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User Guide - TransferCenter™
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 5 months ago


Welcome to the TeleTracking® classic TransferCenter™ application. The application is
designed to let you capture a variety of transfer data and generate tracking reports that can
help you better facilitate and evaluate patient transfers. The application is a key tool in the
transfer process by letting you organize and manage patient transfers from outside areas
such as physician offices, other hospitals and clinics.

The TeleTracking® classic TransferCenter™ application tracks and manages each patient
transfer from the initial telephone transfer request, until the case is closed. Each patient
transfer is issued a unique transfer (case) number and the transfer case becomes a
permanent record.

Key Benefits of the Classic TransferCenter™ Application
Some of the key benefits of the classic TransferCenter™ application are:

  • Provides reporting and analytics for greater insight and control of operations.

  • Rapid admission and decision making for transfer requests.

  • Improve staff efficiency and satisfaction through reduction of phone calls.

  • Increased quality of transfers because of staffing by qualified RNs.

  • Increased quality and reduced risk through recording of physician-to-physician calls.

  • An ability to capture payor mix information post-transfer.

  • Better patient outcomes.

Understanding the Transfer Request Workflow

Transfer requests are initiated by telephone contact from a referring facility, to your transfer
center staff. When the transfer center receives notification of perspective incoming transfers,
pertinent information including referring facility, patient name, referring physician, vital signs,
requested services as well as clinical information and potential disposition, is entered into
the request order form. The following is an overview of the transfer request workflow:

  1. Incoming phone call requesting a patient transfer is received by the transfer center.

  2. Transfer center staff opens a new transfer request order. The request order
    automatically places date and time stamp, and the name of the logged in user (case
    owner) who opens the request order.

  3. The case owner collects and completes as much information as possible about the
    patient being transferred, and saves the request order. When the request order is
    saved, a transfer number is automatically assigned to it and from this point it is
    considered a transfer request case. The transfer number is permanent and remains
    with the case even after it is closed.

  4. When the transfer request order is saved at any point after it is opened, it is
    automatically placed in the active view list and is available for editing. If there are
    problems with the transfer case or the transfer is on hold pending additional
    information or patient disposition, the request case can be sent to the inactive view
    list while awaiting further action.

  5. Transfer cases, both active and inactive, are edited and any issues are addressed.

  6. Typically, the case is closed when the patient is checked into the destination facility
    or the placement request is rejected by the requested facility or cancelled by the
    referring facility.
    The purpose of this manual is to explain the use of the TransferCenter™ application in
    each of the above steps.

Logging In

  1. Once your administrator has installed the TransferCenter™ application software on
    your workstation, you can launch the program by clicking the shortcut icon on
    your desktop.

  2. Click the TransferCenter™ application icon on your desktop and the following login
    dialog box appears:

  3. Enter your user name and password and click OK.

The application opens and defaults to the TransferCenter™ application window.
The access permissions granted by your administrator determine what you are able
to see and do in the application.

Changing a Password

  1. You can choose to change your password. When you are logged in with your old
    password, click the arrow next to your name in the Logged in as field.

  2. Select the Change Password option in the list.

The Change Password dialog box appears with your name populating the User
Name field by default. The Change Password dialog box also appears if you log in
after the system administrator has reset your password.

  1. Type your old password in the Old Password field.

  2. Type your new password in the New Password and the Confirm New Password

The password in both fields must match. In addition, the new password must have
the following characteristics, which appear in a tooltip if you hold your cursor over the
New Password and the Confirm New Password fields:

  • A minimum of six characters.

  • A maximum of 15 characters.

  • One upper case letter.

  • One lower case letter.

  • One symbol (example: ^, %, &)

  • One number.

  1. If the new password that you have entered in the New Password and the Confirm
    New Password fields does not match or does not meet all of the criteria, an x icon

  2. When the new password that you have entered in the New Password and the
    Confirm New Password fields matches and meets all the criteria, a success icon

  3. Click OK to save your new password or click Cancel to exit the dialog box without
    saving a new password.

Logging Off

  1. Click the arrow next to your name in the Logged in as field.

  2. Select the Logoff option in the list.

About the TransferCenter™ Application Window

Understanding the Active and Inactive View Tabs

The TransferCenter™ application window presents two different view tabs, Active and
Inactive. You can toggle between Active or Inactive Transfer Request views by clicking the
tabs. The tab turns light blue when it is displayed in the window. The name of the current
view also is displayed next to “TeleTracking TransferCenter™” in the title bar. The number
on the tab indicates the current number of cases in that state:

  • Active tab – This view displays all active transfer requests and is the default view
    after you log in. The number on the tab indicates the current number of cases that
    are active.

  • Inactive tab – This view displays all inactive transfer requests. The number on the
    tab indicates the current number of cases that are inactive. The Inactive view is a
    case management feature. The Inactive view is where you can “park” cases that
    require additional information before closing. This feature reduces the number of
    cases being managed in the Active view. To learn how to make a case inactive, see
    the Transfer Inactive check box description on page 118.

If you are opening the view window for the first time after a new installation, and no existing
records have been uploaded, the table is empty and only the column headers are displayed.
Regardless of your permission level, you can rearrange columns and sort the table by
clicking any of the column header names. You can also filter the table with the selection lists
available via the filter switches in the column headers. For details, refer to Customizing the
TransferCenter™ Application Window on page 12.

Understanding the Menu Bar

The menu options visible on your view window depend on your access permissions. The
Active and Inactive Transfer Requests views present the following options in their menu

  • Layout: The Layout menu displays options to save a layout that you have
    customized to show the columns that you want, to restore the layout to the default,
    and to auto-resize the columns. The saved layout for a workstation will not change
    until the defaults are restored or a new layout is saved. You can save layouts for the
    Active or Inactive tab views.

    Note: You can save a customized layout of the Active or Inactive view tabs by clicking
    the Layout menu and selecting the Save Layout option. If you want to return to
    the default layout, click the Layout menu and select the Restore Default option.
    The saved layout for a workstation will not change until the defaults are restored or
    a new layout is saved.

  • Reports: From the Reports menu, you can select one of the TransferCenter™
    reports to generate.

  • Configuration: From the Configuration menu, administrators can open:

    • Administration tool: The Administration tool is used to set application
      configurations. Only users with administrative permissions have access to this
      feature. Refer to the TransferCenter™ Application Configuration Guide for
      details on the Configuration function.

    • Set Up Telephone Mapping: Map your phone to the Call Recording feature.

  • Help: The Help menu displays the following options:

    • The User Guide, Reports Guide, and the Configuration Guide options open as
      PDF documents in new windows.

    • The Template option opens the Upload folder where the TransferCenter™
      Data Import Tool spreadsheet, the Data Import Tool Guide, and the Physician
      Thank You Note and Survey Template are stored. Double click the files to open
      them. See the Generating Physician Thank You Notes and Surveys section of
      the TransferCenter™ Reports Guide for instructions about making physician
      thank you notes.

  • About: The TransferCenter™ application About box displays the general copyright and
    version information about the application.

  • XT Status: When the TransferCenter™ application is interfaced with the
    TeleTracking Technologies Capacity Management Suite™ system, the XT Status
    indicator field displays the following message: XT Interface Active. If the
    TransferCenter™ application is not interfaced with the Capacity Management
    Suite™ system there is no indicator and no message at the top center of the menu

  • IQ Platform Status: When the TransferCenter™ application is integrated with the
    TeleTracking IQ™ platform, the IQ Platform Status displays the message
    Interface Active. When the interface is active, the TransferCenter™ application can
    communicate with the Community Access™ portal on the TeleTracking IQ™

  • Logged in as: The Logged in as indicator identifies the user who is logged in to
    the application. The drop-down list includes the following options:

    • Logout: Click the Logout button to exit the application.

    • Change Password: Click this option to display the Change Password dialog
      box. For more information about changing your password, refer to the Changing
      a Password section on page 3.

Understanding the Action Buttons

The Active and Inactive Transfer Requests views also have five action buttons on the
bottom left corner. These buttons are either active or inactive (grayed out) depending on
your access permissions and whether a transfer record has been highlighted. The following
describes the available action buttons:

  • New: Click the New button to enter a new transfer request order. The New
    Transfer window opens.
    If you have the Edit Transfer permission, the New button is enabled on all view
    tabs and you can create a new transfer request from any tab on the case window.

  • Edit: Click the Edit button to edit active or inactive transfer cases. Selecting a
    case and then clicking this button opens the Edit Transfer window.

  • View: Click the View button to view active or inactive transfer request cases.
    Selecting a case and then clicking this button opens the View Transfer patient detail
    window. You cannot edit the case from this window.

  • Print: Click the Print button to print the selected active or inactive transfer
    case. Select a transfer request by clicking its row.

    • The Transfer Order displays in a new window. See the Printing the Transfer
      Order section on page 109 for more information about printing the Transfer

  • Notify: Click the Notify button to open the Instant Notification dialog box and
    send a message directly from the TransferCenter™ application to any valid
    recipients in the Capacity Management Suite™ system.
    The Notify action button is available when the XT Status at the top of the
    TransferCenter™ application window says XT Interface Active.

  • Refresh: Click the refresh button to update the cases visible in the View

Understanding the Symbols

The Active and Inactive Transfer Requests views show different symbols to represent
aspects of each transfer request. The symbols and their descriptions are as follows:

  • Issue Alert: This symbol appears in the Issues column if there is an open
    issue concerning the case.

  • Page Delay Alert: This symbol appears in the Page Delay column if the
    physician has not called back or been paged again within the time limit required by
    the system.

  • Status Alert: By default, the word “Emergent” in red letters appears in
    the EMC Status column if the status is emergent. The administrator can configure
    the different EMC Statuses to appear on the interface with different color
    backgrounds and fonts.

  • Bed Request Status Alert: When a bed is requested, the word
    “Requested” appears in the Bed Req Status column. The cell background is red if the
    request is Active and grey if the request is Inactive.

  • Gender/Age color code: The cell background in the
    Age column represents is color-coded to represent the patient’s gender. The
    patient’s age appears as a number within the cell. The colors represent the following

    • Pink — Female

    • Blue — Male

    • White — Unknown

Customizing the TransferCenter™ Application Window

Adding and Deleting Columns

Under the TransferCenter™ application menu bar are the column headers for the visible
tab view. You can add and delete the columns you want to see for each view.

  1. Click the Field Chooser button to the left of the first column header. The Field
    Chooser dialog box opens.

About the TransferCenter™ Application Window
R101 | Classic TransferCenter™ Application User Guide 13

  • The TransferCenter™ application displays the Field Chooser options in
    groupings. Click Collapse All button to show the groupings. Click the plus sign
    for the grouping that you want to expand to see all its options.

  • Use the Expand All and Collapse All buttons to make it easier to see the
    options you want.

  1. Click the check box for each field that you want to display in the visible view. You can
    also click Select All if you want to show every available field. Or you can click the
    Clear All button to eliminate the current selections. A column is added to the view for
    each option you checked.
    The Bed Request Status field is only available for display when the TeleTracking
    XT interface is active.

Sorting Columns

You can filter and sort the Active and Inactive Transfer Requests views to create and print
a custom record table. The header of each column has a sort switch that sorts the table in
an ascending or descending order according to the header name.

  1. Click the column header to sort the table. An up arrow appears to indicate an
    ascending sort and a down arrow appears to indicate a descending sort.

  2. Click the column header again to toggle between the two orders.
    To turn a filter off, click the No Filter button . All of the cases appear in the column.

Filtering Columns

You use filters to create a table containing only those cases that you want to view, by
removing cases you don’t want. There are three methods to filter the Transfer Request
view window:

  • Typing criteria in the filter field

  • Selecting from the list of column contents

  • Applying custom filters

A description of each of the above methods follows.

  • Typing Criteria in the Filter Field:
    Type your criteria in the filter field below each column header.
    As you type the column dynamically filters the report to show only the rows that
    contain the letters you have entered.

  • Selecting from the List of Column Contents:
    Below each column header is an arrow which displays a list of criteria . The list shows all
    the column contents from which you can create the filter.
    To select from a list of column contents:

    • Click the check box before each of the criteria you want displayed in the column.
      Only the cases you want to see appear in the columns you filtered.

    • You can click the All check box to toggle between all options checked and no
      options checked.

    • To select a limited number of options, first clear all the check boxes. Then, click the
      check boxes for the options you want to show in the column. You can filter multiple
      Only the cases you selected appear in the Transfer Request view.
      When a column is filtered, the name of the filter appears in the filter field below the column

Applying Custom Filters

Custom filters allow you to customize your filter to include additional Boolean operators
(such as Less Than or Greater Than). Custom filters are simple to generate.

Understanding the Custom Filter Dialog Box

The Custom Filter dialog box contains three columns of criteria needed to build the custom
filter. From the left, the columns are:

  • Column header: Determines which column in the Active/Inactive Transfer
    Request view you are filtering.

  • Filter operator: Determines how the filter compares two values.

  • Filter value: Determines which value the operator compares to the rest of the
    column contents.

To Create a Custom Filter - Example

The following example shows you how to create a custom filter for the Entry Time column to
show information entered into the TransferCenter™ application between two different

  1. In the Column Chooser click the box for the Entry Time field
    The TransferCenter™ application adds the column in the report view.

