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Mobile permissions for Capacity IQ® Nurse Mobile
Mobile permissions for Capacity IQ® Nurse Mobile
William Pelino avatar
Written by William Pelino
Updated over 6 months ago


  • It's important to keep in mind that permissions granted to a mobile app can have a significant impact on the user's abilities within the app. Depending on the particular workflow or task at hand, certain permissions may need to be enabled or disabled in order to ensure the best user experience

  • This article will list permissions that can be used with the Capacity IQ® Nurse Mobile app. All permission definitions are from 2023.10 Help.

Capacity IQ® PreAdmit Permissions



View patient name and diagnosis

  • Users in groups with this permission can view patient names and diagnoses on list views in Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application and Patient Tracking Portal

Maintain Patient/Placement Details

  • To grant this permission to a group, clickView or Edit.

  • Users in groups with Edit rights to this permission can access and change patient and placement information on the Patient/Placement Details form in Capacity IQ® PreAdmit and Patient Tracking Portal.

  • Additional individual permissions are required to change specific data on the form, such as patient name, social security number, or target unit for a placement.

  • Users in groups with View rights to this permission can access, but not change, patient and placement information on the Patient/Placement Details form in Capacity IQ® PreAdmit. If you select View, you must also select Disable for the following permissions that affect whether users can make changes on the Patient/Placement Details form, such as Edit Patient Name and Set Bed Assignment.

  • If None is selected, then users in this group do not have access to patient/placement information.

  • Also, this permission must be enabled for Patient Tracking Portal users who need to edit comments or custom columns in list views.

  • This Permission is required for Capacity IQ® Nurse Mobile.

Edit Patient Associated Physicians

  • Users in groups with this permission can add or remove a physician name from the patient record or change the type of association the physician has with the patient (for example, from Admitting to Referring) in Capacity IQ® PreAdmit and Patient Tracking Portal.

  • Edit rights to the Maintain Patient/Placement Details permission are required in addition to this permission.

Set/Clear Patient bedboard Flag

  • Users in groups with this permission can select or clear the Flag check box and enter text in the Flag box on the Patient/Placement Details form in the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit and Patient Tracking Portal. If the Flag check box is selected, any text that is entered in the Flagbox will be accessible from the electronic bedboard® view. Users enable flags to make special information about the patient available for other users to view on the electronic bedboard® view.

  • Edit rights to the Maintain Patient/Placement Details permission are required in addition to this permission.

Activate Placement

  • Users in groups with this permission can activate a placement request by clicking the requested date and time of a de-activated (or "unactivated") request on a Capacity IQ® PreAdmit placement list view.

  • The Access Placement List View permission is required in addition to this permission

De-activate a placement (applies to PreAdmit placements only)

  • Users in groups with this permission can de-activate (or "unactivate") a placement request by clicking the requested date and time of an activated request on a Capacity IQ® PreAdmit placement list view.

  • The Access Placement List View permission is required in addition to this permission.

Tag patient as Ready To Move

  • Users in groups with this permission can mark a patient Ready to Move or NOT Ready to Move by clicking in the RTM@ field on a Capacity IQ® PreAdmit placement list view.

  • The Access Placement List View permission is required in addition to this permission

Receive Placement Pages

  • Users in groups with this permission can be selected to receive Bed Assigned, Bed Cleaned, Ready to Move, and Notify Now notifications on a patient placement request on the Patient/Placement Details form in Capacity IQ® PreAdmit or the Patient Tracking Portal.

Requester Workflow

  • Users must also have the Cancel Bed Placement Request permission to cancel a Pending Transfer status and the Cancel Pending/Confirmed Discharge permission to cancel a Pending Discharge or Confirmed Discharge status.

  • The Create Placements, Edit Target Unit on Placement, and Set Bed Assignment permissions are also required to change a status to Pending Transfer.

  • The Set Pending/Confirmed Discharge permission is required to change the status to Pending Discharge or Confirmed Discharge.

  • However, it is NOT necessary to have the Capacity IQ® EVS Requester Workflow permission in addition to the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application Requester Workflow permission in order to access the Pending Bed Requests menu.

