loc ID field and select an RTLS location from the list if the Clinical Workflow™ suite is integrated with the TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions.
The location in the TeleTracking RTLS™ solutions is mapped to the Clinical Workflow™ suite location.
Click the arrow next to the XT Location field and select a location from the list.
The location in the Capacity Management™ suite is mapped to the Clinical Workflow™ suite location.
Use the Alternative Transport Destination in Orchestrate section, when a patient will not be transported directly to the Clinical Workflow™ suite location defined in the Service and Name fields. For example, a patient who is going to the Endo Clinical Workflow™ suite Location will be transported to the Endo waiting room and then to a particular Endo room. In this situation, you need to define the Endo Waiting Room in the Alternative Transport Destination in the Clinical Workflow™ suite.
Click the arrow next to the Service field and select a Clinical Workflow™ suite destination service from the list.
Click the arrow next to the Area field and select a Clinical Workflow™ suite destination area from the list.
Click the arrow next to the Location and select a Clinical Workflow™ suite destination location from the list.
The Clinical Workflow™ suite Location is mapped to the Clinical Workflow™ suite Transport Destination.
Click OK to save your updates, or click Cancel to discard your changes.