  2. Click the arrow button below the Entry Time header.
    A list appears.

  3. Click Date Filters (other columns use Text filters).
    A list of operator descriptions appears. Select a filter operator by doing one of the

    • Click any of the operator descriptions in the list to open the Custom Filter dialog
      box and to have the TransferCenter™ application supply the correct
      mathematical expression for the chosen operator description.
      As you can see in the example below, if you select After from the operator
      description list, the TransferCenter™ application opens the Custom Filter
      dialog box and supplies the correct filter operator (in our example, Greater than)
      in the filter operator column.

    • Alternatively, you can click Custom Filter from the operator descriptions list to
      choose the operator yourself.
      The Custom Filter dialog box appears. The operator column is blank.

  4. From the filter operator list, select the Greater than option.

  5. After you select the filter operator, you need to choose a value for the filter to use in
    its comparison. All the Entry Time column contents are in the filter value list. Click a
    date (10/11/10 11:32) from the filter value list.

  6. Click OK.
    The Transfer Request view displays the new list of transfer requests.

Adding Conditions to a Custom Filter

You can add multiple conditions to a custom filter to further narrow the scope of the resulting

To add conditions to a custom filter:

  1. Click the arrow below the header of the field that you are using to custom filter the

  2. Follow steps 1 and 2 in the To Create a Custom Filter section on page 16.

  3. Click the Add button.
    A second row appears in the Custom Filter dialog box.

    When adding a condition All is the default in the Filter based on field. To create
    an ‘Any’ condition click the Any option in the Filter based on field.

  4. Click the Less than operator in the filter operator column.

  5. Click the date 10/18/10 14:20 in the filter value column.
    The selected criteria are displayed in the row.

  6. Click the OK button.
    The resulting report displays only those records that meet the filter criteria.

Turning Off Column Filters

To turn off a column filter do one of the following:

  • Click the no filter button . The column shows all cases.

  • Click the arrow below the column heading.
    Click Clear Filter in the list.
    All transfer requests appear in the Active/Inactive Transfer Requests window.

Adjusting Column Width

You can adjust the width of any column by floating your cursor over the left or right column
border in the column header until the column tool appears. Click and hold the left
mouse button and move the column border in the necessary direction.

Changing the Column Order

You can change the order in which the columns appear by left clicking and holding the left
mouse button anywhere inside the selected column header. When you begin to move the
column header, arrows appear to indicate column location. Move the header to the desired
place in the table and release the mouse button. The table reorganizes according to the
column move you have made.

Notes: Refer to Understanding the Field and Buttons of the New Transfer Window on page 24 for
column header definitions.

Saving the View Layout

After selecting which columns appear in the view and customizing the column width, order,
sorting, and filtering, you can save the view layout. The saved layout for a workstation will
not change until the defaults are restored or a new layout is saved. You can save layouts for
the Active or Inactive tab views.

To save a view layout:

  1. Customize the view layout.

  2. Click the Layout menu.

  3. Click the Save Layout option.

To restore the default layout:

  1. Click the Layout menu.

  2. Click the Restore Default option.

Creating a New Transfer Request

Transfer requests are initiated by telephone contact from a referring facility to your transfer
center staff. When the transfer center receives notification of prospective incoming transfers,
pertinent information including referring facility, patient name, referring physician, requested
services as well as clinical and disposition, and is entered into the application.

To create a new transfer request, enter and save pertinent information in the New Transfer

Opening the New Transfer Window

  1. Log on to the TransferCenter™ application.

  2. From the Active Transfer Requests view, click the New button in the button bar on
    the bottom left of the view. The New Transfer window appears.

Understanding the Field and Buttons of the New Transfer Window

The following white fields, located across the top and bottom edges of the New Transfer window, are read-only. The values in these fields come from entries you make in the different sections of the New Transfer window:

  • Patient: Displays the name of the patient being transferred. This field automatically displays the name that you entered in the First Name and Last Name fields of the Transfer page.

  • Accepting Physician: Displays the name of the physician designated as Accepting in the Physician Type field of the Targeted Physician Communications section in the Consult page.

  • Disposition: Displays a record of the staff decision in response to a request. The Disposition field options are determined by the transfer center’s configuration administrator.

  • Save: The Save button becomes active once you have entered information in the New Transfer window. Click Save to retain any changes made in the window. Clicking the Save button causes the application to assign a permanent transfer number to the transfer order. Once a transfer number is assigned to a transfer request order, it becomes a transfer case and cannot be deleted. A saved transfer case must be completed to be closed. Be certain that the transfer request order is valid before saving it.

  • Link In-Progress Call: This button appears when the Enable Call Recording box is checked in the TransferCenter™ Configuration window. Clicking this button associates the current, in-progress call with the transfer case while the call is simultaneously recorded. Clicking the With Notes option in the list associates the call with the case and allows the linking user to type notes during the recording process. A phone icon appears in the Call Status column during the link in-progress call. When an in-progress call is linked, minimal call information is displayed in the Transfer Case Linked Recordings section. After the call has ended, and the case has been saved, the remaining columns are populated with the appropriate information. For more information, see How to Link an In-Progress Call on page 98.

  • Close: The Close button closes the New/Edit Transfer window.

The New Transfer window contains some check box and buttons which are not active until the case is saved. See the Understanding the Fields and Buttons of the Edit Transfer Window section on page 117 for more information on the following inactive buttons and check boxes:

  • Transfer #

  • Close Case

  • Transfer Inactive

  • Instant Notify (This button appears when the TransferCenter™ application is integrated with the Capacity Management Suit™ system.)

  • Print

Understanding the Pages of the New Transfer Window Navigation Bar

The dark blue column on the left of the New Transfer window displays the navigation links to different pages of the New Transfer window. When you mouse over a page name, its background turns orange. When you click a page name, its background turns light blue, and a different page of the New Transfer window is displayed.

There are several page options for a new transfer record which are located in the vertical navigation bar. Depending on your configuration settings, the following tabs appear:

  • Transfer

  • Facility

  • Consult

  • Clinical

  • Disposition

  • Bed Req

  • Issues

  • Recording

  • Documents

The following are the field descriptions of the pages found in the New Transfer window:

Transfer Page

On the Transfer page, you input basic information regarding the new incoming transfer request. This page serves as the default page of the New Transfer window. Below are the sections and fields present on this page:


In the Case section, you can specify the date and time of the initial transfer request. The Date and Time fields default to the window's opening time but can be manually adjusted as necessary.

  • Entry Date/Time: Enter the date and time the initial transfer request was received.

  • Case Owner: Input the name of the case owner. This defaults to the user's name but can be changed by selecting from a list or typing in the field.

Referring Facility

This section captures information about the facility initiating the transfer request.

  • Caller Name: Name of the person making the request call from the referring facility.

  • Caller Phone: Phone number of the person making the request call.

  • 2nd Caller Name: Name of the second person making the request call.

  • 2nd Caller Phone: Phone number of the second person making the request call.

  • Referring Facility: Name of the referring facility.

(Note: Health System group facilities display associated group names in parentheses.)

Patient Information

Enter information about the transfer patient in this section.

Creating a New Transfer Request

Last Name

Type the transfer patient’s last name. All of the yellow fields are required in order to close the case.

First Name

Type in the transfer patient’s first name. All of the yellow fields are required in order to close the case.

Middle Initial

Type the initial of the patient’s middle name.


Type the patient’s suffix (Jr. III).


Type the transfer patient’s date of birth. You can type in the date or use the calendar tool to select a date.


Type the transfer patient’s gender. Click the transfer patient’s gender from the list.


The age is automatically determined by the date entered in the DOB field. If there is no entry in the DOB field, you can type in the transfer patient’s age.


Type the transfer patient’s social security number. Type in the transfer patient’s social security number.


Type the street number and name of the patient’s home address.


Type the name of the city for the patient’s home address.


Type the abbreviation for the name of the state for the patient’s home address.


Type the zip code for the patient’s address.


Type the medical record number assigned to the transfer patient. Type in the number.

Visit Number

Type the visit number for the patient. You can type a number in the field when the TransferCenter™ application patient is not linked with the Capacity Management Suite™ system. When the patient is linked or “matched” in both applications, as with an active or completed bed request, the Patient Placement dialog box supplies the visit number, and the number is no longer editable.

Find Patient

The Find Patient button appears if the TransferCenter™ application is integrated with the Capacity Management Suite™ system. Clicking this button searches the Patient Master Index list in the Capacity Management Suite™ system for the demographic information that is entered in the Patient section of the transfer case record. In order to perform a search, the Patient information must have populated a minimum of one or more of the following fields:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Social Security Number

  • MRN

After clicking Find Patient, a list of patients is returned in the TeleTracking TransferCenter™ Demographic Patient Search Results window. The patients in the list have demographic information which matches the information that is entered in the Patient section. Select one of the patients and click Use this Patient to have the information complete the remaining fields of the Patient section of the transfer case record, or click Cancel to dismiss the search results.

If the administrator configures the facilities as Shared MRN, each distinct patient has one unique MRN. A patient who has been seen at Facility A, and at Facility B will only be listed once in the Demographic Patient Search results.

If the administrator does not configure the facilities as Shared MRN, the MRN assigned to a patient is only valid within one particular facility, and cannot be used to identify the patient at another facility. A patient who has been seen at Facility A and Facility B will be listed twice in the Demographic Patient Search results as two separate patients.

Pre-Register Patient

This option appears when the following requirements are met:

  • TransferCenter™ application is integrated with the Capacity Management Suite™ system.

  • The Enable Outbound ADT Registrations option is selected in the General page of the Configuration section.

See the Creating an Inactive Bed Request section on page 156 for instructions about how to use this feature.


Begin typing the patient’s diagnosis in the field. A list appears showing the diagnoses that begin with that letter. Click a selection to populate the field. This field is required in order to close the case.

Transfer Reason

Begin typing the reason for transferring the patient in the field. A list appears showing the transfer reasons that begin with that letter. Click a selection to populate the field.

Patient Type

Begin typing the patient type in the field. A list appears showing the patient types that begin with that letter. Click a selection to populate the field.

EMC (Emergency Medical Condition)

In this section you indicate if the patient being transferred is experiencing critical health issues requiring immediate attention.

  • Emergent: Select this check box if the patient being transferred is experiencing an emergency medical condition and requires immediate attention.

  • Click for definition: Click this link to view the definition of an emergency medical condition.

  • Status: Enter the transfer patient’s EMC status if other than Emergent. Click the arrow and select a status from the list or begin typing the status in the field. The list appears showing the status options that begin with that letter. Click a selection to populate the field.

  • Alerts: Check any of the following boxes for the appropriate alert:

    • Trauma: Click this check box if the transfer is being requested because the patient has experienced a trauma.

    • MI: Click the MI check box if the transfer is being requested because the patient has experienced a myocardial infarction (heart attack).

    • Stroke: Click this check box if the transfer is being requested because the patient has experienced a stroke.

Clinical Protocols

In this section, you enter the type of treatment plan for the patient.

  • Protocol: Click the arrow to display a list from which you can select a detailed procedure and care plan. Using clinical protocols can decrease the errors that are made in hospitals. The most commonly used clinical protocols appear with a green background at the beginning of the list. Alternatively, you can begin typing the protocol name in the field. The list appears showing the protocols that begin with that letter. Click a selection to populate the field.

  • View: Click View to see the selected protocol in a new window.

Requested Service / Bed Inquiry

In this section, define the type of services and bed type being requested.

  • Requested Facility: Select the facility that the caller requests for the transfer patient. This selection may or may not be the facility to which the patient goes.

    • Note: Any facility that belongs to a Health System group appears with the associated group name in parenthesis after the facility’s name. If the facility belongs to the Unaffiliated group, no parenthesis and health system appears after the facility name.

  • Destination Facility: Select the facility to which the patient will actually go. The New Transfer window opens with the Destination Facility field populated with the default selected by the administrator in the Configuration section of the application. If the administrator has not selected a default Destination Facility and no other value is in the field, the Requested Facility selection automatically populates this field. To change the facility, click the arrow and select a facility from the list or begin typing the name in the field. The list appears showing the facilities that begin with the letters you typed. Facilities with a green background are integrated with the Capacity Management Suite™ system and allow bed requests. Click a selection to populate the field.

    • Notes:

      • Any facility that belongs to a Health System group appears with the associated group name in parenthesis after the facility’s name. If the facility belongs to the Unaffiliated group, no parenthesis and health system appears after the facility name.

      • When you select a facility that is integrated with the Capacity Management Suite™ system and allows bed requests, and the administrator has configured a default origin unit for that facility, the default origin unit automatically appears in the Origin Unit field on the Bed Request page. If before sending a bed request, you change the Destination Facility to a different facility that allows bed requests, the new facility’s origin unit automatically updates on the Bed Request page.

  • Redirect Reason: If the administrator has not selected the Enable Facility Disposition option in the Facilities configuration page, the Redirect Reason field replaces the Number of Facility Encounters field. Select the reason that the patient was not placed in the requested facility. If the Requested Facility field and the Destination Facility field contain the same value, this field is disabled. The Redirect Reason field is not affected by the Disposition Reason field on the Facility page.

