Master Configuration
Master Configuration Settings are parameters that TeleTracking representatives can set for your enterprise so that the applications function a certain way. For example, they can determine how automatic timeouts work, whether "floaters" can work across multiple campuses, or the maximum allowed length of the IVR PIN. A TeleTracking representative will work with you to determine how the settings are configured, based on your organization's needs. This guide describes the settings so that you can be prepared to discuss them with your TeleTracking representative.
Where you can find this feature: Configuration settings are managed by TeleTracking representatives.
How Master Configuration Works
Master Configuration Settings include various parameters that control how TeleTracking applications function. These settings can determine:
Automatic timeouts
Permissions for "floaters" to work across multiple campuses
Maximum allowed length of the IVR PIN
A TeleTracking representative collaborates with your organization to configure these settings based on your specific needs.
You will see the following acronyms used in Master Configuration settings:
ADT: Admit, Discharge, Transfer system
DB: Database
DOB: Date of birth
IVR: Interactive Voice Response system. This is a telephone system used to facilitate transport and bed-cleaning jobs. Those who do not use the IVR to facilitate jobs use the Capacity IQ® Mobile app instead.
MRN: Medical Record Number. In the United Kingdom, the medical record number is often called the hospital number.
PAT: The Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application.
SSN: Social Security Number. In the United Kingdom, there are National Health System (NHS) numbers instead of Social Security numbers.
Setting Implemented Version 2023.08
Setting | Type | Description/Purpose |
Multi-Instance MPI Sync | Environmental Properties > Cloud Configuration | Enabling this setting allows Transfer IQ® users to perform a Master Patient Index search across multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® solution integrated with the TeleTracking IQ® platform. Note: To implement this feature, healthcare systems must have the TeleTracking IQ® platform 2023-08-16 or later integrated with multiple instances of the Capacity IQ® solution v2023.08 or later. The default setting is Disabled. |
Setting Implemented Version 2023.06
Setting | Type | Description/Purpose |
Multi-Stage Cleans | Environmental Properties > BedTracking | Enable this setting to allow healthcare systems to use a two-stage bed cleaning workflow for discharges and transfers. With this setting enabled, a discharge or transfer that meets the criteria the customer administrators configure will automatically create a stage 1 cleaning job. When the stage 1 cleaning job is completed, the system automatically creates a stage 2 cleaning job and sends it to an EVS employee who is a member of a group with the Second Stage Discharge Cleaning Workflow permission. The default setting is Disabled. |
Setting Implemented Version 2023.04
Setting | Type | Description/Purpose |
Logout mobile user on charge | Environment Properties > Enterprise | Enable this setting to automatically logout TeleTracking mobile application users when their devices are charging. The devices can charge using any method, such as a wall outlet, charging rack, or battery pack. The default setting is Disabled. |
TeleTracking Transporter Logout on Charging Process
The following table describes job and user statuses if the user charges his or her phone during different circumstances and at times in the workflow:
TeleTracking EVS Logout on Charging Process
The following table describes job and user statuses if the user charges his or her phone during different circumstances and at times in the workflow:
Settings Implemented Version 2023.02
Setting | Type | Description/Purpose |
Environmental Properties > Enterprise | TeleBot Base API | Selects the server for the TeleBot (Intercom) Data Center API Connection Region. Select from the list that appears.
· EU – A server for the European Union |
Setting | Type | Description/Purpose |
Cloud Configuration | Customer User Provisioning | Controls if the Custom User Provisioning Configuration link appears on the Capacity Management Administration page > User Management section for IQ-Enabled Capacity IQ® integrations. The Custom User Provisioning Configuration feature is used to automatically configure users who are imported from the eSaf system for use in the Capacity IQ®. The available settings are:
This setting also controls if the Admin Group permission “Custom User Provisioning” is available to be assigned to groups of administrative users. It appears on the group’s configuration page at the end of the Administrative Controls section just before the TransportTracking Functions section. |
Settings Implemented Version 2022.04
Setting | Type | Description/Purpose |
Language Configuration | Default Language Setting | Controls the language in which the user interface is displayed. The options are:
Settings Implemented Version 2021.08
Setting | Type | Description/Purpose |
Vocera VMI Client ID | Enterprise | This setting configures the client ID for the Vocera VMI. The default setting is Capacity IQ®. |
Settings Implemented Version 2021.03
Setting | Type | Description/Purpose |
Include Enterprise Abbreviation on the browser tab | Enterprise | For health systems that integrate Transfer IQ® with multiple instances of the Capacity IQ®, enabling this setting displays the enterprise abbreviation before the text that normally appears on the browser tab. For example, for the ICU unit/ward in the Midlands health system, a browser tab that currently displays the text ICU will instead display [ML] ICU. This allows users to quickly distinguish which instances are open on each browser tab. The default setting is Disabled. |
Recently Removed Settings (Version 2018.1)
These master configuration settings were removed in version 2018.1 and replaced with new settings on the My Notifications page. Version 2018.1 and later users will need to go to the My Notifications page and configure the new settings, even if they were included in the following Master Configuration settings in previous versions.
Setting | Type | Description/Purpose |
Patient Location Change Notification Recipients | Notifications | Employees whose IVR IDs are entered in this setting receive notifications when patients change locations. |
Patient Discharge Notification Recipients | Notifications | Employees whose IVR IDs are entered in this setting receive notifications when patients are discharged. |
Settings Implemented Version 5.0.1 through 2021.07
Setting | Type | Description/Purpose |
Cloud Integrated | Cloud Configuration | If your organization also has the TeleTracking IQ platform and the Capacity IQ® will be access through the TeleTracking IQ platform (is TeleTracking IQ-enabled), then this setting will be enabled. |
Cloud Hosted | Enterprise | If the Capacity IQ® will be hosted in the cloud rather than on-premise, this setting will be enabled. |
Rabbit MQ User Name | PatientTracking Portal | Rabbit MQ is message broker software/message-oriented middleware. The Capacity IQ® installation program installs it automatically. Create a username in Rabbit MQ. Update this setting with the username that was created in Rabbit MQ. |
Rabbit MQ Password | PatientTracking Portal | Create an encrypted password in Rabbit MQ. Update this setting with the encrypted password that was created in Rabbit MQ. |
Rabbit MQ Queue Location | PatientTracking Portal | Enter the URL where RabbitMQ Messages are sent. It will be the URL where Rabbit MQ is installed (which is typically the Capacity IQ® app server). If you have not moved Rabbit MQ to a different machine, then the default URL will work (rabbitmq://localhost/). |
Rabbit MQ Use SSL | PatientTracking Portal | TeleTracking recommends that Secure Socket Layer (SSL) be used with Rabbit MQ. If SSL will be used with Rabbit MQ< then make sure that this setting is Enabled. If this setting is enabled, a certificate in Rabbit MQ and additional configuration are required. TeleTracking team members will work on the additional configuration. |
Include Campus ID in Patient Matching | Patient Manager | To further refine matching Admit, Discharge, Transfer (ADT) system patient records from multiple campuses with Capacity IQ® patient records, your enterprise can use campus identification numbers in patient matching. The campus ID matching parameter is helpful if, for example, ADT systems from different campuses maintain patient identifiers differently. The additional matching parameter can help your organization to avoid the creation of duplicate patient records and minimize the chance of a patient record NOT being created when it should be. For example, two different patients from two different campuses have the same visit number. If the visit number parameter is used in patient matching, then the two patient records are seen as duplicates, and a record for the second patient is not created. However, if both the visit number and campus ID parameters are used in patient matching, then the two ADT patient records would not be seen as duplicates and a patient record for each patient would be created in the Capacity IQ®. A TeleTracking representative can enable the Include Campus |
Minimum Value for Care Type Threshold | Notifications | The administrator can set the number of minutes that an individual care type can remain in one status before a warning or an alert is sent to users who subscribe to care progression warnings and alerts through My Notifications. TeleTracking pre-defines that this value be no less than 1 minute. However, a client organization can ask TeleTracking to make the minimum allowed value more than 1 minute. This setting can be used to make the minimum allowed value more than 1 minute. Do not make the value for this setting more than 3 digits long. If the setting is more than 3 digits long, administrators will see errors and be unable to save when they enter values of more than 3 digits for warning and alert thresholds. |
Maximum Value for Care Type Threshold | Notifications | The administrator can set the number of minutes that an individual care type can remain in one status before a warning or an alert is sent to users who subscribe to care progression warnings and alerts through My Notifications. TeleTracking pre-defines that this value be no greater than 999 minutes. However, a client organization can ask TeleTracking to make the maximum allowed value less than 999 minutes. This setting can be used to make the maximum allowed value less than 999 minutes. Do not make the value for this setting more than 3 digits long. If the setting is more than 3 digits long, administrators will see errors and be unable to save when they enter values of more than 3 digits for warning and alert thresholds. |
WCTP Notifications | Notifications | If a client organization uses Mobile Heartbeat® MH-Cure for notification purposes, then they must use the Wireless Communication Transfer Protocol (WCTP) notification service. The WCTP notification service is supported for MH-Cure starting in the Capacity IQ® version 2018.2. A TeleTracking representative can enable the WCTP Notifications master configuration setting for clients using MH-Cure for notifications who have the Capacity IQ® version 2018.2 or later. Additional configuration is required. As of v2019.12, customers can use WCTP notification service for the Capacity IQ®. The service is enabled on the Admin Tool > Master Configuration > Environmental Properties tab > Notifications section. Additional configuration is done in the Admin Tool > Master Configuration > WCTP tab > WCTP section where the user adds Campus, Configuration Name, Server URL, Security Code, and Sender ID. |
Enable Toggle Button for User to Select Between Light and Dark Theme | Patient Tracking Portal | This setting was introduced in v2018.2.5.3. It is Disabled by default. When the setting is enabled, the Dark Mode toggle button appears in the footer of Patient Tracking Portal. Each user can set the toggle button to ON or OFF, depending on whether they want Dark Mode to be enabled. To see a picture of what Dark Mode looks like, go to the Patient Tracking Portal online help. On the main help page, expand Dark or Light Mode, and then select Make the Background Darker (Enable Dark Mode). |
RTLS Room Status | Patient Tracking Portal | This setting was introduced in v2019.04. It is Disabled by default. When the setting is Enabled, the Capacity IQ® sends home location status information to the Location IQ® Asset application. This allows Location IQ® Asset application users to understand if an asset is in an occupied home location, which means the asset is being used. A value of "No" means the home location is not occupied, therefore, an asset in that room is not being used and can be moved elsewhere. All other types of locations display a dash "-". The RTLS Integration setting also needs to be enabled to allow this setting to work. |
