The TeleTracking Technologies classic TransferCenter™ application automates the critical process of reporting on transfer center and patient transfer operations thereby providing hospitals with information needed to analyze and streamline the transfer process. Details for open transfer cases on the Active and Inactive view tabs can be printed as a Case Details Report. In addition, the classic TransferCenter™ application stores every closed transfer case. Using the Reports function, you can search the database and generate the following types of reports:
Transfer History
Transfer Request Log
Top Referring Physicians
Top Payor Mix
Payor Mix by Referring Facility
HIPAA Reports
Monthly Trending
Geographical Volume
Targeted Physician Communications
Transfer Timer Metrics
Denial Detail
Transfer Case Volume Analysis
Blank Case Details (Facesheet)
Facility Disposition Analysis.
Changes to Entity Names
An administrator might change the name of an entity such as a campus, a dictionary item, or a location. Only the new name will appear on reports that are generated after the change is made, even if the reports include data from before the time when the name changed.
Who Can Use the Reports Function?
Any user can print details of open transfer cases that are visible on the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view windows (the Transfer Order Report) and the Transfer History Report. However, only users with Access Reports permissions can access and use the Reports function for the other reports. Only users with HIPAA Reports permissions can run HIPAA reports. Only users with Reopen Transfers permissions can reopen a closed case. Refer to the TransferCenter™ Application Configuration Guide for details on the Configuration function.
Accessing the Reports Function
Other reports are available from the classic TransferCenter™ application’s reports function. To access the reports functions:
Log in to the TransferCenter™ application.
The Active Transfer Requests view window appears. You can also access Reports from the Inactive Transfer Requests view window.
Click the Reports menu.
Click the type of report you want to generate.
Transfer History Report
About the Ad-Hoc History Window
You can use the Ad-Hoc History window to generate a customized Transfer History Report based on data from selected closed transfer cases. Every field that is on a transfer order is available for selection in the Ad-Hoc History window. You can create a customized report based on data that you select from the closed case records in the database, and then either print or export the report.
In the Ad-Hoc History window, you can also reopen a closed transfer case record and launch an external editor to generate correspondence with physicians. For information on reopening a closed case, refer to Reopening Closed Cases on page 26.
Note: Only users with Reopen Transfers permissions have access to the Reopen Case feature. The Transfer History Report calculates the patient’s age from the DOB (birthdate) to the Entry Date/Time for the case. This differs from when the case is open. When the case is open, the TransferCenter™ application calculates the patient’s age from the DOB (birthdate) to the current date.
Opening the Ad-Hoc History Window
From the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window, click the Reports menu. The Reports menu appears.
Click the Transfer History option. The Ad-Hoc History window opens displaying the Transfer History view accessed by a Transfer History tab. The default column headers appear on the Transfer History view without data.
The Menu Bar for Ad-Hoc History Window
Layout menu: The Layout menu displays several options for saving customized information on your screen. The menu includes the following options:
Save Layout: Click the Save option to save an Ad-Hoc History window layout that you have customized. The saved layout does not change until the logged in user changes or the defaults are restored.
Save Layout As: Click the Save Layout As option to save the current Ad-Hoc History layout to a new name. The name of the saved layout appears on a separate tab in the Ad-Hoc History window. Click the tab to navigate to the saved layout. All users with reports permissions can view the layout tab.
Rename Layout: Click the Rename Layout option to change the name of a layout you have previously saved. This option is disabled for the default Transfer History view. To rename the default layout, first select the Save Layout As option and type a new name.
Restore Default: Click the Restore Default option to change the current layout to the system default column layout.
Reload/Discard Changes: Click the Reload/Discard Changes option to change the current layout to your last saved layout. After clicking Reload/Discard Changes, you must also click Save to retain any changes.
Delete: Click the Delete option to remove the currently selected layout. This option is disabled for the default Transfer History view.
Auto-Resize the Columns: Click the Auto-Resize the Columns option to automatically resize the visible columns to fit as many columns as possible in the window.
Columns menu: The Columns menu displays several options for customizing the information on your screen. You can Show All Columns, Hide All columns, or open the Column Chooser (refer to Showing and Hiding Columns on page 12).
Data menu: The Data menu displays the following options:
Refresh: Click the Refresh option to refresh the report with the latest data.
Export: Click the Export option to save the selected Transfer History view as a Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet or as a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file. When you have enabled grouping, the report exports with the grouped entries appearing in the hierarchy that you choose.
Print: Click the Print option to preview and print the TeleTracking TransferCenter™ Ad-Hoc History window as it appears on your screen.
Case menu: The Case menu displays the following options:
Reopen Case: Click the Reopen Case option in the Case menu list to reopen a selected closed transfer case and send it back to the Inactive Transfer Requests view window. Only users with Reopen Transfers permissions have access to this feature. If you do not have permissions, this button is grayed out.
View Case: Select a case in the view and click View Case in the Case menu list to see the case details in the View Transfer window.
Physician Communications menu: The Physician Communications menu item becomes active after you click View Data to populate the Transfer History view tab. Click Physician Communications in the menu bar to open the Export Transfer History dialog box. You can save the current Transfer History view to a CSV file (with an extension of .csv) that can be used with a mail merge to create surveys, thank you notes, and other communications to referring physicians and hospitals.
Generating a Transfer History Report
From the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window, click the Reports menu.
Click the Transfer History report option. The TeleTracking TransferCenter™ Ad-Hoc History window opens.
Note: You can toggle between the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window and the report window without closing the report:
a. Click the Minimize button (minus sign) in the upper corner of the report. The Ad-Hoc History window minimizes to a tab on the screen’s task bar.
b. Click the tab on the task bar to maximize the Ad-Hoc History window again.To see all transfer case records for a specific date range, select a date for the Entry Date and To fields.
Note: You can display a maximum date range of three months.
Click View Data. The Transfer History cases for the date range that you selected appear in the Ad-Hoc History window. Each transfer case appears in a row.
Select the columns you want to include in your report by clicking the Columns menu and the Column Chooser option, or click the Field Chooser button. The "Select the columns to display in the Transfer History view" dialog box appears. Remove a column by clearing the corresponding check box. As you select fields, they become column headers in the report view window. Refer to Showing and Hiding Columns on page 12.
Note: The Facility Disposition fields appear in the "Select the columns to display in the Transfer History" view dialog box even if the administrator did not enable the Facility Disposition feature. If you then select the Facility Disposition options, the column headers appear in the Ad-Hoc History window, but the columns are blank.
You can right-click a column header and choose Hide Column. The column no longer appears in the report view window.
You can filter the resulting table by either typing a value into the filter field below the column header or by clicking a value from the field pull-down list. Refer to Filtering the Ad-Hoc History Window on page 17.
In the "Select the columns to display in the Transfer History view" dialog box, click the All check box to select all options in the column. Click the All check box again to clear all options in the column.
Tip: In the "Select the columns to display in the Transfer History" view dialog box, you can remove a column by clearing the corresponding check box. You can add additional columns to the report by selecting the corresponding check boxes. The application automatically retrieves and inserts the required data.
Managing the Ad-Hoc History Window
The TransferCenter™ application can manage and tailor the view of the history log output. You can arrange the generated output with any of the following actions:
Adding and Deleting Columns: You can select the information to show in the view window.
Creating Groups: You can group the output by criteria you select.
Filtering and Sorting: You can filter out data to streamline the report and sort the report by criteria you select.
Applying Customized Filters with Conditions: You can create custom filters.
Adding Conditions to a Filter: You can add multiple conditions to a filter.
Inserting Summaries: You can insert data summaries at the bottom of each column.
Adjusting Column Width: You can reset column width.
Changing Column Order: You can move columns to different places in the report.
Showing and Hiding Columns
Under the TransferCenter™ menu bar are the column headers for the report. You can add and delete the columns that you want to see.
Click the Field Chooser button left of the first column header. The "Select the columns to display in the Transfer History view" dialog box appears. All of the pages and fields of the patient detail window are available for selection in this dialog box. The options appear in groupings, all expanded initially.
Click the check box for each field that you want to display in the Ad-Hoc History window. A column is added to the view as you click its check box.
You can click the Select All button if you want to select the check box of every available field.
You can also click the Clear All button to eliminate all of the current selections.
Click Collapse All to show a simplified list of the groupings. Click the plus sign (+) for the grouping you want to expand to see all its options.
Click Expand All to see every option for every grouping in the list again.
To add additional information to each case row, select one of the following options from the sub-report list in the right corner of the "Select the columns to display in the Transfer History" view:
Targeted Physicians
Facility Disposition
Your selection appears in the "Select the columns to display in the Transfer History" view.
4. Select the top box to activate the list.
5. Select the boxes next to the fields that you want to include in the report and clear the check boxes do not want to include in the report. The options with selected check boxes are added to the report as a sub-row under the main row for each case. Each case’s main row can be expanded to see the sub-report information.
6. Click the X to close the "Select the columns to display in the Transfer History" view dialog box.
Note: The Bed Request Status field is only available for display when the XT Status field says, XT Interface Active.
Refreshing the Report
When you add or remove column groups in the report, a "Refresh Report" message displays indicating that columns are not loaded in the report. To see which columns are not loaded, hover your mouse over the icon. Then, re-run the report to load the missing data.
Creating Groups
You can sort the Transfer History report into groups. To separate report information into groups, do the following:
Put the cursor over the desired column header.
Left click and hold the mouse on the header.
Drag the header to the group area. A pair of black arrows appear showing you where to drop the header.
Release the header in the group area. The report is grouped accordingly.
You can further sort the report by repeating the process.
Sorting the Ad-Hoc History Window
You can sort each column of the report to create and print a custom record table. The header of each column has a sort switch that sorts the table in an ascending or descending order by the header name.
Click a header title to sort the table. A triangle appears pointing up to indicate an ascending sort and down to indicate a descending sort.
Click the column header again to toggle between the two orders.
Filtering the Ad-Hoc History Window
You use filters to create a table containing only those cases that you want to view, by removing cases that you don’t want to view. There are three methods to filter the Transfer History report:
Typing criteria in the appropriate field
Selecting from the list of column entries
Applying custom filters
Typing in the Filter Field
Type your criteria in the filter field below each column header. As you type, the column dynamically filters the report to show only the rows that contain the letters you have entered.
Selecting from the List of Column Contents
Below each column header is an arrow which displays a list of criteria. The list shows all the column contents from which you can create the filter.
To select from a list of column contents:
Click the box for each of the criteria that you want to display in the column. Only the cases you want to see appear in the columns you filtered.
Click the All box to toggle between all options selected and no options selected.
To select a limited number of options, first clear all the check boxes. Then, click the check boxes for the options that you want to show in the column. You can filter multiple columns.
Only the cases you selected appear in the report window. When a column is filtered, the name of the filter appears in the filter field below the column header.
Applying Custom Filters
Custom filters allow you to customize your filter to include additional Boolean operators (such as Less Than or Greater Than). Custom filters are simple to generate.
Understanding the Custom Filter Dialog Box
The Custom Filter dialog box contains three columns of criteria needed to build the custom filter. From the left, the columns are:
Column header: Criteria in this column determine which column in the Active/Inactive Transfer Request view you are filtering.
Filter operator: Selections in the filter operator column determine how the filter compares two values.
