The classic TransferCenter™ application can be configured as a standalone application or can be integrated with Capacity Management Suite™ system or with the TeleTracking IQ™ platform. For more information on integration, see the Integrating with the Capacity Management Suite™ System section below.
Classic TeleTracking TransferCenter® Application Configuration Menu
Note: Only users with administrative permissions can access and use the options in the Configuration menu. On the Users page of the Configuration window, the Admin check box must be selected in the row containing the user’s name.
The classic TransferCenter™ application Configuration menu has two options:
Administration Option
The Administration option on the menu opens the classic TransferCenter™ Configuration window.
The Configuration window includes the following functionality:
Activate or deactivate the TeleTracking XT interface.
Add, edit or remove users and set user permissions for the various operations within the application.
Add, edit or remove required fields.
Add, edit, or remove field values that appear in the various field list boxes throughout the application.
On each of the Configuration window pages, you configure and manage application functionality, fields and field values that appear throughout the TransferCenter™ application.
The entries you make in the Configuration window also determine many of the filter selections available in the tables displayed in both the Active and Inactive Transfer Request view windows.
Setup Phone Mapping Option
Clicking the Setup Phone Mapping option displays the Call Recording Mapping dialog box. This dialog box allows logged in users to associate their workstation to their desk phone extension. For more information, see the Mapping a Phone Extension to the Workstation section in the TransferCenter™ Application User’s Guide. Once this operation is completed, the logged in user does not have to select their extension when linking a call. The phone extension and the workstation remain associated even when a different user logs into the workstation.
Accessing the Configuration Pages
Log in to the TransferCenter™ application.
The Active Transfer Requests view window appears.
You can also access the Configuration window from the Inactive Transfer Requests view window.
In the Configuration menu, click the Administration option.
The TransferCenter™ Configuration window appears. The General page is displayed by default.
Click the drop-down arrow (▼) next to the General page tab to see an alphabetical list of configuration pages.
Select the option for the page you want to configure.
Note: For integrated environments, a page whose data is not contained in the TransferCenter™ application but instead is derived from integration with the Capacity Management Suite™ system does not have an option in the drop-down list. For more information, see Integrating with the Capacity Management Suite™ System below.
Integrating with the Capacity Management Suite™ System
While the classic TransferCenter™ application can be used as a stand-alone application, integration with the Capacity Management Suite™ system provides immediate detailed information on many hospital functions. Data drawn from the Capacity Management Suite™ system includes facility and unit details, hospital services, isolation types, physician information, and payor sources. The TransferCenter™ interface is described as “active” when integrated with the Capacity Management Suite™ system.
To integrate your TransferCenter™ application with the Capacity Management Suite™ system, please contact your TeleTracking Technologies representative.
For more information on specific integrated functions, see the sections of this guide that have “XT Interface is Active” in the titles.
Adding, Editing or Removing Field Values
Adding a Field Value
On the Active or Inactive page of the TransferCenter™ application, click the Configuration menu.
Click the Administration option in the list. The General page appears.
In the drop-down list next to the General tab, click the option for the page to which you want to add a value (for example, Bed Type). The appropriate page opens displaying the list of configuration options.
Click the New button.
A new row appears at the bottom of the list of existing configuration option rows and an asterisk and arrow head appear in the box to the left of the row.
Type the new values into the row.
Click the Save button to save your changes. Click the Cancel button to discard changes. The Cancel and Save buttons are grayed out when the changes are saved or deleted.
Close the Configuration window by selecting the close button in the upper right corner of the window.
Editing a Field Value
On the Active or Inactive page of the TransferCenter™ application, click the Configuration menu.
Click the Administration option in the list. The General page appears.
In the drop-down list next to the General tab, click the option for the page in which you want to edit a value (for example, Bed Type). The appropriate configuration page opens displaying the list of existing values.
To edit a value in the list, click directly in the field and type the change.
Click the Save button to save your changes. Click the Cancel button to discard changes. The Cancel and Save buttons are grayed out when the changes are saved or deleted.
Close the Configuration window by selecting the close button in the upper right corner of the window.
Removing a Field Value
On the Active or Inactive page of the TransferCenter™ application, click the Configuration menu.
Click the Administration option in the list. The General page appears.
In the drop-down list next to the General tab, click the option for the page from which you want to delete a value (for example, Bed Type).
The appropriate configuration page opens displaying the list of existing values. From the list of values, select the row to be removed by clicking in the box at the far left of the row. The row is highlighted as shown below:
Press the Delete key on your keyboard. The Delete Row dialog box appears.
Select Yes to delete the value. The value is deleted and the dialog box closes. Select No to save the value and close the dialog box.
Click the Save button to save your changes.
Click the Cancel button to discard changes. The Cancel and Save buttons are grayed out when the changes are saved or deleted.
Close the Configuration window by selecting the close button in the upper right corner of the window.
Understanding the Configuration Pages
The following pages are included on the classic TransferCenter™ Configuration window. You can use each page to configure the different fields and characteristics of the TransferCenter™ application.
Actions Page
On the Actions page, you can add, edit and remove default actions (for example, “Page CNO,” “Review by TC Manager”) that appear every time a new issue is created. The Action field is located in the Action Documentation section on the Issues page. The default actions require a completion time stamp in order to close an issue.
Viewing the Actions Page
To view the Actions page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section.
Adding, Editing, or Deleting Actions
To add, edit, or delete field values on the Actions page, follow the directions in the Adding, Editing or Removing Field Values section.
Allergies Page
On the Allergies page you can create and edit types of allergies that appear in the Allergies list on the Clinical page.
Viewing the Allergies Page
To view the Allergies page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section.
Adding, Editing, or Deleting Allergies
To add, edit, or delete field values on the Allergies page, follow the directions in the Adding, Editing or Removing Field Values section.
Bed Type Page
On the Bed Type page, you can add, edit and remove types of beds associated with a particular level of care for a patient. The Bed Type field is located in the Requested Service/Bed Inquiry section in the Transfer page.
Viewing the Bed Type Page
To view the Bed Type page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section.
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Bed Types
To add, edit, or delete field values on the Bed Type page, follow the directions in the Adding, Editing or Removing Field Values section.
Call Recording
Viewing the Call Recording Page
To view the Call Recording page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section.
Enable the Call Recording Interface
On the Call Recording page of the Configuration window, the call recording feature is enabled by checking the Enable Call Recording Interface1 check box. When the check box is selected the following things happen:
The Call Recording page appears in the TransferCenter™ application.
On the User configuration page, the Call Recording External ID column appears.