Stretch Patient Tracking Portal console to full width | Patient Tracking Portal | Introduced: v2019.06 Default Value: Disabled Description: When enabled, this setting expands the width of the columns to fill the width of the screen on which the console is displayed. Note: Fully maximize the browser to benefit from this feature. |
Enable Data Publisher | Enterprise | Introduced: 2021.07 Default Value: Disabled Description: When enabled, Push and In-App notifications from Capacity IQ® are sent to the TeleTracking Nurse mobile app. |
Fail entire transaction on data publishing failure | Enterprise | Introduced: 2021.07 Default Value: Disabled Description: When enabled, “strict” mode for data publishing is allowed. Note: Required to be enabled when Enable Data Publisher is enabled. |
CBS Configuration Default Settings | CBS Configuration | Default Path: Enter the path to the file that contains the default CBS Configuration settings. |
Campus Specific Settings | CBS Configuration | Campus Specific Folder: Enter the name of the folder in the CBS Configuration Default Settings path where the settings files are located. |
Campus Specific Settings | CBS Configuration | CBS Enabled: |
Campus Specific Settings | CBS Configuration | Facility ADT ID: |
Campus Specific Settings | CBS Configuration | Nurse Stn. ADT ID: |
Campus Specific Settings | CBS Configuration | Room ADT ID: |
Campus Specific Settings | CBS Configuration | Bed ADT ID: |
Settings Implemented Before Version 5.0.1
Setting | Default Value | Description/Purpose |
Max Length for IVR PIN | 8 | The maximum number of characters allowed in an IVR PIN number (for example, 8 characters) |
Single Sign-On | Disabled | If this setting is enabled, then users can be set up to sign into the Capacity IQ® using their Microsoft Windows credentials. A TeleTracking representative must also set up the Authentication Store Name, Path, and Domain and set the Authentication Type to AD for the appropriate Authentication Name. The system administrator at the customer site must also perform some additional actions. See the Capacity IQ® Single Sign-On Feature document. This setting is not applicable if the Capacity IQ® is TeleTracking IQ-enabled. |
Timeout Source for Session | Group | This setting is only applicable if the Capacity IQ® is not TeleTracking IQ-enabled. This is where settings for a default session timeout are configured. The possible values are: Group - The Timeout value (in minutes) is set via the setting on the Role tab. EnvironmentProperty - The Timeout value is set via the Session Timeout value in the Master Configuration Settings (see below). Config - Timeout value (in minutes) is set via the web config file (tag=, authentication mode="Forms">timeout="60"). |
Session Timeout Minutes | 60 | This setting is only applicable if the Capacity IQ® is not TeleTracking IQ-enabled. It is the default number of minutes of inactivity after which a user's session will be closed automatically. It applies only to Web user interface sessions. This setting is used only if Timeout Source for Session is set to EnvironmentProperty (see above). |
Interval to Run Auto Logout Process (seconds) | 300 | The interval at which to run the auto logout for the day process (XT User Session Monitor Service). See the User Inactivity Logout Time below. If a transporter was dispatched to a job, but never put the job in progress, the transporter cannot be logged out automatically, regardless of the Interval to Run Auto Logout Process setting. |
User Inactivity Logout Time (minutes) | 480 | Users will be signed out for the day if they have not interacted with the Capacity IQ® (via the user interface, the IVR, Vocera, etc.) within the set number of minutes. If the Interval to Run Auto Logout Process (seconds) value is less than the Session Timeout value, then the user will be signed out with no session timeout. Transporters and bed cleaners who are assigned to jobs will not be signed out, even if they have had no interaction with the Capacity IQ® within the set amount of time. |
No Inactivity Timeout and No Auto Logout for Users with this Role | None | Users with the selected role will not be signed out automatically if they have not interacted with the Capacity IQ®. Read / write access to wall displays is controlled exclusively by the permissions called Write Configuration Settings to User's Workstation and Read Configuration Settings from User's Workstation. The No Activity Timeout and No Auto Logout for Users with this Role setting is used exclusively to control timeout and automatic logout settings for specific roles. |
Allow Cross-Campus Floating | Enabled | If this setting is enabled, staff can work on multiple campuses. |
Number of Rows per Page to Display in Data Grid | 50 | Number of rows to display in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management where pagination is implemented. |
Number of Rows to Display Per Page (Modal Window) | 15 | Number of rows to display in modal windows in all Capacity IQ® applications. In a console, this is the listing for the patient search. |
Number of Rows to Display in Type-Ahead Controls | 50 | Number of rows returned in all type-ahead controls. |
Console Auto-Refresh Time Interval (Seconds) | 180 | Number of seconds before any page in the Capacity IQ® refreshes automatically. |
Floor Plan Auto-Refresh Interval (Seconds) | 60 | This setting applies only if the Capacity IQ® is integrated with the Location IQ® solutions (Location IQ®). Number of seconds before a Floor Plan window refreshes automatically. The value must be a whole number greater than or equal to 0. |
Floor Plan Attribute Cycle Interval (seconds) | 5 | This setting applies only if the Capacity IQ® is integrated with the Location IQ® solutions (Location IQ®. Number of seconds before patient attribute cells cycle automatically. The value must be a whole number greater than or equal to 0. |
Web Farm Configuration | Disabled | This setting informs the session state manager whether or not the installation is a web farm. |
Assignment Window at Login (minutes) | 10 | Transporters or bed cleaners who do not set their zone/section assignments after signing in within this number of minutes will be reported as being in the "Logged In" status. Examples: A bed cleaner with variable membership does not set his or her zone/section assignment after first signing in. The bed cleaner signs in a second time after the designated number of minutes have elapsed. Two entries are shown for this bed cleaner in the Employee Detail view. The first shows the bed cleaner in status “Logged in” (Time Started = time of first login) and the second shows the bed cleaner in the status “Available” (Time Started= time of second login). |
Unauthorized Access Page Message | You are not authorized to view this page. Please contact your system administrator. | Message is shown to the user for a page authorization error. |
Error Page Message | An error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator. | Message is shown to the user for an application exception error. |
Enterprise-wide Log Level | Error | Log level type that will be recorded in the LogDetail table. Valid values are: Debug, Warning, Error, and Event. |
Namespaces to exclude from logging | None | Namespaces listed in this setting will not be recorded in the LogDetail table. This is a comma-separate list. |
Verbose Level Web Logging | Disabled | If this setting is enabled, each post back on the Web user interface will be recorded in the LogDetail table. |
Use Threading for Logging | Enabled | Whether logging is done synchronously or asynchronously (on a separate thread). |
Default IVR Channel Timeout (minutes) | 5 | A separate timeout setting for the IVR of 3 to 5 minutes. Users whose IVR sessions do not end properly will be timed out in this number of minutes. Then, they can sign in again and accept other jobs. For example, if an IVR call ends prematurely, the user will be timed out so that they can sign in again and accept another job. |
Vocera Integration | Disabled | If this setting is enabled:
Cache DateTime in Application Server | Enabled | If this setting is enabled, the difference between the time on the database server and the time in the application server is cached on the application server. |
Duration to Cache DateTime in Application Server (seconds) | 60 | If the Cache DateTime in Application Server setting is enabled, then this setting is used to determine at what interval (in seconds) the value in cache is reset by polling the database server again to find the new difference in time between the database server and the application server, |
Command Timeout for Archive DB Access (seconds) | 0 | Because the archive process is a prolonged activity, 0 is the recommended value. Any non-zero value can cause the archive process to timeout. |
Archive Batch: Cancel Wait Time (Hours) | 22 | After this number of hours, administrators can cancel an archiving job. Until this amount of time has passed, the Archiving Reset button on the Archive Management page is disabled. Before attempting to start a new archiving job, the archive service will check this setting. If an existing archiving job has a status of Running and has been in that status longer than the amount of time selected for this setting, the archive service will attempt to re-start the archive job under the assumption that the status might be incorrect because a previous archived run stopped prematurely. In this case, the existing archive batch will be marked Canceled. |
Time to Wait to Unoccupy PreAdmit and Outpatient Records (days) | 7 | After this number of days, PreAdmit and Outpatient records will be marked "unoccupied." The minimum is 7 days. |
Single User Mode | Disabled | If this setting is enabled, only TeleTracking team members with TeleAdminUser credentials can sign in. If this setting is enabled while other users are signed in, they will be signed out automatically. |
XT Reporting Service Host Port | None | The port number that the Microsoft Windows reporting service uses for the Capacity IQ® |
External Integration Service Host Port | 13375 | The port number that external applications, such as third-party staff assignment systems, will use. Use this port for third-party staff assignments from HillRom NNC and Kronos Optilink. When routing is not through Internet Information Services (IIS), explicitly issue the SSL certificate in port 13375. If the license expires, you will have to explicitly issue the SSL certificate again when you renew it. |
Rauland Service Host Port | 13374 | The port number used to integrate with Rauland staff assignment systems. When installing multiple instances of the Rauland staff assignment system, you can use the same port number. The custom name provided under Server Configuration will differentiate the installations. When routing is not through Internet Information Services (IIS), explicitly issue the SSL certificate in port 13375. If the license expires, you will have to explicitly issue the SSL certificate again when you renew it. |
Use Master Patient Index | Disabled | When this setting is enabled, the Master Patient Index (MPI) will be used and the Search Patient Demographics button will appear on the Patient / Placement Details form in the Patient Tracking Portal application. |
Update Patient Future Visits On Master Patient Update | Disabled | This setting determines whether the process of updating the MPI via HL7 messages also updates the patient database in the Capacity Management™ suite for current and future patient visits. If this setting is enabled, then A31 Update messages sent to the MPI table will also update the patient visit table with new patient demographic data for current and future visits. A40 merge messages sent to the MPI table also update the patient visit table by replacing all occurrences of the incorrect medical record number with the correct "merged" medical record number for current and future visits. |
MessageBrokerMonitorService Host Port | 12275 | This setting defines the preferred port of communication for the MessageBrokerMonitorService web service. One of the purposes of this service is to monitor ADT queues for troubleshooting. |
Environment Properties
Environment Properties are configurations that define the behavior and settings of the system. These properties are used by administrators to customize and manage the system's functionality and performance. They are essential for ensuring the system operates efficiently and meets the specific needs of the organization.