Filter value: Selections in the filter value column determine which value the operator compares to the rest of the column contents.
Column Header | Filter Operator | Filter Value |
Close Time | Greater Than | [Selected Date] |
To Create a Custom Filter - Example
The following example shows you how to create a custom filter for the Close Time column to show information between two different dates.
In the Column Chooser, click the box for the Close Time field. The TransferCenter™ application adds the column in the report view.
Click the arrow button below the Close Time header. A list appears.
Click Date Filters (other columns use Text Filters). A list of operator descriptions appears. Select a filter operator by doing one of the following:
Click any of the operator descriptions in the list to open the Custom Filter dialog box with the operator that you need to use.
Click any of the operator descriptions in the list to open the Custom Filter dialog box and to have the TransferCenter™ application supply the correct mathematical expression for the chosen operator description. In the example below, if you select After from the operator description list, the TransferCenter™ application opens the Custom Filter dialog box and supplies the correct filter operator (in our example, Greater than) in the filter operator column.
Alternatively, you can click Custom Filter in the operator descriptions list to select the operator yourself. The Custom Filter dialog box appears. The operator column is blank. From the filter operator list, select the Greater than option.
After you select the filter operator, you need to choose a value for the filter to use in its comparison. All the Entry Time column contents are in the filter value list. Click a date (e.g., 10/5/2010 10:30:03 AM) from the filter value list.
Click OK. The view window displays the new list of transfer cases. You have custom filtered the list to show all transfer cases with a close time Greater than the selected date and time.
Adding Conditions to a Custom Filter
You can add multiple conditions to a custom filter to further narrow the scope of the resulting report.
To add conditions to a custom filter, select the field that you are using to custom filter the report.
Follow steps 1 and 2 in "To Create a Custom Filter - Example" on page 19.
Click the Add button. A second row appears in the Custom Filter dialog box.
Note: When adding a condition All is the default in the Filter based on field. To create an ‘Any’ condition click the Any option in the Filter based on field.
Click "Less than" operator in the filter operator column.
Click the date "4/05/2010 10:38" (10/5/2010 10:38:52 AM) in the filter value column. The selected criteria are displayed in the row.
Click the OK button. The resulting report displays only those records that meet the filter criteria.
Turning Off Column Filters
To turn off a column filter, do one of the following:
Click the no filter button. The column shows all cases.
Click the arrow below the column heading. Click "Clear Filter" in the list. All transfer requests appear in the Active/Inactive Transfer Requests window.
Inserting Summaries
The AutoSum feature inserts summary counts at the bottom of each column. In the report output view, every column header has a summary switch. When you click the summary switch, the Select Summaries dialog box appears.
Click the type of summaries that you want to display in the report, and then click OK. The summaries are listed at the bottom of the column.
Each summary option is described as follows:
Count: Displays the number of entries in the column.
Maximum: Displays the last character in an alphabetic list (Z) or the highest number in a numeric list.
Minimum: Displays the first character in an alphabetic list (A) or the lowest number in a numeric list.
Turning Off Summaries
To turn off a column summary:
Click the AutoSum button in the column header, and then click the selected boxes to clear them.
Click OK.
Adjusting Column Width
You can adjust the width of any column by floating your cursor over the left or right column border in the column header until the column tool appears. Click and hold the left mouse button and move the column border in the necessary direction.
Changing the Column Order
You can change the order in which the columns appear by left-clicking and holding the left mouse button anywhere inside the selected column header. When you begin to move the column header, red arrows appear to indicate column location. Move the header to the desired place in the table and release the mouse button. The table reorganizes according to the column move you have made.
Printing the Transfer History Report
There are two ways to print the Ad-Hoc History window after you have customized it to display as you want:
In the Data menu, click the Print option to print the Ad-Hoc History window exactly as you see it on your screen. A Print dialog box appears.
Select the number of pages you want to preview and print.
Click OK.
All the pages of the Ad-Hoc History window appear in a Print Preview window.
Scroll through the pages using the arrows in the top right. Click the icons in the bar shown to change the number of pages displayed in the preview.
Click the Print icon to print pages of the window.
In the Data menu, click the Export option to export the report to a Microsoft® Excel® file. You can then print the resulting spreadsheet. When you have enabled grouping, the report exports with the grouped entries appearing in the hierarchy that you selected.
Printing Individual Transfer Case Histories
You can also print individual cases from the Ad-Hoc History window.
Select a case by clicking its row in the TeleTracking TransferCenter™ Ad-Hoc History view.
In the Case menu, click the View Case option. The View Transfer window opens for the case you selected. The patient’s name appears in the blue title bar.
Click the Print button to print all the pages of the View Transfer window for the individual case. Refer to the section “How to Print a Transfer Order” in the TransferCenter™ Application Functional User Guide.
Reopening Closed Cases
You can reopen closed cases displayed in the Ad-Hoc History window. When you open a closed case, the application sends it to the Inactive Transfer Requests view. From the Inactive Transfer Requests view, you can reopen the case in the Edit Transfer window from which you can edit, print, or export the case.
Note: Only users with Reopen Transfers permissions are able to reopen a closed case.
To reopen a closed case, you first have to load the case into the Transfer History Report, from which you can select the case and then reopen it.
To reopen a closed case, do the following:
Click the Transfer History option on the Reports menu. The Ad-Hoc History window opens.
Select a case by clicking its row. The background of the selected row turns light orange.
Click the Reopen Case option in the Ad-Hoc History > Case menu list. The Verify Reopen dialog box appears and prompts you to reopen the case or cancel the operation.
Click Yes to reopen the case. The selected case disappears from the report view and is listed in the Inactive Transfer Requests view.
Double-click the case row in the Inactive Transfer Requests view to open it. The case details open in the Edit Transfer window.
Generating Physician Thank You Notes and Surveys
The TransferCenter™ application provides you with a template from which you can create thank you notes and satisfaction surveys to send to referring physicians. All users can generate and export the Transfer History Report and use the Physician Thank You Note and Survey Template.
To Create Physician Thank You Notes and Surveys:
Generate the Teletracking TransferCenter™ Ad-Hoc History view: Access the TransferCenter™ application and generate the Ad-Hoc History view.
Click the Physician Communications menu item: In the application, navigate to the Physician Communications menu.
Export Transfer History: After clicking on the Physician Communications menu item, the Export Transfer History dialog box will appear.
Customize File Name: You have the option to change the file name that the TransferCenter™ application supplies. By default, it may suggest "TransferCenterExported.csv".
Click OK: Proceed by clicking the OK button. This action will create a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file of the Teletracking TransferCenter™ Ad-Hoc History view. You can choose the location on your local workstation where you want to save this file.
Access Templates: Navigate to either the Active or Inactive Transfer Requests views and click on the Help menu.
Select the Templates Option: From the Help menu, select the Templates option.
Open Physician Thank You Note and Survey Template: Microsoft® Windows® Explorer will open to the location of the templates that the TransferCenter™ installation program placed on your workstation (usually located at C:\Program Files\Teletracking\TransferCenter\Upload).
Double-click the Template File: Locate the file named "Physician Thank You Note and Survey Template.docx" and double-click on it. This action will open the template in Microsoft® Word®.
Follow Mail Merge Wizard Instructions: Follow the instructions provided by the Mail Merge wizard in Microsoft® Word®. The instructions may vary depending on your version of Microsoft® Word®.
Select Recipients: When prompted by the wizard to supply a list of recipients, browse to the "TransferCenterExported.csv" file that you previously exported. Select the exported CSV file containing the transfer history data.
Complete Mail Merge: Continue to follow the instructions provided by the Mail Merge wizard in Microsoft® Word® to complete the process of generating physician thank you notes and surveys based on the transfer history data.
Year End Report
About the Year End Report
The Year End Report is a form of the Transfer History Report that displays pre-selected columns for a maximum date range of one year. It appears in an ad-hoc window, allowing for column removal, formatting, and export to Excel, similar to the Transfer History Report.
Generating the Year End Report
From the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window, click the Reports menu.
Select the Transfer History report option.
The TeleTracking TransferCenter™ Ad-Hoc History window opens displaying an empty grid.
Choose the Year End Report option.
The Year End Report columns and data for the specified date range appear, defaulting to the beginning of the last month to the end of the current month.
To view records for a different date range, adjust the Entry Date and To fields. The maximum date range is one year.
Click Year End Report again to refresh the data for the new date range.
Manage the report by removing columns, sorting, filtering, reordering, printing, and exporting as in the Transfer History Report. See Managing the Ad-Hoc History Window for details.
Columns in the Year End Report
The following columns are pre-selected for the Year End Report. Columns can be removed as needed:
Entry Time
Case Owner
Patient Last Name
Patient First Name
Patient Date of Birth
Patient Age
Patient Gender
Primary Payor
Transfer Reason
Patient Type
Referring Facility
Referring Unit
Emergency Medical Condition (EMC) Status
Destination Facility
Hospital Service
Referring Physician
Accepting Physician
Disposition Reason
Transport Mode
Level of Care
Visit #
Refer notify time
Bed Type
Bed request completed
Page date & time
Return call
Decision time
Physician type
Transfer Request Log Report
About the Transfer Request Log Report
The Transfer Request Log report displays all transfer request cases that have been entered and closed during the selected period of time. The completeness of the records in the log depends on the completeness of the transfer case when it was closed. For a description of the fields in the report, refer to New Transfer Window Page Descriptions in the TransferCenter™ Application User Guide.
Opening the Transfer Request Log Criteria Dialog Box
From the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window, click the Reports menu.
Click the Transfer Request Log option from the list.
The Transfer Request Log Criteria dialog box appears.
About the Transfer Request Log Criteria Dialog Box
In the Transfer Request Log Criteria dialog box, you can select the data parameters that are displayed in the generated TransferCenter™ Transfer Request Log report. The dialog box consists of the following parameter selection sections and a Print button:
Date Range: This section displays the date and time range for records included in the report. You can click on a start date and an end date to define the date range.
Start: Displays the start date and time for the report date range. You can manually enter a date and time or use the arrow icon to select from the calendar tool.
End: Displays the end date and time for the report date range. You can manually enter a date and time or use the arrow icon to select from the calendar tool.
Apply Date Filter to: Choose whether to filter by Entry Date or Close Date.
Referring Facility/Health System: Select which referring facilities’ or health systems’ data you want to see in the report.
Any: By default, includes data from all facilities and health systems listed.
Facilities: Choose specific referring facilities.
Health Systems: Choose specific health systems.
Include/Exclude: Decide whether the selected facilities/health systems should be included or excluded from the report.
Destination Facility/Health System: Select which destination facilities’ or health systems’ data you want to see in the report. The destination facility or health system is where the patient was placed.
Any: By default, shows data from all destination facilities and health systems listed.
Facilities: Select specific destination facilities.
Health Systems: Select specific destination health systems.
Include/Exclude: Choose whether to include or exclude the selected facilities/health systems from the report.
Generating a Transfer Request Log Report
To generate a Transfer Request Log report, follow these steps:
Click the Reports menu and select the Transfer Request Log option. The Transfer Request Log Criteria dialog box appears.
Select the criteria options that you want for the report.
Click Print. The application generates and displays the report in the report view window.
Use the page buttons to page through the report.
Use the zoom icon to increase or decrease the view of the report.
