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Capacity IQ® EVS Mobile - Help Content
Capacity IQ® EVS Mobile - Help Content
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 5 months ago

This application is currently named TeleTracking EVS in the app stores but we will refer to it as the Capacity IQ® EVS Mobile app.

Capacity IQ® EVS Mobile App

Capacity IQ® EVS Mobile equips Environmental Services team members with the ability to track, accept, and edit cleaning jobs on the go. There are three main tabs at the bottom of the screen:

  • Messages

  • Jobs

  • Settings

Signing In

1. On the TeleTracking Home Screen, enter your Capacity IQ® solution username and password that your system administrator provided.

2. If the Campuses screen appears, tap the campus where you will be working for the day. You will only be notified of bed cleaning requests in the campus that you select.

3. If the Sections and Zones page appears, tap the option that applies to the area where you will be working for the day. Zones are areas in the hospital where employees can be assigned to work. A section is a collection of zones. Consult your system administrator if you are unsure what your assignment is.

  • All sections and zones:

    • You will be notified of cleaning requests in all sections/zones.

  • Specific sections and zones:

    • You will be notified of cleaning requests within your zone. Choose as many sections or zones as appropriate, but when a section is selected, all zones will be selected unless you manually clear the check boxes for the unwanted zones.

  • No sections or zones:

    • You will not be notified of cleaning requests.

4. Tap Submit.

EVS Jobs

Upon sign in, you'll automatically bed taken to the My Jobs page on the Jobs tab.

View My Jobs

  1. When a new job becomes available, a New Job notification appears at the top of your screen.

  2. Go to the My Jobs screen by selecting the Jobs tab at the bottom of your screen.

  3. Tap and drag down from the top of the My Jobs screen to refresh the list of jobs.

  4. Two sections appear. The number of jobs in each section appears next to the section title:

    1. Discharge Clean – Displays a list of beds that need to be cleaned because the patient has been discharged. This section is open by default when you first access My Jobs.

    2. Daily Clean – Displays a list of rooms occupied by one or more patients that need routine daily cleaning, such as emptying the trash, dusting, mopping the floor, wiping the bathroom fixtures.

  5. Tap arrow next to each list's title to expand and contract each list.

  6. The following two subsections appear at the bottom of the Daily Clean list. This allows employees to prioritize their work:

    1. Confirmed Discharge – A list of rooms in which one or more patients has a Confirmed discharge status.

    2. Pending Discharge – A list of rooms in which one or more patients has a Pending discharge status

  7. Select one of the job cards in one of the sections to see its details.

Search My Jobs

  1. To search for a specific job within the jobs that are assigned to you, on the My Jobs page tap the magnifying glass in the top right.

  2. The search field appears.

  3. Type the bed identifier or room abbreviation and tap enter. Both Discharge and Daily Clean lists refresh to display only the beds or rooms that match the characters that you typed. The number of matching search results appears in the white circles next to the list headers.

  4. The search on the My Jobs page only searches jobs that are within the employee's Assignment (Sections/Zones).

Discharge Clean Jobs

View Discharge Clean Jobs

  1. Break: allows you to place yourself on either a scheduled break or lunch break. See EVS Breaks

  2. Bed Size: allows you to request a bed size change for a location (permissions required). See Change Bed Size.

  3. New Job: allows the creation of a new job of an unreported dirty bed or spill to be added to the Jobs queue (permissions required). See Create a New EVS Job.

  4. Messages: displays the notifications sent to you.

  5. Jobs: allows you to accept, complete, delay, or suspend a job. See EVS Jobs

  6. Settings: allows you to set the dark or light theme for the user interface and to sign out.

  7. Search allows you to enter the ID of a cleaning request or room in order to locate it in the My Jobs page.

  8. Bed Status: the current state of the bed. Examples are Clean, Clean Next, Dirty, Spill, UDEF8. If your campus has enabled Multi-Stage Cleans, you may see a bed with a status that is the cleaning stage, such as Stage 1 or Stage 2.

