This article outlines how to add, modify, or delete delay codes in TransportTracking.
Finding Delay Codes in Admin Tool
To begin, navigate to where delay codes are stored in the admin tool:
Navigate to the Dictionary Management section of the admin tool.
Delay codes are a type of reason code. Select Reason Codes in Dictionary Management.
The Reason Codes section may have tabs for TransportTracking and BedTracking. Confirm that you are viewing the TransportTracking tab.
The TransportTracking tab is selected here.
Reason codes are campus-specific. In the upper-right corner of the screen ensure that you have selected the campus that contains the reason codes you would like to modify.
The TransportTracking delay codes are designated by checkmarks in the Delay column as pictured here:
Delay codes have a checkmark in the Delay column.
Adding a New Delay Code
To add a new delay code, follow these steps:
Click the Add button in the upper-right corner of the Reason Codes page.
Note that a new row will show at the bottom of the Reason Codes list, as pictured here:
The Add button adds a new row to the bottom of the list.
In the new row perform the following steps:
In the Campus column, select the campus to which you would like to add the new reason code.
Write a descriptive name in the Delay column.
Write a shorter abbreviation for the delay in the Abbreviation column. This value will be used in display areas where space is limited.
The IVR ID is used when delaying a job over the phone. If your hospital does not utilize IVR, just enter a unique numeric value (compared to other values in the list). If your hospital does utilize IVR, be sure to enter a numeric value that will make sense to your Transportation staff. You should also educate the Transportation staff on this new delay option or provide the team with an updated delay code “cheat sheet.”
In the checkbox columns, the only box you need to check is in the Delay column.
When you are finished completing the above steps, click the Save button in the upper right of the screen.
Don’t forget to click the Save button to finalize your new TransportTracking delay code.
Upon saving, a message at the top of the screen will indicate if your addition was successful.
A successful save will look like this:
You receive a message at the top of the screen indicating that the save was successful, and you can see your new delay code in the list of reason codes.
If you receive an error message, it should indicate why there was an error when saving. In many cases, this will be due to a duplicate value. Try reviewing the list of reason codes and try saving again after rectifying the conflict.
An error code due to the new reason code having the same IVR ID as an existing reason code.
Modifying a Reason Code
Follow these steps to modify an existing delay code or codes:
Find the delay code in the reason code list that you would like to change
Update any relevant fields, ensuring there are no duplicate values in the list.
Click the Save button in the upper-right corner.
Don’t forget to click the Save button to finalize your changes.
Upon saving, a message at the top of the screen will indicate if your changes were successful.
A successful save will look like this:
You receive a message at the top of the screen indicating that the save was successful, and you can see your delay code changes in the list of reason codes.
If you receive an error message, it should indicate why there was an error when saving. In many cases, this will be due to a duplicate value. Try reviewing the list of reason codes and try saving again after rectifying the conflict.
An error code due to the new reason code having the same IVR ID as an existing reason code.
Deleting a Delay Code
Follow these steps to delete one or more delay codes:
Find the delay code you would like to delete in the list of reason codes.
Check the box on the left for any delay codes that you would like to delete.
Click the Delete Selected Records box in the upper-right corner.
You will receive a message letting you know if the deletion was successful. If the deletion was unsuccessful, you may need to wait until any jobs using that delay code are archived out of the system. If you have any questions about error messages, you can contact TeleTracking Technical Support.