  • Number of Facility Encounters: If the administrator has selected the Enable Facility Disposition option in the Facilities configuration page, the Number of Facility Encounters field replaces the Redirect Reason field. As the transfer specialist contacts additional facilities, this field automatically updates with the number of facilities that are visible on the Facility page.

  • Hospital Service: Select the type of service being requested. Click the arrow and select a service from the list or begin typing the name of a service in the field. The list appears showing the services that begin with that letter. Click a selection to populate the field.

  • Referring facility offers this service?: Click this check box if the referring facility offers the same type of service being requested.

  • Bed Type: Select the type of bed being requested. Click the arrow and select a bed type from the list or begin typing the name of a bed type in the field. The list appears showing the bed types that begin with that letter. Click a selection to populate the field.

  • Procedure: Enter the type of procedure being requested. Type in known information concerning the diagnostic test or surgery that is to be performed.

  • ETA: Enter the estimated time of the patient’s arrival. When you click Now, the application automatically enters the current date and time in the field. Enter a different date and time by clicking the up or down arrows or by typing in the field.

Facility Page

Facility Page Overview

On the Facility page, you can track information about decisions made by facilities regarding the acceptance of transfer patients.

View the Facility Page

  • Select the Facility tab in the transfer case.

  • The Facility page appears.

Creating a New Transfer Request

Add a Facility to the Transfer Case

  1. A blank facility automatically appears on the Facility page when you open a new transfer case.

  2. To add another facility, select Add Facility.

    • A new facility column appears with the Facility # field incremented to the next number.

    • Note: A maximum of three facilities appears in the Transfer Facility Encounters grid at one time. At least one facility name is required to close the case.

  3. In Facility Name, begin typing the name of the facility you want and select the name from the list that appears.

    • Note: Any facility that belongs to a Health System group appears with the associated group name in parenthesis after the facility’s name. If the facility belongs to the Unaffiliated group, no parenthesis and health system appears after the facility name.

Remove a Facility

  • Remove a facility from the Transfer Facility Encounters grid by selecting Clear in the top right corner of the facility’s column.

    • Note: The transfer case always displays at least one blank facility on the Facility page. If you delete all the facilities in the Facility Encounters, a blank facility appears when you save the transfer case.

Track Facility Dispositions

  • As you contact different facilities, you can record the information in the Transfer Facility Encounters grid after you have selected a facility name.

Facility Notes Overview

View Facility Notes

  • Select the Facility tab in the transfer case.

  • The Facility page appears and displays the Notes section at the bottom of the page.

  • Notes appear on the Facility page in reverse chronological order with the latest note about the most recent event appearing at the top of the Notes section.

  • Only the latest version of corrected notes is displayed on the Facility page, but changed notes are flagged with an icon , and the previous versions can be seen in the Facility Note Details dialog box.

View Facility Note Details

  • Select the Add/View Notes icon to open the Consult Note Details dialog box.

Create Facility Notes

  1. Click the View/Add Notes button . The Facility Note Details dialog box appears displaying the patient’s name in the title bar, the transfer case #, referring facility name, and hospital service. The insertion point is active in the Add Note field.

    • Note: Any facility that belongs to a Health System group appears with the associated group name in parenthesis after the facility’s name. If the facility belongs to the Unaffiliated group, no parenthesis and health system appears after the facility name.

  2. The Event Date/Time field displays the date and time that the documented event actually occurred. The field defaults to the date and time that you begin to enter the note.

  3. Type your note. The TransferCenter ™ application checks your spelling as you type.

    • Select Add to Dictionary if the word is not misspelled and you do not want the application to flag it in any future note entered by any user. This feature is especially useful for proper names or specialized vocabulary. Words you add to the application Dictionary cannot be deleted.

    • Select Ignore if you want the spellchecker to skip this particular occurrence of the word but check it again at the next occurrence.

    • Select Ignore All if you want the spellchecker to skip every occurrence of the word throughout the entire note.

  4. Click the Add Note button to add your note to the Note History area with the current date and time stamp and your user name. Alternatively, click Clear to discard your note.

  5. After you add a note, the Save button in the Edit Transfer window becomes active. You must click the Save button to retain your new note or correction in the Note History area.

Correct Facility Notes

If you have the appropriate user permissions, you can correct or edit notes and the Event Date/Time field.

  1. If you want to change a note that you previously added to the Note History area, right-click the note in the Facility Notes Details dialog box.

  2. If you previously saved the case, select the Edit option in the list. If you have not saved the case yet, select the Correct option in the list.

    • The note opens in the Add Note section.

  3. Type your changes to the note in the Add Note section.

  4. Click Correct Note to display your correction in the Notes History section, or click Cancel Correct to discard your correction without displaying it.

  5. The saved correction appears in the Notes History area with the Event Date/Time stamp and the name of the logged-in user. Because it is the most recent note, your correction appears at the top of the Notes History list. If you corrected a note that was previously saved with the case, the original note appears in the Note History area in strikethrough text. If you corrected a note that was not previously saved with the case, the original note is not displayed in strikethrough text.

  6. You must click the Save button in the Edit Transfer window to retain your new note or correction in the Note History area. Refer to the section titled How to close the Consult Note detail dialog box on page 59.

Copy Facility Notes

  1. To copy a note or part of a note, in the Facility Notes Details dialog box do one of the following:

    • If you want to copy the whole note, right-click the note in the Notes History section.

    • If you want to copy part of a note from the Notes History section, select the text that you want to copy in the Notes History section. Then right-click.

  2. Copy the text by doing one of the following:

    • Select Copy to Clipboard if you are copying the whole note.

    • Select Copy if you are copying part of the note.

  3. Paste the note or part of the note by right-clicking in the Add Note section and choosing Paste from the list. Notes can also be pasted into other applications.

  4. The Add Note and Clear buttons become active. You can make edits to the note if you want.

  5. Click Add Note to save your copy in the notes history area as a new note in a new row, or click Clear to discard your copy of the note.

  6. The saved copy of the note appears in the notes history area with the current date and time stamp and the name of the logged-in user. Because it is the most recent note, your copied note appears at the top of the notes history list.

Delete Facility Notes

Notes can only be deleted if the case has not yet been saved.

  1. In the Note History section of the Facility Notes Details dialog box, right-click the note that you want to delete.

  2. Select the Delete option from the list.

  3. The note clears from the Note History section.

Close Facility Note Details

  1. You can dismiss the patient’s Facility Note Details or leave it open to receive more data. To dismiss the Facility Note Details, click Close at the bottom of the dialog box. If you have typed notes or corrections, without clicking Add Note, a warning will appear:

    • To add your note or correction to the Note History area, click No in the warning dialog. Then click Add Note. The note is added to the Note History area. Click Close to dismiss the Facility Note Details dialog box.

    • To dismiss the patient’s Facility Note Details without saving the note you typed, click Yes in the warning dialog box. The Facility Note Details dialog box closes, and the note you typed is lost.

  2. You must also click Save in the patient’s New Transfer window to retain your notes changes. If you click Close in the Edit Transfer window when you have not saved changes that you made to one of the pages, a warning appears:

    • To save your changes, click No in the warning dialog box and then click Save in the Edit Transfer window.

    • To close the Edit Transfer window without saving changes that you made, click Yes in the warning dialog box.

Consult Page Overview

On the Consult page, you capture information about the physician requesting the transfer, physicians contacted to review the case, and any case notes. Open the Consult page by clicking Consult on the vertical navigation bar.

Physicians Section

  • Primary Care Physician: Type the name of the transfer patient’s primary care physician.

  • Referring Physician: Begin typing the name of the physician who is requesting the transfer. A list appears of physicians whose names begin with the letters you typed. Click a name in the list to select it.

  • Details: Click the Details button to view and edit details about the physician whose name is in the Referring Physician field. The Physician Details box opens displaying the physician's information.

  • Clear: Click the Clear button to delete the Referring Physician from the Referring Physician field.

  • Find: Click the Find button to open the Referring Physician Search dialog box.

About the Referring Physician Search Dialog Box

You can use any of the displayed fields, alone or in combination, as criteria to search the available referring physicians. The search results are displayed in a table below the Search Criteria section. You can sort the results by column. Click a column header to perform an ascending sort. Click the column header again to switch to a descending sort.

To perform a search of the entire list of referring physicians, do any of the following:

  • Match On: Click Any to search for physicians that meet any of the selected criteria. Click All to restrict your search to only those physicians who meet all of your selected criteria. If the XT Status says XT Interface Active, the Match On options are First Name or Last Name.

  • Last Name: Type the first letter of the physician’s last name. Click search to see a list of the available physicians whose names begin with the letter you typed.

  • First Name: Type the first letter of the physician’s first name. Click Search to see a list of the available physicians whose names begin with the letter you typed. You can also use this field with the Last Name field and the Match On All option to narrow your search.

  • State: Click the arrow to select a state from the list or type the state’s abbreviation. This field is not active if the XT Status says XT Interface Active.

  • City: Type the name of a city in which you want to search for a referring physician. This field is not active if the XT Status says XT Interface Active.

  • Specialty: Type the specialty for which you want to search.

  • External ID: Type the ID of the referring physician to search for the associated name and information. This field is not active if the XT Status says XT Interface Active.

  • Search: Click this button to perform the search. Your results appear in the table below the criteria.

If there are a large number of referring physicians who meet your selected criteria, not all of the physician names may fit in the results window. Enter more search criteria text to find more specific results. For example, instead of searching for all referring physicians whose last name is “Smith,” try searching for a first name or first initial in addition to the last name.

  • Add New: If you enter criteria for a physician search and the physician is not in the database, Add New becomes active. Click Add New to add a new physician to the TransferCenter™ database.

Adding a New Referring Physician

  1. Search the TransferCenter™ database for the physician as explained in the About the Referring Physician Search Dialog Box section.

  2. Click Add New when the button becomes active to add a new physician to the TransferCenter™ database. The Physician Details dialog box opens. It is populated with the information you previously entered for the search.

  3. In the Physician Details dialog box, type any missing information such as the new physician's name, specialty, email address, external ID, phone numbers, fax number, contact preference, and postal address.

    • Note: If the physician is supplied by the Capacity Management Suite™ system, the physician’s first name, last name, middle initial, and suffix cannot be edited.

  4. Click the arrow for Contact Via, and State fields to select from the lists. You can also begin typing in those fields to scroll the list to the options that begin with the letter you typed. Click an option to populate the field. Type the name of a specialty in the Specialty field.

  5. Click Save to retain your entries, or click Cancel to exit the dialog box without saving. If you clicked Save, the physician is added to the database for the facility indicated on the Transfer page.

  6. OK: After you have clicked a physician’s name in the search results, click OK. The Consult page appears with the physician’s name in the Referring Physician field.

Automatic Acceptance

  • If the patient meets the requirements for acceptance without contacting a physician, select the Patient qualifies for automatic acceptance? check box.

Receiving Physician Question

This section appears only if activated by the administrator.

  • Would you like to be re-acquainted with the federal rules related to hospital-to-hospital transfers under EMTALA? This check box indicates that the transfer center staff offered to review EMTALA (Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act) rules with the targeted physician.

    • Click for Definition: Click this link to display the actual EMTALA rules.

Targeted Physician Communications

In the Targeted Physician Communications section, you can enter information about the physicians who are being asked to review the case and admit the patient and about the attempts made to contact those doctors. You can enter contact information for multiple different physicians. Each column describes the communications with one physician. The targeted physicians are displayed in the order in which they were contacted, with the most recently contacted physician on the left. When you enter more than three physicians, use the scroll bar that appears at the bottom of the section to view the physicians who you contacted earlier in the transfer process.

Selecting a Targeted Physician

  • Find field: To enter the name of a Physician, begin typing in the field next to Find. A list appears of physician names beginning with the letters you typed. Press the TAB key to enter the name at the top of the list or click a name to select it. A column is added to the list of Targeted Physicians Communications, and the name that you selected populates the Physician Name field. The Targeted Physician can also be added using the Find button and the Physician Search dialog box.

  • Find button: Click this button to open the Physician Search dialog box.

To search the entire list of physicians assigned to the featured facility, do any of the following:

  1. Click the Search button to view the entire list. Or

  2. Use the Match On field to search the list either by Last Name or First Name. And

  3. Type all or part of the first or last name of the physician for which you are searching. Then

  4. Click the Search button.

  5. Select the desired physician from the resulting list.

  6. Click OK.

The Physician Search window closes and the physician you have selected is entered in the Physician column.


  • If the facility selected on the Transfer page is integrated with the Capacity Management Suite™ system and allows bed requests, only physicians that are enabled for that facility (in the Capacity Management Suite™ system) are returned in the search results.

  • If a facility is not selected on the Transfer page, or the selected Facility is not Integrated with the Capacity Management Suite™ system or does not allow bed requests, all physicians for all facilities are returned in the search results.

  • If there are a large number of targeted physicians who meet your criteria, not all of the physician names may fit in the results window. Enter more text in the Search Text box to find more specific results. For example, instead of searching for all referring physicians whose last name is “Smith,” try searching for a first name or first initial in addition to the last name.

Fields and Functionality for Targeted Physicians

Each physician displays the following fields and buttons:

  • Details: Click Details to open the Physician Details dialog box. You can view details about the physician. You can enter, view, and edit all of the physician's information except the physician’s name, external ID, and facility service mapping. Refer to the Adding a New Referring Physician section for more information about the Physician Details dialog box.