On the Call Recording configuration page, you can see the Enable Call Recording Interface check box and the configuration settings. The settings are different for different call recording applications. Most of the settings are not accessible and must be enabled and configured by a TeleTracking representative. Administrators can change the field in the call recording application that maps the call recording application to TransferCenter™ users. Contact your call recording application provider or call recording system administrator for more information. Contact your TeleTracking representative for assistance to enable and to configure the Call Recording feature.
1 Additional charges are required to enable the call recording functionality. Please contact TeleTracking Technical Support for assistance.
Requirements for Call Recording
Each user and extension that will record calls must be configured in the call recording system. Contact your call recording application vendor or call recording system administrator for more information.
In the TransferCenter™ Configuration window, the Enable Call Recording Interface box must be selected by a TeleTracking representative, and the Call Recording Provider Settings information must be complete and correct.
The call recording vendor must have updated their software to the correct version or patch version to interface with the TransferCenter™ application. Contact the call recording provider for the required version information.
Call recording functionality outside of the TransferCenter™ application interface must be operational, and each user and extension must be verified prior to interfacing with the TransferCenter™ application.
Case Documents Page
On the Case Documents page you can view statistics about the documents that are attached to transfer cases, view information about past archives, configure the maximum size for attached documents, configure the archive process, and start and stop the archiving process.
Case Documents Statistics
Number of cases with attached documents:
Open Cases: Number of open cases with attached documents.
Closed Cases: Number of closed cases with attached, unarchived documents. If this cell displays a value of “0,” all the closed cases’ attached documents are archived.
Total: Total number of cases with attached documents.
Number of attached documents:
Open Cases: Number of documents attached to open cases.
Closed Cases: Number of documents attached to closed cases but are not yet archived. If this cell displays a value of “0,” all the closed cases’ attached documents are archived.
Total: Total size in kilobytes of the documents attached to all cases.
Combined size of attached documents:
Documents attached to open cases.
Documents attached to closed cases, but are not yet archived. If this cell displays a value of “0,” all the closed cases’ attached documents are archived..
Documents attached to all cases (total).
Archive History
The Archive History section displays all current and past archiving operations, their status, and their statistics in a table format. An description of the column headings follows:
Archive Event Time: The time that the archive process began.
Status: The status of the archive process:
In-progress: The archive process is currently running.
Success: The archive process completed successfully.
Failure: The archive process did not complete successfully.
Cancelled: The administrator canceled the archive process.
Status Reason: Displays the error message for a failure status and is blank for success or in-progress statuses.
Archive Criteria Time: The date and time determine which cases had their attached documents archived.
Cases Affected: The number of cases that were included in the archive run.
Documents Archived: The number of documents that were included in the archive run.
Total Size: The total size in kilobytes of all the documents that were archived in the run.
Archive Duration: The duration of the archive run formatted as DD:HH:MM:SS.
Initiated By: The user name of the logged on user at the time the archive was started.
Case Documents Settings
Maximum size of attached documents: Type the maximum size in kilobytes allowed for documents attached to a case.
Closed-Case Document Archival: Configure and run an archive process.
Skip export; my attached documents are already backed-up (just delete): Select this box to only remove attached documents from the closed cases without moving the documents to the archive location. The documents are marked as “archived” in the database, but the document contents are removed.
Export Path: Displays the path to the archive location.
Archive documents from any cases closed before: Choose the date and time before which you want the closed-cases to have their attached documents archived.
Calculate Size: Updates the size estimate in the statement below the date and time field.
Archive Now: Begin the archiving process.
Make your selections in the Closed-Case Document Archival section.
Click Archive Now. A progress message appears showing the progress of the archive run.
If an error occurs or you click Cancel before the archive process is completed, a dialog box appears with the following options:
Save Progress: Click this option to save the changes that were made to this point in the archiving process. The next archive run will continue where this archive run left off.
Abandon Progress: Click this option to discard any changes that were made to this point in the archiving process. The next archive run will start from the beginning again.
If the archive completes successfully, the Archive Complete dialog box appears showing the following statistics about the archive:
Number of cases involved in archive run.
Number of documents archived.
Database space regained.
Archive duration (DD:HH:MM:SS).
Location to which the archive was exported.
Clinical Protocols
On the Clinical Protocols page, you can virtually store any clinical protocol document in the TransferCenter™ application. End users have immediate access to these protocols within the TransferCenter™ application. The Clinical Protocols field is located in the Transfer tab of the Transfer window.
Clinical Protocols
Viewing the Clinical Protocols Page
To view the Clinical Protocols page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section.
Understanding the Clinical Protocol Fields
Field Name | Description |
Commonly Used | Protocols with the "Commonly Used" option checked show up at the top of the drop-down menu in green. |
Name | Text entered in the Name is displayed in the drop-down menu. |
Description | Text entered in the Description field is used to more clearly describe the protocol. |
View | Clicking the View button displays the uploaded PDF document for this protocol. |
Last Updated | Displays the current local date that the protocol was last updated or replaced. |
Updated By | Displays the login information for the user who last updated or replaced the protocol. |
The Upload button provides users with the ability to upload a PDF document that explains the protocol. Uploading a new PDF document to a protocol that already has a related PDF document replaces the existing document. Protocol PDF documents can be viewed by clicking the View buttons on either the Clinical Protocols page on the Configuration window or the Clinical Protocols area of the Transfer window.
Note: The Clinical Protocol documents must be in PDF format.
Adding Clinical Protocols
On the Clinical Protocol configuration page, click New. The Upload Clinical Protocol dialog box appears.
Click Browse. Navigate to and select the file on your computer. The file name populates the Name field.
Click Accept. A new row appears in the Clinical Protocols page with the date/time of the most recent upload and the user name of the person who performed the upload.
Type a name for the protocol in the Name field.
Type a description of the protocol in the Description field.
Select the Commonly Used box to position the protocol at the beginning of the list in the Transfer page of the case record.
Click Save to retain the changes. Click Cancel to discard the changes.
Editing Clinical Protocols
To replace an existing clinical protocol with an updated one, click Upload in the row for the protocol that you want to edit. The Upload Clinical Protocol dialog box appears.
Click Browse. Navigate to and select the file on your computer. The file name populates the Name field.
Click Accept. The date/time and the user name refreshes with the latest information about the updated protocol.
Change the other fields for the protocol by typing directly in them.
Click Save to retain the changes. Click Cancel to discard the changes.
Diagnoses Page
On the Diagnoses page, you can add, edit and remove entries in the list of patient diagnoses. The Diagnosis field is located in the Patient section of the Transfer page.
Dispositions Page
On the Disposition page, you can add, edit and remove entries in the list of decisions that can be made concerning patient transfer.
Adding, Editing, or Deleting Diagnoses
To add, edit, or delete field values on the Diagnoses page, follow the directions in the Adding, Editing or Removing Field Values section.