Create Placements

  • Users in groups with this permission can create a placement request for an existing patient using the Patient Action list on the Patient/Placement Details form or from a list view in Capacity IQ® PreAdmit and Patient Tracking Portal.

  • Edit rights to the Maintain Patient/Placement Details permission are required in addition to this permission.

  • Requesters can change a patient's status to Pending Transfer must have this permission in addition to the Requester Workflow, Set Bed Assignments, and Edit Origin Unit on Placements permissions.

Return Patient from Procedure

  • Users in groups with this permission can return a patient who is in a specialty location to the patient's home location using the Patient Action list on the Patient/Placement Details form or from a list view in Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application and Patient Tracking Portal.

  • Edit rights to the Maintain Patient/Placement Details permission are required in addition to this permission

Set Pending/Confirmed Discharge

  • Users in groups with this permission can select to change a patient's status to Pending Discharge or Confirmed Discharge using the Patient Action list on the Patient/Placement Details form or from a list view in Capacity IQ® PreAdmit and Patient Tracking Portal.

  • Edit rights to the Maintain Patient/Placement Details permission are required in addition to this permission. Requesters who want to change a patient's status to Pending Discharge or Confirmed Discharge must have this permission in addition to the Requester Workflow permission.

Cancel Pending/Confirmed Discharge

  • Cancel Pending/Confirmed Discharge

Cancel Bed Placement Request

  • Users in groups with this permission can cancel a patient's placement request using the Patient Action list on the Patient/Placement Details form or from a list view in Capacity IQ® PreAdmit and Patient Tracking Portal.

  • Edit rights to the Maintain Patient/Placement Details permission are required in addition to this permission. This permission, in addition to the Requester Workflow permission, is also required to cancel a Pending Transfer.

Allow user to set membership on login without RAC

  • Users with variable membership who have this permission and who signed in and selected units and clusters for the day, can sign out and then sign in again and select different clusters and units without entering a Re-Assignment Authorization Code (RAC)

Set/Clear Bed Assignment Priority

  • Users with this permission can set or remove bed assignment priorities ("bed ahead") in Capacity IQ® PreAdmit or the Patient Tracking Portal application. Numbers from 1 through 9 can be associated with beds to provide a visual indicator of the order in which beds should be assigned.

Show PreAdmitTracking Console

  • Users in groups with this permission can see the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application menu and icon on the Home page and can access the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application application.

Access Pending/Confirmed Discharges

  • Users in groups with this permission can access the Pending/Confirmed Discharges list view on the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit console.

Access Placement List Views

  • Users in groups with this permission can access placement list views, such as All Placements, on the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit console.

Access Patient Search

  • Users in groups with this permission can access the Patient Search feature on the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit console using the Patient Search icon or menu command.

Access Notification History

  • Users in groups with this permission can access the Notification History page on the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit console, which shows the history of Capacity IQ® PreAdmit related messages that have been sent (such as Ready-to-Move notifications).

Access the Projected Census

  • Users in groups with this permission can access the projected census on the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit console.

Edit Staffed Beds

  • Users in groups with this permission can define shift start times for units on the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit console to indicate which beds are covered by staff members during each shift. Patient Tracking Portal users with this permission have access to the Staffed Beds feature in Patient Tracking Portal.

Access Instant Notify

  • Users in groups with this permission may access the Instant Notify feature and send an instant message. This permission is also required to generate the Instant Notify Quick Report.

Show Group Views

  • Users in groups with this permission can load group views on the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit console using the Load/Save Console icon or menu command.

Run any reports, including those that reveal patient information

  • Users in groups with this permission can generate reports related to the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application reports with information that identifies patients (such as name or medical record number) displayed.

Edit Discharge Milestones

  • Users with this permission can set or delay discharge milestones in Capacity IQ® PreAdmit and Patient Tracking Portal application.

  • Additional permissions are required to send milestone instant notifications and to prevent automatic notifications about discharge delay.

Edit Transfer Milestones

  • Users with this permission can set or delay discharge milestones in the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application and Patient Tracking Portal application.

  • Additional permissions are required to send milestone instant notifications and to prevent automatic notifications about discharge delay

Allow disabling discharge milestone automatic timer alerts

  • Users with this permission can prevent subscription-based discharge timer notifications from being sent to users automatically when a specific patient exceeds the discharge timer thresholds (time limits) set for the home location or last known home location.

