About the Data Import Tool
The Data Import Tool is a spreadsheet that uploads or updates large amounts of information in the dictionary tables of the classic TransferCenter™ application’s Configuration window. This information then populates the option lists for the fields of the user interface. The Physician dictionary table is shown below as an example. The physician names in the dictionary table become available in the Referring Physician and the Targeted Physician fields of the application. In addition, when the user selects a physician, the physician’s demographic information from the dictionary table automatically populates the appropriate fields in the classic TransferCenter™ application.
The installation of the classic TransferCenter™ application automatically saves the Data Import Tool to your workstation. The tool is a spreadsheet named TransferCenterImport.xlsx that resides on the c: drive in Program Files\TeleTracking\TransferCenter\Upload. The location of the file can easily be accessed from within the TransferCenter™ application by clicking Help > Templates. The spreadsheet contains tabs that are outlined in this document. Please note certain fields are controlled by the Capacity Management Suite™ system in an integrated environment. These fields do not need to be completed during the data collection process. They only need to be validated within the Capacity Management Suite™ system.
Data Import Tool Tab Locations in the Classic TransferCenter™ Application
The table below shows the information about the tabs in the Data Import Tool spreadsheet. The column headers in the table are:
Data Import Tool — The columns below this header pertain to the Data Import Tool
UI Reference Number — This number appears in the screen shots of this guide to reference the information in the corresponding table row. The cells in the table are color coded to indicate the following:
Orange cells — This color indicates tabs in the Data Import Tool spreadsheet which are not imported when the TransferCenter™ application and the Capacity Management Suite™ system are integrated.
Blue cells — This color indicates tabs in the Data Import Tool spreadsheet which are imported when the TransferCenter™ application and the Capacity Management Suite™ system are integrated.
Green cells — This color indicates tabs in the Data Import Tool spreadsheet which are imported if a local physician provider is used for Targeted physicians.
Purple cells — This color indicates tabs in the Data Import Tool spreadsheet which are imported if a local physician provider is used for Referring physicians.
Tab on Import Tool — This is the name of the tab in the Data Import Tool spreadsheet which is used to upload information to the corresponding dictionary in the TransferCenter™ application Configuration window.
Capacity Management Suite™ System Controlled When Integrated? — The value in this column (“Yes” or “No”) indicates if the field in the TransferCenter™ application is populated by the Capacity Management Suite™ system when the two applications are integrated.
Contains Template Data? — The value in this column (“Yes” or “No”) indicates if the tab of the Data Import Tool spreadsheet contains default information. You can edit the default information or accept it as is.
Able to Edit Existing Data in Dictionary Using the Data Import Tool — A value of “No” means the import will add new records, but will not update or delete existing entries in the dictionary table. A value of “Yes” means the import will add new records and will update or delete existing entries in the dictionary table if the matching criteria is met.
Matching Criteria for Editing Existing Data — For the import tool tabs which have “Yes” in the Able to Edit Existing Data in Dictionary Using the Data Import Tool column, this column indicates what must match in both the TransferCenter™ application and the Capacity Management Suite™ system in order to update or delete existing entries in the TransferCenter™ dictionary table.
TransferCenter™ Application — The columns below this header pertain to the TransferCenter™ application.
Configuration Tab — This table cell designates the name of the tab in the TransferCenter™ application Configuration window that is updated by the import.
Transfer Case Tab — This table cell designates the name of the page in the Edit Transfer or New Transfer case window that is updated by the import.
Transfer Case Field — This table cell designates the name of the field in the Edit Transfer or New Transfer case window that will have its option list updated by the import.
Click the hyperlink below in the “Transfer Case Tab” column to view a screenshot of the field that is updated in the TransferCenter™ application.