Where you can find this feature: Admin Tool, System Configuration Panel
How Environment Properties Work
Environment Properties include various settings that control different aspects of the system. Below are the detailed configurations:
Max length for IVR PIN: Default 8
Interval to run auto logout process (seconds): Default 120
User inactivity logout time (minutes): Default 960
Logout mobile user on charge: Default Disabled
No inactivity timeout and No auto logout for users with this role:
Portal Boards
Allow cross-campus floating: Default Enabled
Number of rows to display per page in a data grid (Admin Tool): Default 50
Number of rows to display per page (Modal Window): Default 15
Number of rows to display in type-ahead controls: Default 50
Console auto-refresh time interval (seconds): Default 180
Electronic bedboard Auto Refresh Interval (seconds): Default 90
Floor plan auto-refresh interval (seconds): Default 90
Floor plan attribute cycle interval (seconds): Default 5
Web Farm Configuration: Default Disabled
Assignment Window At Login (minutes): Default 10
Unauthorized access page message: You are not authorized to view this page. Please contact your system administrator.
Error page message: An error has occurred. Please retry your action. If the error continues, contact your system administrator.
Enterprise-wide log level: Debug
Namespaces to exclude from logging: None
Verbose level web logging: Default Disabled
Use Threading for Logging: Default Enabled
Default IVR Channel timeout (minutes): Default 5
Vocera Integration: Default Disabled
Global Sql Dependency Flag: Default Enabled
Cache DateTime in Application Server: Default Enabled
Duration to cache DateTime in Application Server (seconds): Default 60
Command Timeout for archive DB access (seconds): Default 0
Archive Batch: Cancel Wait Time (hours): Default 22
Time to wait to unoccupy PreAdmit and Outpatient records (days): Default 7
Single User Mode: Default Disabled
XTReporting Service Host Port: 8523
External Integration Service Host Port: 13375
Rauland Service Host Port: 13374
Use Master Patient Index: Default Enabled
Update Patient Future Visits On Master Patient Update: Default Disabled
MessageBrokerMonitorServiceHostPort: 12275
Enable toggle button for user to select between light and dark theme: Default Enabled
CMS Contract Version In CWS:
CMS Contract Version In OPTC:
Include Instance name on browser tab: Default Enabled
Vocera VMI Client ID: Capacity IQ®
Enable TeleBot: Default Enabled
TeleBot (Intercom) Data Center API Connection Region: EU
Enable Service jobs: Default Disabled
Enable Data Publisher: Default Enabled
Fail entire transaction on data publishing failure: Default Enabled
Cloud Hosted: Default Disabled
Patient Manager
Use visit number for ADT intercepted patient search: Default Enabled
Treat A08 as an Admit: Default Enabled
Treat A08 as a Discharge: Default Disabled
Treat A08 as a Transfer: Default Enabled
Inbound ADT messages have a Nurses Station ADTID: Default Enabled
Inbound ADT messages have a Facility ADTID: Default Disabled
Dirty the patient home location upon creation of pending transfer request from a specialty bed: Default Disabled
Dirty a pending transfer patient's home location on occupying a specialty bed: Default Disabled
Time period to check for patients for auto-pending discharge (seconds): Default 300
Update current location via ADT/Capacity IQ® PreAdmit UI when the patient current location type is Exam: Default Enabled
Observation Start ADTID: V
Observation Stop ADTID: I
Update home location on admits from Capacity IQ® Transport: Default Enabled
Update home location on transfers from Capacity IQ® Transport: Default Enabled
Custom Attribute Update Method: Default Overwrite
Enable transfer (A02) outbound processing: Default Disabled
Enable discharge (A03) outbound processing: Default Disabled
Patient Manager
Patient Manager settings are used by healthcare administrators to configure how patient data is managed and processed within the Capacity IQ® system. These settings ensure accurate patient tracking and data integrity during various patient management workflows.
Where you can find this feature: Capacity IQ® system settings.
How Patient Manager Works
Use visit number for ADT intercepted patient search
Default Value: Enabled
Description: When enabled, the Visit Number is used to identify patients whose transactions are intercepted from the Admit Discharge Transfer (ADT) system. When disabled, the medical record number (MRN) is used instead to identify these patients.
Treat A08 as an Admit
Default Value: Enabled
Description: An A08 message from the ADT system is considered an "Admit" if it contains a valid home location and either the patient record does not exist in Capacity IQ® or the patient record exists but lacks a valid home location.
Treat A08 as a Discharge
Default Value: Disabled
Description: An A08 message from the ADT system is considered a "Discharge" if it lacks a home location and the patient record exists in Capacity IQ® with a valid home location.
Treat A08 as a Transfer
Default Value: Enabled
Description: An A08 message from the ADT system is considered a "Transfer" if it contains a valid home location and the patient record exists in Capacity IQ® with a different home location from the one noted in the A08 message.
Inbound ADT messages have a Nurse Station ADTID
Default Value: Disabled
Description: When enabled, the ADT Nursing Unit (PV1:3,1) value is used as part of the location match criteria for inbound ADT transactions.
Inbound ADT messages have a Facility ADTID
Default Value: Disabled
Description: When enabled, the ADT Facility (PV1:3,4) value is used as part of the location match criteria for inbound ADT transactions.
Dirty the patient home location upon creation of pending transfer request from a specialty bed
Default Value: Disabled
Description: When enabled, the patient home location bed is set to a Dirty status when the patient is in a specialty location and a pending transfer bed request is created.
Dirty the patient home location on occupying a specialty bed with a pending transfer
Default Value: Disabled
Description: When enabled, the home location of a patient in Pending Transfer status is marked Dirty (and therefore available for another patient) when that patient begins to occupy a specialty bed.
Time period to check for patients for auto pending discharge (seconds)
Default Value: 300
Description: The interval (in seconds) at which pending discharge dates are checked for patients to determine whether the status should be changed automatically to Pending Discharge.
Update current location via ADT/PAT UI when patient current location type is Exam
Default Value: Disabled
Description: Should be enabled if the Capacity IQ® Transport application is not in use. When enabled, the patient’s current location can be updated via the ADT system or Capacity IQ® user interface if the patient is in an Exam location.
Observation Start ADTID
Default Value: V
Description: The ADT ID to start observation, as indicated by the Iguana™ XML tag “ObservationIndicator.”
Observation Stop ADTID
Default Value: I
Description: The ADT ID to stop observation, as indicated by the Iguana™ XML tag “ObservationIndicator.”
Update home location on admits from TransportTracking
Default Value: Enabled
Description: Determines whether a newly admitted patient’s home location is updated automatically when a transporter takes the patient to a destination identified in Capacity IQ® as a home location. When enabled, the transport job destination location becomes the admitted patient's home location automatically upon completion of the transport job.
Update home location on transfers from TransportTracking
Default Value: Enabled
Description: Determines whether a transferring patient’s home location is changed automatically when a transporter takes the patient to a destination identified in Capacity IQ® as a home location. When enabled, the transport job destination location becomes the transferring patient's new home location automatically upon completion of the transport job.