Use the toggle parameters button to hide or show the left navigation pane.
Click the print report icon at the top of the report window to print the report.
To save the report, click the export icon and choose one of the following options from the Save as type list:
Adobe® Acrobat® (.pdf) – the default option
SAP® Crystal Reports® (.rpt)
Microsoft® Excel®(.xls)
Note: The bar graph of the Transfer Request Log report exports to Microsoft® Excel® as a picture of the graph. The data used to create the graph is not accessible in Microsoft® Excel®.
Top Referring Physicians
The Top Referring Physicians report displays the top number of referring physicians who requested patient transfers during the selected period of time. The TransferCenter™ application generates the report using only the data from closed cases. The color-coded result displays the referring physicians.
Opening the Top Referring Physicians Criteria Dialog Box
From the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window, click the Reports menu.
Click the Top Referring Physicians option from the list. The Top Referring Physicians Criteria dialog box appears.
About the Top Referring Physicians Criteria Dialog Box
In the Top Referring Physicians Criteria dialog box, you can select the data parameters that are displayed in the generated TransferCenter™ Top Referring Physicians report. The dialog box consists of the following parameter selection sections and a Print button:
Date Range: This section displays date and time range for records included in the report. Click a start date and an end date to define the date range.
Start: Displays the start date and time for the report date range. You can enter a different date and time manually or select it from the calendar tool.
End: Displays the end date and time for the report date range. You can enter a different date and time manually or select it from the calendar tool.
Apply Date Filter to: Options to filter by the entry date or close date of the transfer request.
Referring Facility/Health System: Select the referring facilities or health systems for which you want to generate the report.
Any: Includes data about all the facilities and health systems listed.
Facilities: Allows selecting one or more specific facilities.
Health Systems: Allows selecting one or more specific health systems.
Include/Exclude: Choose to include or exclude selected facilities or health systems.
Destination Facility/Health System: Similar to the referring facility/health system section, but for destination facilities or health systems.
Include/Exclude: Choose to include or exclude selected facilities or health systems.
Referring Facility/Health System
You can select which referring facilities’ or health systems’ data you want to see in the report in the Referring Facility/Health system section.
Any: By default, the Any option button is selected, and the Top Referring Physicians report includes data about all the facilities and health systems listed.
Facilities: If you want the report to show data from only one facility, click the Facilities option button and select the facilities’ name in the Referring Facilities list. To select more than one facility, press and hold the Control key and click the facilities. To clear a facility, press and hold the Control key and click the selected facility again. The report is restricted to the facilities that you selected.
Health Systems: If you want the report to show data from only one health system, click the Health Systems option button and select the health system’s name in the list. To select more than one health system, press and hold the Control key and click the health system. To clear a health system, press and hold the Control key and click the selected health system again. The report is restricted to the health systems that you selected.
Include/Exclude: You can choose to have your selections in the Facility or Health System sections included in or excluded from the report by selecting the appropriate option in the Include drop-down list.
Destination Facility/Health System
You can select which destination facilities’ or health systems’ data you want to see in the report in the Destination Facility/Health system section. The destination facility or health system is where the patient was placed.
By default, the TransferCenter™ Top Referring Physicians report shows data about all the facilities and health systems listed.
If you want the report to show data from only one destination facility, click the Facilities option button and select the facility’s name in the list. To select more than one facility, press and hold the Control key and click the facilities. To clear a facility, press and hold the Control key and click the selected facility again. The report is restricted to the facilities that you selected.
If you want the report to show data from only one destination health system, click the Health systems option button and select the health system’s name in the list. To select more than one health system, press and hold the Control key and click the health system. To clear a health system, press and hold the Control key and click the selected health system again. The report is restricted to the health systems that you selected.
Include/Exclude: You can choose to have your selections in the Facility or Health System sections included in or excluded from the report by selecting the appropriate option in the Include drop-down list.
Generating the Top Referring Physicians Report
To generate a Top Referring Physicians report, follow these steps:
Click the Reports menu and select the Top Referring Physicians option. The Top Referring Physicians Criteria dialog box appears.
Select the criteria options that you want for the report.
Click Print. The application generates and displays the report in the report view window.
Use the page buttons to page through the report.
Use the zoom icon to increase or decrease the view of the report.
Use the toggle parameters button to hide or show the left navigation pane.
Click the print report icon at the top of the report window to print the report.
To save the report, click the export icon and choose one of the following options from the Save as type list:
Adobe® Acrobat® (.pdf) – the default option
SAP® Crystal Reports® (.rpt)
Microsoft® Excel®(.xls)
Note: The bar graph of the Top Referring Physicians report exports to Microsoft® Excel® as a picture of the graph. The data used to create the graph is not accessible in Microsoft® Excel®.
Top Payor Mix
The Top Payor Mix report displays the top number mix of payors during the selected period of time. The TransferCenter™ application generates the report using the Primary Payor data from closed cases only. The color coded result displays the payors in the mix.
Opening the Top Payor Mix Criteria Dialog Box
From the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window, click the Reports menu.
Click the Top Payor Mix option from the list.
The Top Payor Mix Criteria dialog box appears.
About the Top Payor Mix Criteria Dialog Box
In the Top Payor Mix Criteria dialog box, you can select the data parameters that are displayed in the generated TransferCenter™ Top Payor Mix report. The Top Payor Mix Criteria dialog box consists of the following parameter selection sections and a Print button:
Date Range
This section displays date and time range for records included in the report. Click a start date and an end date to define the date range.
Start: Displays the start date and time for the report date range. When you click Now, the application automatically enters the current date/time in the field. Enter a different date by clicking the arrow icon and selecting a date from the calendar tool, or by typing the date into the field. You can also change the date by placing the cursor in the field and clicking the up/down arrows. Enter a different time by placing the cursor in the time field and clicking the up/down arrows, or typing a time in the field. Times must specify “AM” or “PM.”
End: Displays the end date and time for the report date range. When you click Now, the application automatically enters the current time in the field. Enter a different date by clicking the arrow icon and selecting a date from the calendar tool, or by typing the date into the field. You can also change the date by placing the cursor in the field and clicking the up/down arrows. Enter a different time by placing the cursor in the time field and clicking the up/down arrows, or typing a time in the field.
Apply Date Filter to:
Click the Entry Date option to filter by the date the case was entered into the TransferCenter™ system. The report shows only the cases that began within the range of the date filter.
Click the Close Date option to filter by the date the case closed in the TransferCenter™ system. The report shows only the cases that closed within the range of the date filter.
Referring Facility/Health System
You can select which referring facilities’ or health systems’ data you want to see in the report in the Referring Facility/Health system section.
Any: By default, the Any option button is selected, and the Top Payor Mix report includes data about all the facilities and health systems listed.
Facilities: If you want the report to show data from only one facility, click the Facilities option button and select the facilities’ name in the Referring Facilities list. To select more than one facility, press and hold the Control key and click the facilities. To clear a facility, press and hold the Control key and click the selected facility again. The report is restricted to the facilities that you selected.
Health Systems: If you want the report to show data from only one health system, click the Health Systems option button and select the health system’s name in the list. To select more than one health system, press and hold the Control key and click the health system. To clear a health system, press and hold the Control key and click the selected health system again. The report is restricted to the health systems that you selected.
Include/Exclude: You can choose to have your selections in the Facility or Health System sections included in or excluded from the report by selecting the appropriate option in the Include drop-down list.
Destination Facility/Health System
You can select which destination facilities’ or health systems’ data you want to see in the report in the Destination Facility/Health system section. The destination facility or health system is where the patient was placed.
By default, the TransferCenter™ Top Payor Mix report shows data about all the facilities and health systems listed.
If you want the report to show data from only one destination facility, click the Facilities option button and select the facility’s name in the list. To select more than one facility, press and hold the Control key and click the facilities. To clear a facility, press and hold the Control key and click the selected facility again. The report is restricted to the facilities that you selected.
If you want the report to show data from only one destination health system, click the Health systems option button and select the health system’s name in the list. To select more than one health system, press and hold the Control key and click the health system. To clear a health system, press and hold the Control key and click the selected health system again. The report is restricted to the health systems that you selected.
Include/Exclude: You can choose to have your selections in the Facility or Health System sections included in or excluded from the report by selecting the appropriate option in the Include drop-down list.
Generating the Top Payor Mix Report
To generate a Top Payor Mix report, follow these steps:
Click the Reports menu and select the Top Payor Mix option. The Top Payor Mix Criteria dialog box appears.
Select the criteria options that you want for the report.
Click Print. The application generates and displays the report in the report view window.
Use the page buttons to page through the report.
Use the zoom icon to increase or decrease the view of the report.
Use the toggle parameters button to hide or show the left navigation pane.
Click the print report icon at the top of the report window to print the report.
To save the report, click the export icon and choose one of the following options from the Save as type list:
Adobe® Acrobat® (.pdf) – the default option
SAP® Crystal Reports® (.rpt)
Microsoft® Excel®(.xls)
Note: The bar graph of the Top Payor Mix report exports to Microsoft® Excel® as a picture of the graph. The data used to create the graph is not accessible in Microsoft® Excel®.
Payor Mix by Referring Facility Criteria
The Payor Mix by Referring Facility Criteria report displays the top number of payors, by referring facility, during the selected period of time. The TransferCenter™ application generates the report using only the data from closed cases. The list in the report displays the payors, categorized by alphabetically ordered referring facility.
Opening the Payor Mix by Referring Facility Criteria Dialog Box
From the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window, click the Reports menu.
Click the Payor Mix by Referring Facility Criteria option from the list. The Payor Mix by Referring Facility Criteria dialog box appears.
About the Payor Mix by Referring Facility Criteria Dialog Box
In the Payor Mix by Referring Facility Criteria dialog box, you can select the data parameters that are displayed in the generated TransferCenter™ Payor Mix by Referring Facility Criteria report.
The Payor Mix by Referring Facility Criteria dialog box consists of the following parameter selection sections and a Print button:
Date Range
Referring Facility/Health System
Destination Facility/Health System
Date Range
This section displays the date and time range for records included in the report. Here's how to set the date range:
Start: Displays the start date and time for the report date range. Clicking "Now" automatically enters the current date/time. You can also manually enter a different date/time or use the up/down arrows.
End: Displays the end date and time for the report date range. Similar to the start date, you can click "Now" for the current date/time, manually enter a different date/time, or use the up/down arrows.
Apply Date Filter to:
You can choose to filter the report by the date the case was entered into the TransferCenter™ system (Entry Date) or by the date the case closed in the system (Close Date). This helps narrow down the cases included in the report based on your preferred timeframe.
Referring Facility/Health system
This section allows you to select which referring facilities’ or health systems’ data you want to see in the report:
Any: Includes data about all the facilities and health systems listed by default.
Facilities: If you want to see data from only one facility, select it from the list. You can select multiple facilities by holding the Control key.
Health Systems: Similar to facilities, you can choose one or more health systems from the list.
You can choose to include or exclude your selections in the report by selecting the appropriate option in the Include drop-down list.
Destination Facility/Health System
This section allows you to select which destination facilities’ or health systems’ data you want to see in the report. It specifies where the patient was placed:
By default, the report shows data about all the facilities and health systems listed.
You can choose to restrict the report to only one destination facility or health system, similar to the options available for referring facilities/health systems.