  9. Bed Status Timestamp: The date and time of day that the bed's current status was set.

  10. Notifications: Allows you to view unread notifications.

Discharge Clean Job Details

To view the Discharge Clean job details, tap the green arrow in the job card. The job details display:

  • Name (Bed)

  • Isolation

  • IVR ID

  • Bed Size

You can perform the following actions from the job details:

Accept a Discharge Clean Job

1. Tab a job on the My Jobs > Discharge Clean screen to see it's details and options.

2. Tap Go In Progress, then Yes.

Once a job is started, you can only view that job on the Current Job screen. All other jobs and messages are inaccessible until your in-progress task is complete.

Discharge Clean Actions

Bed Size: allows you to request a bed size change for a location (permissions required). See Change Bed Size.

New Job: allows the creation of a new job of an unreported dirty bed or spill to be added to the Jobs queue (permissions required). See Create a New EVS Job.

Bed ID: allows you to enter the ID of a cleaning request in order to locate it in the My Jobs page.

My Jobs: allows you to accept, complete, delay, or suspend a job. See EVS Jobs

Break: allows you to place yourself on either a scheduled break or lunch break. See EVS Breaks

Discharge Clean Job Statuses

A job's status appears in a color-coded bar at the top of the job card. Possible statuses are:

  • Stat: Highest priority that needs done immediately.

  • Clean Next: Higher priority to a standard cleaning job.

  • Dirty: A standard cleaning job. The most common type.

  • Spill: A cleaning request involving a spill rather than a dirty bed. Specialty Clean: A user-defined clean job created by the health system.

  • Delayed: A cleaning job that has yet to be started, but needs to be postponed.

  • Suspended: A cleaning job that was started, but not finished.

  • Udef8 / Udef9: User Defined 8 status and User Defined 9 status are configured by the administrator with custom names. These statuses are color coded (light blue for Udef8 and dark blue for Udef9). See About Multi-Stage Cleaning Jobs for related information.

Complete a Discharge Clean

Job Once you've accepted a job, you must mark it as complete before beginning another one. To mark a job as complete:

  1. In an in-progress job on the Current Job screen, tap Complete Job.

  2. Tap Yes. The job is marked as complete, and you return to the My Jobs screen.

Delay a Discharge Clean Job

Delayed requests are used to put a job on hold when there are issues that prevent its completion. To delay a job:

  1. Tap a job card in My Jobs to view its details and options.

  2. Tap Delay Job to view the Delay Job screen.

  3. Tap the Reason for Delay field to choose a reason for delay from the list.

  4. Tap Yes, Delay Job.

Suspend a Discharge Clean Job

Suspended requests are for jobs that are currently in progress that need to be put on hold. To suspend a job:

  1. In an in-progress job on the Current Job screen, tap More Options to display the list of options.

  2. Tap Suspend to view the Suspend Job screen.

  3. Tap the Reason to Suspend field to choose a reason for the suspension from the list.

  4. Tap Yes, Suspend Job.

  5. The My Jobs list appears for you to pick another job.

About Multi-Stage Cleaning Jobs

Multi-Stage Cleans is a bed cleaning workflow with two stages for bed and room cleaning that requires more than the usual cleaning process.

If your campus has enabled Multi-Stage Cleans, the custom names for Udef8 and Udef9 statuses usually indicate the stage of cleaning, such as Stage 1 and Stage 2.

First Cleaning Stage – The first cleaning stage is the same as is normally performed. When an employee puts a first stage cleaning request in progress, the system notifies another employee, who has the appropriate training and permission, that they will receive a second stage cleaning job soon.

Second Cleaning Stage – When the employee completes the first cleaning stage, the job automatically changes to a second stage status and is assigned to the second stage employee to perform a deep cleaning.

Change Bed Size

The Jobs tab also gives you the option to change a bed size through the application.