Custom Attribute Update Method
Default Value: Append
Description: Determines whether incoming ADT system messages containing Custom Attribute values append to or overwrite existing values.
Append: Custom Attribute values from the ADT system message are added to existing values. Starting in v2018.4, if the PreAdmitTracking global settings called ADT Overwrite Settings has a value of Always, processing appends the set of values for the Custom Attribute Tag Name for a patient. The Custom Attribute Tag refers to both patient and bed attributes.
Overwrite: Custom Attribute values from the ADT system message overwrite existing values. Starting in v2018.4, if the PreAdmitTracking global settings called ADT Overwrite Settings has a value of Always, processing deletes and re-adds the entire set of values for the Custom Attribute Tag Name for a patient. The Custom Attribute Tag refers to both patient and bed attributes.
Enable Transfer (A02) Outbound Processing
Default Value: Disabled
Description: When enabled, a transfer outbound message is sent whenever a patient is transferred to a home non-holding bed in a different unit or ward by any source other than the ADT system. This setting should be enabled only if prior arrangements were made with TeleTracking.
Enable discharge (A0e) outbound processing
Default Value: Disabled
Description: When enabled, a discharge outbound message is sent whenever a patient is discharged by any source other than the ADT system. This setting should be enabled only if prior arrangements were made with TeleTracking.
Patient Search
Patient Search settings control patient matching logic, or the ability to avoid duplicating patient records and to accurately identify patients. These settings do not affect the patient search function in the consoles.
Unique Visit ID and Unique MRN cannot both be disabled. At least one of the two must
be enabled. Both can be enabled.If Patient SSN Search uses Expected Admit Date is enabled, then Patient SSN
Search needs to be enabled.If at least one of the Patient MI Search, Patient DOB Search, or Patient
Suffix Search settings is enabled, then the Patient Name and Expected
Admit Date Search setting must also be enabled.The Extend SSN and Name Level Matching to all Statuses setting can be
enabled only if at least one of the following settings is enabled: Patient SSN
Search, Patient SSN Search uses Expected Admit Date or Patient Name
and Expected Admit Date Search.
Setting Defaults and Descriptions / Purposes
This document outlines the default settings and their purposes for identifying patients during visits. It is used by system administrators to configure patient identification logic, ensuring accurate and consistent patient tracking.
Where you can find this feature: System Configuration Panel
How Setting Defaults and Descriptions / Purposes Work
The following settings determine how patients are uniquely identified during their visits:
Unique Visit ID
Default Value: Enabled
Description/Purpose: If enabled, the patient visit number uniquely identifies the patient during the visit. If disabled, the visit number may change during the visit. Available as of v2019.12.
Unique MRN
Default Value: Disabled
Description/Purpose: If enabled, the patient's medical record number (MRN) plus the Expected Admit Date uniquely identify the patient during the visit. If disabled, the MRN may change during the visit.
Patient SSN Search
Default Value: Disabled
Description/Purpose: If enabled, the patient is uniquely identified based on their social security number.
Patient SSN Search Uses Expected Admit Date
Default Value: Disabled
Description/Purpose: If enabled, the patient is uniquely identified based on their social security number and Expected Admit Date.
Patient Name and Expected Admit Date
Default Value: Disabled
Description/Purpose: If enabled, the patient is uniquely identified based on their name and Expected Admit Date.
Patient Name and MI
Default Value: Disabled
Description/Purpose: Applies only if Patient Name and Expected Admit Date is enabled. If enabled, the patient's middle initial is included in the identification logic.
Patient Name and Suffix
Default Value: Disabled
Description/Purpose: Applies only if Patient Name and Expected Admit Date is enabled. If enabled, the suffix (e.g., Jr.) in the patient's name is included in the identification logic.
Patient Name and DOB
Default Value: Disabled
Description/Purpose: Applies only if Patient Name and Expected Admit Date is enabled. If enabled, the patient's date of birth is included in the identification logic.
Time Window to Use in Expected Admit Date Logic (hours)
Default Value: 24
Description/Purpose: Applies only if Patient Name and Expected Admit Date or Patient SSN Search Uses Expected Admit Date is enabled. The identification logic includes only Expected Admit Dates within this number of hours.
Extend SSN and Name Level Matching to All Statuses
Default Value: Disabled
Description/Purpose: Applies only if Patient SSN Search, Patient SSN Search Uses Expected Admit Date, or Patient Name and Expected Admit Date is enabled. If enabled, the identification logic applies to patients of all statuses.
Notifications are used by administrators and system operators to manage and configure how alerts and messages are delivered within the system. This feature ensures timely communication and efficient handling of notifications.
Where you can find this feature: Notification settings can be found in the system configuration panel.
How Notifications Work
WCTP Notifications: Enable or disable Wireless Communications Transfer Protocol (WCTP) for delivering notifications.
Time to Wait to Check for New Notification Messages (seconds):
Default value is 15 seconds.
This setting determines how often the service queries the database for new messages in the queue.
Time Since Creation to Show Screen Alerts (hours):
Default value is 8 hours.
This setting defines how long screen alert messages are displayed on the console after receipt.
Time Since Creation to Keep Unsent Messages (hours):
Default value is 4 hours.
This setting specifies how long unsent messages are retained before being marked as "expired."
Number of Re-connect Attempts for TAP and DTMF:
Default value is 3.
This setting controls the number of reconnect attempts for DTMF and TAP on connection-type errors.
Time to Wait between Connection Retries (seconds):
Default value is 15 seconds.
This setting determines the interval between connection retry attempts.
Delay After Data Received when Reading from COM Port (milliseconds):
Default value is 1000 milliseconds.
This setting defines the delay between rechecking for data on the COM port.
Send Wait Time for TAP When Querying for “ID =” Request (seconds):
Default value is 2 seconds.
This setting specifies the wait time for the “ID =” response after sending a .
Timeout When Checking for Message Acknowledgement (ACK) from TAP Server (seconds):
Default value is 15 seconds.
This setting defines the timeout period for receiving an ACK response after sending a message.
Optional TAP Server Password String:
Default value is blank.
This setting allows for an optional TAP password string.
COM Port Read Timeout (seconds):
Default value is 15 seconds.
This setting specifies the read timeout for the COM port, excluding T1 (ID =) and T3 (ACK) reads.
SNPP Socket Send Timeout (milliseconds):
Default value is 10000 milliseconds.
This setting defines the timeout period for sending data over SNPP.
SNPP Socket Receive Timeout (milliseconds):
Default value is 10000 milliseconds.
This setting defines the timeout period for receiving data over SNPP.
SNPP Paging Maximum Retries:
Default value is 3.
This setting specifies the maximum number of retries for SNPP paging if the initial attempt fails.
SNPP TCP Read Delay (milliseconds):
Default value is 0 milliseconds.
This setting defines the read delay time for SNPP paging.
Number of Milliseconds Between SNPP Retries:
Default value is 5000 milliseconds.
This setting specifies the interval between SNPP page retries.
PageGate Queue Directory:
Specifies the location of the PageGate Queue directory if PageGate is used.
There is no default location.
Maximum Number of Recipients for Notification:
Default value is 25.
This setting defines the maximum number of users that can receive a notification simultaneously without a warning.
Capacity IQ® Transport Application
The Capacity IQ® Transport application is used by healthcare staff to manage and track patient transport jobs within a healthcare facility. It ensures efficient and accurate patient movement, preventing errors and improving workflow. This application is used whenever a patient needs to be transported from one location to another within the facility.
Where you can find this feature: Capacity IQ® Transport application interface.
How the Capacity IQ® Transport Application Works
Require Reason Code When Job Destination is Home Location Type:
Default: Disabled
Description: Prevents users from selecting invalid home locations. When enabled, a reason code is required if the destination is a home location that is not the patient's home or placement assignment or is occupied by another patient.
Use Last Transport Location to Select:
Default: Disabled
Description: Uses the patient's last transport location as the default origin and destination for new transport jobs.
Completed Transport Job Causes Patient to Occupy Location:
Default: Enabled
Description: Marks the destination location as occupied by the patient when the transport job is completed.
Number of Rows to Display per Page in Date Grid:
Default: 20
Description: Sets the number of rows per page in list views.
Default Number of Hours Between a Date Range:
Default: 24
Description: Sets the default date range for list views.
Number of Hours to Include Discharged Patients for Transport:
Default: 24
Description: Includes patients discharged within this number of hours in the transport patient list.
Number of Hours Before Admit/Expected Admit Date to Include Patients for Transport:
Default: 24
Description: Includes patients with admit dates within this number of hours in the future in the transport patient list.
Interval to Keep a Dispatchable Job Locked During Assignment (minutes):
Default: 1
Description: Locks a job for this duration during assignment to a transporter.
Format string for DBN file:
Default: transmit{0}-{1}.out
Description: Naming convention for the Dirty Bed Notice output file.
DateTime Format Used for DBN File Name:
Default: MMddyyHHmm
Description: Date format for the Dirty Bed Notice file name.
Use Visit Number for Patient ID Field in DBN:
Default: Enabled
Description: Uses visit number as the Patient ID in the Dirty Bed Notice file.
Use Visit Number for Patient ID Display:
Default: Enabled
Description: Displays visit numbers in Patient ID columns.