Understanding the Dispositions Fields
The Dispositions page includes the following fields:
Disposition: Type the name of the disposition. This text appears in the drop-down list for the Disposition field in the Disposition page.
Generate Notification: Select this box to automatically generate notifications when the Case Disposition is selected. The notifications are sent to the recipients listed on the Notifications page of the Admin Tool component. No notifications are sent for Facility Dispositions.
Require Disposition Reason: Select this box to require a reason when the user selects the disposition. A warning message appears when the user clicks Close Case without having selected an option in the Disposition Reason field on the Disposition page.
Case Disposition: These dispositions appear in the Disposition field drop-down list of the transfer case’s Disposition page.
Facility Disposition: If Enable Facility Disposition is selected on the Facility configuration page, these dispositions appear in the drop-down lists for the Facility Disposition and Final Disposition fields in the Facility Encounters section of the transfer case’s Facility page. The column is always visible in the Facility configuration page, but any settings that you select only appear in the application’s Facility page if Enable Facility Disposition is selected on the Facility configuration page.
Type: The selections in this column determine the category in which the disposition appears in the report criteria selection dialog boxes. These types can apply to both Case Dispositions and Facility Dispositions. Select one of the following options from the drop-down list:
Other: This value indicates that the disposition is a type that is not Declined. In the reports, the disposition appears grouped with other non-declined dispositions.
Declined: The transfer case was declined.
Accepted: This type indicates that a physician or facility accepted the transfer patient. If the administrator selected the Enable Facility Disposition box on the Facilities configuration page, then the disposition appears in the Facility Disposition Analysis report when the Accepted type is selected in the criteria dialog box.
Cancelled: This type indicates that the transfer center has withdrawn its request to have the facility admit the patient. If the Cancelled type is assigned to a disposition, then the disposition appears in the Facility Disposition Analysis report when the Cancelled type is selected in the criteria dialog box.
New: Click New to add a new disposition to the Dispositions configuration page. A new row appears.
Adding, Editing, or Deleting Dispositions
To add, edit, or delete field values on the Dispositions page, follow the directions in the Adding, Editing or Removing Field Values section.
Understanding the Dispositions Fields (Continued)
Generate Notification: Select this box to automatically generate notifications when the Case Disposition is selected. The notifications are sent to the recipients listed on the Notifications page of the Admin Tool component. No notifications are sent for Facility Dispositions.
Require Disposition Reason: Select this box to require a reason when the user selects the disposition. A warning message appears when the user clicks Close Case without having selected an option in the Disposition Reason field on the Disposition page.
Other: This value indicates that the disposition is a type that is not Declined. In the reports, the disposition appears grouped with other non-declined dispositions.
Declined: The transfer case was declined.
Accepted: This type indicates that a physician or facility accepted the transfer patient. If the administrator selected the Enable Facility Disposition box on the Facilities configuration page, then the disposition appears in the Facility Disposition Analysis report when the Accepted type is selected in the criteria dialog box.
Cancelled: This type indicates that the transfer center has withdrawn its request to have the facility admit the patient. If the Cancelled type is assigned to a disposition, then the disposition appears in the Facility Disposition Analysis report when the Cancelled type is selected in the criteria dialog box.
New: Click New to add a new disposition to the Dispositions configuration page. A new row appears.
Disposition Reasons Page
On the Disposition Reasons page, you can add, edit, and remove reasons that a patient is assigned a disposition. The Disposition Reason field is located in the Disposition tab of the Transfer window.
Viewing the Disposition Reasons Page
To view the Disposition Reasons page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section.
Adding, Editing, or Deleting Disposition Reasons
To add, edit, or delete field values on the Disposition Reasons page, follow the directions in the Adding, Editing, or Removing Field Values section.
EMC Statuses Page
On the EMC Statuses page, you can add, edit, and remove entries in the list of emergency medical conditions. The EMC list is in the Status field located in the EMC (Emergency Medical Condition) section in the Transfer page. You can also configure the appearance of the EMC Statuses on the interface. Foreground Color controls the color of the name of the type of EMC Status. Background Color controls the color of the cell that contains the EMC Status type on the Active Transfer Requests list view.
Viewing the EMC Statuses Page
To view the EMC Statuses page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section.
Adding, Editing, or Deleting EMC Statuses
To add, edit, or delete field values on the EMC Statuses page, follow the directions in the Adding, Editing, or Removing Field Values section.
Editing the Colors for the Screen Display of the EMC Status Types
Click the arrow in the Foreground Color column for the name of the Emergency Medical Condition that you want to edit.
A palette of available colors appears.Select tab for the color system that you want to use: Custom, Web, or System.
Select a color swatch.
A swatch of the color you picked and the name of the color populate the Foreground Color column. The foreground and background in the Emergency Medical Condition column changes to reflect your selections.
Setting the Default EMC Status
The default EMC status can be set by simply selecting the appropriate checkbox in the Default EMC column and clicking the Save button.
When selected, the Default EMC is displayed on the Transfer tab of a new transfer record.
When a Default EMC is not selected, the Default EMC field is left blank.
External Server Configuration
On the External Server Configuration page, you can view the status of the integration between the TransferCenter™ application and an external server, such as the health system’s electronic medical records server (EMR). If the external server interface is enabled, the TransferCenter™ application sends information to the external server, avoiding the need to manually re-enter that information on the external system.
Viewing the External Server Configuration Page
To view the External Server Configuration page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section.
Who Can Edit the External Server Interface Integration?
Only a TeleTracking representative can access and edit the External Server Interface configuration page. Customer administrators can view the page but cannot change any settings. All of the page’s fields appear grayed out or inactive.
Understanding the External Server Interface Fields
The External Server Configuration page includes the following fields:
Enable External Server Interface Integration: If selected, the TransferCenter™ application’s External Server Interface sends data messages to an external server.
External Server URL: The location of the external server that can receive the TransferCenter™ application’s data messages.
External Server Name: The name assigned to the external server that can receive the TransferCenter™ application’s data messages.
Test External Server Interface: When selected, the status of the integration with the external server appears to the right.
Interface Status: The status of the TransferCenter™ application’s communication with the external server interface:
Interface Active: Indicates the TransferCenter™ application’s external server interface is enabled, and the external server is receiving messages.
Interface Inactive: Indicates the TransferCenter™ application’s external server interface is enabled, but the external server is not receiving messages.
Status Unknown: Indicates the TransferCenter™ application’s external server interface is not enabled, and therefore, the external server is not receiving messages.
