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QRG - Capacity IQ® EVS Mobile
William Pelino avatar
Written by William Pelino
Updated over 5 months ago


Logging In

  1. Tap the EVS App icon on your smartphone device.

  1. At the sign-in screen enter your username and password. If you don’t know this information, see your Department Manager.

    1. Tap “Sign In.”


  1. Tap “All Sections & Zones” - if you will be doing discharge/transfer cleans for any inpatient unit in the hospital for your shift. This option is generally used by “Discharge Teams” as well as second and third-shift employees. Consult your supervisor if you will use this option.

  2. Tap “Specific Sections and Zones” - to enter the sections/zones (units) you are assigned for your shift. You can tap on multiple sections/zones depending on your work assignment. Consult your supervisor for your specific Section/Zone (unit) assignment.

  3. Tap “No Sections and Zones” - if your assigned tasks do not require you to perform discharge/transfer cleans but can be available to assist with discharge/transfer cleans if necessary. Consult your supervisor if you will use this option.

  4. Tap “Let’s Get Started” to finish logging in.

  5. Tap “Submit.”



Home Screen Overview

A. Break – Place yourself on a Scheduled Break or Lunch.

B. Bed Size – With appropriate permissions, you can adjust the bed size in a room.

C. New Job – With appropriate permissions, use for Found Bed or Found Spill jobs.

D. Discharge Clean Worklist – Shows Dirty, Clean Next, and STAT beds and Spill clean jobs based on employee’s assigned section(s) and zone(s) at log-in.

E. Daily Clean Worklist - Shows rooms that require daily cleaning service based on the employee’s assigned section(s) and zone(s) at log-in.

F. Messages – Access Messages screen.

G. Jobs – Returns you to the Home screen and displays the Discharge/Daily Clean worklist.

H. Settings – Access the Color Theme and Sign Out screen.



Cleaning Requests

Job Notifications

  1. You will receive a “New Job: Notification” displayed at the top of the screen when a bed goes dirty in your assigned Section(s) and/or Zone(s).

  2. Follow the instructions to Start a Discharge/Transfer Clean or Spill.


Start a Discharge/Transfer Clean or Spill

  • Tap the up arrow in the right corner of the screen, then tap on a “Dirty Bed or Spill Clean Request” from your worklist.

    • Spill requests are normally associated with patient rooms and are used for smaller jobs including spills.

    • For example Trash, Bio-Waste, Food/Drink clean, Sharps Container, Restroom Refresh.


  • Tap “+New Job” in the upper left, enter the bed ID of a dirty bed or spill not listed on the jobs worklist, and press - “Done.”

    • Note: You need the appropriate Found Bed/Spill permission enabled to perform this action. Ensure you are using the correct bed ID.

  • Tap “Go In-Progress” to enter In Progress status while cleaning the bed or spill.

  • Tap “Yes” to confirm Go In-Progress.



Job Completion

Completing a Job

  • Finish Cleaning a Bed or Spill.

  1. Tap “Complete Job” to show you cleaned the room and remove the dirty bed from your worklist.

  1. Tap “Yes” to confirm the Complete Job.


Job Delays

Delay a Bed Clean

Note: This action can only be used prior to going In Progress.

  1. Tap on a Dirty Bed from your worklist.

  2. Tap “Delay Job”.

  3. Tap “Select a Reason”.

  4. From the list that appears, select the reason for the delay.

  5. Tap “Yes, Delay Job”.

    1. If you choose Yes, Delay Job, the job status will update to Delayed and you will be returned to the worklist.


  1. Tap “No, Return to Job” to return to the worklist.


Delay Job Completion

Completing a Delayed Bed Clean

  1. Tap the “Delayed Bed” from your worklist.

  2. Tap “Go In-Progress”.

  3. Tap “Complete Job” to show you cleaned the room and remove the dirty bed from your worklist.


Job Suspends

Suspend a Bed Clean

  • Note: This action can only be used when a job is In Progress.

  • Perform Steps 1 AND 2 of Start a Discharge/Transfer Clean or Spill to put a bed In Progress.

  1. Tap “More Options” while In Progress.

  2. Tap “Suspend.”

  3. Tap “Select a Reason.”

  4. Select a Reason for Suspension.

  5. Tap “Yes, Suspend Job”. The job is Suspended, and you are returned to your worklist.


  1. Select “No, Return to Job” to continue cleaning the room.



Completing Suspended Jobs

Completing a Suspended Bed Clean

  1. Tap the Suspended Bed from your worklist.

  2. Tap “Go In-Progress”.

  3. Tap “Complete Job” to show you cleaned the room and remove the dirty bed from your worklist.


Job Cancellation

Cancel Discharge/Transfer Cleaning Request or Spill

  • Perform Steps 1 AND 2 of Start a Discharge/Transfer Clean or Spill to put a bed In Progress.