Use Visit Number for Patient ID in IVR Search:
Default: Enabled
Description: Uses visit numbers for patient identification in the IVR system.
Time Interval Between Available Sweeps (minutes):
Default: 5
Description: Interval for automatic searches for available transporters.
Time That Available Sweeps Will Be Staggered During Initial Startup (seconds):
Default: 10
Description: Staggering interval for initial available sweeps.
Minimum Time for Which a Transporter Should be in AVAILABLE Status Before that Status Can be Shown on the Transporter Information Screen (minutes):
Default: 2
Description: Minimum time a transporter must be in Available status before being displayed.
Toolbar View:
Default: Enabled
Description: Displays the toolbar by default on the first console load.
Tabbed View:
Default: Enabled
Description: Displays tabs by default on the first console load.
On Floor Plan, Show Real-Time Location of Assets:
Default: Enabled
Description: Shows real-time asset locations on the floor plan when integrated with TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions.
On Floor Plan, Show Real-Time Location of Staff:
Default: Enabled
Description: Shows real-time staff locations on the floor plan when integrated with TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions.
On Floor Plan, Show Real-Time Location of Patients:
Default: Enabled
Description: Shows real-time patient locations on the floor plan when integrated with TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions.
TransportTracking™ Reports
TransportTracking™ Reports are used by logistics and operations teams to monitor and optimize the efficiency of transport jobs. These reports help identify outliers, set response goals, and analyze staff performance. They are essential for ensuring timely and efficient transport operations.
Where you can find this feature: TransportTracking™ Reports can be accessed through the Transport Management System dashboard.
How TransportTracking™ Reports Work
TransportTracking™ Reports include several key settings that define thresholds and goals for transport job performance:
Outlier in Progress (minutes): Default is 100 minutes. This setting defines the maximum number of minutes a transport job can be between InProgress and Complete statuses without being considered an outlier.
Outlier Completed Under (minutes): Default is 3 minutes. This setting defines the minimum number of minutes a transport job can be between Pending and Complete statuses without being considered an outlier.
Outlier Completed Over (minutes): Default is 120 minutes. This setting defines the maximum number of minutes a transport job can be between Pending and Complete statuses without being considered an outlier.
Response Goal (minutes): Default is 15 minutes. This setting defines the goal for hourly response time in minutes and is used in the Response Time Exceptions report.
Goal Dispatched Per Hour: Default is 3. This setting defines the number of times a transporter should be dispatched in an hour and is used in the Staff Analysis report.
Setting Up TransportTracking™ Reports
Access the Transport Management System dashboard.
Navigate to the TransportTracking™ Reports section.
Configure the settings as needed:
Adjust the Outlier in Progress threshold to define the maximum allowable time for in-progress transport jobs.
Set the Outlier Completed Under and Outlier Completed Over thresholds to define the acceptable time range for completed transport jobs.
Define the Response Goal to set the target response time for transport jobs.
Set the Goal Dispatched Per Hour to establish the expected dispatch frequency for transporters.
Capacity IQ® EVS Application
Capacity IQ® EVS is used by hospital staff to manage and track bed availability and cleanliness. It ensures efficient bed management and improves patient flow. This feature is used by hospital administrators, cleaning staff, and other healthcare professionals to maintain up-to-date bed status information.
Where you can find this feature: Capacity IQ® EVS is accessible through the hospital's internal management system.
How Capacity IQ® EVS Works
Minimum Time for Cleaner Availability:
Setting: 2 minutes
Description: The minimum time a bed cleaner must be in Available status before appearing on the Employee Details page.
Use Visit Number for Patient ID Display:
Setting: Enabled
Description: If enabled, Patient ID columns in the BedTracking® list views will display the patients' visit numbers. If disabled, the patients' medical record numbers will appear in the Patient ID columns.
Number of Rows to Display per Page in Date Grid:
Setting: 20
Description: The number of rows per page in a BedTracking list view.
Toolbar View:
Setting: Enabled
Description: If enabled, the BedTracking console will display the toolbar by default the first time the console is loaded. Users with appropriate permissions can display or hide the toolbar through the Console Settings feature.
Tabbed View:
Setting: Enabled
Description: If enabled, the BedTracking console will display tabs by default the first time the console is loaded. Users with appropriate permissions can display or hide tabs through the Console Settings feature.
On Floor Plan, Show Real-Time Location of Assets:
Setting: Enabled
Description: When TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions are integrated with Capacity IQ®, the real-time locations of assets will appear by default on the floor plan when accessed from the Capacity IQ® EVS application. Users with appropriate permissions can change the display through the View Options feature.
On Floor Plan, Show Real-Time Location of Staff:
Setting: Enabled
Description: When TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions are integrated with Capacity IQ®, the real-time locations of staff members will appear by default on the floor plan when accessed from the Capacity IQ® EVS application. Users with appropriate permissions can change the display through the View Options feature.
On Floor Plan, Show Real-Time Location of Patients:
Setting: Enabled
Description: When TeleTracking Real-Time Locating System™ solutions are integrated with Capacity IQ®, the real-time locations of patients will appear by default on the floor plan when accessed from the Capacity IQ® EVS application. Users with appropriate permissions can change the display through the View Options feature.
Only Beds with Isolation Become Dirty on Unoccupy:
Setting: Disabled
Description: This setting is to be enabled only for hospitals in the United Kingdom and only if prior arrangements were made with TeleTracking. In some hospitals in the United Kingdom, bed cleaning is completed by the nursing ward staff unless the patient who vacated the bed was in isolation. Beds vacated by patients in isolation are "deep-cleaned" by the Environmental Services (EVS) department. If the patient vacating a bed was not in isolation, there is no need for an automatically generated request for the EVS department to clean the bed. For United Kingdom hospitals that follow this practice, enabling this setting ensures only beds vacated by patients in isolation are marked Dirty. All other beds are marked Clean automatically when vacated, and the EVS department is not notified to clean these beds.
BedTracking® Reports
BedTracking® Reports are used by hospital staff to monitor and manage bed cleaning activities. These reports help ensure that beds are cleaned efficiently and are available for patient use as quickly as possible. They are used primarily by housekeeping and administrative staff to track cleaning times and identify any delays or issues in the bed cleaning process.
Where you can find this feature: BedTracking® Reports can be accessed through the hospital's bed management system.
How BedTracking® Reports Work
BedTracking® Reports include several settings that determine how bed cleaning activities are tracked and reported. These settings include:
Max Clean Time from In Progress to Completed (minutes): Default is 0. This setting is used to calculate an "adjusted" job status. An adjusted job is one that is completed by the same bed cleaner who originally put it in InProgress status and whose clean time is below the minimum clean time threshold, exceeds the maximum clean time threshold, or has an original response time that exceeds the maximum response time threshold.
Min Clean Time from In Progress to Completed (minutes): Default is 0. See above for description.
Max Response Time from Requested to In Progress (minutes): Default is 0. See above for description.
Minimum Threshold Limit for a Blocked Bed (minutes): Default is 1440. Beds blocked for a time period less than this value will not appear on the Blocked Beds report.
Maximum Threshold Limit for a Blocked Bed (minutes): Default is 10080. Beds blocked for a time period greater than this value will not appear on the Blocked Beds report.
Minimum Threshold Limit for a Delayed Bed (minutes): Default is 0. Bed cleaning jobs delayed for a time period less than this value will not appear on the Delayed Beds History report.
Default Maximum Threshold Limit for a Delayed Bed (minutes): Default is 240. Bed cleaning jobs delayed for a time period greater than this value will not appear on the Delayed Beds History report.
Capacity IQ® PreAdmit
Capacity IQ® PreAdmit is a feature used by healthcare professionals to manage patient admissions and bed assignments efficiently. It exists to streamline the admission process and ensure optimal bed utilization. This feature is used during patient admission, bed assignment, and discharge processes.
Where you can find this feature: Capacity IQ® PreAdmit is accessible through the Patient Tracking Portal application.
How Capacity IQ® PreAdmit Works
Activate Bed Request When Created from Patient Detail Form:
Default: Disabled
Description: If enabled, the information on the Patient/Placement Details form can change the bed request, allowing for more dynamic and accurate bed assignments based on real-time patient details.
"Create Bed Request" Patient Action Opens Target Unit / Assign Bed Dialog Instead of Patient Detail Form:
Default: Disabled
Description: When enabled, clicking the Create Bed Request option in the Patient Tracking Portal opens the Target Unit/Assign Bed dialog box instead of the Patient/Placement Details form. This provides a more direct way to assign beds without navigating through additional forms.
Default Length of Stay (hours):
Default: 168
Description: This setting is used to calculate the projected discharge date when no specific Length of Stay value exists for the patient, ensuring that discharge planning can proceed even with minimal initial data.
Default Console View:
Default: TeleTracking (Capacity IQ® PreAdmit), Default Console (Enterprise)
Description: The default console view used when no other default is defined for the user. Options include ED, PACU, Cath Lab, Bed Control, Case Management, Nursing, Hospital Administration, and Admitting. These views can be customized to meet the specific needs of different departments.
Display Delayed Text and Color for Delayed Beds Instead of Bed Cleaning Priority:
Default: Disabled
Description: If enabled, a bed in Delayed status is displayed with "Delayed" text and a tan background color, making it clear which beds are delayed. If disabled, it shows the bed's unclean status text and color, which helps prioritize cleaning tasks.