Facilities Page
On the Facilities page, you can add, edit, and remove facilities that your organization will be accepting patients from and sending patients to. Each row in the Facilities page represents a single facility. The facilities listed on this configuration page can appear in the Referring Facility section and in the Requested Facility and the Destination Facility fields located in the Requested Service/Bed Inquiry section of the Transfer page. In addition, if the administrator has configured the transfer case to display the Facility page, the facilities listed on the Facilities configuration page appear in the Facility Name drop-down list.
Viewing the Facilities Page
To view the Facilities page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section.
Enable Facility Disposition
Check the Enable Facility Disposition box in the Options section of the Facilities configuration page to enable the Facilities Disposition feature. This feature includes the following:
The Facility page in the transfer cases becomes active. This page allows transfer center specialists to track information about the decisions made by facilities concerning the placement of the transfer patient. By default, this box is not selected, and the page in the transfer case is view-only.
The Number of Facility Encounters field in the case’s Transfer page replaces the Redirect Reason field.
The Facility Disposition Analysis report appears in the Reports menu.
Filtering Facilities
The Facilities page can be filtered by any of the column information. Clicking a column header sorts the rows by ascending and descending order of that column’s values.
Grouping Facilities
You can group facilities by multiple criteria changing the way that they display on the Facilities page:
Drag and drop column headers in the group by area, which is labeled "Drag a column header here to group by that column."
To organize the group into subgroups, drag and drop another column header into the group by area.
The Facilities list view rearranges the facilities, grouping by the column that you dragged to the group by area. The grouping hierarchy appears in the group by area.
Enable Facility Disposition
To display the Facility page in the transfer case, select the Enable Facility Disposition box in the Options section of the Facility page.
Understanding the Facility Details Dialog Box
The facility details dialog box expands below the facility’s row and includes the following configuration functionality:
Field Name | Description |
Name | If the facility is integrated with the Capacity Management Suite™ system, then the facility name appears in italics. |
Street Address | Type the facility’s street address. |
City | Type the facility’s city. |
State | Select the facility’s state from the list. |
Zip Code | Type the facility’s zip code. |
Latitude and Longitude | The latitude and longitude coordinates for the facility’s address. |
Locate Facility | Clicking Locate Facility populates the Latitude and Longitude fields with coordinates matching the facility address. |
Telephone | Type the main telephone number for the facility. |
Health Systems | Select the health system to which the facility belongs from the list. |
Referring | Select this box to include the facility in the list of Referring Facilities on the New Transfer or Edit Transfer window. |
Target | Select this box to include the facility in the list of Destination Facilities in the New Transfer or Edit Transfer window. |
Commonly Used | Facilities that have the Commonly Used option selected appear at the top of drop-down menus in the transfer record. |
Additional Fields Visible when Integrated with XT
The following fields are visible only if the XT Status on the General page says XT Interface Active, indicating that the TransferCenter™ application is integrated with the Capacity Management Suite™ system:
Field Name | Description |
Uses Common MRN | Automatically selected if all facilities within your health system use the same MRN for a given patient. Read-only. |
XT Integrated | Automatically checked if the facility is integrated with the Capacity Management Suite™ system. You cannot select or clear this option. |
Allow Bed Requests | Check to make bed requests from the facility in the TransferCenter™ application to the Capacity Management Suite™ system. |
Origin Unit for Bed Requests | Select a default origin unit for every bed request for this facility. |
Adding New Facilities
To add a new facility, click New. The Facility details dialog box appears.
Type the information in the appropriate fields and make the appropriate selections.
Click OK to save the changes for the selected facility, or click Cancel to close the facility details dialog box without saving any changes.
Editing Facilities
To edit a facility’s details:
Select and clear any active checkbox in the facility’s row.
Click the Name or Address field in its row. The facility’s row expands to display the facility details. Make changes to the fields as described.
Locating the Latitude and Longitude for all the Facilities at Once
You can search for the latitude and longitude for all the facilities listed in the Facilities page at the same time:
Right-click the map icon in the left column header.
Select Yes when prompted with "Would you like to try to find coordinates for all facilities based on address?".
The TransferCenter™ application populates the Latitude and Longitude boxes for each facility that has sufficient information populating its Street Address, City, State, and/or Zip boxes.
The Locate Results window appears detailing how many facilities were located.
Note: A full and accurate address is needed to prevent the facility markers from appearing stacked on top of one another on the Geographical Volume report map. If a facility only has information for its State, City, or Zip boxes, the TransferCenter™ application finds the location of the partial address. For example, if only a state is provided, the TransferCenter™ application enters the state’s latitude and longitude and displays the facility’s marker on the Geographical Volume report map in the center of the state. The same is true if a city or zip code is provided without a street address. The facility marker appears on the Geographical Volume report map in the center of the city or zip code. If several facilities located in the same city or state have incomplete addresses, their markers could be difficult to see because they could appear stacked on top of one another.
Facility Contacts Page
On the Facility Contacts page, you can add, edit, or delete staff members whom you can contact at the target facilities. These names appear for selection in the Bed Supervisor and CEO/AOC drop-down lists in the transfer case’s Facility page.
Note: If your environment does not have the Enable Facility Disposition box on the Facility configuration page selected, the Facility Contacts configuration page is active, but does not affect any of the drop-down lists in the TransferCenter™ application.
Viewing the Facility Contacts
To navigate to the Facility Contacts page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section on page 2.
To view individual contacts, select the facility in the Target Facilities section on the left. The contacts associated with the selected facility appear in the Facility Contacts section on the right. Each row in the Facility Contacts section describes one contact.
Adding Facility Contacts
On the Facility Contacts page in the Target Facilities section, select the facility with which you want to associate the new contact. The Target Facilities are automatically updated from the Facilities configuration page.
In the Facility Contacts section, select New. A blank row appears.
Type the contact’s last name and first name in the appropriate columns.
Select one or both of the following boxes to designate the contact’s position in the facility:
Bed Supervisor
CEO/AOC (Chief Executive Officer/Administrator On Call).
Select Save.
Editing Facility Contacts
To edit field values on the Facility Contacts page, follow the directions in the Editing a Field Value section on page 3.
Deleting Facility Contacts
To add, edit, or delete field values on the Facility Contacts page, follow the directions in the Removing a Field Value section.
General Page
Viewing the General Page
On the Active or Inactive page of the TransferCenter™ application, click the Configuration menu.
Click the Administration option. The General page appears.
Understanding the General Configuration Page
The General page includes the following configuration functionality:
Data Refresh Rate: Set the refresh rate on the active and inactive transfer requests view.
Local Transport Services: Show or hide the Internal Transport Modes Offered notification field.
Paging Delay Alert: Set the time delay to trigger an alert on active or inactive transfer requests.
Allow Integration with Behavioral Health: Enable integration with the Behavioral Health feature.
Show Call Recording Notification: Show or hide the Caller has been informed that the call is being recorded field.
