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Proper Pending Usage Report Description
William Pelino avatar
Written by William Pelino
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Proper Pending Usage Report Description

Permission Required

The Run Any Reports, Including Those that Reveal Patient Information permission is required to generate this report.


The Proper Pending Usage Report compares the number of actual transfers from an origin unit to the number of patients who were in Pending Transfer status for that origin unit. It also compares the number of actual discharges from an origin unit to the number of patients who were in Pending Discharge or Confirmed Discharge status for that origin unit. The percentages of compliance for transfers and for discharges for each origin unit and for all origin units are displayed.

A detailed report and a summary report are available. Unlike the Pending Status Compliance Report, the detailed Proper Pending Usage report displays specific patient information and the average duration of pending and confirmed statuses for each date that a discharge or transfer occurred. False pendings, or situations where the same patient was in a pending status more than once for the same transfer or discharge, are not included in calculations.

Report Parameters

Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.

About the Report Data

  • Only units associated with the campus that was selected when the report was generated appear.

  • Only origin units included in the membership of the user who generated the report appear.

  • The user who generates the report can select to include transfers, discharges, or both.

  • The user who generates the report can select to include only transfers and/or discharges associated with specific origin units that are within the selected campus. If no specific units are selected, all transfers and/or discharges associated with all origin units within the selected campus and the user's membership will be included.

  • The user who generates the report can select a date range and a shift.

    • Only transfers with a transfer time (time that patient began to occupy the destination bed) within the selected date range and shift appear on the report.

    • Only discharges with a discharge time that is within the selected date range and shift appear on the report.

    • If a shift starts on the end date of the report date range and ends on the next day, data from the entire shift will be included on the report.

      • Example: If the end date of the report is September 2, 2012, and a shift started at 11:00 PM on September 2 and ended at 7:00 AM on September 3, then data from the entire shift, including the part on September 3, will be on the report.

  • Only completed transfers and discharges appear.

  • Transfers to beds within the same unit are not included in the calculations.

  • The detailed report displays specific patient information for each unit. The summary report displays overall compliance information for each unit but does not include details about specific patients.

  • If Protected Health Information (PHI) was excluded, a line will appear in place of the excluded PHI.


Detailed Report

  • Details

  • Daily Unit Summary

  • Unit Summary

  • Overall Summary

Summary Report

  • Units

  • Unit Summary

  • Overall Summary

Detailed Report


The following information is displayed on the report for each origin unit for the date range and shift selected.

Note: In the Unformatted Excel output, each discharge and transfer is shown on a different row.



Discharge/Transfer Unit (PDF or Excel) Origin Unit (Unformatted Excel)

The origin unit of the transfer.

Date (PDF or Excel) Discharge/Transfer Date (Unformatted Excel) Day of Week

The date and day of the week that the transfers and/or discharges were completed.

Patient Name

The patient who was transferred or discharged.


Whether the patient was transferred or discharged.


The bed that the patient was transferred from or discharged from.

Pending Time

The date and time that the patient entered Pending Transfer or Pending Discharge status. If the patient was in these statuses multiple times, the last time the patient entered the status is shown.

Confirmed Time

The date and time that the patient entered Confirmed Discharge status. If the patient was in this status multiple times, the last time the patient entered the status is shown.

Actual Time

The time that the patient was transferred or discharged.

Pending Duration (PDF or Excel) Pending Duration (mins) (Unformatted Excel)

The days, hours, and minutes that the patient was in Pending Transfer or Pending Discharge status. In Unformatted Excel, this time is shown in minutes only. If N/A appears, then the patient was not in a pending status.

Confirmed Duration (PDF or Excel) Confirmed Duration (mins) (Unformatted Excel)

The days, hours, and minutes that the patient was in Confirmed Discharge status. In Unformatted Excel, this time is shown in minutes only. This is the difference between the time that the Confirmed Discharge status began and the time that the patient was actually discharged. If N/A appears, then the patient was not in this status.

False Pendings

If the patient was in a pending status more than once for the same transfer or discharge, then only one time is included in counts and calculations. The other times are considered false pendings. This column shows the number of false pendings the patient had for the same transfer or discharge.

Daily Unit Summary

The following information is displayed on the report for each unit and each day within the selected date range and shift.