  • Clear: Click this button to delete all information in the physician’s column. Note: Once the timestamp has been set, only a user with the Admin privilege can delete this record.

  • On-Call: Manually select the On-Call box to indicate that the physician is currently On-Call.

  • Physician Name Edit: If your user profile has the Edit Targeted Physician permission selected, the edit icon will be appear next to the physician’s name. Click this icon and use the Find field to select a different physician’s name. Note: While in physician edit mode, you can only edit the Physician Name field. The physician’s other fields are locked and their values remain the same as before you clicked the edit icon. While in edit mode, the physicians that are not selected are grayed out and disabled. You can only edit one physician at a time. To exit the physician edit mode, click the Cancel icon or choose a new physician.

  • Paged Date Time: Select or type the date and time the named physician was paged. Click Now to enter the current date and time. Enter a different date by clicking the arrow icon and clicking a date from the calendar tool. Place your cursor in any time or date field and use the up/down arrows to change the value. Note: In the Configuration section the TransferCenter™ application, a time range for a physician to return a page or be paged again is defined. If the physician does not respond to or is not paged again within the time limit (as indicated by the Returned Call and the Repaged Date Time fields), an alert appears in the Page Delay column of the View window. See Page Delay Alert for more information.

  • Repaged Date Time: Select or type the date and time the named physician was paged again. This is a date/time field. Click Now to enter the current date and time. Enter a different date by clicking the arrow icon and clicking a date from the calendar tool. Place your cursor in any time or date field and use the up/down arrows to change the value.

  • Returned Call: Select or type the date and time the named physician returned the call. This is a date/time field. Click Now to enter the current date and time. Enter a different date by clicking the arrow icon and clicking a date from the calendar tool. Place your cursor in any time or date field and use the up/down arrows to change the value.

  • Spoke with Referring Physician: Select or type the date and time the named physician spoke with the physician who initiated the transfer request. This is a date/time field. Click Now to enter the current date and time. Enter a different date by clicking the arrow icon and clicking a date from the calendar tool. Place your cursor in any time or date field and use the up/down arrows to change the value.

  • Physician Type: Select if the physician is the Accepting, Consulting, Declining, or Other type of physician.

  • Decision Date Time: This field is automatically populated with the date and time you selected the physician’s decision to be the admitting, consulting, or declining physician in the Physician Type field. You can also enter the date and time by clicking Now or by typing in the field when a physician type is not selected.

  • Facility: Begin typing the name of the target facility where the physician is and select the facility from the list that appears. Only target facilities appear in the list.

  • Decision Date Time: The date and time that the Physician Type was selected automatically appears.

Consult Notes

In the Notes section of the Consult page, you can capture additional information about the case. Once the case is saved, a note can be corrected but cannot be deleted. If you have the appropriate user permissions, you can change a note and its time stamp, but its user name cannot be changed. Notes are displayed on the Consulting page in reverse chronological order with the latest note about the most recent event appearing at the top of the Notes section. Only the latest version of corrected notes are displayed on the Consult page, but changed notes are flagged with an icon , and the previous versions can be seen in the Consult Note Details dialog box. The notes displayed on the Consult page also appear in the Consult Notes section when the facesheet is printed. Clicking the Add/View Notes icon opens the Consult Note Details dialog box.

About the Consult Note Details dialog box

You create and correct notes in the Consult Note Details dialog box. The patient’s name appears in the blue title bar of the dialog box. Several patient’s Consult Note Details can be open on your screen at once, and you can make one box active by clicking it to bring it in front of the others. Click the minimize button in the upper right to minimize a patient’s Consult Note Details to the task bar at the bottom of the screen and return to the patient’s Edit Transfer window. The patient’s name remains visible in the task bar, and when you hold your mouse over the it, the text “Consult Note Details” appears in a tool tip. Click the patient’s name in the task bar to maximize the dialog box again.

Note: Your administrator must give you Edit Transfers permission in the Users tab of the Admin Tool to create and edit Consult Notes.

The Fields and Sections of the Consult Note Details Dialog Box:

  • Transfer Case #: The number assigned to the transfer case when it is first saved. It has the same value as the Transfer # field at the bottom of the Edit Transfer window.

  • Referring Facility: This field is automatically populated by the Facility field on the Transfer page.

  • Hospital Service: The Hospital Service field is automatically populated by the same field in the Requested Service/Bed Inquiry section on the Transfer page.

  • Add Note field: This area at the top of the dialog box is where you type to add, edit, or correct notes. Consult notes can be up to 8000 characters in length.

  • Note History section: Notes are displayed in the Note History section in the lower part of the dialog box. Each row of the grid shows the details of one note. A history of the notes’ corrections can be displayed by selecting the Show Corrections check box.

  • Edited column: This column displays an icon if the note has been corrected. Hold your mouse over the icon to display a tooltip telling the date and time of the original note.

  • Event Date/Time: The date and time that the event occurred appears in the Event Date/Time column for the row containing the note. The default layout displays the notes in reverse chronological order with the most recent note at the top. You can toggle the sort order to chronological order by clicking the arrow in the Event Date/Time column header. Click the arrow again to toggle back to reverse chronological order.

  • Note: This column displays the text of the note or the corrected note. If a note is corrected and the Show Corrections box is selected, the original text is displayed in strikethrough text, and the correction appears in its own row with the event’s date and time.

  • User: This column displays the name of the user who is logged-in to the TransferCenter™ application on the date and time that the note or correction is entered.

  • Show Corrections: Click this check box to show the original note in strikethrough format as well as the corrected note. These notes are displayed in reverse chronological order by the Event Date/Time.

  • Group Corrections: The Group Corrections check box is active when the Show Corrections box is selected. Click this check box to display each original note grouped together with its corrections. Within the grouping for one note, all the corrections are displayed in reverse chronological order with the most recently corrected note at the top regardless of the note’s Event Date/Time stamp.

To create a note:

  1. Click the View/Add Notes button . The Consult Note Details dialog box opens displaying the patient’s name in the title bar.

  2. When the Consult Note Details dialog box opens, the insertion point is active in the Add Note field.

  3. The Event Date/Time field displays the date and time that the documented event actually occurred. The field defaults to the date and time that you begin to enter the note. You can edit the Event Date/Time by clicking the calendar icon or by typing in the Event Date/Time field. If you edit a time stamp, all of the corrections for that note also display the edited time stamp.

  4. Type your note. The TransferCenter™ application checks your spelling as you type. A wavy, red underline appears under misspelled words. Right click the underlined word and select a correct spelling from the list.

    • Select Add to Dictionary if the word is not misspelled and you do not want the application to flag it in any future note entered by any user. This feature is especially useful for proper names or specialized vocabulary. Words you add to the application Dictionary cannot be deleted.

    • Select Ignore if you want the spellchecker to skip this particular occurrence of the word but check it again at the next occurrence.

    • Select Ignore All if you want the spellchecker to skip every occurrence of the word throughout the entire note.

  5. Click the Add Note button to add your note to the Note History area with the current date and time stamp and your user name. Alternatively, click Clear to discard your note.

  6. After you add a note, the Save button in the Edit Transfer window becomes active. You must click the Save button in order to retain your new note or correction in the Note History area.

To correct or edit a note:

If you have the appropriate user permissions, you can correct or edit notes and the Event Date/Time field.

  1. If you want to change a note that you previously added to the Note History area, right-click the note.

  2. If you previously saved the case, select the Edit option in the list. If you have not saved the case yet, select the Correct option in the list.

  3. Type your changes to the note in the Add Note section.

  4. Click Correct Note to display your correction in the Notes History section, or click Cancel Correct to discard your correction without displaying it.

  5. The saved correction appears in the Notes History area with the Event Date/Time stamp and the name of the logged in user. Because it is the most recent note, your correction appears at the top of the Notes History list. If you corrected a note that was previously saved with the case, the original note appears in the Note History area in strikethrough text. If you corrected a note that was not previously saved with the case, the original note is not displayed in strikethrough text.

  6. You must click the Save button in the Edit Transfer window in order to retain your new note or correction in the Note History area.

To copy a note:

  1. To copy a note or part of a note, do one of the following:

    • If you want to copy the whole note, right-click the note in the Notes History section.

    • If you want to copy part of a note from the Notes History section, select the text that you want to copy in the Notes History section. Then right-click.

  2. Copy the text by doing one of the following:

    • Select Copy to Clipboard if you are copying the whole note.

    • Select Copy if you are copying part of the note.

  3. Paste the note or part of the note by right clicking in the Add Note section and choosing Paste from the list. Notes can also be pasted into other applications.

  4. The Add Note and Clear buttons become active. You can make edits to the note if you want.

  5. Click Add Note to save your copy in the notes history area as a new note in a new row, or click Clear to discard your copy of the note. The saved copy of the note appears in the notes history area with the current date and time stamp and the name of the logged in user. Because it is the most recent note, your copied note appears at the top of the notes history list.

To delete a note:

Notes can only be deleted if the case has not yet been saved.

  1. In the Note History section, right-click the note that you want to delete.

  2. Select the Delete option from the list.

  3. The note clears from the Note History section.

To close the Consult Note Detail dialog box:

  1. You can dismiss the patient’s Consult Note Details or leave it open to receive more data. To dismiss the Consult Note Details, click Close at the bottom of the dialog box. If you have typed notes or corrections, without clicking Add Note, a warning will appear:

    • To add your note or correction to the Note History area, click No in the warning dialog. Then click Add Note. The note is added to the Note History area. Click Close to dismiss the Consult Note Details dialog box.

    • To dismiss the patient’s Consult Note Details without saving the note you typed, click Yes in the warning dialog box. The Consult Note Details dialog box closes and the note you typed is lost.

  2. You must also click Save in the patient’s New Transfer window to retain your notes changes. If you click Close in the Edit Transfer window when you have not saved changes that you made to one of the pages, a warning appears:

    • To save your changes, click No in the warning dialog box and then click Save in the Edit Transfer window.

    • To close the Edit Transfer window without saving changes that you made, click Yes in the warning dialog box.

Clinical Page

On the Clinical page, you can enter important patient clinical information such as vital signs and past medical history. Open the Clinical page by clicking Clinical on the vertical navigation bar. The page is organized by the following three tabs that appear at the top:

  • General tab

  • Clinical Notes tab

  • Labs/Radiology tab

General Tab

The General tab is organized into the following sections:


  • Gender: The gender entry made in the Patient section of the Transfer page is also displayed in the Gender field of the Clinical page.

  • Age: The age entry made in the Patient section of the Transfer page is also displayed in the Age field of the Clinical page.

  • Weight: Type the patient’s weight in pounds in the Weight field. The value in pounds is automatically converted to kilograms and then populates the kg field. Enter a value of pounds and ounces as a decimal.

  • Height: Type the patient’s height in any measurement type.

  • FOC: If the patient is a newborn, type the Frontal Orbital Circumference.

Patient Code Status
This section displays the procedures that can be performed on a patient if the heart stops or the lungs fail.


  • Onset of Symptoms: Select or type the date and time that the symptoms first appeared.

  • Time Since: The duration since the onset of symptoms until now is automatically calculated and displayed.

  • HPI/PMH: Type the transfer patient’s medical history.

Other Sections:

  • GCS

  • Heart Rhythm

  • Input


  • LOC

  • LMP

  • Output

  • Pain

  • Pregnant


  • Various treatment options like AICD, Arterial Line, Cardiac Monitor, etc.


  • Indicate if the transfer patient requires isolation. Includes Isolation, Type, and Organism fields.


  • Indicates if the transfer patient has allergies.

This tab provides comprehensive fields to input various clinical details about the patient.

Clinical Page

On the Clinical page, you can enter important patient clinical information such as vital signs and past medical history. Open the Clinical page by clicking Clinical on the vertical navigation bar. The page is organized by the following three tabs that appear at the top:

  • General tab

  • Clinical Notes tab

  • Labs/Radiology tab

General Tab

The General tab is organized into the following sections:


  • Gender: The gender entry made in the Patient section of the Transfer page is also displayed in the Gender field of the Clinical page.

  • Age: The age entry made in the Patient section of the Transfer page is also displayed in the Age field of the Clinical page.

  • Weight: Type the patient’s weight in pounds in the Weight field. The value in pounds is automatically converted to kilograms and then populates the kg field. Enter a value of pounds and ounces as a decimal.

  • Height: Type the patient’s height in any measurement type.

  • FOC: If the patient is a newborn, type the Frontal Orbital Circumference.

Patient Code Status
This section displays the procedures that can be performed on a patient if the heart stops or the lungs fail.


  • Onset of Symptoms: Select or type the date and time that the symptoms first appeared.

  • Time Since: The duration since the onset of symptoms until now is automatically calculated and displayed.

  • HPI/PMH: Type the transfer patient’s medical history.

Other Sections:

  • GCS

  • Heart Rhythm

  • Input


  • LOC

  • LMP

  • Output

  • Pain

  • Pregnant


  • AICD: Select this box if the patient has an automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator (AICD) installed. You can type notes about the AICD in the accompanying text field.

  • Arterial Line: Select this box if the patient has an arterial line installed. You can type notes about the arterial line in the accompanying text field.

  • Cardiac Monitor: Select this box if the patient has a cardiac monitor. You can type notes about the cardiac monitor in the accompanying text field.