Database Connection: Configure database connection settings.
Import Configuration: Upload a mass import of configuration data as an XML file.
Log Level: Define the minimum severity of events included in the database log.
Show Automatic Acceptance: Display the Automatic Acceptance check box on the Consult page.
Default Destination Facility for new Transfer Cases: Define the facility displayed in the Destination Facility field for new transfers.
EMTALA: Show the Receiving Physician Question field and edit the EMTALA notice.
Emergent Definition: Edit emergency medical condition information displayed when the Emergent hyperlink is clicked.
XT Interface: View values set during integration with the Capacity Management Suite™ system.
Password Complexity: Set password requirements for standalone mode.
Application Server Uri: View and edit the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the TransferCenter™ application server.
Test Application Server: Verify that the URI points to an active application server.
Health Systems Page
Viewing the Health Systems Page
To view the Health Systems page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section.
Understanding the Health Systems Page
The Health Systems page is organized into two sections:
Health System list: Add or delete health systems in this section.
Health-System/Facility Mapping section: Displays a tree view of all available health systems and facilities. Click the arrow next to a health system to view its associated facilities.
The Unaffiliated container: Default container for newly added facilities.
The XT Enterprise container: Contains facilities added during synchronization with the Capacity Management Suite™ system.
Adding Health Systems
Click New. A blank row appears in the Health Systems section.
Type the name of the health system in the row.
Click Save to retain your changes.
Associating Facilities with Health Systems
Click the arrow next to the Unaffiliated or the XT Enterprise health system icon to expand it and display all facilities.
Click and drag a facility toward the health system you want to associate it with. Press the SHIFT key to select multiple facilities to move at once.
Hold your mouse over the health system until a gray rectangle appears below the arrow.
Release the mouse. The facility is associated with the health system.
Deleting Health Systems
In the Health System section, click the row selector next to the health system you want to delete.
Press the DELETE key. The health system is removed from the Health System list and the tree view in the Health-System/Facility Mapping section.
Click Save to retain your changes.
Hospital Services Page
Note: When interfaced with the Capacity Management Suite™ system, this page is view-only. Hospital Service information is pulled from the Capacity Management Suite™ database, and hospital services cannot be added, edited, or deleted.
On the Hospital Service page, you can manage types of services that your organization provides.
Viewing the Hospital Services Page
To view the Hospital Services page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section.
Adding, Editing, or Deleting Hospital Services (Standalone)
To add, edit, or delete field values on the Hospital Services page:
Follow the directions in the Adding, Editing or Removing Field Values section.
Isolation Settings Page (XT Interface is Active)
Note: This configuration page is available when the XT Status field says XT Interface Active.
The Isolation Settings page allows you to configure the Organism grid on the Clinical page of the TransferCenter™ application.
Viewing the Isolation Settings Page
To view the Isolation Settings page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section.
Understanding the Isolation Settings Fields
The fields on the page are described as follows:
Use Organism: Select this box to display the Organism grid on the Clinical page of the transfer case record. This option is used when the Isolation Type list contains categories (Contact, Airborne), but not the specific kind of organisms (MRSA, Chicken Pox). When selected, the XT Custom Attributes Organism Category field becomes active.
XT Custom Attributes Organism Category: When integrated with the Capacity Management Suite™ system, the list of organisms in the Clinical page of the transfer case is populated by the Capacity Management Suite™ system custom attributes dictionary. Choose which category of organisms to show in the TransferCenter™ application Organisms drop-down list.
Isolation Types Page
On the Isolation Types page, you can manage entries in the list of isolation types (e.g., Airborne, Contact).
Note: When interfaced with the Capacity Management Suite™ system, this page is view-only. Isolation information is pulled from the Capacity Management Suite™ database.
Viewing the Isolation Types Page
To view the Isolation Types page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section.
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Isolation Types (Standalone)
To add, edit, or delete field values on the Isolation Types page, follow the directions in the Adding, Editing, or Removing Field Values section.
Meds/Drips Page
On the Meds/Drips page, you can manage entries in the list of medication administrations.
Viewing the Meds/Drips Page
To view the Meds/Drips page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section.
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Meds/Drips
To add, edit, or delete field values on the Meds/Drips page, follow the directions in the Adding, Editing, or Removing Field Values section.
Notification Messages Page (XT Interface Is Active)
On the Notification Messages page, you can create and edit predetermined text messages that appear in the Instant Notification dialog box.
Viewing the Notification Messages Page (XT Interface Is Active)
To view the Notification Messages page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section.
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Notification Messages (XT Interface Is Active)
To add, edit, or delete field values on the Notification Messages page, follow the directions in the Adding, Editing, or Removing Field Values section.
Understanding the Notification Messages Fields
Message Key: Key words that describe the text of the message. Users can sort the messages by clicking the Message Key column heading in the Instant Notification dialog box.
Message Text: The text of the message.
Send patient information with notifications: Select this box to include the patient’s name in messages that users send from the Edit Transfer window by clicking the Instant Notify.
Instant Notifications
Instant notifications can be sent from the TransferCenter™ application under the following conditions:
Users select the Notify action button in the Active or Inactive list view.
Users select Instant Notify in a transfer case.
Users can send instant notifications if:
They have the Send Instant Notifications permission in the User configuration page.
The XT Interface is Active.
Users can receive instant notifications if they are valid users in the Capacity Management Suite™ system and are logged in. The Alerts icon in the Capacity Management Suite™ system turns red when a notification is received.
Viewing the Notification Messages Page (XT Interface Is Active)
To view the Notification Messages page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section.
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Notification Messages (XT Interface Is Active)
To add, edit, or delete field values on the Notification Messages page, follow the directions in the Adding, Editing, or Removing Field Values section.
Understanding the Notification Messages Fields
Message Key: Key words describing the text of the message.
Message Text: The text of the message.
Send patient information with notifications: Check this box to include the patient’s name in messages sent from the Edit Transfer window by clicking Instant Notify.
Creating a New Instant Notification Message
Click New. A new row appears.
Enter the key words and message text.
Click Save.
Editing an Instant Notification Message
Click on the message key or text cell to edit.
Make the necessary changes.
Click Save.
Including a Patient’s Name in all Messages
Check Send patient information with notifications to automatically include the patient’s name in messages sent from the Edit Transfer window by clicking Instant Notify.
Disposition Notifications
Disposition notifications are automatically generated and sent to users logged into the Capacity Management Suite™ system when a specific case disposition is selected in the TransferCenter™ application.
Creating a New Disposition Notification
Click New. A new row appears.
Enter the disposition that triggers the notification.
Enter any required text (not included in the notification).
Click the blank field below Disposition Notification Recipients.