UI Reference Number | Tab on Import Tool | Capacity Management Suite™ System Controlled When Integrated? | Contains Template Data? | Able to Edit Existing Data in Dictionary Using the Data Import Tool | Matching Criteria for Editing Existing Data | Configuration Tab | Transfer Case Tab | Transfer Case Field |
2 | Unit | YES | NO | NO | N/A | Units | Target Unit | |
3 | Isolation | YES | YES | YES | N/A | Isolation Types | Isolation | |
4 | Hospital Service | YES | YES | YES | N/A | Hospital Services | Hospital Service | |
17 | Payor | YES | YES | YES | N/A | Payors | Payor | |
5 | Physician | YES if XT is selected as the Provider. NO if Local Physician Provider is configured. | NO | YES | External ID | Physicians | Targeted Physicians | |
6 | Referring Physician | YES if CT is selected as the Provider. NO if Local Physician Provider is configured. | NO | YES | External ID | Physicians | Referring Physician | |
1 | Facility | YES | NO | NO | N/A | Facility | Facility (Referring Facility), Requested Facility, Destination Facility | |
7 | User | NO | YES | NO | N/A | Users | N/A | N/A |
9 | Referring Unit | NO | YES | NO | N/A | Referring Units | Unit | |
10 | Diagnosis | NO | YES | NO | N/A | Diagnoses | Diagnosis | |
11 | Bed Type | NO | YES | NO | N/A | Bed Types | Bed Type | |
12 | Disposition | NO | YES | NO | N/A | Disposition | Disposition | |
13 | Disposition Reason | NO | YES | NO | N/A | Disposition Reasons | Disposition Reason | |
14 | EMC Status | NO | YES | NO | N/A | EMC | Status | |
15 | Med Drips | NO | YES | NO | N/A | Med/Drips | Med/Drips | |
16 | Patient Type | NO | YES | NO | N/A | Patient Types | Patient Type | |
18 | Transfer Mode | NO | YES | NO | N/A | Transport Modes | Transport Mode | |
19 | Transfer Reason | NO | YES | NO | N/A | Transfer Reasons | Transfer Reason | |
20 | Patient Code Status | NO | YES | NO | N/A | Patient Code Status | Patient Status Code | |
21 | Allergy | NO | YES | NO | N/A | Allergies | Allergies |
Data Import Tool / User Interface Mapping - Transfer Tab
Data Import Tool / User Interface Mapping - Consult Tab
Data Import Tool / User Interface Mapping - Clinical Tab
Data Import Tool / User Interface Mapping - Disposition Tab
Data Import Tool / User Interface Mapping - Bed Request Tab
Using the Data Import Tool
How to Use the Data Import Tool
To use the tool, type the information in the cells on the appropriate tabs of the spreadsheet. Then, import the spreadsheet into the TransferCenter™ application.
Accessing the Data Import Tool
Any user who has the “Admin” permission can access the Data Import Tool. The Admin permission is applied to users in the User page of the Configuration window:
To open the Data Import Tool:
Click the Help menu and select the Templates option in the list.
Open image-20240228-195456.png
The Upload folder containing the Data Import Tool spreadsheet opens.
Double-click the file named TransferCenterImport.xlsx.
The spreadsheet opens in a Microsoft® Excel® window.
Preparing and Populating the Data Import Tool
Verify that the version of the spreadsheet matches the correct version for the application. The version of the spreadsheet is located on the first tab (TeleTracking™ TransferCenter™). If the version is incorrect, data must be transitioned to the appropriate version of the spreadsheet prior to attempting the upload on a client site.
Determine which dictionaries you wish to update. Then determine if you are adding data or editing existing data. Refer to table at the beginning of this document for which dictionaries allow adding, editing, or both.
Remove template data that exists on all tabs of the spreadsheet (example shown below) that you do not wish to update.
Click the cells that you do not want to update to select them.
Press the Delete key on the keyboard. The selected “template” data is removed.
Repeat this step for each tab of the spreadsheet that you do not wish to update.
The Referring Unit tab before deleting template data (left) and after deleting template data (right).
Check for duplicates in the data import spreadsheet. This can be accomplished though one of the following methods:
Check for character length violations and other improper entries.
Click the Review menu.
Select the Unprotect Sheet option in the Changes section.
Click the Data menu.
In the Data Tools section, click the arrow next to Data Validation.
Select the Circle Invalid Data option from the list.
Cells with invalid data display red outlines.
Correct the invalid data. Some common errors are:
Violation of maximum character length for fields (typically done by pasting bulk data into the sheet)
Invalid state abbreviations
Invalid entries in True/False fields.
Note: The current spreadsheet may circle upper cased TRUE/FALSE values as errors. This is an issue of text case and can be ignored.
Complete a deeper validation of the referring physician data. If the problem continues to exist, the large referring physician dictionary is typically to blame. Analyze the data using the following Debug View Tool from Microsoft®.
Download the Microsoft tool here:
Unzip the files on the local machine.
Run DBGview.exe.
Run the TransferCenter™ Import. Review the log created by the tool. This will detail the name of field, row and the value causing the issue.
Uploading the Data to the TransferCenter™ Application
Save the spreadsheet with a file type of “XML Spreadsheet 2003.”
Click “Yes” when asked if you want to keep the spreadsheet in this format.
The file will save appropriately.
In the TransferCenter™ application, click Configuration and select the Administration option.
Click on Import under the Import Configuration section.
The Data Import Utility dialog box appears.
Click Browse and locate the XML spreadsheet.
Select the XML spreadsheet and click Open.
Click Import.
A success or failure message will display.
Success message details are shown in the box below. Please note that a successful import means that nothing failed. In other words, you may have only actually updated table X. Tables Y and Z were blank and did not contain any information. The above message will indicate that tables Y and Z were “imported successfully.” In other words, if a tab on the spreadsheet has zero entries, it will “succeed” (since it didn't import anything, it says "success"). The previously existing information in the database for tables Y and Z is not overwritten.
If a failure message displays, Technical Support can troubleshoot the reason by reviewing the database table which contains information based on the configured log level. Call the Technical Support phone number on the last page of this document.