Similar to the previous section, you can choose to include or exclude your selections in the report.
Generating the Payor Mix by Referring Facility Criteria Report
To generate this report, follow these steps:
Click the Reports menu and select the Payor Mix by Referring Facility Criteria option. The Payor Mix by Referring Facility Criteria dialog box appears.
Select the criteria options that you want for the report.
Click Print. The application generates and displays the report in the report view window.
Use the provided options to navigate through, zoom in/out, and toggle parameters.
Click the print report icon at the top of the report window to print the report.
To save the report, click the export icon and choose one of the available file formats (PDF, Crystal Reports, Excel).
Note: The bar graph of the Payor Mix by Referring Facility Criteria report exports to Microsoft® Excel® as a picture of the graph. The data used to create the graph is not accessible in Microsoft® Excel®.
HIPAA Report
About the HIPAA Log Window
When generating a HIPAA Report (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), a HIPAA Log window opens. This log is utilized to demonstrate compliance with HIPAA Title II regulations regarding healthcare fraud and abuse. It documents instances when a patient’s information was viewed or edited. Access to this feature is restricted to users with specific permissions to generate HIPAA reports.
Opening the HIPAA Report Dialog Box
From the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window, click the Reports menu.
Select the HIPAA Reports option from the menu. This action will bring up the HIPAA Reports dialog box.
About the HIPAA Report Dialog Box
In the HIPAA Report dialog box, you select the data parameters used to generate the TransferCenter™ HIPAA Log report. This dialog box comprises parameter selection sections and a Print button. Here's a description of the sections and fields:
Report Date Range
This section displays the date and time range for records included in the report. You can set the start and end dates as follows:
Start: Displays the start date and time for the report date range. You can manually enter a different date/time, select from the calendar tool, or use the up/down arrows.
End: Displays the end date and time for the report date range. Similar to the start date, you can manually enter a different date/time, select from the calendar tool, or use the up/down arrows.
Events to Include
Your selections in this section determine which events are included in your report. Select the event by clicking the appropriate checkbox:
Login: Includes the date and time the user logs into the system.
Logout: Includes the date and time the user logs out of the system.
Edit Patient: Includes the date and time the user edited a patient record.
Run Report: Includes the date and time the user ran a report.
Generating the HIPAA Report
Follow these steps to generate the HIPAA Report:
Click the Reports menu and select the HIPAA Reports option. The HIPAA Reports dialog box appears.
Set the desired criteria options for the report.
Click Print. The application will generate and display the report in the report view window.
Navigate through the report using the provided options.
Click the print report icon at the top of the report window to print the report.
To save the report, click the export icon and choose one of the available file formats (PDF, Crystal Reports, Excel).
Note: The HIPAA Report is crucial for demonstrating compliance with HIPAA regulations, ensuring patient data security, and preventing healthcare fraud and abuse.
In this section, you determine how the report output is grouped and sorted:
Group By: Choose the value to group the report by from the Group By list. Options include:
User Name: Group the report by User Name.
Patient/Object: Group the report by patient's name and transfer number or by the type of report generated.
Access Type: Group the report by the reason the user accessed the record.
Workstation: Group the report by the workstation ID used to access the record.
Event Date: Group the report by the date the record was accessed.
Sort By: Choose the value to sort the report by from the Sort By list. Options include:
User Name: Sort the report by User Name.
Patient/Object: Sort the report by patient's name and transfer number or by the type of report generated.
Access Type: Sort the report by the reason the user accessed the record.
Workstation: Sort the report by the workstation ID used to access the record.
Event Date: Sort the report by the date and time the record was accessed.
Direction: Determine the ascending or descending order of the report sorting:
Ascending: Sort the report alphabetically from A to Z or numerically from 1 to 99999.
Descending: Sort the report alphabetically from Z to A or numerically from 99999 to 1.
The Print button generates the report in the HIPAA Log window. To send the report to a printer, click the print icon on the HIPAA Log window. Note that the Print button is disabled unless at least one event type is selected.
Generating a HIPAA Report
From the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window, click the Reports menu.
Select the HIPAA Report option from the menu. The HIPAA Reports dialog box appears.
Click the event(s) you want to include in the report. You can select multiple events.
Set the group and sort values and the direction order of the report output.
Click Print. The application generates and displays the report in the report view window.
Use the provided options to navigate through the report, adjust the view, and toggle parameters.
Click the print report icon at the top of the report window to print the report.
To save the report, click the export icon and choose one of the available options from the Save as type list: PDF, Excel, or Crystal Reports.
Monthly Trending Report
About the Monthly Trending Report Window
The Monthly Trending Report provides a graphical representation of trends for accepted and declined cases over past months. It helps in analyzing trends in transfer requests over time.
Opening the Monthly Trending Criteria Dialog Box
From the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window, navigate to the Reports menu.
Select the Monthly Trending option from the menu.
About the Monthly Trending Criteria Dialog Box
You can use the Monthly Trending Criteria dialog box to select the data parameters that are displayed in the generated TransferCenter™ Monthly Trending report. The Monthly Trending Criteria dialog box consists of parameter selection sections and a Print button. The parameter selection sections are:
Date Range
Referring Facility/Health System
Destination Facility/Health System
Hospital Service
Accepting Dispositions
Declining Dispositions
Disposition Reasons
Report Date Range
This section displays date and time range for records included in the report. Click a start date and an end date to define the date range.
Start: Displays the start date and time for the report date range. When you click Now, the application automatically enters the current date/time in the field. Enter a different date by clicking the arrow icon and selecting a date from the calendar tool, or by typing the date into the field. You can also change the date by placing the cursor in the field and clicking the up/down arrows. Enter a different time by placing the cursor in the time field and clicking the up/down arrows, or typing a time in the field. Times must specify “AM” or “PM.”
End: Displays the end date and time for the report date range. When you click Now, the application automatically enters the current time in the field. Enter a different date by clicking the arrow icon and selecting a date from the calendar tool, or by typing the date into the field. You can also change the date by placing the cursor in the field and clicking the up/down arrows. Enter a different time by placing the cursor in the time field and clicking the up/down arrows, or typing a time in the field.
Apply Date Filter to:
Click the Entry Date option to filter by the date the case was entered into the TransferCenter™ system. The report shows only the cases that began within the range of the date filter.
Click the Close Date option to filter by the date the case closed in the TransferCenter™ system. The report shows only the cases that closed within the range of the date filter.
Referring Facility/Health System
You can select which referring facilities’ or health systems’ data you want to see in the report in the Referring Facility/Health system section.
Any: By default, the Any option button is selected, and the Monthly Trending report includes data about all the facilities and health systems listed.
Facilities: If you want the report to show data from only one facility, click the Facilities option button and select the facilities’ name in the Referring Facilities list. To select more than one facility, press and hold the Control key and click the facilities. To clear a facility, press and hold the Control key and click the selected facility again.
Health Systems: If you want the report to show data from only one health system, click the Health Systems option button and select the health system’s name in the list. To select more than one health system, press and hold the Control key and click the health system. To clear a health system, press and hold the Control key and click the selected health system again.
Include/Exclude: You can choose to have your selections in the Facility or Health System sections included in or excluded from the report by selecting the appropriate option in the Include drop-down list.
Destination Facility/Health System
You can select which destination facilities’ or health systems’ data you want to see in the report in the Destination Facility/Health system section. The destination facility or health system is where the patient was placed.
By default, the TransferCenter™ Monthly Trending report shows data about all the facilities and health systems listed.
If you want the report to show data from only one destination facility, click the Facilities option button and select the facility’s name in the list. To select more than one facility, press and hold the Control key and click the facilities. To clear a facility, press and hold the Control key and click the selected facility again.
If you want the report to show data from only one destination health system, click the Health systems option button and select the health system’s name in the list. To select more than one health system, press and hold the Control key and click the health system. To clear a health system, press and hold the Control key and click the selected health system again.
Include/Exclude: You can choose to have your selections in the Facility or Health System sections included in or excluded from the report by selecting the appropriate option in the Include drop-down list.
Hospital Service
You can select which hospital services you want to see in the report.
By default, the TransferCenter™ Monthly Trending report includes all the hospital services listed. If you want the report to show one service, click the hospital service name in the list.
To select more than one hospital service, press and hold the Control key and click the hospital services. To clear a hospital service, press and hold the Control key and click a selected hospital service again. The report is restricted to the hospital services you selected.
Accepting Dispositions
If you want the report to show the number of cases which were accepted for transfer, click the Include Accepted check box. If you do not want the report to show cases which were accepted, clear the Include Accepted check box.
If you selected the Include Accepted box, by default, the TransferCenter™ Monthly Trending report includes all the types of accepted cases which are listed (such as “consult” or “observation”).
If you want the report to show one type of accepted case, click the corresponding description in the list. To select more than one type of accepted case, press and hold the Control key and click the types of accepted cases. To clear a type of accepted case, press and hold the Control key and click a selected type of accepted case again. The report is restricted to the types of accepted cases you selected.
Declining Dispositions
If you want the report to show the number of cases which were declined for transfer, click the Include Declined check box. If you do not want the report to show cases which were declined, clear the Include Declined check box.
If you selected the Include Declined box, by default, the TransferCenter™ Monthly Trending report includes all the types of declined cases that are listed.
If you want the report to show one type of declined case, click the corresponding description in the list. To select more than one type of declined case, press and hold the Control key and click the types of declined cases. To clear a type of declined case, press and hold the Control key and click a selected type of declined case again. The report is restricted to the types of declined cases you selected.
Disposition Reasons
The Monthly Trending report shows the reasons that a case was assigned a particular disposition.
All the listed reasons case dispositions are shown in the report by default.
If you want the report to only show one reason, click the corresponding description in the list. To select more than one reason, press and hold the Control key and click the reasons. To clear a reason, press and hold the Control key and click a selected reason again. The report is restricted to the cases that were declined for the reasons you selected.
The Monthly Trending report can include a chart showing the details of one parameter: Referring Facility, Accepting Facility, Service, or Disposition.
Select the group of details to show by clicking a grouping in the Include Details grouped by list.
You can only click one grouping for each report.
The report shows a table with the details of the grouping you selected.
Generating a Monthly Trending Report
From the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window, click the Reports menu.
Click the Monthly Trending option from the menu. The Monthly Trending Criteria dialog box appears.
Click the data parameters you want to include in the report. Note: You can select multiple parameters.
Click Print. The application generates and displays the report in the report view window.
Use the page buttons to page through the report.
Use the zoom icon to increase or decrease the view of the report.
Use the toggle parameters button to hide or show the left navigation pane.
Click the print report icon at the top of the report window to print the report.
To save the report, click the export icon and choose one of the following options from the Save as type list:
Adobe® Acrobat® (.pdf) – the default option
Microsoft® Excel® (.xls)
SAP® Crystal Reports® (.rpt)
Geographical Volume Report
About the Geographical Volume Report Window
The Geographical Volume Report window shows you a geographical representation of the referring facilities and their accepted and declined cases for past months.
Note: To enable the proper display of the Geographical Volume Report, see the workstation firewall settings in the TransferCenter™ Application Installation Guide.
The report shows the location of each referring facility with a green marker and call out box. The default view shows only the green marker. Hold your mouse over the marker to reveal the callout box.