Begin typing a user or group name in the Capacity Management Suite™ system.
Select the desired recipient from the list.
Remove recipients if necessary.
Click Save.
Editing a Disposition Notification
Click the message key cell to edit.
Update the disposition or recipient as needed.
Click Save.
Patient Types Page
On the Patient Types page, you can manage entries in the list of patient types such as Inpatient, Outpatient, etc. These patient types are utilized in the Patient section of the Transfer page.
Viewing the Patient Types Page
To access the Patient Types page, refer to the instructions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section.
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Patient Types
Follow these steps to add, edit, or delete patient types:
Adding Patient Types:
Click on "New" to create a new row.
Enter the name of the patient type in the appropriate cell.
Click "Save" to save your changes.
Editing Patient Types:
Click on the cell containing the patient type you want to edit.
Modify the patient type name as needed.
Click "Save" to save your changes.
Deleting Patient Types:
Click on the row selector next to the patient type you want to delete.
Press the DELETE key.
Confirm deletion by selecting "Yes" in the prompt.
Patient Code Statuses Page
The Patient Code Statuses page allows you to create and manage types of patient codes that appear in the Patient Code Status list on the Clinical page.
Viewing the Patient Code Statuses Page
To access the Patient Code Statuses page, follow the instructions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section.
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Patient Code Statuses
To manage patient code statuses, use the procedures outlined in the Adding, Editing or Removing Field Values section.
Payors Page
On the Payors page, you can manage entries in the list of patient insurance providers (payors).
Viewing the Payors Page
Refer to the instructions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section to access the Payors page.
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Payors
Follow the provided guidelines to add, edit, or delete payor entries.
Payor Categories
The Payor Categories page enables the creation and management of categories for grouping patient insurance providers.
Viewing the Payor Categories Page
Access the Payor Categories page using the instructions provided in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section.
Creating, Editing, and Deleting Payor Categories
Use the outlined steps to manage payor categories as required.
Payor Category Assignment
The Payor Category Assignment page enables administrators to categorize patient insurance providers (payors) into attributes within categories for reporting purposes. Each payor can only be assigned one attribute within a category.
Viewing the Payor Category Assignment Page
To access the Payor Category Assignment page, follow the instructions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section.
Associating Payors with Categories and Attributes
Follow these steps to associate payors with categories and attributes:
Selecting a Category:
Click the arrow next to the "Payor Category" field and choose a category from the list.
The selected category will be displayed as a tree structure with attributes and corresponding payors.
Expanding and Moving Payors:
If necessary, expand the "Uncategorized" attribute by clicking the arrow icon.
Drag and drop the payor(s) from the "Uncategorized" attribute to the desired attribute within the category.
You can also use the SHIFT key to select multiple payors for moving at once.
Associating Payors:
Hover your mouse over the attribute where you want to associate the payor until a gray rectangle appears below the arrow.
Release the mouse to finalize the association.
The associated payor will appear under the selected attribute within the category.
Physician Search Provider Page (XT Interface Is Active)
When the TransferCenter™ application is integrated with the Capacity Management Suite™ system, administrators can manage physician search provider settings and test connections to provider services.
Viewing the Physician Search Provider Page
To access the Physician Search Provider page, refer to the instructions provided in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section.
Standard Configurations
The following settings are available selections in the Selected Providers section for the listed configurations:
Configuration | Referring Provider Setting | Targeted Provider Setting |
Standalone | TransferCenter Local Physician Provider | TransferCenter Local Physician Provider |
XT Integrated | TransferCenter Local Physician Provider | XT Physician Provider |
Testing Connections to Physician Search Providers
To test the connections to physician search providers in the Physician Search Provider page:
Navigate to the Physician Search Provider page within the Configuration section of the TransferCenter™ application.
Locate the "Selected Providers" section.
Click on the "Test Connection" button.
The TransferCenter™ application will then attempt to establish connections with the physician providers listed in the Selected Providers section. You will receive a success or failure message indicating the outcome of the connection test.
If you encounter issues with physician search provider synchronization, especially when using Capacity Management Suite™ system version 3.4 with TransferCenter™ application version 3.5.x, and the synchronization is not functioning correctly, contact your TeleTracking representative. They can provide updates to resolve any compatibility or synchronization issues.
NPI Configuration
Currently, the NPI Configuration feature is inactive and not available for use. If you require assistance or have questions regarding this feature, please consult your TeleTracking representative for further guidance.
Grouping Physicians
Physicians can be grouped by multiple criteria to change the way they are displayed on the Physicians page. Follow these steps:
Drag and drop column headers: In the group by area labeled "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers to group physicians based on the selected criteria. The Physicians list view rearranges to group physicians by the column dragged to the group by area.
Organize subgroups: To organize the groups into subgroups, drag and drop another column header into the group by area. Subgroupings will appear under the first groupings, forming a hierarchy in the group by area. Click the "+" signs to expand the groupings.
Adding Physicians
To add a new physician record:
Click "New." The edit dialog box expands below the last row on the Physicians page.
Make selections about the physician details as described in the "Editing Physicians" section below.
Editing Physicians
To edit an existing physician's information:
Click on the physician's row. The edit dialog box expands below the physician's row.
Modify the physician's details in the edit dialog box. The following configuration functionality is available:
Last Name
First Name
Middle Initial
Referring (for indicating if the physician sends patients to the hospital transfer center)
XT Physician (automatically selected if physician information is pulled from the Capacity Management Suite™ database)
Contact via
Provider Organization
External ID
Click "OK" to update the physician page with your changes or "Cancel" to exit the edit dialog box without updating. Clicking "Save" saves the updated information to the TransferCenter™ application database.
These functionalities enable efficient management and organization of physician records within the TransferCenter™ application.
If you require further assistance or have questions regarding grouping or managing physicians, please consult your TeleTracking representative for support.
Deleting Physicians
To remove a physician from the Physicians page, follow these steps:
Select the physician: Click on the row selector icon located to the left of the physician you want to remove. This action will highlight the physician's row.
Delete the physician: Press the DELETE key on your keyboard. The physician's row will be deleted from the Physicians page, effectively removing them from the database. As a result, the physician will no longer be available in the Referring Physicians search list and the Targeted Physicians Communication list in the cases.
This process allows for the efficient management of physician records within the TransferCenter™ application.
If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding deleting physicians, please reach out to your TeleTracking representative for support.
Physicians Page (XT Interface Is Active)
When the TransferCenter™ application is interfaced with the Capacity Management Suite™ system, the information on the Physician configuration page is pulled from the Capacity Management Suite™ database for the appropriate type of physician (targeted or referring) if XT Physician Provider is selected in the Physician Search Provider configuration page. For more information, see the Physician Search Provider Page (XT Interface Is Active) section on page 61.