  • C-Collar: Select this box if the patient has an cervical collar (C-Collar). You can type notes about the C-Collar in the accompanying text field.

  • Central Line: Select this box if the patient has a central line. You can type notes about the central line in the accompanying text field.

  • Chest Tubes: Select this box if the patient has chest tubes. You can type notes about the chest tubes in the accompanying text field, such as the number and type of chest tubes.

  • Dialysis Access: Click the Dialysis check box to indicate the transfer patient requires dialysis.

  • Foley Cath: Select this box if the patient has a Foley catheter (Foley Cath). Type any notes about the Foley catheter that you want in the accompanying text field.

  • G Tube: Select this box if the patient has a gastrostomy tube (G Tube). You can type notes about the G Tube in the accompanying text field.

  • IABP: Select this box if the patient has a an intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) installed. You can type notes about the IABP in the accompanying text field.

  • Intubated: Select this box if the patient has been intubated. When the Intubated check box is selected, the following fields are active in the Vital Signs section: FIO2, Mode, TV, Rate, and PEEP/PSV fields. See the Vital Signs section for details.

  • IV Access: Select this box if the patient has an intravenous access appliance (IV Access) installed. You can type notes about the IV Access in the accompanying text field.

  • Long Board: Select this box if the patient has a long spine board (Long Board). You can type notes about the Long Board in the accompanying text field.

  • O2: Select this box if the patient is getting oxygen (O2). You can type notes about the patient’s oxygen usage/requirements in the accompanying text field.

  • Pacing: Select this box if the patient is receiving transcutaneous pacing. You can type notes about the Pacing in the accompanying text field.


In this section, you can indicate if the transfer patient requires isolation. If the Isolation check box is required, the Type box is also required.

  • Isolation: Click this check box if the patient requires isolation. If the administrator selected Use Organism in the Admin Tool component, checking the Isolation box requires that a value be selected for the Type and Organism fields.

  • Type: Click the arrow and select the isolation type from the list, or begin typing the name of an isolation type in the Type field. A list appears of isolation types that begin with the letters you type. Select an isolation type from the list. If you select an isolation type, the Isolation box is automatically checked. If you clear the type field, the Isolation box automatically clears.

  • Organism: If the XT Interface is Active, you can select an organism for the isolation type that you previously selected. The administrator selects which group of custom attributes from the Capacity Management Suite™ system that appear in the list.

To select an organism, follow these steps:

  1. Click the arrow in the Organism template row or begin typing the name of the organism. A list appears of organisms that begin with the letters you typed.

  2. Select an organism from the list. The organism name appears with an Add icon next to it.

  3. Click the Add icon to add the organism to the grid. The Add icon changes to a Delete icon and the Organism template row reappears.

To delete an organism, do the following:

  • Click the Delete icon next to the name of the organism. The organism is removed from the Organism grid.


In this section, you can indicate if the transfer patient has allergies. By default, the Selected tab is displayed.

To select an allergy, follow these steps:
4. Click the arrow in the Allergies template row or begin typing the name of the organism. A list appears of allergies that begin with the letters you typed.
5. Select an allergy from the list. The allergy name appears in the grid with an Add icon next to it.
6. Click the Add icon to add the allergy to the grid. The Add icon changes to a Delete icon and the Allergy template row reappears.

To delete an allergy, do the following:

  • Click the Delete icon next to the name of the organism. The allergy is removed from the Allergies grid.

Vital Signs

In this section, you can enter and edit a history of the transfer patient’s vital signs. The newest entry appears at the top of the grid.

Each row includes the following fields:

  • Last Updated: In the template row, select the time and date of the transfer patient’s latest vital signs update. Click Now to enter the current date and time. Then, press the ENTER key or click in a different area of the Clinical page to add the row to the Vital Signs grid below. To delete a row, click the X next to the row. You can add the following information to each row: Enter a different date by clicking the arrow icon and clicking a date from the calendar tool. Place your cursor in any time or date field and use the up/down arrows to change the value.

  • BP: Type the patient’s latest blood pressure reading in the BP field.

  • HR: Type the patient’s latest heart rate reading in the HR field.

  • RR: Type the patient’s latest respiratory rate in the RR field.

  • SPO2: Type the patient’s latest oxygen saturation reading in the SPO2 field.

  • Temp: Type the patient’s latest body temperature in the Temp field.

The following fields appear on the Vital Signs grid when the Intubated option is selected in the Treatment section:

  • FIO2: Type the value in the Fraction of Inspired Oxygen (FIO2) field.

  • Mode: Type the mode of O2 delivery in the Mode field.

  • Rate: Type the percentage of O2 and oxygen flow rate in the Rate field.

  • TV: Type the value in the Tidal Volume field.

  • PEEP/PSV: Type the values for positive end expiratory pressure and/or pressure support ventilator values in the PEEP/PSV field.

To add a Vital Signs row, do the following:

  1. Click the template row or click Now to insert the current date and time. You can change the date and time by selecting the element that you want to change and then clicking the up and down arrows or typing your changes. The new vital signs appear in the template row with the Add icon next to it.

  2. Type information in the appropriate columns.

  3. Click the add icon to add the row to the Vital Signs grid. The vital signs row appears in the grid with a Delete icon next to it.

To delete a vital signs row, do the following:

  1. Click the Delete icon next to the row you want to remove.

  2. When the alert dialog box appears, click Yes to delete the vital signs row, or click No to retain the row in the Vital Signs grid.

To edit a vital signs row, do the following:

  1. Click the cell of the row that you want to change.

  2. Type your changes.

  3. Click Save to retain your edits.


You can record one or more medications or drips and the dosage and date and time of administration. The newest entry will appear at the top of the list. Scroll down to see older selections.

  • Medication: Click the arrow in the template row or begin typing the name of the medication in the selection field of the template row. Then select the medication that you want from the list. Your selection becomes a new top row in the Medication grid.

  • Dosage/Time: Type the dosage and the time that it was administered.

To add a medication/drip to the Medications/Drips grid:

  1. Click the arrow in the Medications/Drips template row, and do one of the following:

    • Begin typing the name of the medication that you want to add. Press the ENTER key to populate the selection field of the template row with your selection.

    • Select a medication from the list.
      The medication/drip appears in the selection field of the template row with the Add icon next to it.

  2. Click the Add icon next to your selection.

  3. The medication/drip row appears in the Medications/Drips grid with the Delete icon next to it.

To delete a medication/drip from the Medications/Drips grid, do the following:

  1. Click the Delete icon next to the row you want to remove.

  2. When the alert dialog box appears, click Yes to delete the vital signs row, or click No to retain the row in the Vital Signs grid.

To edit a row in the Medications/Drips grid, do the following:

  1. Click the cell of the row that you want to change.

  2. Type your changes.

  3. Click Save to retain your edits.

Clinical Notes Tab

In the Clinical Notes tab of the Clinical page, you can capture clinical notes or other pertinent medical information. Once the case is saved, a note can be corrected but cannot be deleted. If you have the appropriate user permissions, you can change a note and its time stamp, but its user name cannot be changed. Notes are displayed on the Clinical Notes page in reverse chronological order with the latest note about the most recent event appearing at the top of the Clinical Notes tab. Only the latest version of corrected notes are displayed on the Clinical Notes tab, but changed notes are flagged with an icon , and the previous versions can be seen in the Clinical Notes Details dialog box. The notes displayed on the Clinical Notes tab also appear in the Clinical Notes section when the facesheet is printed.

Clicking the Edit Notes icon opens the Clinical Note Details dialog box.

About the Clinical Note Details dialog box

You create and correct notes in the Clinical Note Details dialog box. The patient’s name appears in the blue title bar of the dialog box. Several patient’s Clinical Note Details can be open on your screen at once, and you can make one box active by clicking it to bring it in front of the others. Click the minimize button in the upper right to minimize a patient’s Clinical Note Details to the task bar at the bottom of the screen and return to the patient’s Edit Transfer window. The patient’s name remains visible in the task bar, and when you hold your mouse over it, the text “Clinical Note Details” appears in a tool tip. Click the patient’s name in the task bar to maximize the dialog box again.

Creating a New Transfer Request

The Fields and Sections of the Clinical Note Details Dialog Box:

The Clinical Note Details dialog box has the same fields and sections and functionality as the Consult Note Details dialog box.

  • Transfer Case #: The number assigned to the transfer case when it is first saved. It has the same value as the Transfer # field at the bottom of the Edit Transfer window.

  • Referring Facility: This field is automatically populated by the Facility field on the Transfer page.

Any facility that belongs to a Health System group appears with the associated group name in parenthesis after the facility’s name. If the facility belongs to the Unaffiliated group, no parenthesis and health system appears after the facility name.

  • Hospital Service: The Hospital Service field is automatically populated by the same field in the Requested Service/Bed Inquiry section on the Transfer page.

  • Add Notes field: This area at the top of the dialog box is where you type to add or correct notes. Clinical notes can be up to 8000 characters in length.

Note History section

Notes and a history of the notes’ corrections are displayed in the Note History area in the lower part of the dialog box. Each row of the grid shows the details of one note.

  • Edited column: This column displays an icon if the note has been corrected. Hold your mouse over the icon to display a tooltip telling the date and time of the original note.

  • Event Date/Time: The date and time that the event occurred appears in the Event Date/Time column for the row containing the note. The default layout displays the notes in reverse chronological order with the most recent note at the top. You can toggle the sort order to chronological order by clicking the arrow in the Event Date/Time column header. Click the arrow again to toggle back to reverse chronological order.

  • Note: This column displays the text of the note or the corrected note. If a note is corrected and the Show Corrections box is selected, the original text is displayed in strikethrough text, and the correction appears in its own row with the event’s date and time.

  • User: This column displays the name of the user who is logged-in to the TransferCenter™ application on the date and time that the note or correction is entered.

  • Show Corrections: Click this check box to show the original note in strikethrough format as well as the corrected note. These notes are displayed in reverse chronological order by the Event Date/Time.

Group Corrections: The Group Corrections check box is active when the Show Corrections box is selected. Click this check box to display each original note grouped together with its corrections. Within the grouping for one note, all the corrections are displayed in reverse chronological order with the most recently corrected note at the top regardless of the note’s Event Date/Time stamp.

To create a note:

  1. Click the View/Add Notes button . The Clinical Note Details dialog box opens displaying the patient’s name in the title bar.

  2. When the Clinical Note Details dialog box opens, the insertion point is active in the Add Note field.

  3. The Event Date/Time field displays the date and time that the documented event actually occurred. The field defaults to the date and time that you begin to enter the note. You can edit the Event Date/Time by clicking the calendar icon or by typing in the Event Date/Time field. If you edit a time stamp, all of the corrections for that note also display the edited time stamp.

  4. Type your note. The TransferCenter™ application checks your spelling as you type. A wavy, red underline appears under misspelled words. Right click the underlined word and select a correct spelling from the list.

  • Select Add to Dictionary: if the word is not misspelled and you do not want the application to flag it in any future note entered by any user. This feature is especially useful for proper names or specialized vocabulary. Words you add to the application Dictionary cannot be deleted.

  • Select Ignore: if you want the spellchecker to skip this particular occurrence of the word but check it again at the next occurrence.

  • Select Ignore All: if you want the spellchecker to skip every occurrence of the word throughout the entire note.

  1. Click the Add Note button to add your note to the Note History area with the current date and time stamp and your user name. Alternatively, click Clear to discard your note.

  2. After you add a note, the Save button in the Edit Transfer window becomes active. You must click the Save button in order to retain your new note or correction in the Note History area.

To correct or edit a note:

If you have the appropriate user permissions, you can correct or edit notes and the Event Date/Time field.

  1. If you want to change a note that you previously added to the Note History area, right-click the note.

  2. If you previously saved the case, select the Correct option in the list. If you have not saved the case yet, select the Edit option in the list.

  3. The note opens in the Add Note section.

  4. Type your changes to the note in the Add Note section.

  5. Click Correct Note to display your edit or correction in the Notes History section, or click Cancel Correct to discard your correction without displaying it.

  6. The saved correction appears in the Notes History area with the Event Date/Time stamp and the name of the logged in user. Because it is the most recent note, your correction appears at the top of the Notes History list. If you corrected a note that was previously saved with the case, the original note appears in the Note History area in strikethrough text. If you edited a note that was not previously saved with the case, the original note is not displayed in strikethrough text.

  7. You must click the Save button in the Edit Transfer window in order to retain your new note or correction in the Note History area. Refer to the section titled How to close the Consult Note detail dialog box on page 59.

To copy a note:

  1. To copy a note or part of a note, do one of the following:

    • If you want to copy the whole note, right-click the note in the Notes History section.

    • If you want to copy part of a note from the Notes History section, select the text that you want to copy in the Notes History section. Then right-click.

  2. Copy the text by doing one of the following:

    • Select Copy to Clipboard if you are copying the whole note.

    • Select Copy if you are copying part of the note.

  3. Paste the note or part of the note by right-clicking in the Add Note section and choosing Paste from the list. Notes can also be pasted into other applications.

The Add Note and Clear buttons become active. You can make edits to the note if you want.
4. Click Add Note to save your copy in the notes history area as a new note in a new row, or click Clear to discard your copy of the note.