Daily Unit Compliance (Pending) (PDF or Excel) Compliant Pending (Y/N) (Unformatted Excel)

The percentage of transfers for the day that were previously in Pending Transfer status and/or the percentage of discharges for the day that were previously in Pending Discharge status. Also displays the total number of transfers or discharges for the day that were previously in a pending status.


2 of 4 for 50% means that 4 transfers and/or discharges occurred on this day, with 2 of them previously in a pending status, making the unit 50% compliant for pending statuses for the day.

Unformatted Excel Output

Displays a Y for every discharge or transfer previously in Pending Discharge or Pending Transfer status and an N for every discharge or transfer that was not previously in these statuses. Check the Discharge/Transfer Unit column to see which unit is associated with each Y and N. The same unit may appear in multiple rows. Review the total number of Ys and Ns for each unit to understand compliance.

Daily Unit Compliance (Confirmed) (PDF or Excel) Compliant Confirmed (Y/N) (Unformatted Excel)

In PDF output, the percentage of discharges for the day that were previously in Confirmed Discharge status. Also displays the total number of discharges for the day that were previously in Confirmed Discharge status.


1 of 2 for 50% means that 2 discharges occurred on this day, with 1 of them previously in Confirmed Discharge status, making the unit 50% compliant for confirmed statuses for the day.

Unformatted Excel Output

Displays a Y for every discharge previously in Confirmed Discharge status and an N for every discharge that was not in Confirmed Discharge status. Check the Discharge/Transfer Unit column for unit-level compliance details.

Daily Unit Compliance (Both) (PDF or Excel) Compliant Pending and Confirmed (Y/N) (Unformatted Excel)

The percentage of discharges for the day that were previously in Pending Discharge and Confirmed Discharge status. Also displays the total number of discharges that were previously in both statuses.


4 of 8 for 50% means that 8 discharges occurred on this day, with 4 of them previously in both Pending Discharge and Confirmed Discharge status, making the unit 50% compliant for both statuses for the day.

Unformatted Excel Output

Displays a Y for every discharge previously in both Pending Discharge and Confirmed Discharge status and an N for every discharge not in both statuses. Check the Discharge/Transfer Unit column for details.

Daily Unit Pending Duration Average

The average days, hours, and minutes that discharged and/or transferred patients spent in pending statuses. Transfers and discharges that were never in a pending status are excluded from calculations.

Daily Unit Confirmed Duration Average

The average days, hours, and minutes that discharged patients spent in Confirmed Discharge status. Discharges that were never in Confirmed Discharge status are excluded from calculations.

Unit Summary

The following information is displayed on the report for each unit for all days within the selected date range and shift.



Unit Compliance (Pending)

The percentage of transfers that were previously in Pending Transfer status and/or the percentage of discharges that were previously in Pending Discharge status. Also displays the total number of transfers or discharges that were previously in a pending status.


20 of 40 for 50% means that 40 transfers and/or discharges occurred for the selected date range and shift, with 20 of them previously in a pending status, making the unit 50% compliant for pending statuses.

Unit Compliance (Confirmed)

The percentage of discharges that were previously in Confirmed Discharge status. Also displays the total number of discharges that were previously in Confirmed Discharge status.


10 of 20 for 50% means that 20 discharges occurred within the selected date range and shift, with 10 of them previously in Confirmed Discharge status, making the unit 50% compliant for confirmed statuses.

Unit Compliance (Both)

The percentage of discharges that were previously in Pending Discharge and Confirmed Discharge status. Also displays the total number of discharges previously in both statuses.


40 of 80 for 50% means that 80 discharges occurred within the selected date range and shift, with 40 of them previously in both Pending Discharge and Confirmed Discharge status, making the unit 50% compliant for both statuses.

Unit Pending Duration Average

The average days, hours, and minutes that discharged and/or transferred patients spent in pending statuses within the selected date range and shift for this unit. Transfers and discharges that were never in a pending status are excluded from calculations.

Unit Confirmed Duration Average

The average days, hours, and minutes that discharged patients spent in Confirmed Discharge status within the selected date range and shift for this unit. Discharges that were never in Confirmed Discharge status are excluded from calculations.

Overall Summary

The following information appears for all units included in the report for all days within the selected date range and shift.



Overall Compliance (Pending)

The percentage of transfers that were previously in Pending Transfer status and/or the percentage of discharges that were previously in Pending Discharge status. Also displays the total number of transfers or discharges that were previously in a pending status.


40 of 80 for 50% means that 80 transfers and/or discharges occurred for all units, with 40 of them previously in a pending status, making the units 50% compliant for pending statuses.