  1. Select Bed Size from the Jobs tab.

  2. Enter the Bed ID then tap Submit. The job that corresponds to that Bed ID will appear.

  3. Select the desired bed size and tap Submit

Create a New EVS Job

If you've found a dirty bed or spill, you can use the mobile application to create a new job.

  1. From the My Jobs tab, tap New Job.

  2. Select the proper job type: Found Dirty Bed or Found Spill Job.

  3. Enter the Bed ID.

  4. If you need to search for the Bed ID, begin typing the bed identifier or room abbreviation and tap the magnifying glass. A list appears of beds that match the characters that you typed. Tap one of the beds to select it. The search on the New Job page only searches the jobs that are not within the employee's Assignment (Sections/Zones).

  5. Tap Submit.

  6. Once you've entered the necessary information, a new job will be created for you. From there you can either tap Go In Progress to begin the job right away, or Delay Job to prioritize it later.

Daily Clean Jobs

Daily Clean Job Details

  1. To view the job details, tap the green arrow in the job card.

  2. From the details menu, you'll be able to see:

    1. Room Abr (Room Abbreviation)

    2. Isolation (Isolation type associated to patient)

  3. The details page also gives you the option to start, cancel, or complete a job.

Daily Clean Job Statuses

A job's status appears in a color-coded bar at the top of the job card. Possible statuses are:

  • To Do: The room needs to be cleaned.

  • In Progress: An employee is currently cleaning the room.

  • Complete: An employee has completed the room cleaning tasks.

Accept a Daily Clean Job

  1. Tab a job on the My Jobs > Discharge Clean screen to see it's details and options.

  2. Tap Go In Progress, then Yes.

Accept a Daily Clean Job

  1. Tab a job on the My Jobs > Discharge Clean screen to see its details and options.

  2. Tap Go In Progress, then Yes.

The job’s card displays an In Progress status header. The options change to Complete Job and Cancel Job. You cannot suspend daily clean jobs.

Cancel a Daily Clean Job

  1. Tap a job card that has an In Progress status header to see its details and options.

  2. Tap the Cancel Job option at the bottom of the details.

  3. The cancellation reason field appears. (Required)

  4. From the drop-down list, tap a reason why you want to cancel the job.

  5. Tap Yes, Cancel Job.
    The job returns to the Daily Clean list with a To Do status.

Complete a Daily Clean Job

  1. Tap a job card that has an In Progress status header to see its details and options.

  2. Select Complete Job in the actions at the bottom.

  3. The job displays a Clean status header.

EVS Breaks

Lunch or Scheduled Break
Going On Lunch/Break

  1. On the My Jobs screen, tap Break.

  2. Tap Type of Break and select the appropriate break type.

  3. Once selected, tap Start Break.

The window will read You are currently on your Lunch Break or Scheduled Break.

Returning to Work

  1. Tap Return to Work.

  2. A confirmation prompt will load, tap Ok.

About Notifications

Notifications concern events such as a status change for a bed cleaning or transport job, the patient's placement is activated, or the patient is marked Ready to Move. The event can trigger a notification that is automatically sent to you depending on how the system has been configured. A notification banner briefly appears at the top of your screen when you receive a new notification. A sound plays to alert you that you received the notification. To change from the default to another sound for notifications, see View and Set Notification Sounds

After the notification clears, you can view it again by swiping down from the top of the screen. If the notification concerns a job for you, after you sign into the mobile application the job automatically appears on your Patients or Beds tab.

If the notification does not concern a job, the bell icon in the top right displays a red dot(🔴) indicating you have unread notifications.

View Notifications

Go to the Notifications page by tapping the bell icon.

The first few lines of the notification appear along with the number of minutes since the notification was received. New notifications appear at the top.Earlier notifications appear below the new notifications section. Blue dots appear next to notifications that you have not read.