Time Zone Campus for PAT Consoles:
Default: Signed-In User's Base Campus
Description: Controls whether dates and times are displayed based on the signed-in user's campus or the patient's campus, ensuring accurate time representation across different time zones.
Use Visit Number for Patient ID in IVR Search:
Default: Enabled
Description: Determines whether patients' visit numbers or MRNs identify the patient in IVR searches, which can streamline patient identification processes.
Number of Rows to Display per Page in Data Grid:
Default: 50
Description: Specifies the number of rows per page in a PreAdmitTracking list view, balancing data visibility with usability.
Default Observation Duration (hours):
Default: 24
Description: Sets the maximum number of hours a patient should be in observation before being admitted or discharged, providing a default timeframe for observation periods.
Hours Before Observation to Show Yellow:
Default: 6
Description: The number of hours before the end of observation time when the Observation cell shows a yellow background, indicating that the observation period is nearing its end.
Hours Before Observation to Show Red:
Default: 3
Description: The number of hours before the end of observation time when the Observation cell shows a red background, signaling that the observation period is almost over.
Observation Timer Direction:
Default: Remaining (countdown)
Description: The observation timer can show either remaining time (counting down) or time elapsed (counting up), providing flexibility in how observation periods are tracked.
Resume Observation Timer on Patient Readmission:
Default: Enabled
Description: If enabled, the observation timer will restart for readmitted patients, ensuring continuous tracking of observation periods.
Allow Assignment to Other Than Home Non-Holding:
Default: Disabled
Description: If enabled, patients can be assigned to home holding beds, providing more flexibility in bed assignments.
Allow Double Assignment:
Default: Disabled
Description: If enabled, users can assign a bed already assigned to another patient with a warning. If disabled, an error message will appear, and the assignment cannot be completed, preventing double assignments.
Allow Bed Assignment from ADT:
Default: Disabled
Description: If enabled, the assigned bed location from the hospital's ADT system will be used in Capacity IQ®, ensuring consistency with the hospital's ADT system.
Count Unactivated Bed Requests for TODAY in Bedboard and Projected Census:
Default: Disabled for existing installations, Enabled for new installations
Description: Determines whether unactivated bed requests for TODAY are included in the counts for Requests (R) and Assignments (A) fields in the unit header and the Incoming Requests and Incoming Assignment columns in the Projected Census.
Use Discharge / Transfer Milestones:
Default: Enabled for new installations, Disabled for upgrades
Description: If enabled, discharge and transport milestones will be shown and processed in Capacity IQ®, providing clear indicators for patient discharge and transfer processes.
Hours Before Expected Discharge Date Time to Show Discharge Milestones When Patient is in Pending Discharge Status:
Default: 24
Description: Determines when discharge milestones appear for patients in Pending Discharge status, ensuring timely preparation for patient discharge.
Discharge Order Sets ConfD Disabled
Enabled: Sending a discharge order for a patient changes the patient's status to Confirmed Discharge automatically.
Disabled: Sending a discharge order for a patient changes the patient's status to Pending Discharge automatically.
Transfer to Admit Holding Location Sets ConfD for InHouse, PendD, PendT Patients
Enabled: When this setting is enabled, a patient with a status of InHouse, Pending Discharge (PendD), or Pending Transfer (PendT) will be changed to Confirmed Discharge (ConfD) status automatically upon being transferred to an Admit Holding location.
Use Projected RTM
Disabled for new installations: The existing setting is not changed for upgrading customers.
Enabled: An arrow appears next to the RTM@ field, allowing a staff member to select the estimated amount of time it will take to prepare the patient to be ready to move. When a staff member selects an option, the RTM@ field shows the time in the future when the patient will probably be ready to move.
Electronic Bedboard® View
Electronic Bedboard® View is used by healthcare administrators to manage and monitor bed assignments and availability within a hospital. This feature helps ensure efficient patient placement and optimal use of hospital resources. It is used primarily during patient admission and bed assignment processes.
Where you can find this feature: This feature is accessible within the hospital's bed management system interface.
How Electronic Bedboard® View Works
The Electronic Bedboard® View includes several configurable settings that determine the appearance and functionality of the bedboard:
Cell #1 Background Color: Default is Orange. Determines the background color of cell #1 in row #3 of the bedboard. For example, if a bed is assigned the "Near Nurse Station" attribute, and this attribute is linked to cell #1, the background color will be orange.
Cell #2 Background Color: Default is Green. See description for Cell #1 Background Color.
Cell #3 Background Color: Default is Blue. See description for Cell #1 Background Color.
Cell #4 Background Color: Default is Violet. See description for Cell #1 Background Color.
Cell #5 Background Color: Default is Yellow. See description for Cell #1 Background Color.
Background Observation Character: Default is "O". Indicates a patient is in observation. This character appears in the top row upper-right cell of the bedboard.
Calculate Bedboard Percent Capacity by: Default is Physical Bed. Determines whether staffed beds or physical beds are used in the bedboard Percent Capacity Indicator calculation. Administrators can set the number of staffed beds per shift to avoid assigning beds in units without sufficient staff.
PreAdmitTracking® Report
This report is used by hospital administrators and staff to monitor and analyze bed request processing times. It helps identify unusual delays in bed assignments and occupancy, ensuring efficient patient flow and resource utilization. The report is typically used during daily operations and performance reviews.
Where you can find this feature: This feature is available in the Processing Time Analysis report section of the hospital's management system.
How PreAdmitTracking® Report Works
The PreAdmitTracking® Report includes several default threshold settings that are used to calculate Target Summaries on the Processing Time Analysis report. These settings help determine the expected timeframes for various stages of bed requests and occupancy, and identify outliers that may indicate unusual delays.
Default Threshold for Request to Assign Target (minutes): 60
This setting specifies the expected time between a bed being requested for a patient and the bed being assigned. More or less than this time is considered unusual.
Default Threshold for Clean to Occupied Target (minutes): 30
This setting specifies the expected time between a bed being marked as clean and a patient starting to occupy the bed. More or less than this time is considered unusual.
Default Threshold for Request to Occupied Target (minutes): 120
This setting specifies the expected time between a bed being requested for a patient and the patient starting to occupy the bed. More or less than this time is considered unusual.
Default Threshold for Request to Assign Outlier (minutes): 0
This setting allows the exclusion of placement requests with request-to-assign times significantly greater than the target from calculations, to avoid skewing the data.
Default Threshold for Clean to Occupied Outlier (minutes): 0
This setting allows the exclusion of placement requests with clean-to-occupied times significantly greater than the target from calculations, to avoid skewing the data.
Default Threshold for Request to Occupied Outlier (minutes): 0
This setting allows the exclusion of placement requests with request-to-occupied times significantly greater than the target from calculations, to avoid skewing the data.
Patient Tracking Portal Application
This feature is used by hospital staff to manage patient tracking and related settings. It exists to streamline patient management and improve operational efficiency. It is used whenever staff need to configure or interact with patient tracking settings.
Where you can find this feature: the Patient Tracking Portal application.
How Patient Tracking Portal Application Works
Default Console View
Setting: Default Console View
Default: TeleTracking (PORTAL) Default Console (Enterprise)
Description/Purpose: Defines the console view that users see automatically when they first access the Patient Tracking Portal application. Users can select a view from a list of pre-defined console views for common hospital departments such as Bed Control, Case Management, and Nursing. These default consoles can be renamed, changed, or deleted.
Display Delayed Text and Color for Delayed Beds Instead of Bed Cleaning Priority
Setting: Display Delayed Text and Color for Delayed Beds Instead of Bed Cleaning Priority
Default: Disabled
Description/Purpose: If enabled, a bed in Delayed status is displayed with the text "Delayed" and a tan background color. If disabled, a bed in Delayed status is displayed with the text for the bed's unclean status (such as Dirty) and the background color that represents the unclean status. This setting is configured separately for the Capacity IQ® PreAdmit application.
Secondary Login Inactivity Timeout (Seconds)
Setting: Secondary Login Inactivity Timeout (Seconds)
Default: 120
Description/Purpose: Specifies the length of time before the application automatically signs out a user on the interactive wall display due to inactivity. For example, if set to 120 seconds, a user will be signed out automatically after 120 seconds of inactivity.
Patient Search is Restricted by User Membership
Setting: Patient Search is Restricted by User Membership
Default: Enabled
Description/Purpose: If enabled, patient search is restricted to the units/wards or clusters to which the user has a membership. If disabled, the patient search includes the entire enterprise.
Duration to Reset Care in Progress (minutes)
Setting: Duration to Reset Care in Progress (minutes)
Default: 43200
Description/Purpose: After this number of minutes, the Last Seen timer will be reset for the LS column in the Patient Tracking Portal list views.
Enable Staff to be Moved Automatically on Patient Home Location Change
Setting: Enable Staff to be Moved Automatically on Patient Home Location Change
Default: Disabled
Description/Purpose: If enabled, the unit/ward settings called Retain Caregiver Assignment on Intraunit Transfer and Remove Caregiver Assignment on Discharge or Off Unit Transfer will be enabled automatically for all units/wards in the enterprise. The administrator does not have to enable these two settings for each unit/ward individually.