  • To prevent these notifications, users with this permission must select an option for a specific patient on the Set Milestone Detail window in Capacity IQ® PreAdmit or Patient Tracking Portal application.

  • Additional permissions are required to set or delay discharge or transfer milestones.

Allow sending milestone notifications

  • Users with this permission can send instant notifications to other users about discharge and transfer milestones for a specific patient.

  • They can select an option to send a message about a specific patient and select the message recipients on the Set Milestone Detail window in the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application or Patient Tracking Portal application.

  • Additional permissions are required to set or delay discharge or transfer milestones

Patient Tracking Portal Permissions



Edit Patient Nurse from List View

  • Editing a patient's nurse from the list view can be a convenient way to quickly update the nurse assigned to a particular patient.

Access Staff Assignment History

  • Users in groups with this permission can view information about staff members who are or were assigned to a patient who appears in a list view.

Show PatientTracking Portal Console

  • Users in groups with this permission can see the Patient Tracking Portal menu and icon on the Home page and can access the Patient Tracking Portal application.

Access Staff Assignment

  • Users in groups with this permission can access the Staff Assignment window and assign staff members, such as nurses and assistants, to shifts, assign staff members to specific beds (locations), and re-assign a bed and patient to a different staff member for the current shift.

  • This permission replaces the Access Assign Caregivers to Shifts, Access Assign Caregivers to Beds, and Access Replace Caregiver permissions.

Access Unit Message Board Settings

  • Messages pertaining to the unit selected in a list view and to the campus where the selected unit resides may appear at the top of a list view. Users in groups with this permission may post unit-related messages.

Access Instant Notify

  • Users in groups with this permission may access the Instant Notify feature and send an instant message. This permission is also required to generate the Instant Notify Quick Report.

Show Group Views

  • Users in groups with this permission can load group views on the Patient Tracking Portal console using the Load/Save Console icon or menu command.

Access RTKI

  • Users in groups with this permission can load group views on the Patient Tracking Portal console using the Load/Save Console icon or menu command.

Access Message Board

  • Users in groups with this permission can view unit and campus messages at the top of the console.

Run any reports, including those that reveal patient information

  • Users in groups with this permission can generate Patient Tracking Portal application-related reports with information that identifies patients (such as name or medical record number) displayed.

Access Radiology Orders

  • Users in groups with this permission can access the radiology order history of patients who appear in a list view

Access Lab Orders

  • Users in groups with this permission can access the lab order history of patients who appear in a list view

Access Quick Report

  • Users in groups with this permission can create generate Patient Tracking Portal quick reports

Capacity IQ® EVS Permissions



Access Bed Information

  • Users in groups with this permission can click a bed identifier in the Capacity IQ® EVS console (such as bed name, or abbreviation on a bed list view) and then view the bed details (such as history and bed size).

Requester Workflow

  • Users in groups with this permission can create and update bed cleaning jobs.

Release Delayed Bed Cleaning

  • On the Capacity IQ® EVS console, users in groups with this permission may remove a Delayed status from a delayed bed cleaning job.

Cancel Cleaning Request

  • On the Capacity IQ® EVS console, users in groups with this permission may cancel a request for a bed cleaning job.

Reason Code Required to Cancel Cleaning Request

  • Users in groups with this permission are required to select a reason code when they cancel a cleaning request on the Capacity IQ® EVS console.

Transition Bed to Clean

  • Users (requesters only) in groups with this permission may change a bed's status to Clean on the Capacity IQ® EVS console.

Transition Bed to Dirty

  • Users in groups with this permission may change a bed's status to Dirty on the Capacity IQ® EVS console. This results in an upgraded or downgraded bed cleaning job or in the creation of a new bed cleaning request.

Create Spill Request

  • If the Spill Clean global setting is enabled, then users with this permission can create requests to clean spills that are on or around clean, occupied, or blocked beds.

  • This permission also allows users to change the spill types for existing spill-cleaning job requests.

Cancel Spill Request

  • If the Spill Clean global setting is enabled, then users with this permission can cancel requests for spill-cleaning jobs that have not been started yet.