Overall Compliance (Confirmed)

The percentage of discharges that were previously in Confirmed Discharge status. Also displays the total number of discharges that were previously in Confirmed Discharge status.


20 of 40 for 50% means that 40 discharges occurred for all units, with 20 of them previously in Confirmed Discharge status, making the units 50% compliant for confirmed statuses.

Overall Compliance (Both)

The percentage of discharges that were previously in Pending Discharge and Confirmed Discharge status. Also displays the total number of discharges previously in both statuses.


50 of 100 for 50% means that 100 discharges occurred for all units, with 50 of them previously in both Pending Discharge and Confirmed Discharge status, making the units 50% compliant for both statuses.

Overall Pending Duration Average

The average days, hours, and minutes that discharged and/or transferred patients spent in pending statuses for all units in the selected date range and shift. Transfers and discharges that were never in a pending status are excluded from calculations.

Overall Confirmed Duration Average

The average days, hours, and minutes that discharged patients spent in Confirmed Discharge status for all units in the selected date range and shift. Discharges that were never in Confirmed Discharge status are excluded from calculations.


The following information appears on the summary report for each unit included in the report for each day within the selected date range and shift. The Unit Summary at the end of each unit shows data for the entire unit within the selected date range and shift. The Overall Summary section at the end of the report provides data for all units included in the report.




The origin unit of the transfer.

Date and Day of Week

The date and day of the week when the transfers and/or discharges were completed.

Total Records

The number of transfers and/or discharges completed on this day for this unit.

Compliant (Pending)

The percentage of transfers previously in Pending Transfer status and/or the percentage of discharges previously in Pending Discharge status for this unit on this day. Also displays the number of total transfers or discharges that were previously in a pending status.


10 of 20 for 50% means that 20 transfers and/or discharges occurred for this unit on this day, with 10 of them previously in a pending status, making the unit 50% compliant for pending statuses for the day.

Compliant (Confirmed)

The percentage of discharges previously in Confirmed Discharge status. Also displays the total number of discharges that were previously in Confirmed Discharge status.


5 of 10 for 50% means that 10 discharges occurred for this unit on this day, with 5 of them previously in Confirmed Discharge status, making the unit 50% compliant for confirmed statuses.

Compliant (Both)

The percentage of discharges previously in Pending Discharge and Confirmed Discharge status. Also displays the total number of discharges previously in both statuses.


4 of 10 for 40% means that 10 discharges occurred for this unit on this day, with 4 of them previously in both Pending Discharge and Confirmed Discharge status, making the unit 40% compliant for both statuses.

Avg Pending Duration

The average days, hours, and minutes that discharged and/or transferred patients spent in pending statuses for this unit on this day. Transfers and discharges never in a pending status are excluded from calculations.

Avg Confirmed Duration

The average days, hours, and minutes that discharged patients spent in Confirmed Discharge status for this unit on this day. Discharges never in Confirmed Discharge status are excluded from calculations.

False Pendings

If the patient was in a pending status more than once for the same transfer or discharge, only one instance is included in counts and calculations. Other instances are considered false pendings. This column shows the number of false pendings the patient had for the same transfer or discharge.


A bed request was created to transfer a patient. The patient's status became Pending Transfer. The bed request was canceled. The patient's status returned to Inhouse. Later in the day, another bed request was created. The patient's status became Pending Transfer again. Then, the patient was transferred. The patient was in Pending Transfer status twice during the day, but the first instance was a false pending because the first transfer request was canceled and the patient was not transferred at that time.

Unit Summary

A Unit Summary appears after each unit. This section shows the information above for the unit but for all days included in the report.

For example, the Avg Confirmed Duration column in the Unit Summary section displays the average days, hours, and minutes that discharged patients spent in Confirmed Discharge status for this unit for all dates included in the report.

Overall Summary

An Overall Summary appears at the end of the summary report. This section shows the information above but is aggregated for all dates and all units included in the report.

For example, the Avg Confirmed Duration column in the Overall Summary section displays the average days, hours, and minutes that discharged patients spent in Confirmed Discharge status across all units and all dates included in the report.

Proper Pending Usage Report

The Proper Pending Usage Report provides information on the time that elapses between a patient's discharge status being set and the time they are discharged out of the TeleTracking system. Monitoring this report helps to show how quickly patients are discharged once the orders are written. Making sure that patients that are free to discharge move out quickly is critical to efficient patient flow. There will always be instances where patients cannot leave the hospital in a timely manner, but proper use of the discharge tools available in TeleTracking will help to highlight common delay reasons.