RTLS Configuration
These settings apply if the Capacity IQ® is integrated with Location IQ® solutions. This feature is used by administrators to configure settings for integrating Capacity IQ® with Location IQ®. It ensures accurate tracking and reporting of patient and staff movements, enhancing operational efficiency and patient care.
Where you can find this feature: Configuration settings can be found in the Capacity IQ® administration panel.
How RTLS Configuration Works
RTLS App Server Time Zone
Default: (GMT-5:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Description: This setting must be set to the time zone of the RTLS server to allow proper conversion of dates and times to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in Capacity IQ®. If a new campus is created, that campus' time zone must match this setting.
RTLS Host Port
Default: 6016
Description: This is the port that Capacity IQ® listens to for Location IQ® location movement data.
RTLS Permissible Time Gap (seconds)
Default: 30
Description: When Capacity IQ® receives a Location IQ® location change event that triggers an occupancy event, it checks for any prior events within this time frame. If no other events were received, it verifies if Location IQ® is running and processes the event accordingly. If Location IQ® is not running, the event is ignored.
RTLS Integration
Default: Disabled
Description: If enabled, each Capacity IQ® application includes Asset Search, Staff Search icons, Patient Tagging/Badging, Staff Tagging/Badging, and Staff Type dictionary. Users can access the Search Panel from the Floor Plan. Administrators can set permissions for Patient Tagging, Staff Tagging, and Staff Type. Users can see/add the RTLS Tag column on list views. Relevant reports will contain RTLS data, including User Master List, Location Master List, and Patient Audit. The Patient Audit report will show the "Include RTLS Changes" control. If this setting is enabled, the Floor Plan setting should also be enabled.
Floor Plan
Default: Disabled
Description: If enabled, the Floor Plan is available in each Capacity IQ® application. View Options default settings are displayed for Capacity IQ® PreAdmit and Patient Tracking Portal Console Settings. Administrators can set Floor Plan settings and permissions, such as Show Patient Tooltips. TeleTracking representatives can edit the Floor Plan name box on the Unit/Ward Information page. Each floor plan can be associated with multiple units/wards. The Floor Plan Location field will appear on the Maintain Location Information page. If this setting is enabled, the RTLS Integration setting should also be enabled.
Hand Hygiene Timer Intervals (seconds)
Default: 10
Description: Specifies how frequently the Hand Hygiene polling service calculates the Hand Hygiene Index (HHI) values. The value must be a whole number greater than 1.
Duration to Detect Patient Movement (seconds)
Default: 30
Description: When a tagged or badged patient is detected in a location covered by Location IQ® for at least this duration, the patient's information updates to reflect their presence in that location. The bed status could be updated to show that the patient is occupying the bed.
Allow RTLS Transfer to
Default: Disabled
Description: If enabled, a tagged/badged patient moved to an RTLS admit or discharge holding location will occupy the location automatically, regardless of their assigned bed. The former home location of the patient who was moved becomes unoccupied automatically, making it available to be occupied by another patient. When disabled, the patient does not automatically occupy the RTLS admit or discharge holding location.
Require Bed Assignment for Occupancy
Default: Enabled
Description: When enabled, a bed assigned to a patient can be marked as occupied if the patient is detected in that bed for at least the specified duration. If the bed was not previously assigned, it will not be marked occupied, even after the patient has been in the location for the required minimum number of seconds.
RTLS Admission Occupancy Trigger (seconds)
Default: 60
Description: When a tagged/badged patient not yet admitted is detected in a home non-holding bed covered by Location IQ® for at least this duration, the bed status updates to show the patient occupying the bed, and the patient is admitted automatically. This setting cannot be used if the Require Bed Assignment Occupancy setting is enabled.
RTLS Transfer Occupancy Trigger
Default: 300
Description: When a tagged/badged patient not yet admitted is detected in a home non-holding bed covered by Location IQ® for at least this duration, the bed status updates to show the patient occupying the bed, and the patient is considered transferred automatically. This setting also controls the "dwell" time for a visiting patient to automatically occupy a home non-holding or specialty location. When a visiting patient is in a home non-holding or specialty location for longer than this duration, they automatically occupy the location when it is unoccupied. The automatic occupying process does not happen if the Require Bed Assignment Occupancy setting is enabled unless a visiting patient has already been assigned to the location.
Treat Semi-Private Rooms with One Patient as a Single Room
Default: Disabled
Description: Applies only if the Hand Hygiene feature is in use. If enabled, a semi-private room with one occupied location is treated as a single occupied location for Hand Hygiene Room Trip calculation. The caregiver can move around the room without being concerned about whether they are in an unoccupied or occupied location. This results in a more accurate Hand Hygiene Index score. For reporting purposes, location data will be recorded separately for each location. If the unoccupied location in the semi-private room becomes occupied, the locations will then be treated as separate locations.
Use Separate Hand Hygiene Settings for Isolation Patients
Default: Disabled
Description: Applies only if the Hand Hygiene feature is in use. Often, it takes more time to practice appropriate hand hygiene after contact with patients who are in isolation. If enabled, clients can configure different values for isolation beds for the following hand hygiene settings:
Minimum Time in Room (Seconds)
Maximum Time in Room (Minutes)
Minimum Time Between Entry and Exit Hand Washes (Seconds)
Window to Receive Credit Before Entering Room (Seconds)
Window to Receive Credit After Entering Room (Seconds)
Window to Receive Credit Before Exiting Room (Seconds)
Window to Receive Credit After Exiting Room (Seconds) If certain isolation types should not have different hand hygiene settings, enable the Isolation Types to Ignore for Isolation Hand Hygiene setting and select the isolation types.
Isolation Types to Ignore for Isolation Hand Hygiene
Default: Disabled
Description: Applies only if the Use Separate Hand Hygiene Settings for Isolation Patients setting is enabled. If specific isolation types should not have separate hand hygiene settings, enable this setting and select the isolation types. The hand hygiene settings used for beds with non-isolation patients will be used for beds associated with the selected isolation types.
Configuring RTLS Settings:
Navigate to the Capacity IQ® administration panel.
Locate the RTLS Configuration section.
Adjust the settings as required, ensuring they align with your operational needs.
Save the changes and verify the settings are applied correctly.
Enabling RTLS Integration:
Go to the RTLS Integration setting in the administration panel.
Enable the setting to activate RTLS features across Capacity IQ® applications.
Configure permissions for Patient Tagging, Staff Tagging, and Staff Type.
Ensure the Floor Plan setting is also enabled if required.
Setting Up Floor Plans:
Enable the Floor Plan setting in the administration panel.
Configure default view options for Capacity IQ® PreAdmit and Patient Tracking Portal Console Settings.
Associate floor plans with the relevant units/wards.
Set permissions for Show Patient Tooltips and other relevant settings.
Managing Hand Hygiene Timer Intervals:
Adjust the Hand Hygiene Timer Intervals setting to the desired frequency.
Ensure the value is a whole number greater than 1.
Save the changes and monitor the Hand Hygiene Index (HHI) values for accuracy.
Handling Patient Movement Detection:
Set the Duration to Detect Patient Movement to the required number of seconds.
Verify that patient information updates correctly when a patient is detected in a location for the specified duration.
Adjust other related settings as necessary to ensure accurate occupancy tracking.
Authentication Store
Authentication Stores are used to manage and configure authentication types and LDAP information. This feature is essential for administrators who need to set up and maintain secure access to systems. It is used during the initial setup and whenever authentication settings need to be updated.
Where you can find this feature: Authentication settings can be accessed through the system's administration panel.
How Authentication Stores Work
Authentication Stores allow you to:
Change the Authentication Type
Add LDAP information
Key fields include:
Authentication Name: The name of the authentication method.
Authentication Type: The type of authentication being used (e.g., LDAP, SAML).
Path: The directory path for the authentication source.
Domain: The domain associated with the authentication method.
CBS Configuration
Campus-specific settings are used by administrators to configure various identifiers and enable or disable specific features for a campus. These settings ensure that the system is tailored to the specific needs of each campus.
Campus-specific settings include the following options:
CBS Enabled: Enables or disables the CBS feature.
Facility ADT ID: Identifier for the facility.
Nurse Stn. ADT ID: Identifier for the nurse station.
Room ADT ID: Identifier for the room.
Bed ADT ID: Identifier for the bed.
These settings can be enabled or disabled as needed.
Cloud Configuration
Cloud Configuration settings are used by administrators to manage and customize cloud-based services. These settings are essential for integrating various functionalities and ensuring seamless operation across different instances. They are typically used during the initial setup and ongoing maintenance of cloud services.
How Cloud Configuration Works
Cloud Configuration includes the following settings:
Cloud Integrated: Enables integration with cloud services.
Custom User Provisioning: Allows customization of user provisioning processes.
External Staff Assignment: Manages the assignment of external staff to various roles and tasks.
Multi-Instance MPI Sync: Synchronizes Master Patient Index (MPI) across multiple instances.
Platform URL: Specifies the URL for the cloud platform.
These settings can be enabled or disabled based on the requirements.
Configure Notification Event Types
This feature is used by system administrators to configure various status event types and send push notifications as high priority. It is essential for managing alerts and notifications within the system, ensuring that relevant personnel are informed promptly about different events and statuses.
Where you can find this feature: This feature can be found in the system's configuration settings under the notifications and alerts section.