Edit Patient Isolation Type

  • Users in groups with this permission may reset or remove a patient's isolation type on the Occupied Beds list on the Capacity IQ® EVS console.

Access RTKI

  • Users with this permission may view the Real-Time Key Indicators (RTKIs, such as Total Beds Cleaned Today or Daily Average Turnaround Time) at the top of the Capacity IQ® EVS console.

Show BedTracking Console

  • Users in groups with this permission can see the Capacity IQ® EVS application menu and icon on the Home page and can access the Capacity IQ® EVS application.

Capacity IQ® Transport Permissions



Edit Patient Isolation Type

  • Users in groups with this permission, who also have the User Can Add/Edit Patient Data permission, can change a patient's isolation type on the Patient Add/Edit window in the Capacity IQ® Transport™ application.

  • Only a TeleTracking Technologies representative can grant the User Can Add/Edit Patient Data permission.

Users may view patient transports

  • Users in groups with this permission can gain access to information about requests for patient transports using the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system or view them using the Capacity IQ® Transport™ application.

Users may edit patient transports

  • Users in groups with this permission can create or change requests for patient transports using the Capacity IQ® Transport™ application.

Console "Patients" tab

  • Users in groups with this permission can access the Patients tab or Patient Dashboard menu command in the Capacity IQ® Transport™ console.

  • The patient's dashboard displays patient information such as name, bed, and current location.

Console "Items" tab

  • Users in groups with this permission can access the Items tab in the Capacity IQ® Transport™ console.

  • The Items tab displays information about items for which there have been requests for transports.

    • Examples of information are the identification number of the request (called Job Number), the request status and time, and the assigned transporter's identity.

Users may view Item/Equipment transports

  • Users in groups with this permission can gain access to information about requests to transport items (such as lab samples) or equipment (such as IV poles).

User may edit Item/Equipment transports

  • Users in groups with this permission can create or change requests to transport items or equipment using the Capacity IQ® Transport™ application.

User can cancel Job

  • Users in groups with this permission can cancel transport jobs.

Users can reschedule

  • Users in groups with this permission are able to reschedule transport jobs

Reason code required for cancel

  • Users in groups with this permission are required to select a reason code when they cancel a transport job.

Reason code required for rescheduling

  • Users in groups with this permission are required to select a reason code when they reschedule a transport job.

Requester workflow, responsible for creating and updating Job requests

  • Users in groups with this permission may access requester functions.

  • Individual permissions are required to create outpatient requests and inquire about patients, record special instructions, and reschedule or cancel transport jobs.

Subscribe to Notifications

  • Users in groups with this permission may access My Notifications.

  • To subscribe to—or register to receive—notifications through My Notifications, users must also have the Permission to Modify Notification Settings permission.

Users can filter data in view

  • Users in groups with this permission can filter data (or determine how data is displayed in a view) in the Capacity IQ® Transport™ console.

Show Capacity IQ® Transport Console

  • Users in groups with this permission can see the Capacity IQ® Transport™ menu and icon on the Home page and can access the Capacity IQ® Transport™ application.

Access Instant Notify

  • Users in groups with this permission may access the Instant Notify feature and send an instant message. This permission is also required to generate the Instant Notify Quick Report.

Run any reports, including those that reveal patient information

  • Users in groups with this permission can generate Capacity IQ® Transport-related reports with information that identifies patients (such as name or identification number) displayed

Inquiry Menu - Inquire about current jobs and patients

  • Users in groups with this permission will have access to the Inquiry Menu so that they can inquire about current jobs or patients.

  • In addition to this permission, users must have the Maintenance Workflow, Responsible for Maintenance Functions, the Requester Workflow Responsible for Creating and Updating Job Requests, or the Supervisor Workflow Offering Managerial Statistics About Employees, etc. permission.

Permit outpatient requests

  • Users in groups with this permission can create voice files regarding outpatients and create outpatient requests. Users with this permission must also have the Requester Workflow Responsible for Creating and Updating Job Requests.

Access RTKI

  • Users in groups with this permission may display and hide Real-Time Key Indicator statistics (RTKIs).

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