The first line of the call out box is the facility name.
The second line is the number of accepted cases from the facility.
The third line is the number of declined cases from the facility.
Geographical Volume Report
Reference page 33
The following is a list of available icons in the lower left corner:
Zoom In — The zoom in icon changes the view screen to a higher magnification. Map data may not appear when the map is displayed at high levels of magnification.
Zoom Out — The zoom out icon changes the view window to a lower magnification. Map data may not appear when the map is displayed at high levels of magnification.
Print — The print icon prints the view window and legend.
Criteria — Hold your mouse over the criteria icon to show the criteria used in the generation of the report. A box appears below the icons detailing the criteria that was selected in the Geographical Volume Criteria dialog box.
Alert icon — Hold your mouse over the alert icon to see a list of the facilities included in the report for which a location could not be shown on the map. Latitude and longitude coordinates for the facility must be entered in the Referring Facilities page of the Administration Tool in order to appear on the Geographical Volume Report maps. For more information, see the TransferCenter™ Configuration Guide. Even though a facility may not appear on the Geographical Volume Report map, its details will appear on the map legend when the report output is generated.
About the Geographical Volume Criteria Dialog Box
In the Geographical Volume Criteria dialog box, you select the data parameters for generating the TransferCenter™ Geographical Volume report.
The Geographical Volume Criteria dialog box consists of parameter selection sections and a Print button. The parameters are:
Date Range
Referring Facility
Hospital Service
Accepting Facility
Accepting Dispositions
Declining Dispositions
Decline Reasons
Formatting Options
Date Range
This section displays date and time range for records included in the report.
Start — Displays the start date for the report date range.
End — Displays the end date for the report date range.
Apply Date Filter to:
Click the Entry Date option to filter by the date the case was entered into the TransferCenter™ system. The report shows only the cases that began within the range of the date filter.
Click the Close Date option to filter by the date the case was closed in the TransferCenter™ system. The report shows only the cases that closed within the range of the date filter.
Referring Facility/Health system
You can select which referring facilities’ or health systems’ data you want to see in the report in the Referring Facility/Health system section.
Any — By default, the Any option button is selected, and the Monthly Trending report includes data about all the facilities and health systems listed.
Facilities — If you want the report to show data from only one facility, click the Facilities option button and select the facilities’ name in the Referring Facilities list. To select more than one facility, press and hold the Control key and click the facilities. To clear a facility, press and hold the Control key and click the selected facility again.
Health Systems — If you want the report to show data from only one health system, click the Health Systems option button and select the health system’s name in the list. To select more than one health system, press and hold the Control key and click the health system. To clear a health system, press and hold the Control key and click the selected health system again.
Include/Exclude — You can choose to have your selections in the Facility or Health System sections included in or excluded from the report by selecting the appropriate option in the Include drop-down list.
Geographical Volume Report
Destination Facility/Health System
You can select which destination facilities’ or health systems’ data you want to see in the report in the Destination Facility/Health system section. The destination facility or health system is where the patient was placed.
By default, the TransferCenter™ Monthly Trending report shows data about all the facilities and health systems listed.
If you want the report to show data from only one destination facility, click the Facilities option button and select the facility’s name in the list. To select more than one facility, press and hold the Control key and click the facilities. To clear a facility, press and hold the Control key and click the selected facility again.
If you want the report to show data from only one destination health system, click the Health systems option button and select the health system’s name in the list. To select more than one health system, press and hold the Control key and click the health system. To clear a health system, press and hold the Control key and click the selected health system again.
Include/Exclude — You can choose to have your selections in the Facility or Health System sections included in or excluded from the report by selecting the appropriate option in the Include drop-down list.
Hospital Service
You can select which hospital services you want to see in the report.
By default, the TransferCenter™ Monthly Trending report includes all the hospital services listed. If you want the report to show one service, click the hospital service name in the list.
To select more than one hospital service, press and hold the Control key and click the hospital services. To clear a hospital service, press and hold the Control key and click a selected hospital service again.
Accepting Dispositions
If you want the report to show the number of cases which were accepted for transfer, click the Include Accepted check box. If you do not want the report to show cases which were accepted, clear the Include Accepted check box.
With the Include Accepted box selected, by default, the TransferCenter™ Monthly Trending report includes all the types of accepted cases which are listed (such as “consult” or “observation”).
If you want the report to show one type of accepted case, click the corresponding description in the list. To select more than one type of accepted case, press and hold the Control key and click the types of accepted cases. To clear a type of accepted case, press and hold the Control key and click a selected type of accepted case again. The report is restricted to the types of accepted cases you selected.
Declining Dispositions
If you want the report to show the number of cases which were declined for transfer, click the Include Declined check box. If you do not want the report to show cases which were declined, clear the Include Declined check box.
With the Include Declined box selected, by default, the TransferCenter™ Monthly Trending report includes all the types of declined cases that are listed.
If you want the report to show one type of declined case, click the corresponding description in the list. To select more than one type of declined case, press and hold the Control key and click the types of declined cases. To clear a type of declined case, press and hold the Control key and click a selected type of declined case again. The report is restricted to the types of declined cases you selected.
Disposition Reasons
The Monthly Trending report shows the reasons that a case was assigned a particular disposition.
All the listed reasons case dispositions are shown in the report by default.
If you want the report to only show one reason, click the corresponding description in the list. To select more than one reason, press and hold the Control key and click the reasons. To clear a reason, press and hold the Control key and click a selected reason again. The report is restricted to the cases that were declined for the reasons you selected.
The Monthly Trending report can include a chart showing the details of one parameter, Referring Facility, Accepting Facility, Service or Disposition.
Select the group of details to show by clicking a grouping in the Include Details grouped by list.
You can only click one grouping for each report. The report shows a table with the details of the grouping you selected.
Formatting Options
Always Show Tooltips — When you move your mouse over the green markers for each hospital a tooltip displays with the statistics for that hospital. Click the Always Show Tooltips check box to always display each hospital’s statistics without holding your mouse over the marker on the map.
Use Image Marker — The default marker for hospitals on the map is a green rectangle . Click this check box to use a different shape and color marker for the hospitals on the map.
Choose button — Click this button to select a different marker from the list. The tooltips appear on the map.
Generating the Geographical Volume Report Window
From the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window, click the Reports menu.
Click the Geographical Volume option from the menu. The Geographical Volume Criteria dialog box appears.
Click the Start and End dates to specify from what time period you want the report generated. For more information about making your selections, refer to About the Geographical Volume Criteria Dialog Box.
Click criteria from the Referring Facility, Accepting Facility, and Hospital Service parameter sections. Or make no selections for those parameters to include them all by default.
Note: Facilities that appear in the list with a yellow background do not have GPS coordinates and will only appear on the generated map if GPS coordinates can be retrieved based on the address.
Click the Accepting Dispositions check box to have the report show that data. The Accepting Dispositions check box is selected by default. Clear the check box to not show the data in the report. If you want to show Accepting Dispositions, you can select the types to be displayed in the report from the list or make no selection to include all the types.
Click the Declining Dispositions check box to have the report show that data. The Declining Dispositions check box is selected by default. Clear the check box to not show the data in the report. If you want to show Declining Dispositions, you can select the types to be displayed in the report from the list or make no selection to include all the types.
In the Formatting Options section you can click any or both of the following options:
Always Show Tooltips: Click this check box to show each hospital’s statistics without holding your mouse over the marker on the map.
Use Image Marker: The default marker for hospitals on the map is a green shield shape . Click this check box to use a different shape and color marker for the hospitals on the map. If you select the Use Image Marker option, the Map ID column does not appear in the Map Legend when the report is generated.
Choose button: Click this button to select a different marker from the list.
Click the Show Map button. The application generates and displays the map in the report view window. Use the zoom icon to increase or decrease the view of the report.
Note: If you are not able to see the map when you click Show Map, the problem is the network permissions set by the hospital. To fix the problem, your network administrator can see the instructions in the TransferCenter™ Geographical Volume Report Internet Access Requirements section of the TransferCenter™ Application Configuration Guide.
Click either the print report or export report icon at the top of the report window to print or export the report.
About the Output Window for the Geographical Volume Report
The Geographical Volume report is generated from closed cases only. When you generate a Geographical Volume report, the application displays the results in a report view window. When you click the print icon in the lower left, the printable report is generated as a PDF in a new window. The map page is preceded by a legend page that gives the details of the data. You can enlarge the view or page through multi-page reports.
You can navigate the output window for the Geographical Volume Report in several ways:
Maximize the window by clicking the maximize icon in the top right corner. This allows better zooming, more area to appear, and a better printout.
Right-click and drag the map to the area you want when the double arrows appear.
Zoom in or out using the icons in the bottom left corner.
Above is an example of the Geographical Volume view window that is generated by clicking Show Map in the Geographical Volume Criteria dialog box.
Above is an example of the printable legend from the Geographical Volume report which is generated by clicking the print icon in the view window. The Map ID column identifies the markers on the map.
Above is an example of the printable map from the Geographical Volume report which is generated by clicking the print icon in the view window.
In the report view window, you can do the following:
Maximize the map output window, zoom and drag to the view that you want to print.
Click Print. The application generates and displays the report in the report view window. Use the page buttons to page through the report. Use the zoom icon to increase or decrease the view of the report. Use the toggle parameters button to hide or show the left navigation pane.
Click the print report icon at the top of the report window to print the report.
To save the report, click the export icon and choose one of the following options from the Save as type list:
Adobe® Acrobat® (.pdf) – the default option
Microsoft® Excel®(.xls)
SAP® Crystal Reports® (.rpt)
Targeted Physician Communication Report
About the Targeted Physician Communication Report Window
The Targeted Physician Communication Report window displays a summary of the actions of physicians to review and admit cases that were referred to your facility during a selected date range. The data is supplied by the entries made in the fields of the Transfer page and the Consult page and of the TransferCenter™ application as noted below:
Field Name in the Edit Transfer Window | Page and Section Name in the Edit Transfer Window | Corresponding Column Heading in the Targeted Physician Communication Report Window |
Initial Request Time | Transfer page > Entry Date/Time | Initial Page Date/Time |
Paged Date Time | Consult page > Targeted Physicians Communications section | Repaged Date/Time |
Re-Paged Date/Time |
| Returned Call Date/Time |
Spoke with Referring Physician |
| Spoke w/ Referring Physician Date/Time |
Decision Date Time |
| Decision Date/Time |
For more information about these fields, see the Transfer Page and the Consult Page sections of the TransferCenter™ Application User Guide.
The report uses the data to calculate the following times and average times:
Initial Page to Return Call — The minutes between the initial page to the physician’s return call
Initial Page to Decision — The minutes between the initial page to the physician’s accepting, consulting, or declining decision
Entry to Decision — The minutes between the patient’s entry into the TransferCenter™ application as a new transfer case to the physician’s accepting, consulting, or declining decision
Opening Targeted Physician Communication Report Criteria Dialog Box
From the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window, click the Reports menu.
Click the Targeted Physician Communication option from the list. The Targeted Physician Communication Criteria dialog box appears.
About the Targeted Physician Communication Criteria Dialog Box
You use the Targeted Physician Communication Criteria dialog box to select the data parameters that are displayed in the generated TransferCenter™ Targeted Physician Communication Report.