Adding Physicians when the XT Interface Is Active
When the Capacity Management Suite™ system supplies the physician names that appear in the physician lists of the TransferCenter™ application. Users can add physicians to the TransferCenter™ Physicians dictionary (configuration page) in the following ways:
Referring Physicians - Users select a physician’s name from the list in the Physician Search dialog box accessed from the Referring Physician field. The physician is added to the Physician dictionary of the TransferCenter™ application as a Referring Physician.
Targeted Physicians - Users select a physician’s name from the list in the Physician Search dialog box accessed from the Targeted Physician Communications field. The physician is added to the Physician dictionary of the TransferCenter™ application as a Targeted Physician.
Editing Physicians when the XT Interface Is Active
In the physician’s edit dialog box, the following fields are automatically populated by the Capacity Management Suite™ system and cannot be edited:
Last Name
First Name
Middle Initial
Referring — This box cannot be selected if the XT Physician box is selected.
XT Physician
External ID
Deleting Physicians when the XT Interface Is Active
When the TransferCenter™ application is integrated with the Capacity Management Suite™ system, because the Physicians dictionary is supplied by the Capacity Management Suite™ system, the administrator cannot delete physicians in the TransferCenter™ application.
Physicians Page (XT and IQ Platform Interfaces Are Active)
The Capacity Management Suite™ database supplies the information for the appropriate type of physician (targeted or referring) in the TransferCenter™ application and in the Teletracking IQ™ platform if the following conditions are true:
The TransferCenter™ application is interfaced with both the Capacity Management Suite™ system and the TeleTracking IQ™ platform.
XT Physician Provider is selected for the type of physician in the Physician Search Provider configuration page of the TransferCenter™ application. (See Physician Search Provider Page (XT Interface Is Active) on page 61).
Adding and Editing Physicians when the XT and IQ Platform Integrations Are Active
When integrated, Capacity Management Suite™ system supplies the physician names that appear in the physician lists of the on-premise TransferCenter™ application and the TeleTracking IQ™ platform, physicians must be added and updated in the Capacity Management Suite™ system Physicians dictionary. When physicians are added or editing in the Capacity Management Suite™ system, the dictionary immediately and automatically synchronizes the TransferCenter™ application, which then automatically passes the synchronization to the TeleTracking IQ™ platform applications.
Deleting Physicians when the XT and IQ Platform Integrations Are Active
When integrated, Capacity Management Suite™ system supplies the physician names that appear in the physician lists of the on-premise TransferCenter™ application and the TeleTracking IQ™ platform, because the physicians dictionary is supplied by the Capacity Management Suite™ system, the administrator cannot delete physicians in the TransferCenter™ application. Physicians can only be deleted in the Capacity Management Suite™ system. When physicians are deleted in the Capacity Management Suite™ system, the TransferCenter™ application and the TeleTracking IQ™ platform applications are not immediately and automatically synchronized. The deletions are synchronized when an edit to an existing physician is made or when a new physician is added in the Capacity Management Suite™ system.
Referring Units Page
On the Referring Units page, you can add, edit, and remove outlying facility units (a partition of a facility, usually indicating a type of service) from which you accept patient transfers. The units on this configuration page appear in the referring Unit field, which is located in the Referring Facility section on the Transfer tab of the Transfer page.
Viewing the Referring Units Page
To view the Referring Units page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section on page 2.
Adding, Editing, or Deleting Referring Units
To add, edit, or delete field values on the Referring Units page, follow the directions in the Adding, Editing, or Removing Field Values section on page 3.
Required Fields Page
On the Required Fields page, you can select which fields must be completed before a case can be closed. You can select check boxes in the Required to Close Case column for the fields that are required. Fields you select here appear throughout the transfer record, highlighted in light yellow. If a user attempts to close a case without completing a required field, the application provides a warning: Cannot Close Case – Missing Required Fields, and a list of the required fields that have not been completed appears.
Viewing the Required Fields Page
To view the Required Fields page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section on page 2.
Transfer Reasons Page
On the Transfer Reasons page, you can add, edit, and remove the reasons for a patient transfer. The Transfer Reason field is located in the Patient section in the Transfer page.
Viewing the Transfer Reasons Page
To view the Transfer Reasons page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section on page 2.
Adding, Editing, or Deleting Transfer Reasons
To add, edit, or delete field values on the Transfer Reasons page, follow the directions in the Adding, Editing, or Removing Field Values section on page 3.
Transport Modes Page
On the Transport Modes page, you can add, edit, or remove the transport modes by which patients are transported to your facility. The modes on this configuration page appear in the Transport Mode field on the Dispositions page in the transfer case.
Viewing the Transport Modes Page
To view the Transport Modes page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section on page 2.
Adding, Editing, or Deleting Transfer Modes
To add, edit, or delete field values on the Transport Modes page, follow the directions in the Adding, Editing, or Removing Field Values section on page 3.
Understanding the Transport Modes Fields
The following fields are on the Transport Modes page:
External box: If the transport mode is an external service, select the External check box. Modes that are not marked as external are considered internal modes and appear in the Transport Mode field list highlighted in green.
Phone Numbers: Phone numbers entered on the Transport Mode Page are displayed as the Primary Transport # on the Disposition tab of the Transfer window.
Units Page
On the Units page, you can add, edit, and remove units (a partition of a facility, often associated with a specific service type) in your organization that will be accepting patients. The Target Unit field is located in the Placement Information section on the Bed Request page of the Transfer window.
Note: When the XT Interface is Active, the Units configuration page is view-only. When interfaced with the Capacity Management Suite™ system, the Target Units information is pulled from the Capacity Management Suite™ database. For this reason, units cannot be added, edited, or deleted.
Viewing the Units Page
To view the Units page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section on page 2.
Adding, Editing, or Deleting Units (Standalone)
To add, edit, or delete field values on the Units page, follow the directions in the Adding, Editing, or Removing Field Values section on page 3.
Users Page
On the Users page, you can administer users of the TransferCenter™ and related permissions.
Note: When the XT Interface is Active and the Use TeleTracking™ XT for User Authentication option is selected on the General page of the TransferCenter™ Configuration section, the users are populated from the Capacity Management Suite™ system. For more information about adding users to the TransferCenter™ application from the Capacity Management Suite™ system, see the Setting the ‘Use TeleTracking XT for User Authentication’ Option section on page 86.
Viewing the Users Page
To view the Users page, follow the directions in the Accessing the Configuration Pages section on page 2.
Adding a User (Standalone)
Open the Configuration window.
Click Users from the navigation bar. The Users page appears.
Click the New button. A new row appears at the bottom of the list of users.
Enter the new user’s TransferCenter™ logon ID in the Logon column.