The saved copy of the note appears in the notes history area with the current date and time stamp and the name of the logged in user. Because it is the most recent note, your copied note appears at the top of the notes history list.

To delete a note:

Notes can only be deleted if the case has not yet been saved.

  1. In the Note History section, right-click the note that you want to delete.

  2. Select the Delete option from the list.

  3. The note clears from the Note History section.

To close the Clinical Note Detail dialog box:

  1. You can dismiss the patient’s Clinical Note Details or leave it open to receive more data. To dismiss the Clinical Note Details, click Close at the bottom of the dialog box. If you have typed notes or corrections, without clicking Add Note, a warning will appear:

    • To add your note or correction to the Note History area, click No in the warning dialog. Then click Add Note. The note is added to the Note History area. Click Close to dismiss the Clinical Note Details dialog box.

    • To dismiss the patient’s Clinical Note Details without saving the note you typed, click Yes in the warning dialog box. The Clinical Note Details dialog box closes and the note you typed is lost.

  2. You must also click Save in the patient’s New Transfer window to retain your changes. If you click Close in the Edit Transfer window when you have not saved changes that you made to one of the pages, a warning appears:

    • To save your changes, click No and then click Save in the Edit Transfer window.

    • To close the Edit Transfer window without saving changes that you made, click Yes.

Labs/Radiology Tab

This section of the Clinical page displays the results of the patient’s lab work. Each lab appears in its own moveable panel. You can add multiple instances of the same type of lab panel, and you can edit a single lab panel multiple times before the case is closed. Panels appear in chronological order by date and time. If you change a panel’s date or time, all of the panels re-order to maintain the chronology.

To add a panel to the Labs/Radiology tab:

  1. Click the arrow next to the Add button or begin typing the name of the lab in the Add field.

  2. Select the type of lab that you want from the list that appears. The appropriate panel for your selection appears in the top, left corner of the Labs/Radiology area with the current date and time. Previous panels are moved down and to the right.

To delete a lab/radiology panel:

  1. Click the X in the top right corner of the panel.
    A warning message appears.

  2. Click OK. The panel is cleared from the Labs/Radiology tab display.

To edit a labs/radiology panel:

  • Date/Time: When you add a lab/radiology panel, the current date and time are displayed by default. You can select or type a different date and time from the past, or you can edit the date and time to indicate that the labs have been updated. Click Now to enter the current date and time. Enter a different date by clicking the arrow icon and clicking a date from the calendar tool. Place your cursor in any time or date field and use the up/down arrows to change the value. Lab/Radiology dates and times cannot be in the future.

  • Lab Data: Checkboxes and text fields that are appropriate for the lab type are automatically generated when you add the lab panel. Click the checkbox to indicate that the property is included in the lab work. In the text fields, type the results values or other pertinent notes about the lab. The text fields are editable even if its checkbox has not been selected. Clearing a check box does not remove the text in its corresponding text field.

Disposition Page

On the Disposition page, you can enter important transfer disposition information. Open the Disposition page by clicking Disposition on the vertical navigation bar.

Disposition Section

This section displays a record of the staff decisions concerning the transfer request. The request is either accepted or declined. There are several different terms used for accept or decline conditions.

  • Disposition Reason: Click the arrow and select the reason for the disposition from the list. If the administrator, in the Configuration window, configured the disposition that you selected to require a reason, you must select a disposition reason in order to close the case.

  • Referring Facility Notify Staff: In the Referring Facility Notify Staff field, type the name of the staff member at the referring facility to whom you communicated the decision to admit or decline the patient.

  • Notify Time: In the Notify Time field, enter the time you advised the staff member at the referring facility of the admit or decline decision. Click Now to enter the current date and time. Enter a different date by clicking the arrow icon and clicking a date from the calendar tool. Place your cursor in any time or date field and use the up/down arrows to change the value.

Return Agreement

Click the Return Patient to Referring Facility upon completion of care box if the patient is to be returned to the referring facility after treatment.

Internal Transport Modes Offered

This section indicates if appropriate internal transport services were offered. Click the check box if services were offered. Click the Click for List link to review the list of available internal transport services.

Charts and Films

This section indicates if requested charts and films are being transported with the patient. Click the check box if charts and films are transported with the patient.

General Transport

This section describes information on the modes, times, contact numbers and names for the patient’s transport service.

  • Transport Mode: Click arrow next to the Transport Mode field and select the mode of transport you want in the list. Values highlighted in green indicate internal transport services.

  • Secondary Transport #: Type a secondary phone number for the transport service. This is often a temporary number that is used only for one day and one transport job.

  • Primary Transport #: Type the primary phone number for the transport service. If the Transport Mode field has a corresponding phone number in the Configuration window, the Primary Transport # field populates automatically when the Transport Mode is selected.

  • Transport Contact: Type the name of the transport service contact person in the Transport Contact field.

  • Dispatch Time: In this field, enter the time and date the transport service was dispatched for patient pick up from referring facility. Click Now to enter the current date and time. Enter a different date by clicking the arrow icon and clicking a date from the calendar tool. Place your cursor in any time or date field and use the up/down arrows to change the value.

  • Arrival Time: In this field, enter the time and date the patient arrived at the receiving facility. Click Now to enter the current date and time. Enter a different date by clicking the arrow icon and selecting a date from the calendar tool. Place your cursor in any time or date field and use the up/down arrows to change the value.

  • Patient Directed To: In the Patient Directed To field, type the specific directions given to transport staff as to where to bring the patient. For example: “Ambulance service instructed to bring the patient to the OR.”


This section of the Disposition page describes information about the patient’s insurance carrier(s). If the TransferCenter™ application is integrated with the Capacity Management Suite™ system, the payor dictionary resides under the dictionary management section of the Admin Tool in the Capacity Management Suite™ system. If the TransferCenter™ application is standalone, the administrator defines the payor dictionary in the TransferCenter™ application.

When the TransferCenter™ application is integrated with the Capacity Management Suite™ system the administrator can choose whether or not they would like payor information integrated from ADT into TransferCenter™. The payor integration with ADT can be turned on or off in the TransferCenter™ Configuration page (specifically, payor section). The setting reads “Enable Payor integration with ADT setting.” ADT messages for payor will be sent to TransferCenter™ for patient records that have a bed request. If payor integration is turned on, the ADT will continue to be the source of truth for data even when a value already exists in TransferCenter™. These ADT updates for payor will persist until the patient is discharged (even if the case is in a closed state).

TransferCenter™ users can manually update the Payor field until the TransferCenter™ Bed Request Status field displays a Completed status, after which time the Payor field is disabled in the transfer case but continues to be updated by ADT until the patient is discharged (even if the case is in a closed state).

  • Primary Payor: Begin typing the patient’s insurance carrier name in the field. The list appears showing the payor names that begin with that letter. Select the name of the payor with primary responsibility for the patient’s charges. This field is required in order to close the case.

  • Secondary Payor: Begin typing the patient’s insurance carrier name in the field. The list appears showing the payor names that begin with that letter. Select the name of the payor with secondary responsibility for the patient’s charges.

  • Tertiary Payor: Begin typing the patient’s insurance carrier name in the field. The list appears showing the payor names that begin with that letter. Select the name of the payor with tertiary responsibility for the patient’s charges.

Bed Request Page

On the Bed Request page you enter information about the disposition of bed management. Open the Bed Request page by clicking Bed Request on the vertical navigation bar of the New Transfer window. The following is a description of the page’s sections when the TeleTracking XT interface is inactive. For more information about the Bed Request page when the TeleTracking XT interface is active, see Concurrent Case Editing.

Concurrent Case Editing

Concurrent case editing is when two users have the same case record open and make edits to it at the same time. When each user saves, the TransferCenter™ application prevents one user’s information from overwriting the other’s. This section describes how the TransferCenter™ application handles these concurrency situations.

If multiple users simultaneously edit the same case, and each user saves the case, then each field may be updated at most once across all saves. If multiple users changed the same field to different values, then the user saving first will see his change reflected. Users who save their changes after the first save receive a concurrency exception upon saving, and all data except the conflicting fields will be updated.


  • Case Automatically Refreshes

    • Scenario: Two users (John and Sally) both have the same case open at the same time, but only one user begins updating the case.

    • Result: John makes edits and saves the case. Sally still has the case open, but has not yet clicked any fields because a phone call delays her. Now that John has saved his changes, Sally’s case is outdated. When Sally returns to the case and clicks on a field, the case automatically refreshes on Sally’s screen, and John’s edits appear. No warnings appear. Sally updates one or more fields and successfully saves the case. Although John and Sally both had the same case open at the same time, John saved his changes before Sally had begun to make changes. The system automatically updated the case so that Sally applied her edits to the latest case data, thereby avoiding a concurrency issue.

  • User Resolves Conflicts Prior to Saving

    • Scenario: Two users (John and Sally) both have the same case open at the same time, and both click in the case to begin updating it.

    • Result: Both users change Patient Type to Outpatient. John saves the case before Sally because she is delayed by a phone call. Sally returns to the case, and successfully saves the case. No warning appears. No automatic refresh occurs because both users had begun to edit the case by the time one of them saved. Although both users changed the same field in the same case, they both selected the same value, therefore no concurrency issue occurred.

  • Case Details Are Merged with Indirect Concurrency

    • Scenario: Two users (John and Sally) both have the same case open at the same time, and both click in the case to begin updating it.

    • Result: John changes the Patient Type field to Outpatient, while Sally changes the Service Line to Cardiac. John saves the case before Sally because she is delayed by a phone call. When Sally returns to the case and saves it, the TransferCenter™ application silently merges the new values from each user. No warnings appear. No automatic refresh occurs because both users had begun to edit the case by the time one of them saved. Although both Sally and John edited the same case, they edited different fields, so an indirect concurrency occurred, and the system automatically handled it by merging the data.

Direct Concurrency Causes Error Message

Two users (John and Sally) both have the same case open at the same time, and both click
in the case to begin updating it. John changes the Patient Type field to Outpatient, and
Sally changes the Patient Type field to Direct Admit. John saves the case before Sally
because she is delayed by a phone call. When Sally returns to the case and saves it, the
TransferCenter™ application displays a warning message. The message states that while
Sally had the case open, another user, John, edited and saved the same field, along with
the date and time of that change. On Sally’s screen, the field that John changed (Patient
Type) is marked with a red icon ( ). Sally can hold her mouse over the icon to see the
updated field value (Outpatient), and the author, date and time of the update. To continue
making her update, Sally must close the case window and reopen it. John’s update to the
Patient Type field appears (Outpatient). Sally can then change the Patient Type field to
Direct Admit and save the case.
The TransferCenter™ application detected a direct concurrency issue because two users
changed the same field of the same case to different values while they both had the case
open at the same time. No automatic refresh occurred because both users had begun to
edit the case by the time one of them saved. However, the application did not save Sally’s
changes. Instead, it alerted her to the changes previously saved by another user so she
could close the case, reopen it, make her change again, and save it. In this way, no data is

Note: Clinical and Consulting Notes are treated as indirect conflicts and will always be saved
with a new date and time stamp.

How to Resolve Direct Conflicts

  1. If you enter a value in a field, click Save, and the Concurrent Edit Conflict warning
    appears, this means that another user has saved a change to the same field that you
    changed during the time that you had the same case record open. The warning
    dialog box states:
    • The name of the user who saved edits to the case while you also had it open.
    • An explanation that the red marking indicates the fields that have not been saved
    because they directly conflict with the other user’s changes.

  2. In the Concurrent Edit Conflict dialog box, click OK.
    The dialog is dismissed and the case record displays red marking for the fields that
    directly conflict with the other user’s edits:
    • The changes made and saved by the other user are indicated by a red, flashing
    icon next to the affected fields.
    • If there is a direct conflict with fields that are in a grid, the row containing the
    conflicting field is highlighted in pink (vital signs, medications).
    • Lab panels that have a direct conflict are outlined in red.
    • When the user leaves a page that contains a direct conflict, the page’s tab turns

  3. Hold your mouse over a red icon.
    A tooltip appears with the following information concerning the field:
    Creating a New Transfer Request
    R101 | Classic TransferCenter™ Application User Guide 87
    • The value that another user entered and saved to the database.
    • The name of the other user who made the update.
    • The date and time that the update was saved.

  4. Close the case and reopen it.
    The direct conflicts have been resolved by populating the conflicting fields with the
    information that the other user saved. The case record no longer displays any red
    marking. The Save button is inactive.

  5. Make the changes again that you previously attempted to make.

  6. Click Save.
    The case record refreshes with your changes populating the fields if the
    TransferCenter™ application did not detect a direct conflict.
    About the Bed Request Page when the TeleTracking XT Interface is Active on page 150.
    • Targeted Unit — Indicate the name of the unit in which the transfer patient is to be
    placed in the Targeted Unit field. Click the arrow next to the field, and select the unit
    from the list or begin typing the unit name the field. A list appears of units beginning
    with the letter you typed. Click a unit to populate the field.
    • Assigned Bed — Type the bed identifier to which the patient is assigned in the
    Assigned Bed field.
    • Bed Request Time — Enter the time that you request the bed by clicking Now to
    enter the current date and time. Enter a different date by clicking the arrow and
    selecting a date from the calendar tool. Place your cursor in any time or date field
    and use the up/down arrows to change the value.
    • Bed Assignment Time — Enter the time the bed is assigned by clicking Now to
    enter the current date and time. Enter a different date by clicking the arrow icon and
    selecting a date from the calendar tool. Place your cursor in any time or date field
    and use the up/down arrows to change the value.