The Targeted Physician Communication Criteria dialog box consists of parameter selection sections and a Print button. The parameter selection sections are:
Date Range
Referring Facility/Health System
Destination Facility/Health System
Hospital Service
Physician Type
Targeted Physicians
Date Range
This section displays date and time range for records included in the report. Click a start date and an end date to define the date range.
Start: Displays the start date and time for the report date range. When you click Now, the application automatically enters the current date/time in the field. Enter a different date by clicking the arrow icon and selecting a date from the calendar tool, or by typing the date into the field. You can also change the date by placing the cursor in the field and clicking the up/down arrows. Enter a different time by placing the cursor in the time field and clicking the up/down arrows, or typing a time in the field. Times must specify “AM” or “PM.”
End: Displays the end date and time for the report date range. When you click Now, the application automatically enters the current time in the field. Enter a different date by clicking the arrow icon and selecting a date from the calendar tool, or by typing the date into the field. You can also change the date by placing the cursor in the field and clicking the up/down arrows. Enter a different time by placing the cursor in the time field and clicking the up/down arrows, or typing a time in the field.
Apply Date Filter to:
Click the Entry Date option to filter by the date the case was entered into the TransferCenter™ system. The report shows only the cases that began within the range of the date filter.
Click the Close Date option to filter by the date the case closed in the TransferCenter™ system. The report shows only the cases that closed within the range of the date filter.
Referring Facility/Health System
You can select which referring facilities’ or health systems’ data you want to see in the report in the Referring Facility/Health system section.
Any: By default, the Any option button is selected, and the Targeted Physician Communication report includes data about all the facilities and health systems listed.
Facilities: If you want the report to show data from only one facility, click the Facilities option button and select the facility’s name in the Referring Facilities list. To select more than one facility, press and hold the Control key and click the facilities. To clear a facility, press and hold the Control key and click the selected facility again.
Health Systems: If you want the report to show data from only one health system, click the Health Systems option button and select the health system’s name in the list. To select more than one health system, press and hold the Control key and click the health system. To clear a health system, press and hold the Control key and click the selected health system again.
Include/Exclude: You can choose to have your selections in the Facility or Health System sections included in or excluded from the report by selecting the appropriate option in the Include drop-down list.
Destination Facility/Health System
You can select which destination facilities’ or health systems’ data you want to see in the report in the Destination Facility/Health system section. The destination facility or health system is where the patient was placed.
By default, the TransferCenter™ Targeted Physician Communication report shows data about all the facilities and health systems listed.
If you want the report to show data from only one destination facility, click the Facilities option button and select the facility’s name in the list. To select more than one facility, press and hold the Control key and click the facilities. To clear a facility, press and hold the Control key and click the selected facility again.
If you want the report to show data from only one destination health system, click the Health systems option button and select the health system’s name in the list. To select more than one health system, press and hold the Control key and click the health system. To clear a health system, press and hold the Control key and click the selected health system again.
Include/Exclude: You can choose to have your selections in the Facility or Health System sections included in or excluded from the report by selecting the appropriate option in the Include drop-down list.
Hospital Service
You can select which hospital services you want to see in the report.
By default, the TransferCenter™ Targeted Physician Communication Report includes all the hospital services listed. If you want the report to show one hospital service, click the hospital service name in the list.
To select more than one hospital service, press and hold the Control key and click the hospital services. To clear a hospital service, press and hold the Control key and click the selected hospital service again.
The report is restricted to the services you selected.
Physician Type
If you want the report to show the type of physician associated with the transfer case, click the physician type in the list, Accepting, Consulting or Declining.
By default, the TransferCenter™ Targeted Physician Communication Report includes all the physician types that are listed.
If you want the report to show one physician type, click the corresponding description in the list. To select more than one physician type, press and hold the Control key and click the types of accepted cases. To clear a physician type, press and hold the Control key and click the physician type again.
The report is restricted to the physician types you selected.
Targeted Physicians
In this section you can select one or more physicians who reviewed and admitted transfer patients to your facility or declined to review patients for admission. The report will show how long it took the selected physician to respond to pages, review the transfer case, and decide to become the accepting, consulting or declining physician.
By default, the TransferCenter™ Targeted Physician Communication Report includes all the targeted physicians that are listed.
If you want the report to show information about one targeted physician, click the physician name in the list. To select more than one targeted physician, press and hold the Control key and click physicians’ names. To clear a physician’s name, press and hold the Control key and click the physician’s name again.
The report is restricted to the targeted physicians that you selected.
Generating a Targeted Physician Communication Report
From the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window, click the Reports menu.
Click the Targeted Physician Communication option from the menu. The Targeted Physician Communication Criteria dialog box appears.
Click the data parameters you want to include in the report.
Note: You can select multiple parameters.
Clicking a parameter in the left navigation pane moves the page view directly to where that parameter appears highlighted by a red box in the report.
Click Print. The application generates and displays the report in the report view window.
Use the page buttons to page through the report.
Use the zoom icon to increase or decrease the view of the report.
Use the toggle parameters button to hide or show the left navigation pane.
Click the print report icon at the top of the report window to print the report.
To save the report, click the export icon and choose one of the following options from the Save as type list:
Adobe® Acrobat® (.pdf) – the default option
Microsoft® Excel®(.xls)
SAP® Crystal Reports® (.rpt)
Transfer Timer Metrics Report
About the Transfer Timer Metrics Report Window
The Transfer Timer Metrics Report window displays an analysis of the time it took to move a patient from the transfer center to a hospital placement during a selected date range. The data is supplied by the entries made in the fields of the Consult page of the TransferCenter™ application:
Field Name in the Edit Transfer Window | Page and Section Name in the Edit Transfer Window | Corresponding Column Heading in the Transfer Timer Metrics Report Window |
Initial Request Time | Transfer page | Entry Date/Time |
Decision Date Time | Consult page > Targeted Physicians section | Decision Date/Time |
Arrival Time | Disposition page | Arrival Date/Time |
Completed Time | Bed Request page > Placement Information section | Bed Request Completed Date/Time |
For more information about these fields, see the Transfer Page, Consult Page, Disposition Page, and the Bed Request Page sections of the TransferCenter™ Application User Guide.
The report uses the data to calculate the following times and average times:
Entry to Decision: The minutes between the patient’s entry into the TransferCenter™ application as a new transfer case and the physician’s decision to admit the patient.
Decision to Arrival: The minutes between the physician’s decision to admit the patient and the patient’s arrival time at your facility.
Entry to Arrival: The minutes between the patient’s entry into the TransferCenter™ application as a new transfer case and the patient’s arrival time at the transfer center facility.
Entry to Complete: The minutes between the patient’s entry into the TransferCenter™ application as a new transfer and the completion of a bed request.
Opening the Transfer Timer Metrics Report Criteria Dialog Box
From the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window, click the Reports menu.
Click the Transfer Timer Metrics option from the list. The Transfer Timer Metrics Criteria dialog box appears.
About the Transfer Timer Metrics Report Criteria Dialog Box
In the Transfer Timer Metrics Criteria dialog box, you can select the data parameters that are displayed in the generated TransferCenter™ Transfer Timer Metrics report.
The Transfer Timer Metrics Criteria dialog box consists of parameter selection sections and a Print button. The parameter selection sections are:
Date Range
Referring Facility/Health System
Destination Facility/Health System
Hospital Service
Accepting Dispositions
Referring Physician
Accepting Physician
The following is a detailed description of the sections in the Transfer Timer Metrics Criteria dialog box:
Date Range
This section displays date and time range for records included in the report. Click a start date and an end date to define the date range.
Start: Displays the start date and time for the report date range. When you click Now, the application automatically enters the current date/time in the field. Enter a different date by clicking the arrow icon and selecting a date from the calendar tool, or by typing the date into the field. You can also change the date by placing the cursor in the field and clicking the up/down arrows. Enter a different time by placing the cursor in the time field and clicking the up/down arrows, or typing a time in the field. Times must specify “AM” or “PM.”
End: Displays the end date and time for the report date range. When you click Now, the application automatically enters the current time in the field. Enter a different date by clicking the arrow icon and selecting a date from the calendar tool, or by typing the date into the field. You can also change the date by placing the cursor in the field and clicking the up/down arrows. Enter a different time by placing the cursor in the time field and clicking the up/down arrows, or typing a time in the field.
Apply Date Filter to:
Click the Entry Date option to filter by the date the case was entered into the TransferCenter™ system. The report shows only the cases that began within the range of the date filter.
Click the Close Date option to filter by the date the case closed in the TransferCenter™ system. The report shows only the cases that closed within the range of the date filter.
Referring Facility/Health System
You can select which referring facilities’ or health systems’ data you want to see in the report in the Referring Facility/Health system section.
Any: By default, the Any option button is selected, and the Transfer Timer Metrics report includes data about all the facilities and health systems listed.
Facilities: If you want the report to show data from only one facility, click the Facilities option button and select the facilities’ name in the Referring Facilities list. To select more than one facility, press and hold the Control key and click the facilities. To clear a facility, press and hold the Control key and click the selected facility again.
Health Systems: If you want the report to show data from only one health system, click the Health Systems option button and select the health system’s name in the list. To select more than one health system, press and hold the Control key and click the health system. To clear a health system, press and hold the Control key and click the selected health system again.
Include/Exclude: You can choose to have your selections in the Facility or Health System sections included in or excluded from the report by selecting the appropriate option in the Include drop-down list.
Destination Facility/Health System
You can select which destination facilities’ or health systems’ data you want to see in the report in the Destination Facility/Health system section. The destination facility or health system is where the patient was placed.
By default, the TransferCenter™ Transfer Timer Metrics report shows data about all the facilities and health systems listed.
If you want the report to show data from only one destination facility, click the Facilities option button and select the facility’s name in the list. To select more than one facility, press and hold the Control key and click the facilities. To clear a facility, press and hold the Control key and click the selected facility again.
If you want the report to show data from only one destination health system, click the Health systems option button and select the health system’s name in the list. To select more than one health system, press and hold the Control key and click the health system. To clear a health system, press and hold the Control key and click the selected health system again.
Include/Exclude: You can choose to have your selections in the Facility or Health System sections included in or excluded from the report by selecting the appropriate option in the Include drop-down list.
Hospital Service
You can select which hospital services you want to see in the report.
By default, the TransferCenter™ Transfer Timer Metrics report includes all the hospital services listed. If you want the report to show one hospital service, click the hospital service name in the list.
To select more than one hospital service, press and hold the Control key and click the hospital services. To clear a hospital service, press and hold the Control key and click the selected hospital service again.
The report is restricted to the hospital services you selected.
Accepting Dispositions
You can select which types of accepted cases you want to see in the report.
By default, the TransferCenter™ Transfer Timer Metrics report includes all the types of accepted cases which are listed (such as “consult” or “approved”).
If you want the report to show one type of accepted case, click the corresponding description in the list. To select more than one type of accepted case, press and hold the Control key and click the types of accepted cases. To clear a type of accepted case, press and hold the Control key and click the selected type of accepted case again.
The report is restricted to the types of accepted cases you selected.
Referring Physicians
You can select which referring physicians appear in the report.
By default, the TransferCenter™ Transfer Timer Metrics report includes all of the referring physicians that are listed.