Enter the new user’s full name.
Enter the new user’s password. The application forces the use of an alpha-numeric password.
Call Recording External ID – This is the identifier in the call recording application that maps to the TransferCenter™ user. The Call Recording External ID column appears if the classic TransferCenter™ application is integrated with a call recording application.
Select the user’s permissions.
Click the Save button to save your changes.
Click the Cancel button to discard changes.
Close the Configuration window.
Editing a User (Standalone)
Open the Configuration window.
Click Users from the navigation bar. The Users page appears.
From the list of users, edit the user’s logon, name, password, or permissions.
Click the Save button to save your changes.
Select the Cancel button to discard changes.
Close the Configuration window.
Removing a User (Standalone)
Open the Configuration window.
Click Users from the navigation bar. The Users page appears.
Select the user to be removed.
Press the Delete key on your keyboard.
Click Yes to delete the user record.
Click the Save button to save your changes. Click the Cancel button to discard changes.
Close the Configuration window.
Resetting a User’s Password
Click the Reset button in the Password column of the user’s row.
Before closing the Users page of the Configuration window, copy the temporary password and send it to the user via email.
The user logs in using the temporary password and chooses a new password.
Adding Users and Phone Numbers to the Call Recording Interface
Users must be configured in the call recording interface with their phone numbers so they can record calls. Configuration directions vary depending on the call recording provider. Contact your call recording application vendor or call recording system administrator for more information.
Using the Integrated User Search Function (XT Interface Is Active)
When the TransferCenter™ application is integrated with the Capacity Management Suite™, the integrated User Search function searches for users in the Capacity Management Suite™ database and links them into the TransferCenter™ application.
Warning: Adding a user by clicking the Lookup button will overwrite the existing user. To add a new user, perform the steps described below.
Linking a User from the Capacity Management Suite™ System
Open the Configuration window.
Click Users from the navigation bar. The Users page appears.
Click the New button. The User Search dialog box appears.
Select a Facility from the drop-down list.
Note: If you do not select a facility, the search includes all Capacity Management Suite™ enterprise users.Select Last Name or First Name from the Search By drop-down list.
Note: If you do not select an option from this list, the Search Text is ignored and all users are included.Enter the appropriate Search Text.
Click the Search button. The users that meet your search criteria are displayed.
Select a user from the list, and click the OK button. The selected user is added to the Users page list.
Click Save button to retain your changes.
Setting the ‘Use TeleTracking XT for User Authentication’ Option
The Use TeleTracking XT for User Authentication option allows users to access both the TransferCenter™ application and the Capacity Management Suite™ system using a single username and password. When a TeleTracking representative enables the Use TeleTracking XT™ for User Authentication option as part of your integration, users can access both applications using their Capacity Management Suite™ system credentials.
Note: Enabling the Use TeleTracking XT for User Authentication option disables the TransferCenter™ Password Complexity features. A TeleTracking representative must set options for you in the XT Interface section.
About Searching the Master Patient Index in the Capacity Management Suite™ System (Interface/ IT Analysts)
This section of the TransferCenter™ application Configuration Guide is for Interface and IT analysts who work with the Master Patient Index in the Capacity Management Suite™ system as it relates to the patient search feature in the TransferCenter™ application.
Medical Record Number (MRN) Uniqueness
The TransferCenter™ application can accommodate several different Master Patient Index (MPI) scenarios:
All facilities within the same health system use the same MRN for a given patient. This is referred to as “Shared MRN”.
Each facility within the same health system uses a different MRN for a given patient. This is referred to as “Non-Shared MRN”.
A mix of Shared MRN and Non-shared MRN.
Shared MRN
In a shared MRN scenario, it is likely that all facilities use a common MPI. Each distinct patient will have one unique MRN assigned. If a patient is seen at Facility A, they would have the same MRN as when they are seen at Facility B. This setup greatly simplifies patient identification by MRN, and will also require the least storage space when importing into TransferCenter. Patients existing in facilities using shared MRNs will be represented as a single patient inside of the TransferCenter™ application.
Non-Shared MRN
In a non-shared MRN scenario, it is likely that each facility has its own MPI. The MRN assigned for a given patient is only valid within that particular facility, and could not be used to identify the patient at another facility. This setup requires each MRN to be associated with a particular facility. Patients existing in facilities using non-shared MRNs will show up as separate patients in the TransferCenter™ application, each attached to their respective facility by MRN.
Example — Shared
Patient | Facility | MRN |
Joe Smith | City Hospital | MR5555 |
Joe Smith | Lampshade Park Hospital | MR5555 |
Example — Non-Shared
Patient | Facility | MRN |
Joe Smith | City Hospital | MR5555 |
Joe Smith | Lampshade Park Hospital | MR7867 |
XT Configuration Considerations
It is important to understand the Capacity Management Suite™ settings for “Unique Visit#” and “Unique MRN”. While these settings are not used directly by the TransferCenter™ application, they can have an impact on the number of duplicate patients created depending on a facility’s workflow. The TransferCenter™ application will receive updates for any existing patients via the Capacity Management Suite™ system during the regularly scheduled Capacity Management Suite™ archiving process.
Unique Visit Number
This setting indicates that when performing patient matching in the Capacity Management Suite™ system (ADT transactions), the visit number will be used to uniquely identify the patient. That is, if a patient is matched by visit number, and the transaction contains a different MRN than the patient currently has, the Capacity Management Suite™ system will update the MRN to match the one in the input message. This is not necessarily dictated by either a “shared” or “non-shared” scenario. This is the standard Capacity Management Suite™ system setting for patient matching.
Unique MRN
This setting indicates that when performing patient matching in the Capacity Management Suite™ system (ADT transactions), the MRN will be used to uniquely identify the patient. That is, if a patient is matched by MRN, and the transaction contains a different visit number than the one the patient currently has, the Capacity Management Suite™ system will update the visit number to match the one in the input message. This setting is only viable in the “shared” MRN scenario.
TransferCenter™ Geographical Volume Report Internet Access Requirements (Network Engineers/Administrators)
This section of the TransferCenter™ application Configuration Guide is for Network Engineers/Administrators.
The TransferCenter™ application Geographical Volume Report requires internet access in order to perform mapping functions. This access is limited to the web services required for locating and mapping used to render the report.
If the map for the Geographical Volume Report displays as shown below, your network firewall settings need to be changed:
In your network’s firewall (if internet sites are being blocked), the following exemptions must be added to allow this report to work properly:
Protocol | Direction | Port | URL |
TCP | Outbound | 80 | |
TCP | Outbound | 80 |
Note: The Geographical Volume Report does not currently support the use of non-transparent web proxy servers or proxy servers that require authentication.
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