  1. Tap “More Options” then tap “Cancel”.


  1. Tap “Select a Reason.”

  2. Tap the appropriate Reason.

  1. Tap “Yes, Cancel Job.”

  1. You’ll be returned to the Job List Screen.

Daily Cleans

Start a daily Clean

  1. Tap the down arrow at the lower right corner of the screen and scroll to the room that needs the daily clean, then tap on “To Do” from your worklist.

  2. Tap “Go In-Progress” to enter In Progress status while servicing the room.

  3. Tap “Yes” to confirm Go In-Progress.


Completing a Daily Clean Job

Complete Daily Clean

Finish servicing the room.

  1. Tap “Complete” job to mark the job complete.

  2. Tap “Yes” to confirm the Complete Job.

  3. You’ll be returned to the Job List Screen.


Cancelling a Daily Clean

Cancel Daily Cleans

  1. After performing Steps 1 and 2 from “Start A Daily Clean.”

  2. Tap “More Options” then tap “Cancel”.


  1. Tap “Select a Reason.”

  2. Tap the appropriate reason for cancellation.

  1. Tap “Yes, Cancel Job”.

  1. You’ll be returned to the Job List Screen.

Other Functions


  1. You may periodically receive instant notification Messages where the notification will be displayed at the top of the screen.

  2. Tap “Messages” in the lower-left corner of the screen to view the message list.

  1. Tap a message to view the entire text.

  1. Tap “Dismiss” to delete the message.

  2. Tap “Reply All” or “Reply” to reply to a message.

  1. Tap “Send” to send your reply or “Cancel” to return to the previous screen.

  1. You will see” Message successfully sent” and return to the Messages screen.


Change Bed Size

  1. Tap the “Bed Size” option at the top of your worklist.

  1. Tap “Enter Bed ID” to enter the bed ID then tap “Done”.


  1. Tap “Select Bed Size” then tap on the appropriate option from the Bed Size list.

  1. Tap “Submit” to finish changing the Bed Size and return to the Job list screen.

  1. Tap “Return to My Jobs” to exit without changing Bed Size.

Taking a Scheduled Break/Lunch

  1. Tap “Break” from the upper left corner of the home screen.

  1. Tap on “Select Break Type” to select the type of break “Lunch” or “Scheduled”.

  1. Tap on “Start Break“ to place yourself on Lunch.

  1. Tap on “Cancel” to return to the Select a break type: screen.

  • NOTE: You will not receive any job notifications while in Break/Lunch status, however, you can still receive Instant Notify messages from your Supervisor.

Returning From a Scheduled Break/Lunch

  1. Tap “Break” from the upper left corner of the Home Screen.

  2. Tap “Return to Work”.

  3. Tap “OK” to confirm Return to Work.


Changing Color Theme

  1. Tap “Settings” at the bottom right corner of the Home Screen.

  1. Select a “Dark Theme” for a dark background.

  1. Select a “Light Theme” for a light background.

Signing Out

  1. Tap “Settings” from the bottom right corner of the Home Screen.

  1. Tap “Sign Out” to log out of the mobile application.

    1. NOTE: This will log you out of all instances of TeleTracking.

  1. Tap “OK” to sign out.

  2. Tap “Cancel” if you don’t intend to sign out.

  3. Tap “Jobs” at the bottom of the screen to return to the Job List.

Notification Tips and Troubleshooting

  • Please note: you may need assistance from your designated IT Department for assistance with the below settings.

  1. Please ensure the following items are checked on the mobile device.

    1. The device is fully charged.

    2. The device volume is turned up to allow notification sound to be heard by EVS staff using the device during their shift.

    3. Make sure any settings that would mute notifications are turned off/DISABLED (Ex. Vibrate only, Do Not Disturb).

    4. Check with our Supervisor or IT staff if assistance is needed.

  2. For iPhone devices go to Settings.

  3. Next tap Notification.


  1. Next find and tap EVS (Banners, Sounds, Badges).


  1. Make sure the following:

    1. Allow Notification is enabled.

    2. Lock Screen, Notification Center, and Banner are enabled(checked).

    3. The banner Style is set to Persistent.

    4. Show Previews is set to Always.

Refreshing The EVS Mobile Screen

  • To refresh the EVS Mobile screen you are viewing complete the following (in this example we will use the My Jobs screen):

  1. While viewing the EVS Mobile screen, place your finger on the screen (for example on the Other Jobs text header).

  2. While keeping slight pressure on the screen, swipe in a downward motion and release.

    1. NOTE: To allow for proper refresh to be initiated, please swipe downward to at least the halfway point of your device screen.

  3. You will see a spinning pinwheel while the screen is refreshing. When the spinning pinwheel is complete, the refresh has been completed.

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