Best Practice Metrics Captured In The Proper Pending Usage Report


Best Practice Goal

Confirmed to Actual Discharge

<120 minute

Generating The Proper Pending Usage Report

Database - Where Your Facility's Data Is Stored

  • Production - Data that is stored in the production database (this is your current data).

    • Use when live up-to-the-minute data is needed.

    • Contains the data from the current time and for the past number of days as defined in Archive Management. This is typically 7 days but may range between 1 and 30 days. If you do not know the number of days, your TeleTracking System Administrator should be able to assist.

  • Archive - Data that is stored in the archive database (this is your older data).

    • Does not capture data for the current day.

    • Users can access reports as far back as the go-live date.


  • Campus Drop-Down

    • Defaults to your campus. The only exception is if you have access to multiple campuses. If you have membership in multiple campuses (for example, ABC Children's Hospital and ABC Women's Hospital), then in the Campus list, select the campus for which you wish to generate a report.

Origin Unit

  • Magnifying Glass

    • Clicking on the magnifying glass allows you to select specific units.

    • If no units are selected, the report will run for all units by default.

Date & Time

  • Discharge/Transfer Date

    • Click on the Calendar Icon to select the needed dates.

  • Shift Time

    • The system defaults to the entire day however, you may want to isolate specific shifts if you are trying to investigate issues with not meeting metrics.

Events To Include

  • You can choose to run this report for either discharge, transfers, or both.

  • Note: You only need to select Discharge if trying to capture the best practice metric.

Summary View

  • Always select No in to capture the appropriate metrics.

Protected Health Information (PHI)

  • You can choose to display or omit patient PHI in the report.


  • Choose the format of the report data. Options include Adobe and Excel.

  • Run Report

    • Click Run Report once all fields are populated.

Analyzing The Proper Pending Usage Report

This report is organized by unit and will display discharges for each unit by day of the week. A daily unit summary is present for each day and then an overall unit summary of all days is included. If running this report for multiple units, an overall summary will be provided at the very end of the report. Report information is provided below to help you better understand the data points.

  • Patient Name - The patient’s name will display only if you include PHI while running the report.

  • Event - Either a Discharge or Transfer will display. However, this report is typically only run for discharges. If you do not include transfers while running the report, you will only ever see discharges.

  • Bed - The bed that the patient was occupying when the event occurred.

  • Pending Time - The date and time that the patient entered a Pending Discharge status.

  • Confirmed Time - The date and time that the patient entered a Confirmed Discharge status.

  • Actual Time - The time the patient was discharged out of TeleTracking. This occurs when any of the following happens:

    • A transport job is placed In Progress to a discharge location.

    • An ADT discharge message is received.

    • A cleaning request is manually created for a bed.

    • An EVS employee initiates a found bed.

    • If using RTLS, when a tag/badge is placed in a drop box.

  • Pending Duration - The total time the patient was in a Pending Discharge status. This is displayed in a Day: Hour: Minute format.

  • Confirmed Duration - The total time the patient was in a Confirmed Discharge status. This is displayed in a Day: Hour: Minute format.

  • False Pendings - If the patient was in a pending status more than once for the same discharge, then only one pending status is included in counts and calculations. The other times are considered “False Pendings”.

  • Unit Compliance (Pending) - The percentage of discharges that were previously in a Pending Discharge status. In addition, you will also see the number of discharges that were previously in a pending status and how many of those were compliant.

  • Unit Compliance (Confirmed) - The percentage of discharges that were previously in a Confirmed Discharge status. In addition, you will also see the number of discharges that were previously in a confirmed status and how many of those were compliant.

  • Unit Compliance (Both) - The percentage of discharges that were previously in a Pending Discharge status and a Confirmed Discharge status. In addition, the number of total discharges that were previously in both Pending Discharge and Confirmed Discharge status are shown.

  • Unit Pending Duration Average - Average time that discharge patients spent in a Pending Discharge status. This is displayed in a Day: Hour: Minute: format.

  • Unit Confirmed Duration Average - Average time that discharged patients spent in a Confirmed Discharge Status. This is displayed in a Day: Hour: Minute format.

    • Note: This provides the Best Practice Metric for Confirmed and Actual Discharge.

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