How Configure Status Event Types Works
The status event types are categorized into different groups, each serving a specific purpose. Below are the categories and their respective events:
Patient Alarm
Patient Isolated Location Alarm: Alarm - Patient Isolated Location
Patient Last Seen: Timer - Patient Last Seen
Patient Walkout Alarm: Alarm - Patient Walkout
Staff Alarm
Staff Assistance Alarm: Alarm - Staff Assistance
Employee Alert
Dispatch: Alert - employee dispatched
Available: Alert - Staff available
Lunch: Alert - Lunch for employees
Break: Alert - Employee Scheduled Break
Location Status Alert
Clean Next: Alert - bed cleaning next
Daily Clean In Progress: Alert - Daily Clean In Progress
Delayed: Alarm - bed delay
Dirty: Alert - Bed Dirty
Inprogress: Alert - Bed In Progress
Spill: Alert - Spill
Spill In progress: Alert - Spill InProgress
Stat: Alert - bed stat
Suspended: Alert - Bed Suspended
UDEF8: Alert - Bett Udef8
UDEF9: Alert - Bett Udef9
Job Alert
Assist: Alert - Job Assist
Dispatched: Alert - Job Dispatched
Delay/Dispatched: Alert - Job Dispatched Delay
InProgress: Alert - Job In Progress
Delay/Inprogress: Alert - Job In Progress Delay
Pending: Alert - Job Pending
No Coverage Alert
NoCoverageAlert: Warning - No Coverage
Assigned Bed Timer: Alert - Assigned Timer Alert
Discharge: Discharge
Location Change: Location Change
Observation Timer: Alert - Observation Timer Alert
Occupied Timer: Alert - Occupied Timer Alert
Potential Readmission Alert: Alert - Potential Readmission Alert
Discharge Timer: Alert - Automatic Discharge Milestone
Portal Alert
Care Progression Indicator: CareProgressionIndicator
Quota Exceeded Alert
Quota Exceeded Alert: Alert - Quota Exceeded Alert
Employee Notification
BtEmpNotificationBedSizeChange: Notification - bed size changed
BtEmpNotificationBedStatusChange: Notification - bed status changed
BtEmpNotificationIntelligent: Notification - Employee Paged For Job
BtEmpNotificationIntelligentStat: Notification - Employee Paged For Stat Job
EmpNotificationJobCancelled: Notification - Employee Canceled Job
NotifyNew: Notification - New employee called for job
NotifyNewSpill: Notification - New Employee Paged For Spill Job
Employee Notification Page Only Dispatch: Notification - Employee Paged For Job
Employee Notification Page Only Stage 1 Inprogress: Notification - Employee Paged For Stage 1 Inprogress Job
Spill Job Cancelled: Notification - Employee Spill Job Canceled
Employee Notification Spill Page Only Dispatch: Notification - Employee Paged For Spill Job
NotifyUpdateSpillJob: Notification - Spill job update
FYI Notification
Blocked: Notification - FYI blocked
Clean: Notification - FYI Clean
Clean Next: Notification - FYI bed clean next
Delayed: Notification - FYI job delayed
DelayedResume: Notification - FYI Delay Removed
Dirty: Notification - FYI bed dirty
In Progress: Notification - FYI In Progress
Occupied: Notification - FYI bed occupied
Stat: Notification - FYI Bed Stat
Suspended: Notification - FYI Suspended
UDEF8: Notification - FYI Udef8
UDEF9: Notification - FYI Udef9
Instant Notify: BTNotification - Instant Notify
Assigned Bed Cleaned: Notification - FYI Assigned Bed Cleaned
Bed Assigned: Notification - FYI bed assigned
Behavioral Health Timer Threshold Reached: PATFYI - Behavioral Health Timer Threshold Reached
Confirmed Discharge: Notification - FYI Confirmed Discharge
Change Hospital Service / Level Of Care: Notification - FYI Hospital Service/Level Of Care Changed
Pending Discharge: Notification - FYI Pending Discharge
Placement Activated: Notification - FYI Placement Activated
Patient Occupy Bed: Notification - FYI placement complete
Ready To Move: Notification - FYI ready to move
Ready to Move Canceled: Placement Notice - Ready to Move Cancelled
Ward Targeted: Notification - FYI Unit Targeted
Discharge Milestone Instant Notifications: Notification - Discharge Milestone
Transfer Milestone Instant Notifications: Notification - Transfer Milestone
Instant Notify: PATNotification - Instant Notify
Bed Cleaned: Placement Notification - Assigned Bed Cleaned
Bed Assigned: Placement Notification - Bed Assigned
Bed Size Change: Placement Notification - Bed Size Changed
Notify Now: Placement Notification - Notify Now
Ready to Move: Placement Notification - Ready To Move
Ready To Move Canceled: Notification - FYI Ready to Move Canceled
PRTMilestoneNotification: PRT Milestone Notification
Instant Notify: Placement Notification - PTPortalNotification - Instant Notify
AssistJobUpdateNotification: Notify primary and other secondary transporters when assist job transporters are updated
Instant Notify: TTNotification - Instant Notify
These notifications can be enabled or disabled as needed.
Email Service
Configuring Capacity IQ® to use Email (SMTP) allows administrators to set up email notifications and communications within the system. This feature is used by system administrators to ensure that email functionalities are properly configured and operational. It is typically used during the initial setup or when updating email server settings.
Where you can find this feature: Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Master Configuration > Email Service
How Email Service Works
The Email Service configuration involves several key settings:
Selection Column: Used to select the line for deleting selected records. The column heading can be used to select all.
SMTP Server: The address of the client's email server.
SMTP Connection Type: Specifies the security method for the server connection.
Normal: Unencrypted plain text.
startTLS: Upgrades security while using an unencrypted port.
SSL: Security using an encrypted port.
SMTP Login & SMTP Password: Left blank if the client's mail server allows mail relay. Otherwise, an account username/password is set up to authenticate with their mail server.
SMTP Port: Connection port for the mail server, typically 25 for Normal and startTLS, and 465 for SSL.
From Address: The address Capacity IQ® uses when sending emails.
From Display Name: The label for the From address. For example, emails from Capacity IQ® would show as coming from <TeleMail>
Test Button: Used to test the configuration by prompting for an email address to send a test email.
Configuring Email Service:
Navigate to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Master Configuration > Email Service.
Fill in the required fields for SMTP Server, Connection Type, Login, Password, Port, From Address, and From Display Name.
Use the Test Button to verify the configuration by sending a test email.
Changing the Default Language
Changing the Default Language may ONLY be run in Single User Mode. This process will take several minutes to complete.
Where you can find this feature: Language Settings
How Changing the Default Language Works
Default Language: The primary language setting for the system.
Spanish IVR: Interactive Voice Response system language setting.
SSL Enabled: Indicates whether SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is enabled for secure communications.
Server Config
Server configuration involves setting up various parameters to ensure the server operates correctly. The key parameters include:
Server Type: Specifies the type of server being configured (e.g., web server, database server).
DNS: The Domain Name System settings for the server.
Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN): The complete domain name for the server.
PORT: The port number on which the server listens for incoming connections.
Description: A brief description of the server's purpose.
SSL Enabled/Disabled: Indicates whether SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is enabled for secure communications.
External server configuration involves additional parameters for integrating external servers with your system. The key parameters include:
External Server Type: Specifies the type of external server (e.g., application server, database server).
Application Name: The name of the application running on the external server.
Customer Name: The name of the customer associated with the external server.
DB Server: The database server details.
DB Name: The name of the database.
App Server: The application server details.
Port: The port number on which the external server listens for incoming connections.
Maximum and Minimum Clean Time
This feature is used by administrators and staff to ensure efficient cleaning times for locations or beds. It helps identify outliers in cleaning times, ensuring accurate tracking and reporting within the Capacity IQ® EVS application.
Where you can find this feature: Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component.
How Maximum and Minimum Clean Time Works
Maximum Clean Time
The maximum clean time is the longest amount of time deemed necessary to clean a location or bed. It is configured by the administrator in the Admin Tool or Admin > Settings > Capacity Management component. The maximum clean time is compared to the turn time to determine if the time spent cleaning a bed or room is out of the ordinary (an outlier or adjusted bed).
Minimum Clean Time
The minimum clean time is the shortest amount of time necessary to clean a room. It is also configured in the Admin Tool. The minimum clean time is compared to the turn time to determine if the time spent cleaning a bed or room is out of the ordinary (an outlier or adjusted bed).
Adjusted beds (outliers) are not counted statistically when an employee's average clean time is calculated.
The maximum and minimum clean times are used to calculate the number of beds that have been adjusted on the Employee List in the Capacity IQ® EVS application.
The integration of Capacity IQ® to Location IQ® is configured through the Master Configuration → Server → External Server Configuration section. There are two different configurations: one associated with the RTLS Engine and the other with Web. The web configuration is impacted by changes for 2022.04 and greater.
Prior to 2022.04
2022.04 and Greater
For 2022.04 or greater, the following configurations are required:
SSL must be configured for Location IQ®
Application Server Name: The DNS Alias used by the SSL Cert
Port: 443
Virtual Directory: Location IQ® Asset
Virtual Directory: Enabled
DB Name: The name of the Location IQ® Database
DB Server: SQL Server
User Name: DB User
Password: DB User Password
Once configured, use the Test function to verify that the information is passing. Note that the green checkmark may still show even if the application server fails.