Recording Page

On the Recording page, you can associate recorded phone calls with the transfer case. You can link calls that are currently in progress or previously recorded. Through the user interface, you can add notes about a call if it is linked to a case. These notes apply to the specific case and call link. When the system administrator enables the call recording feature in the Admin Tool, the Recording page appears in the transfer record.

Mapping a Phone Extension to the Workstation

Associating your desk phone extension with your workstation prevents you from having to select an extension every time you link a call.

If the administrator has enabled the Enable workstation/phone mapping option in the Configuration section, you can map your workstation to your desk phone extension:

  1. Login to the TransferCenter™ application on the workstation at your desk.

  2. In the Configuration menu, select the Setup Telephone Mapping option. The Setup Telephone Mapping dialog box appears. If your desk phone is currently mapped to your computer, the port number appears at the bottom of the dialog box.

Note: Your phones can also be mapped through your call recording provider’s application. Contact your call recording provider for more information.

  1. You can click Cancel to close the dialog box without mapping your workstation to your phone extension. Otherwise, continue to the next step.

  2. Make an outbound call from your desk phone or make a call to your desk phone from a second phone. Do not hang up the receiver.

  3. While you remain on the call, the Setup Telephone Mapping dialog box refreshes, and the call displays in the Active Call List.

  4. In the Active Call List, select the call with the Extension that you want to map to the workstation you are logged into. You can only select one extension. The Caller ID information varies based on the phone system and may be blank.

  5. Click This is my phone. A confirmation message appears.

  6. Do one of the following:

    • Click Complete Mapping and Logout in the confirmation message. The TransferCenter™ application maps the workstation to the phone extension, closes the Setup Telephone Mapping dialog box, and logs you off.
      Note: If you have unsaved work in other pages of the TransferCenter™ application, a warning dialog appears when you click Complete Mapping and Logout. You can select Cancel to abandon the telephone mapping settings. After completing and saving your work, you can begin the steps to map your phone extension to your workstation again.

    • Click Cancel to exit the dialog box without saving the telephone mapping settings. The Setup Telephone Mapping dialog box closes, and the telephone extension is not mapped to your workstation.

Editing the Workstation/Phone Mapping

If your computer or phone is replaced, you may have to update the phone mapping. You can change the workstation/phone mapping by selecting the Setup Telephone Mapping option from the Configuration menu and repeating the steps to create the mapping. The newest mapping overrides the old one.

Call Search Criteria Section

The top section of the Call Recording page displays the criteria by which the recorded calls can be searched and retrieved:

  • Limit # of calls displayed to: The number of calls displayed in the Available Call Recordings section is limited to the value displayed in this box. The administrator configures the default value in the Configuration section. You can change the value by typing in the box or clicking the arrows to enter the number of calls that you want to be returned by the search. A minimum of one call and a maximum of 250 calls can be selected.

  • Extension: Select an extension from the list or type an extension in the box to search for recorded calls to and from that extension.

  • User: Select a user name from the list to search for recorded calls to and from that user. Inactive users are listed after the active users and are grayed out.

  • Start Date/Time: Enter the starting date and time of the calls that you want to find.

  • End Date/Time: Enter the ending date and time of the calls that you want to find.

  • Retrieve Calls: Click this button to return the calls from the external call recording system that meet the selected search criteria and are not already linked to the case.

Available Call Recordings

Any call recordings in the external recording interface that meet the search criteria appear in the Available Call Recordings section. Each row represents one call. Clicking the column header sorts the table by ascending or descending information in the clicked column. You can show more calls by clicking the toggle arrow (▶️) between the Available Call Recordings and the Transfer Case Linked Recordings sections. Each call’s information appears in the following columns:

  • Extension: Displays the extension from which or to which the call was made. The administrator configures extensions having the call recording feature in the inContact® (formerly Uptivity® and Call Copy®) Web application.

  • Call Direction: Displays whether the call was Inbound or Outbound. If direction information is not provided, this column displays a value of Unknown.

  • Call Start Time: Displays the time the call started.

  • Number Dialed: Displays the number dialed. The number can include an extension depending on the call's direction and whether it is internal or external to the enterprise.

  • Duration: Displays the duration of the call in hours, minutes, and seconds.

  • Caller ID: Displays the phone number associated with the call by the phone system. The actual phone number may vary between installations.

  • Agent Name: The user name associated with the extension making or receiving the call, usually in "last name, first name" format.

  • CRM User: Populated with the TransferCenter™ application user logon or with the Call Recording External ID to associate the user with an agent in the call recording system.

  • Non-Patient Call: Select this box if the call is not related to a patient. Changes to this field are saved immediately.

  • Already Linked: Automatically checked if the call is linked to one or more transfer cases after the case is saved. This field is read-only.

Transfer Case Linked Recordings

After a call is linked to the transfer case, it appears in the Transfer Case Linked Recordings section. This section is yellow if at least one call is required to close the case. Each row contains information about one call, with columns similar to those described for the Available Call Recordings section. Additional columns include:

  • Call Status: Displays a phone icon for in-progress calls. When the call ends and the case is saved, the icons disappear. Clicking the icon or Save after the call ends retrieves the full recorded call information.

  • Linking User: Displays the name of the user who linked the recorded call to the case.

  • Notes: Allows the user to add or edit notes about the call after it's linked to a case. Hover over the column to see the entire note in a tooltip. Notes are specific to the call and the linked case. If a call is unlinked from a case, the notes are cleared.

Recording Controls Section

The recording controls are located at the bottom of the Call Recording page:

  • Link: Becomes active when a call is selected in the Available Call Recordings section. Clicking the Link button and then saving the case associates the selected recorded call with the case record.

  • Unlink: Becomes active when a call is selected in the Transfer Case Linked Recordings section. Clicking the Unlink button and then saving the case removes the selected call from the case record.

  • Link In-Progress Call: Associates the current, in-progress call with the transfer case while the call is being recorded. Clicking the With Notes option in the list allows the linking user to type notes during the recording process. If multiple phones are configured to record calls, a dialog box appears to choose the extension or call to link.

  • No Call Recordings for this case: Active when the case has no associated calls. Allows closing the case without linking any calls.

  • Play: Retrieves and plays the selected call in either the Available Call Recordings or the Transfer Case Linked Recordings section.

  • Export: Allows saving the selected call as an MP3 file.

How to Retrieve a Recorded Call

  1. Double-click the transfer case record you want to link to a call.

  2. Go to the case record’s Call Recording page.

  3. Enter criteria in the call search criteria section.

  4. Click Retrieve Calls.

How to Link a Recorded Call

  1. Double-click the transfer case record.

  2. Go to the case record’s Call Recording page.

  3. Locate the call in the Available Call Recordings section.

  4. Select the recorded call.

  5. Click Link.

  6. Click Save.

How to Unlink a Recorded Call

  1. Double-click the transfer case record.

  2. Go to the case record’s Call Recording page.

  3. Locate the call in the Transfer Case Linked Recordings section.

  4. Select the recorded call.

  5. Click Unlink.

How to Link an In-Progress Call

  1. While a call is in-progress, do one of the following:

    • Click the Link In-Progress Call button.

    • Click the arrow next to the Link In-Progress Call button and select With Notes.

  2. Type notes if necessary.

  3. Click Save.

How to Add Notes to a Recorded Call

  1. Link a call to a transfer case record.

  2. Click the Notes column for the linked call in the Transfer Case Linked Recordings section.

  3. Type your note.

  4. Click OK.

The Choose Extension/Call Dialog Box

The Choose Extension/Call dialog box appears under the following conditions:

  • There is no mapped extension for the currently logged on user.

  • There is no call found or more than one call found for the currently logged in user’s extension.

Resolutions for the Above Conditions:

  1. No Mapped Extension for the Currently Logged on User:

    • The TransferCenter™ system administrator needs to enter the user and the user’s extension into the call recording system.

  2. No Call or More Than One Call Found for the Currently Logged on User’s Extension:

    • If you are logged on to your workstation and answer an extension that is not your own:

      • In the Choose Extension/Call dialog box:

        • Type the extension in the Extension box.

        • Click the arrow next to the Extension field and select the extension number that you answered in the list.

      • Click OK.

      • The call appears in the Transfer Case Linked Recordings section of the case’s Call Recording page.

Note: The extension for which you are looking might not appear in the Extension list for the following reasons:

  • The extension has not made or received any calls since the NICE Uptivity™ system was restarted.

  • The system administrator must configure the extension in the NICE Uptivity™ system to record calls made and received by it.

How to Play a Recorded Call

  1. Select a call in either the Available Call Recordings section or the Transfer Case Linked Recordings section.

  2. Click Play.

    • A Windows Media® Player window appears and the call recording plays.

How to Export a Recorded Call

  1. Select a call in either the Available Call Recordings section or the Transfer Case Linked Recordings section.

  2. Click Export.

    • A Save As dialog box appears.

  3. Navigate to the folder in which you want to save the recording file.

  4. Replace the automatically generated file name with the name you want.

  5. Click Save.

Documents Page

On the Documents page, you can attach documents to the transfer case for easy transfer alongside the patient to a receiving facility. Here's a breakdown of the sections and fields:

  • Document Name: Contains the filename of the attached document. Multiple documents with the same filename can appear in the list. This field is automatically populated when selecting the document to attach.

  • X (Remove): Users with the Delete Attachments permission can remove documents from the case. Disabled if the user lacks permission or if the document has been archived.

  • Description: Allows typing a description of the document. Multiple documents with the same description can appear in the list. Editable field.

  • Attached Time: Displays the date and time the document was attached to the case. Automatically populated.

  • Attached By: Shows the name of the user who attached the document. Automatically populated.

  • Size: Displays the size of the attached document, determined by the administrator.

  • Archived: Checked when the document is archived.

  • View: Opens a read-only version of the document in a separate window. Not available for archived documents.

Attaching a Document to a Case Record

  1. In the New/Edit Transfer window, click the Documents tab.

  2. Click Add New.

  3. Navigate to and select the document to attach.

  4. Type a short description of the document's contents.

  5. Click Upload to attach the document to the case, or Cancel to abort.

  6. After uploading, click Save to fully associate the document with the case, or Close to cancel.

    • If you close without saving, a confirmation dialog appears.

  7. Choose Yes to close the case without attaching, or No to return and save.

Note: Documents canceled during upload are deleted from the database.

Note on Document Editing

Depending on the default viewer for the document type, you may be able to edit the document and save it elsewhere, but changes won't be saved to the attached version.

Removing Attached Documents

To remove an attached document from the case, follow these steps:

  1. Click the x next to the Document Name you wish to remove.

    • The Delete Rows dialog box appears.

  2. Click Yes to confirm removal from the case and the database, or No to cancel.

Sorting Attached Documents

By default, attached documents are sorted alphabetically by document name. If documents have the same name, the most recently attached appears first. To change sorting:

  1. Click the column header of the attribute you want to sort by.

    • The list sorts in ascending order.

  2. Click the same header again to reverse the sort.

Viewing Attached Documents

To view an attached document:

  1. Click View next to the document you want to see.

    • If your computer lacks a viewer for the document type, the Windows® Open With dialog box appears.

  2. Select a viewer from the list.

    • The document opens in read-only mode in the default viewer.

How to Create a New Transfer Request

To create a new transfer request in the TransferCenter™ application, follow these steps:

  1. Log in: Access the TransferCenter™ application and navigate to the Active Transfer Requests view.

  2. Initiate New Request:

    • In the Active Transfer Request view, click the "New" button located in the bottom left corner.

    • The New Transfer window will open, defaulting to the Transfer page. The Date, Time, and Case Owner fields will be automatically populated, but can be edited if needed.

  3. Complete Required Fields: Proceed to complete all required fields on the following pages:

    • Transfer page

    • Facility page

    • Consult page

    • Clinical page

    • Disposition page

    • Bed Req page

    • Issues page

    • Recording page

    • Docs page
      Ensure to provide as much information as possible. If a field lacks a dropdown list, you can type a value directly into it.

  4. Select View: Choose the view in which you want the transfer case to be listed.

    • Check the "Transfer Inactive" box to move the case from the Active view list to the Inactive view list.

  5. Save: Click the "Save" button.

    • A permanent transfer number will be assigned to the request order.

    • The New Transfer window will transition into the Edit Transfer window, and the transfer case will be listed in the view list.

    • The Close Case button, Transfer Inactive box, and the Print button will become active, and the Issues page will appear.

  6. Close or Leave Open: Close the window by clicking the "Close" button or leave it open to accept changes or additions.

    • If you attempt to close the New Transfer window before saving changes, a warning will prompt you to either save or discard changes.


  • You can save a transfer request at any point and return to it later.

  • The Close Case button closes the transfer case and archives it. Only users with the "Reopen Transfers" permission can retrieve closed cases.

Printing the Transfer Order (Facesheet)

To print the Transfer Order, which contains the details of a transfer case, follow these steps:

  1. Log in: Access the TransferCenter™ application.

  2. Select Case:

    • From the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view tab, click on the row of the case you want to print.