View Full Notification Text

  1. Go to the Notifications page.

  2. Tap the arrow next to the first lines of the notification.

    1. The Notification Details page appears displaying the full text of the notification. The number of minutes since it was received appears below the text.

  3. Tap the double drop-down arrow in the header to view the full list of recipients.

  4. Tap View Patient to go to the card for the patient associated with the notification.

  5. Tap Dismiss to exit the notification.

Mark All Notifications Read

  1. On the Notifications page, tap Actions at the top left.

    1. The Actions options appear.

  2. Tap Mark all as read to remove the blue dot next to all notifications.

Delete Notifications

Delete Individual Notifications

  • On the Notifications page, tap the x next to a notification that you want to delete.

    • The notification that you selected clears from the Notifications list.

Delete All Notifications

  1. On the Notifications page, tap Actions at the top left of the screen.

    1. The Actions options appear.

  2. Tap Dismiss all.

    1. All notifications clear from the Notifications list.

About Messages

Signed-in desktop Capacity IQ®, Capacity IQ® EVS, and Capacity IQ® Transport users can create Instant Notify messages and send message replies to each other. The message is delivered if the user’s profile has the Screen Alerts notification delivery method enabled through My Notifications.

For example, if you send an Instant Notify message to a user who has Screen Alert enabled as a notification delivery method, the user will receive a Push notification. A message banner notifying of receipt briefly appears at the top of your screen. The contents of the message appears in the mobile application Message Center.

After the message clears, you can view it again by swiping down from the top of the screen.If the message concerns a job for you, after you sign into the mobile app the job automatically appears on your Patients or Beds tab. On your device's home screen, a red dot appears next to the mobile application icon. The number in the dot indicates how many unread messages you have in the mobile application. If the message does not concern a job, the message tab at the bottom displays a red dot (🔴) indicating you have unread messages.

View Messages

  1. Tap the messages icon in the bottom navigation bar.

    1. The Messages page appears.

    2. A blue dot appears next to messages that you have not read.

    3. The first few lines of the message appear along with the number of minutes since the message was received.

    4. New messages appear at the top of the page.

View Full Message Text

  1. Go to the Messages page.

  2. Tap the arrow next to the first lines of the message.

    1. The Message Details page appears displaying the full text of the message. The number of minutes since it was received appears below the text.

  3. Tap the double down arrows in the To box to see the names of all the recipients.

Create New Messages

  1. Tap the Messages icon in the bottom navigation bar to go to the Messages page.

  2. On the Messages page, tap the new message icon in the top right ( 📝).

    1. The New Message page appears.

  3. Tap the To box and tap the name of a recipient in the list that appears.

  4. You can add multiple recipients.

  5. Tap the Enter Text... box to display a keyboard.

  6. Use the keyboard to type a short message.

  7. Tap the enter icon (⏎) to insert the text you typed into your message.

  8. Tap Send to send your message.

Reply to Messages

  1. While viewing the message details, tap Reply or Reply All at the bottom of the message.

    1. The Message Reply page appears.

  2. Tap in the Enter Text... box to display a keyboard.

  3. Type your reply.

  4. Tap the return button to accept the text that you typed and to display the Send button.

  5. Tap Send to send the reply to the recipients in the To box.

Settings Actions

Tap the Settings tab, to display the Settings page.

Select the links below to learn more about what you can do on this page:

Message Groups: View your permanent notification group membership. View and select your temporary notification group memberships.

Notification Sounds: View your current notification sound that your phone plays. Preview and change the notification sound.

Color Theme: Choose a light or dark color theme based off the time of day for better visibility.

Sign Out: Sign out of the app and return to the Sign-In screen.

View and Set Message Groups

The functionality described below for viewing and setting Message Groups on a Mobile device is temporarily only available on iOS mobile devices.