If you want the report to show one referring physician, click the physician in the list. To select more than one physician, press and hold the Control key and click the physicians. To clear a physician, press and hold the Control key and click the selected physician again.
The report is restricted to the referring physicians you selected.
Accepting Physicians
In this section you can select which accepting physicians to include in the report.
By default, the TransferCenter™ Transfer Timer Metrics report includes all the accepting physicians that are listed.
If you want the report to show information about one accepting physician, click the physician in the list. To select more than one accepting physician, press and hold the Control key and click physicians. To clear a physician, press and hold the Control key and click the physician again.
The report is restricted to the accepting physicians that you selected.
You can organize the data of the Transfer Timer Metrics report by different parameters: Accepting Physician, Referring Physician, Referring Facility, Destination Facility, or Hospital Service. You grouping selection determines the major sections of the report. For example, if you select Referring Facility from the Grouping list, the major headings of the report sections will be the names of facilities that have referred patients to your hospital.
Select a grouping in the Grouping list to organize the report.
You can only click one grouping for each report.
Generating a Transfer Timer Metrics Report
To generate a Transfer Timer Metrics Report, follow these steps:
Access Reports Menu: Go to the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window and click on the "Reports" menu.
Select Transfer Timer Metrics Option: From the list of options in the Reports menu, click on "Transfer Timer Metrics". This action will bring up the Transfer Timer Metrics Report Criteria dialog box.
Generate Report: After selecting the desired data parameters, click on the "Print" button. The application will then generate and display the report in the report view window.
Navigate through the report pages using the provided page buttons.
Adjust the view of the report using the zoom icon.
Toggle the parameters button to show or hide the left navigation pane as needed.
Print the Report: To print the report, click on the print report icon located at the top of the report window.
Export the Report: If you want to save the report, click on the export icon and choose one of the following options from the "Save as type" list:
Adobe® Acrobat® (.pdf) – default option
Microsoft® Excel®(.xls)
SAP® Crystal Reports® (.rpt)
By following these steps, you can effectively generate and manage a Transfer Timer Metrics Report according to your requirements.
Denial Detail Report
About the Denial Detail Report Window
The Denial Detail report provides an analysis of transfer case denials and targeted physician denials within a specified date range. Data for this report is sourced from entries made in various fields of the Transfer page, the Consult page, and the Disposition page of the transfer case details window.
Field Name in Edit Transfer Window | Page and Section Name in the Edit Transfer Window | Corresponding Column Heading in the Denial Detail Report Window |
Initial Request Time | Transfer page > Case section | Entry Date/Time |
Facility field | Transfer page > Referring Facility section | Referring Facility |
Facility field | Transfer page > Requested Service / Bed Inquiry section | Facility |
Emergent field | Transfer page > EMC: (Emergency Medical Condition) section | Emergent |
Disposition field | Disposition page > Disposition section | Declining Disposition |
Decline Reason field | Disposition page > Disposition section | Decline Reason |
Hospital Service field | Transfer page > Requested Service / Bed Inquiry section | Hospital Service |
Diagnosis field | Transfer page > Patient section | Diagnosis |
Physician Name field | Consult page > Targeted Physician Communications section | Targeted Physician |
For further details about these fields, refer to the Transfer Page, Consult Page, and Disposition Page sections of the TransferCenter™ Application User Guide.
Opening Denial Detail Report Criteria Dialog Box
From the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window, click the Reports menu.
Click the Denial Detail option from the list. The Denial Detail Criteria dialog box appears.
About the Denial Detail Criteria Dialog Box
You use the Denial Detail Criteria dialog box to select the data parameters that are displayed in the generated TransferCenter™ Denial Detail report. The dialog box consists of parameter selection sections and two output buttons. The parameter selection sections are:
Date Range
Referring Facility
Destination Facility
Include Emergent Only
Declining Disposition
Disposition Reason
Hospital Service
Targeted Physician
Date Range
This section displays the date and time range for records included in the report. You can set the start date and end date to define the date range. Options include:
Start: Displays the start date and time for the report date range. You can manually input a date and time or select from a calendar tool.
End: Displays the end date and time for the report date range. Similar to the start date, you can manually input or select from a calendar tool.
Referring Facility
You can select which referring facilities' data you want to see in the report. Options include:
By default, the report shows data about all the referring facilities listed.
You can choose to show data from only one facility or multiple facilities by selecting them from the list.
The report restricts the data to the selected referring facilities.
Destination Facility
In this parameter, you select the facility to which the patient was transferred. Options include:
By default, the report includes all destination facilities listed.
You can choose to show data from only one or multiple destination facilities by selecting them from the list.
The report is restricted to the selected destination facilities.
Include Emergent Only
Select this option to limit the report to show only transfer cases with an emergent status. By default, this option is not selected.
Declining Disposition
Select the declining dispositions to include in the report. Options include:
By default, the report includes all declining dispositions listed.
You can choose to show one or multiple declining dispositions by selecting them from the list.
The report is restricted to the selected declining dispositions.
Denial Detail Report
Disposition Reason
In this parameter, you select the disposition reason(s) that you want to include in the report. Options include:
By default, the report includes all the disposition reasons listed.
You can select one or multiple disposition reasons by clicking them in the list.
The report is restricted to the selected disposition reasons.
Hospital Service
The Denial Detail report includes the hospital services that were requested at the time of the transfer case. Options include:
By default, the report includes all the hospital services listed.
You can select one or multiple hospital services by clicking them in the list.
The report is restricted to the selected hospital services.
In this parameter, you select the patient’s diagnosis to include in the report. Options include:
By default, the report includes all the diagnoses listed.
You can select one or multiple diagnoses by clicking them in the list.
The report is restricted to the selected diagnoses.
Targeted Physicians
In this section, you can select one or more physicians who reviewed and declined transfer patients to your facility or declined to review patients for admission. Options include:
By default, the report includes all the targeted physicians listed.
You can select one or multiple targeted physicians by clicking them in the list.
The report is restricted to the selected targeted physicians.
You can organize the data of the Denial Detail report by different parameters, such as Referring Facility, Destination Facility, Emergent, Hospital Service, Disposition, Disposition Reason, or Targeted Physician.
Select a grouping in the Grouping list to organize the report.
You can only select one grouping for each report.
Include Physician Declines for Accepting Dispositions: If you want the report to display information about cases that were declined and later accepted, select this option. Note that this option is available only when grouping by Targeted Physician.
Include Graph: If you want the last page of the report to display the information in the form of a graph, select this option.
Generating a Denial Detail Report
From the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window, click the Reports menu.
Click the Denial Detail option from the menu. The Denial Detail Criteria dialog box appears.
Click the data parameters you want to include in the report. Note that you can select multiple parameters.
Click one of the following:
Print: The application generates and displays the report in the report view window. You can navigate through the report, adjust the view, print the report, or save it in different formats.
Raw Excel: The application generates an unformatted Microsoft Excel spreadsheet which you are prompted to save to your local workstation.
Type a name for the file in the File Name field.
Choose the format from the Save file as list.
Click Save.
Transfer Case Volume Analysis Report
About the Transfer Case Volume Analysis Report
The Transfer Case Volume Analysis report lists closed transfer cases and can be filtered by various criteria to display detailed information about the volume of cases coming into and going out of the transfer center. The information can also be visualized as a bar or pie chart on the last page.
Opening the Transfer Case Volume Analysis Criteria Dialog Box
From the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window, click the Reports menu.
Click the Transfer Case Volume Analysis option from the list. The Case Volume Analysis Criteria dialog box appears.
About the Transfer Case Volume Analysis Criteria Dialog Box
In the Transfer Case Volume Analysis Criteria dialog box, you can select the data parameters that are displayed in the generated TransferCenter™ Transfer Case Volume Analysis report.
The Transfer Case Volume Analysis Criteria dialog box consists of parameter selection sections and a Print button. The parameter selection sections are:
Date Range
Referring Facility/Health System
Destination Facility/Health System
Hospital Service
EMC Status
Transfer Reason
The following is a detailed description of the sections in the Transfer Case Volume Analysis Criteria dialog box:
Date Range
This section displays the date and time range for records included in the report. Follow these steps to define the date range:
Start: Displays the start date and time for the report date range. Clicking "Now" automatically enters the current date/time in the field. To enter a different date, click the arrow icon and select a date from the calendar tool, or type the date into the field. You can also adjust the date by clicking the up/down arrows. Similarly, adjust the time by clicking the up/down arrows or typing the time in the field. Ensure times specify "AM" or "PM."
End: Displays the end date and time for the report date range. Clicking "Now" automatically enters the current time in the field. To enter a different date, follow the same steps as for the start date.
Apply Date Filter to:
Click the "Entry Date" option to filter by the date the case was entered into the TransferCenter™ system. The report shows only the cases that began within the range of the date filter.
Click the "Close Date" option to filter by the date the case closed in the TransferCenter™ system. The report shows only the cases that closed within the range of the date filter.
Referring Facility/Health System
You can select which referring facilities’ or health systems’ data you want to see in the report in the Referring Facility/Health system section.
Any: By default, the Any option button is selected, and the Transfer Case Volume Analysis report includes data about all the facilities and health systems listed.
Facilities: If you want the report to show data from only one facility, click the Facilities option button and select the facilities’ name in the Referring Facilities list. To select more than one facility, press and hold the Control key and click the facilities. To clear a facility, press and hold the Control key and click the selected facility again.
Health Systems: If you want the report to show data from only one health system, click the Health Systems option button and select the health system’s name in the list. To select more than one health system, press and hold the Control key and click the health system. To clear a health system, press and hold the Control key and click the selected health system again.
Include/Exclude: You can choose to have your selections in the Facility or Health System sections included in or excluded from the report by selecting the appropriate option in the Include drop-down list.
Destination Facility/Health System
You can select which destination facilities’ or health systems’ data you want to see in the report in the Destination Facility/Health system section. The destination facility or health system is where the patient was placed.
By default, the TransferCenter™ Transfer Case Volume Analysis report shows data about all the facilities and health systems listed.
If you want the report to show data from only one destination facility, click the Facilities option button and select the facility’s name in the list. To select more than one facility, press and hold the Control key and click the facilities. To clear a facility, press and hold the Control key and click the selected facility again.
If you want the report to show data from only one destination health system, click the Health systems option button and select the health system’s name in the list. To select more than one health system, press and hold the Control key and click the health system. To clear a health system, press and hold the Control key and click the selected health system again.
Include/Exclude: You can choose to have your selections in the Facility or Health System sections included in or excluded from the report by selecting the appropriate option in the Include drop-down list.
Hospital Service
You can select which hospital services you want to see in the report.
By default, the TransferCenter™ Transfer Case Volume Analysis report includes all the hospital services listed. If you want the report to show one hospital service, click the hospital service name in the list.
To select more than one hospital service, press and hold the Control key and click the hospital services. To clear a hospital service, press and hold the Control key and click the selected hospital service again.
The report is restricted to the hospital services you selected.
EMC Status
You can select which EMC status you want to see in the report.
By default, the TransferCenter™ Transfer Case Volume Analysis report includes all the EMC statuses listed. If you want the report to show one EMC status, click the EMC status name in the list.
To select more than one EMC status, press and hold the Control key and click the EMC statuses. To clear a EMC status, press and hold the Control key and click the selected EMC status again.