    • Choose one of the following options:

      • Click the "Edit" action button at the bottom of the view to open the Edit Transfer window, then click "Print".

      • Click the "Print" action button at the bottom of the view.

  3. Configure Print Options:

    • The TransferCenter™ Transfer Case Details Criteria dialog box will appear, divided into two sections: Criteria and Attachments.

    • In the Transfer Case Details section, select the details you want to include in the printed Transfer Order:

      • Show All: Selects all available options.

      • Show Issues and Actions

      • Show Clinical Notes

      • Show Consult Notes

      • Show Facility Encounter Notes (if available)

      • Additional options related to note display:

        • Show Note Corrections

        • Show Note Correction Indicators

      • Show Labs/Radiology

    • In the Attachments section, choose which attached documents you want to preview when printing the report.

  4. Initiate Printing:

    • Click the "Print" button in the TransferCenter™ Transfer Order Report Criteria dialog box.

    • Click "Cancel" to close the dialog box without printing.

  5. Review Transfer Order:

    • The Transfer Order will open in a new window, displaying every field from the Active or Inactive view for the transfer case.


  • The Redirect Reason field appears blank in the Requested Facility section of the Transfer Order if it was not included on the Transfer page due to the Facility Disposition feature being enabled.

  • Attached documents selected for preview in the Attachments section are not included when printing the Face Sheet.

Editing a Transfer Request

Understanding the Edit Transfer Window

In the Edit Transfer window, you can modify existing transfer cases and add additional issues. Here's how to access it:

  1. Log in: Access the TransferCenter™ application.

  2. Open Edit Transfer Window:

    • From the Active Transfer Request view, either:

      • Highlight a case and click the "Edit" button at the bottom left of the view.

      • Double-click a case.

    • The selected transfer case will appear in the Edit Transfer window.

Fields and Buttons in the Edit Transfer Window

  • Read-only Fields:

    • Patient

    • Accepting Physician

    • Disposition

    • Transfer #

  • Buttons and Check Box:

    • Link In-Progress Call: Associates an in-progress call with the transfer case.

    • Close Case: Closes the case and sends it to the archive.

    • Transfer Inactive: Changes the status of the case from Active to Inactive.

    • Instant Notify: Sends a message to recipients in the Capacity Management Suite™ system.

    • Print: Prints the transfer request form.

    • Save: Saves any changes made.

    • Close: Closes the Edit Transfer window.

Sending an Instant Notification

  1. Click Instant Notify or Notify action button to open the Instant Notification dialog box.

  2. Add Recipients:

    • Begin typing in the Recipients field to select recipients or groups.

    • Refine recipient list by expanding groups or removing individual recipients.

  3. Compose Message:

    • Type your message in the Message section or select a predetermined text message.

  4. Send Notification: Click Send.

  5. Confirmation: "Message Sent" appears at the bottom of the dialog box.

  6. Close Dialog Box: Click the X in the right corner.

Details of the notification will be stored in a Consult Note on the case.

Understanding the Pages of the Edit Transfer Window

In the Edit Transfer window, you'll find several tabs in the vertical navigation bar:

  • Transfer

  • Facility

  • Consult

  • Clinical

  • Disposition

  • Bed Req

  • Issues

  • Recording

  • Docs

Except for the Issues page, the descriptions of these pages are identical to those in the New Transfer window.

Issues Page

The Issues page allows you to document transfer-related problems and actions needed for resolution. Here's how to use it:

  • Open Issues Page: Click "Issues" on the vertical navigation bar in the Edit Transfer window.

  • Sections and Fields:

  1. Issue Number:

    • Displays issue numbers and allows for adding new issues.

    • Issue Number: Combination of the transfer case number and issue number.

    • New Issue: Button to add a new issue.

  2. Issue Description:

    • Displays the description of the selected issue.

    • Type a description of the issue in the text box.

  3. Action Documentation:

    • Records actions taken to resolve issues.

    • Action: Record action(s) taken, manually add additional actions.

    • Completion Time: Enter the date and time the action was completed.

    • Tape: Indicates if the action has been taped.

    • Doc: Indicates additional documentation for the action.

    • New Action: Button to add a new action to the issue.


A case with open issues cannot be closed. All issues must be resolved and closed before closing the case.

Issue Conclusion

In this section, you can view a summary of actions taken and close an issue:

  • Issue Close: Click the checkbox to close an issue. This checkbox must be selected to close a case.

  • Conclusion Summary: Type a summary in the text box about the actions taken. This field must be completed to close an issue and subsequently close the case. You can use the time/date stamp tool to enter the current timestamp, which can be edited manually if needed.

How to Edit a Transfer Request

Only users with appropriate permissions can edit a transfer case. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the TransferCenter™ application.

  2. Navigate to the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view.

  3. Select a transfer case from the list and click the Edit button.

    • You can also double-click a transfer case in the list.

  4. Edit any fields on the pages as needed:

    • Transfer page

    • Facility page

    • Consult page

    • Clinical page

    • Disposition page

    • Bed Request page

    • Issues page

    • Recording page

    • Documents page

  5. Choose the view in which you want the transfer case to be listed.

    • Click the Transfer Inactive checkbox to move the case between active and inactive views.

  6. Click the Save button to save any changes made.

    • You can save a transfer request at any point and return to work on it later.

  7. Close the window by clicking the Close button or leave it open for further changes.

    • If you close the window without saving changes, a warning will appear.


The Close Case button archives the transfer case. Only users with Reopen Transfers permissions can retrieve a closed case.

Entering Issues and Issue Actions for a Transfer Request

Only users with appropriate permissions can work with transfer case issues and actions. A transfer case can have multiple issues, and each issue can have multiple actions. Here's how to add an issue and actions to a transfer request:

How to Add an Issue to a Transfer Request

  1. Navigate to the Active or Inactive Transfer Request views and select a transfer case.

  2. Click the Edit button in the button bar or double click the record in the list to open the Edit Transfer window.

  3. Click on the "Issues" tab in the vertical navigation bar to open the Issues page.

  4. Click the "New Issue" button at the bottom of the Issue Number list section.

  5. Type a clear and succinct description of the issue in the provided text box.

  6. Click "OK" to enter the issue into the case. The application assigns an issue number, and any default actions appear in the Action Documentation section.

How to Add an Action to an Issue

  1. Navigate to the Issues page in the Edit Transfer window.

  2. Select the issue to which the action is to be attached from the Issue Number list.

  3. Click the "New Action" button at the bottom of the Action Documentation section.

  4. Type in the action to be taken in the blank row that appears.

  5. Click the "Save" button to save your changes. Moving to another issue in the list, moving to another page in the Edit Transfer window, or closing the window automatically saves the issue.

How to Delete an Action from an Issue

An action without a completion time can be deleted. Here's how:

  1. Click on the blank cell in front of the action to select it.

  2. Press the DELETE key on your keyboard.

  3. Confirm the deletion by clicking "Yes" in the warning dialog box.

  4. Click "Save" to retain your edit.

Closing an Issue in a Transfer Request

An issue must be resolved before it can be closed. Here's how to close an issue in a transfer request:

  1. Navigate to the Active or Inactive Transfer Request views and select a transfer case.

  2. Click the Edit button in the button bar or double click the record in the list to open the Edit Transfer window.

  3. Click on the "Issues" tab in the vertical navigation bar to open the Issues page.

  4. Select the issue to be closed from the Issue Number list.

  5. Close any pending actions by clicking "Now" or entering a date and time in the Completion Time field. You can edit the date and time manually or using the calendar tool.

  6. Type an action disposition summary in the Conclusion Summary text box.

  7. Check the "Issue Closed" check box.

  8. Click the Save button at the bottom of the window.

Note: Ensure that all default actions have a completed date/time stamp to close the issue. Any actions added manually do not require completion to close the issue.

Closing a Transfer Request

Transfer requests are closed once a disposition has been determined and all associated documentation is completed. Here's how to close a transfer request:

  1. Navigate to the Active or Inactive Transfer Request views and select a transfer case.

  2. Click the Edit button to open the Edit Transfer window.

  3. Click the Close Case button.

  4. Ensure all required fields are completed and all open issues are resolved.

  5. Confirm any prompts to complete required fields and close open issues.

  6. The application will close the window and send the case to history.

Note: A transfer request cannot be closed if a bed request is pending. Only users with Reopen Transfers permissions can reopen a closed case.

About the Bed Request Page when the TeleTracking XT Interface is Active

In the TransferCenter™ application, the Bed Request page allows users to enter and view information related to bed management. Here's a breakdown of the Bed Request page when the TeleTracking XT interface is active:

  • Create Bed Request: This option initiates a bed request for the selected facility. It is only visible when the interface is active. Checking this box automatically activates the bed request. If you prefer to make an inactive bed request, clear the "Activated" box before saving.

  • Cancel Bed Request: Selecting this option cancels a bed request. It is visible only when the interface is active.

  • Activated: This box indicates whether a bed request is active or inactive. Selecting it activates the bed request, while clearing it deactivates the request.

  • Level of Care: Allows users to select the degree of care required by the patient (e.g., Critical, Intermediate).

  • Origin Unit: Displays the configured Origin Unit for the destination facility. Users can select a different Origin Unit until the bed request is completed.

  • Target Unit: Enables users to select the unit where the patient will be placed.

  • Bed Request Time: Automatically populated with the current time when creating a bed request. Users can edit the date or time as needed.

  • Assigned Bed: Displays the bed identifier to which the patient is assigned. The background color and tooltip indicate the bed status.

  • Bed Assignment Time: Displays the time and date the bed was assigned.

  • Bed Request Status: Indicates the status of the bed request.

  • Completed Time: Displays the time when the bed request was completed.

How to Create a Bed Request when the TeleTracking XT Interface is Active

Creating an Inactive Bed Request

  1. Using the Bed Request page:

    • Check the "Create Bed Request" box. The "Activated" box is automatically selected, and the status changes to "Requested."

    • To make the bed request inactive, clear the "Activated" box.

    • Click "Save."

  2. Using the Pre-Register Patient option:

    • Check the "Pre-Register Patient" box in the Patient section of the Transfer page.

    • Click "Save."

    The bed request is automatically created with the status "Requested," and the "Activated" box is active. To make it inactive, clear the "Activated" box.

Note: The Pre-Register Patient option appears if enabled in the TransferCenter™ Admin Tool.

Activating an Inactive Bed Request

To activate an inactive bed request in the TransferCenter™ application, follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Activated" box on the Bed Request page.

  2. Click "Save."

This action will change the status of the bed request in the Capacity Management Suite™ system to green, indicating that the bed request is now active.

Creating an Active Bed Request

To create an active bed request in the TransferCenter™ application when there is a patient match, follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Create Bed Request" box on the Bed Request page.

  2. The TeleTracking TransferCenter™ XT Patient Search Results dialog box will appear, displaying a list of patients in the Capacity Management Suite™ system who match the patient information on the Transfer page of your bed request.

  3. Depending on the search results:

    • If the desired patient is returned in the search results, select the patient's row and click the "Update Selected XT Patient/Placement" button. This updates the patient information in the Capacity Management Suite™ system with the TransferCenter™ patient.

    • If the desired patient is not returned in the search results, click the "Create New XT Patient/Placement" button to enter a new patient into the Capacity Management Suite™ system.

Note: Exercise caution when creating a new patient record to avoid duplicate entries in the Capacity Management Suite™ system.

Understanding Criteria Matching when Searching the Capacity Management Suite™ System

The TransferCenter™ application searches for patient matches in the Capacity Management Suite™ system based on various criteria. Here are the basic principles and matching order of criteria:

[Details about criteria matching]

TransferCenter™ Results Filtering

After retrieving patient matching results, the TransferCenter™ application filters the results to include only relevant entries with specific patient statuses and excludes entries associated with other TransferCenter™ application cases.

Updating Patients/Placements in TransferCenter™ Application when the TeleTracking XT Interface is Active

When the XT Interface is active and you request a bed placement, information may be updated between the TransferCenter™ application and the Capacity Management Suite™ system in various ways:

XT Identifier

  • Capacity Management Suite™ system values overwrite certain fields in the TransferCenter™ application upon initial match, and subsequent updates from either application populate these fields in both applications.

Locked by XT

  • Capacity Management Suite™ system values populate certain fields in the TransferCenter™ application upon updating, and thereafter, only the Capacity Management Suite™ system can make updates.

Provided by XT

  • Certain fields are provided by the Capacity Management Suite™ system and cannot be edited by the TransferCenter™ application.

Controlled by XT

  • Values for certain fields come from the TransferCenter™ application initially, but subsequent updates from either application populate these fields in both.

One Way TC→XT

  • Certain fields are always populated by the TransferCenter™ application both initially and for subsequent updates.

Controlled by TC

  • Values for certain fields initially come from the TransferCenter™ application, but subsequent updates from either application populate these fields in both.

TC Initialized

  • Certain fields are populated by the TransferCenter™ application upon connecting a transfer case to the Capacity Management Suite™ system, and the TransferCenter™ application does not store or set these values again.

This interaction ensures synchronized information between the TransferCenter™ application and the Capacity Management Suite™ system when managing bed placements and patient data.

For a detailed understanding of which fields are affected and how they are updated, refer to the documentation provided.

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