Temporary Groups

To temporarily assign yourself to notification groups for the duration of your login:

  1. Tap the Settings tab.

  2. Tap Temporary Groups.

    1. The notification groups that appear in the list are based on your role.

  3. Select a notification group from the list.

    1. The group you selected appears in its own box at the top of the page.

  4. To remove a group, select the x next to its name at the top of the page.

Permanent Groups

To view the notification groups that you belong to permanently:

  1. Tap the Settings tab.

  2. Tap Permanent Groups.

    1. A list appears of all the permanent notification groups that are associated with you.

    2. A message always appears on the Permanent Groups page stating: "Contact an admin to change what group(s) you belong to" because the page is view-only. Only administrators can change your permanent notification group membership.

      If you are a floater and the unit or cluster that you selected when you logged in is associated with a floater notification group, that group's name appears first in the list. You automatically receive the floater notification group's messages for the duration of your login. In addition, a message follows the group name stating, "You belong to this group due to your unit or cluster selection when you logged in."

View and Set Notification Sounds

You can choose a different sound to replace the default tone that plays when receiving notifications. Follow the steps below for the kind of device that you have.

iOS Devices

  1. Tap the Settings tab, to display the Settings page.

  2. Tap Notification Settings to display the Notification Sound page with descriptions of the current and available sounds.

    1. A check mark in a blue circle appears next to the description of the current notification sound.

  3. Tap the arrow next to the sound to hear its preview. The Device Default sound does not offer a preview.

    1. The sounds have a variety of length, volume, and number of repetitions.

  4. The preview arrow changes to a square. When the sound preview stops playing the square changes back to an arrow.

  5. Tap the circle next to a sound to choose it as the notification sound that your device will play.

  6. Tap Submit to save your selection.

    1. Your sound selection is associated with your user credentials and will play for notifications on any iOS device on which you are logged in.

Android Devices

  1. Tap the Settings tab, to display the Settings page.

  2. Tap Notification Settings to display your device's Notification Sound library.

  3. Select a sound.

    1. Your sound selection will play for notifications for all users on this Android device until a user changes it on this device.

Set Color Theme

To change the Color Theme:

  1. Tap the Settings tab at the bottom of the screen.

  2. Select the option button next to either Light Theme or Dark Theme. The theme will automatically change upon selection. Your selection remains after you sign out until you change the setting.

Sign Out

  1. Tap the Settings tab at the bottom of any screen.

  2. Tap Sign Out.

  3. A confirmation prompt will appear, tap Ok.

Closing the app while you are logged in will log you out automatically, requiring you to sign in when launching the app again.

Automatic Sign Out When Charging

If your healthcare system has the Logout mobile user on charge setting enabled, mobile application users who plug in their phones are automatically logged out of the Capacity IQ® EVS mobile application.

The following table describes job and user statuses if the user charges his or her phone during different circumstances and at different times in the workflow:

Initial Job Status

Employee Status

Employee Action

Application's Actions

New Job Status

New Employee Status



A employee plugs in his/her phone while he/she is available but not yet assigned to a job.

No changes.


Logged Out



A employee plugs in his/her phone while he/she is on a break or lunch.

No changes.


Logged Out

In Progress

In Progress

A employee plugs in his/her phone after: 1. Accepting a discharge bed cleaning job. 2. Starting the bed cleaning job.

Completes the job


Logged Out

In Progress

In Progress

A employee plugs in his/her phone after: 1. Accepting a spill cleaning job. 2. Starting the job.

Completes the job


Logged Out

In Progress

In Progress

A employee plugs in his/her phone after: 1. Accepting a daily cleaning job. 2. Starting the job.

Cancel the job

To Do

Logged Out



A employee plugs in his/her phone after: 1. Accepting a bed cleaning job. 2. Starting the bed cleaning job. 3. Putting the job in a Delay status

No change


Logged Out



A employee plugs in his/her phone after: 1. Accepting a bed cleaning job. 2. Starting the bed cleaning job. 3. Putting the job in a Suspended status.

No change


Logged Out

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