The report is restricted to the EMC statuses you selected.
Transfer Reason
You can select which transfer reasons you want to see in the report.
By default, the TransferCenter™ Transfer Case Volume Analysis report includes all the transfer reasons listed. If you want the report to show one transfer reason, click the transfer reason’s name in the list.
To select more than one transfer reasons, press and hold the Control key and click the transfer reasons. To clear a transfer reason, press and hold the Control key and click the selected transfer reasons again.
The report is restricted to the transfer reasons you selected.
In this parameter, you select the dispositions to include in the report.
By default, the TransferCenter™ Transfer Case Volume Analysis report includes all the dispositions listed.
If you want the report to show one disposition, click the name of the disposition in the list. To select more than one disposition, press and hold the Control key and click the names of the dispositions. To clear a disposition, press and hold the Control key and click the selected disposition again.
The report is restricted to the dispositions you selected.
Include Physician Declines for Accepting Dispositions: If you want the report to display information about cases that were declined and later accepted, select the Include Physician Declines for Accepting Dispositions box. Note: The Include option is available only when grouping by Targeted physician.
Include Graph: If you want the last page of the report to display the information in the form of a graph, select the Include Graph box. After choosing to include a graph, you can select from the following options to format the graph:
Pie chart
Bar Chart
Include Blank Entries: Select this option to have the graph include records that do not have data for some of the fields used in the report. If the report is grouped by a field that has no data for some transfer records, those records still appear in the graph as a bar or pie slice called “blank.”
You can organize the data of the Transfer Case Volume Analysis report by different parameters. Your grouping selection determines the major sections of the report. For example, if you select Referring Facility from the Grouping list, the major headings of the report sections will be the names of facilities that have referred patients to your hospital.
Detail Grouping: Select a grouping in the Grouping list by which to organize the report. You can only select one grouping for each report. The possible parameters that you can select are the following:
Referring Facility
Referring Health System
Accepting Facility
Accepting Health System
Hospital Service
EMC Status
Transfer Reason
Graph Grouping: If the Include Graph box is selected, you can select a parameter by which to organize the graph. The graph is limited to the top ten items in the group to avoid the item labels overlapping. The options are the same as the Detail Grouping list above.
Generating a Transfer Case Volume Analysis Report
From the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window, follow these steps:
Click the Reports menu.
Select the Transfer Case Volume Analysis option from the menu. This action will open the Transfer Case Volume Analysis Criteria dialog box.
In the Transfer Case Volume Analysis Criteria dialog box, click on the data parameters you want to include in the report. Note that you can select multiple parameters.
After selecting the desired parameters, proceed to click one of the following options:
Print: The application will generate and display the report in the report view window. Here's how you can interact with the report:
Use the page buttons to navigate through the report.
Clicking a parameter in the left navigation pane will move the page view directly to where that parameter appears, highlighted by a red box in the report.
Utilize the zoom icon to adjust the view of the report.
Toggle the parameters button to hide or show the left navigation pane.
To print the report, click the print report icon at the top of the report window.
To save the report, click the export icon and choose one of the following options from the Save as type list:
Adobe® Acrobat® (.pdf) – the default option
Microsoft® Excel®(.xls)
SAP® Crystal Reports® (.rpt)
Raw Excel: The application will generate an unformatted Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet, and you'll be prompted to save it to your local workstation. Follow these steps:
Type a name for the file in the File Name field.
Choose one of the following options from the Save file as list:
Microsoft® Excel® 2007
Microsoft® Excel® 97-2003
Click Save.
Payor Report
About the Payor Report
The Payor Report provides insights into the mix of payors responsible for patients’ treatment charges. By understanding the distribution of paid and unpaid patients, hospital personnel can make informed decisions. This report can be configured to display payor data in various ways, including through bar or line graphs grouped by hospital service, configured categories, and referring or destination facilities. When exported to Microsoft® Excel®, grouping data appears in columns.
Opening the Payor Report Criteria Dialog Box
To open the Payor Report Criteria dialog box, follow these steps:
From the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window, navigate to the Reports menu.
Select the Payor Report option from the list.
The Payor Report Criteria dialog box will then appear, allowing you to specify the parameters for generating the report.
About the Payor Report Criteria Dialog Box
In the Payor Report Criteria dialog box, you can select the data parameters that are displayed in the generated TransferCenter™ Payor Report. The dialog box comprises parameter selection sections and a Print button. Here's a detailed description of each section:
Graph Options
In this section, you can control the overall design of the report.
Graph Type: Choose between "Bar" to display the report as a bar or stacked bar graph, or "Trending" to display it as a line connecting individual data points. Bar charts show ratios of case volume, while trend charts show the data over time.
Trending Interval: This field becomes active when "Trending" is selected in the Graph Type field. It controls the amount of time between data points on the trending graph (weekly, monthly, yearly).
Date Range
This section displays the date and time range for records included in the report.
Start: Displays the start date and time for the report date range. You can manually enter a different date or time, or click the arrow icon to select a date from the calendar tool.
End: Displays the end date and time for the report date range. Similar to the Start field, you can manually enter a different date or time, or select a date from the calendar tool.
You can interact with the calendar tool to select dates for the Start and End fields.
Apply Date Filter to:
Entry Date: Filter by the date the case was entered into the TransferCenter™ application. The report shows only the cases that began within the range of the date filter.
Close Date: Filter by the date the case closed in the TransferCenter™ application. The report shows only the cases that closed within the range of the date filter.
Payor Report Criteria Dialog Box Overview
In the Payor Report Criteria dialog box, you can select various data parameters to customize the generated TransferCenter™ Payor Report. Here's a breakdown of the sections within the dialog box:
Graph Options
Graph Type: Choose between "Bar" or "Trending" to represent the data in a bar or line graph format.
Trending Interval: This field is active when Trending is selected, allowing control over the time interval between data points on the trend graph.
Date Range
Define the date and time range for the report, with options to filter by Entry Date or Close Date.
Chart Data
Show me the: Choose between "% of cases" or "# of cases" for the Y-axis values.
Grouped by: Select the primary grouping for the X-axis data, such as Payor Categories, Referring Facility, Destination Facility, or Hospital Service.
Organized by: Active when Bar option is selected for Graph Type, controlling secondary grouping for stacked bar reports.
Referring Facility/Health System
Customize data inclusion based on referring facilities or health systems, with options to include or exclude specific selections.
Destination Facility/Health System
Similar to Referring Facility/Health System, customize data inclusion based on destination facilities or health systems.
Select specific payors to include in the report. Multiple payors can be selected.
Hospital Service
Choose which hospital services to include in the report.
Select specific dispositions to include in the report.
Generating the Report
Click on the desired data parameters to include in the report.
Choose either Print or Raw Excel option to generate and display the report or save it as an Excel spreadsheet.
Facility Disposition Analysis Report
About the Facility Disposition Analysis Report
The Facility Disposition Analysis report provides an analysis of the acceptances and denials of transfer cases by facilities during a selected date range. The data is derived from entries made in the fields of the Facility page of the transfer case details window. When exported to Microsoft® Excel®, the report data appears in columns.
Field Descriptions of the Facility Disposition Analysis Report
Case TAT (Turn Around Time): Elapsed time from case creation to the decision time of the case’s first acceptance, displayed in minutes.
Example: Case created at 5:00, Bed Supervisor accepts the case with a decision time of 5:30. Case TAT = 30 minutes.
Supervisor TAT: Elapsed time from when the supervisor is paged until a decision is made, displayed in minutes.
Example: Supervisor Paged Date Time at 5:00, Decision Date Time of 5:30. Supervisor TAT = 30 minutes.
Escalation TAT: Elapsed time from when the CEO/AOC is paged until a decision is made, displayed in minutes.
Example: CEO/AOC Paged Date Time at 5:00, Final Decision Date Time of 5:30. Escalation TAT = 30 minutes.
Facility TAT: If the case is not escalated, the elapsed time from when the supervisor is paged to when a decision is made; if escalated, the elapsed time from when the supervisor is paged to when the CEO/AOC makes a decision, displayed in minutes.
Example: Supervisor Paged Date Time at 5:00, Decision Date Time of 5:30. Facility TAT = 30 minutes (if not escalated), or Supervisor Paged Date Time at 5:00, Decision Date Time of 5:30. The case is escalated. CEO/AOC Paged Date Time at 5:45, Final Decision Date Time of 6:00. Facility TAT = 60 minutes.
Report Summary section
Total Cases: Total number of transfer cases in the report.
Total Contacted: Total number of encounters.
Total Declined: Total number of facilities where the Bed Supervisor declines the case.
Percent Declined: Percentage of cases declined out of total contacted.
Avg. Time to Final Disposition: Average of all Case TATs in the group.
Distinct Facilities: Total number of different facilities contacted.
Total Escalated: Total number of escalated facility encounters.
Total Overruled: Number of encounters where the final disposition is considered Overruled.
Total Upheld: Number of encounters where the final disposition is considered Upheld.
Note: The calculations use Disposition Types instead of Disposition itself. For accurate reporting, the Disposition Type for Declined dispositions must be set to Declined in the Dispositions configuration page.
Opening the Facility Disposition Analysis Report Criteria Dialog Box
To open the Facility Disposition Analysis Report Criteria Dialog Box, follow these steps:
From the Active or Inactive Transfer Request view window, navigate to the Reports menu.
Select the "Facility Disposition Analysis Report" option from the list.
Upon selecting the "Facility Disposition Analysis Report" option, the Facility Disposition Analysis Report Criteria dialog box will appear.
Facility Disposition Analysis Report Criteria
Date Range
This section allows you to define the date and time range for records included in the report.
Start: Displays the start date and time for the report date range. Clicking "Now" automatically enters the current date/time in the field. You can also manually select a date from the calendar tool or adjust the date and time using the up/down arrows.
End: Displays the end date and time for the report date range. Similar to the start date, you can choose the end date/time manually or by clicking "Now" to use the current date/time.
Apply Date Filter to:
Entry Date: Filter the report by the date the case was entered into the TransferCenter™ application. Only cases that began within the specified date range will be included in the report.
Close Date: Filter the report by the date the case closed in the TransferCenter™ application. Only cases that closed within the specified date range will be included in the report.
In this parameter, you can specify whether the report should display facility encounters that were escalated or not. Here are the options:
Yes: Select this option to display in the report the facility encounters that were escalated.
No: Select this option to display in the report the facility encounters that were not escalated.
All: By default, this option is selected to display in the report both escalated and not escalated facility encounters.
In this parameter, you can specify whether the report should display cases where the original declining disposition was upheld after escalation or not. Here are the options:
Upheld: Select this option to display in the report the cases for which the original declining disposition was upheld after escalation.
Not Upheld: Select this option to display in the report the cases for which the original declining disposition was not upheld after escalation.
All: By default, this option is selected to display in the report both cases where the original declining disposition was upheld and not upheld after escalation.
You can organize the data in the Facility Disposition Analysis report by different parameters. Your grouping selection determines the major sections of the report. Here are the available grouping options:
Requested Facility
Destination Facility
Hospital Service
Case Disposition
Encounter Facility
Facility Disposition
Facility Disposition Reason
Final Disposition
You can only select one grouping for each report, and the major headings of the report sections will be based on your selection.