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Nurse Column
Joe Caffrey avatar
Written by Joe Caffrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Patient's Nurses Columns provide information about the caregivers responsible for a patient at their current and assigned locations. This feature helps users identify the nurse associated with a patient's home location (Origin Nurse) and the nurse assigned to a new home location (Assigned Nurse). It is primarily used by staff needing to coordinate patient care and transport.

Where you can find this feature:

  • Origin Nurse and Assigned Nurse columns in patient search results

  • Patient/Placement Details form displaying first names, aliases, and contact details

How the Column Works


  • Origin Nurse: The nurse assigned to the patient's current home location.

  • Assigned Nurse: The nurse assigned to the patient's new home location (if the patient has been moved).

  • Source of Information: Staff assignments made in PatientTracking Portal® determine Origin Nurse and Assigned Nurse data.

  • Viewing Permissions:

    • Users must have the TransportTracking™-Console Patients Tab permission to access the Patients list.

    • Users may view only patients whose home or current locations fall within their membership scope.

    • If a patient has an active transport job, users may see them if the origin or destination is within their membership.

    • Patients without home locations can be included in searches unless excluded via the "Exclude Patients with Unknown Locations" option.

    • Discharged patients (over 48 hours) and canceled visits do not appear in the list.

Additional Access Permissions

  • Maintain Patient/Placement Details (View): Allows access but no edits unless explicitly permitted (e.g., Edit Patient Name, Edit Patient Associated Physicians).

  • Maintain Patient/Placement Details (Edit): Grants permission to modify details if specific edit rights exist.

  • Create New PreAdmits: Required to create new preadmit records in PatientTracking Portal®.

  • Access Placement List Views: Allows viewing patients assigned to locations within membership.

  • Access Admits Today List View: Enables viewing admitted patients within membership.

  • Access Patient Search: Required to search for patients based on assigned, home, or current locations.


Viewing Origin Nurse Information

  1. Open the Patient/Placement Details form.

  2. On the left side, locate the Origin Nurse field.

  3. View the nurse's alias or first name (if no alias is defined) and phone number (if available).

  4. To see additional nurses, hover over the origin nurse's information—other associated nurses' names and contact details appear in a tooltip.

Viewing Assigned Nurse Information

  1. Open the Patient/Placement Details form.

  2. On the right side, locate the Assigned Nurse field.

  3. View the nurse's alias or first name (if no alias is defined) and phone number (if available).

  4. To see additional assigned nurses, hover over the assigned nurse's information—other associated nurses' names and contact details appear in a tooltip.

Viewing Nurse Information in Patient Search Results

  1. Locate the Origin Nurse column in the patient search results.

  2. View the nurse’s alias or first name and phone number (if available).

  3. To see additional nurses, hover over the origin nurse's information—other associated nurses appear in a tooltip.

  4. If the patient has been assigned a new home location, locate the Assigned Nurse column.

  5. Follow the same steps to view assigned nurse details.


Nurse Information Not Appearing

If Origin Nurse or Assigned Nurse details are missing:

  1. Verify that Staff Assignment is enabled in PatientTracking Portal®.

  2. Check user permissions:

    • Ensure the user has membership access to the patient’s home or assigned location.

    • Confirm the user has TransportTracking™-Console Patients Tab permission.

    • Verify that Maintain Patient/Placement Details permission includes the correct access level (view or edit).

  3. Check staff assignments:

    • Open Staff Assignment Settings and ensure that nurses are assigned correctly to patient locations.

    • If assignments are missing, contact an administrator to update them.

  4. Confirm that the patient has not been discharged:

    • Patients discharged for more than 48 hours will not appear in search results.

    • Patients with canceled visits are automatically removed.

  5. Hover over the Origin Nurse field:

    • If multiple nurses are assigned to a location, additional details may be available in a tooltip.

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