Observation Compliance Report Description
Permissions Required
You must have the Run Any Report, Including Those That Reveal Patient Information permission to generate this report.
The Observation Compliance Report provides information about patients who were previously in observation. Only patients whose observations have ended can be included in the report.
Note: See About the Report Data for restrictions concerning the data that appears.
Report Parameters
Criteria selected when the report was being generated appear under Report Parameters. An example is the name of the campus selected when the report was generated.
About the Report Data
The user who generates the report can select specific units that are within their membership and within the selected campus. If the user selected specific units, then only data about those units appears on the report.
If the patient is not currently in the unit where the observation started, the observation is still associated with the unit where it started.
The report displays only patients whose observations started when they were associated with home locations, current locations, or specialty beds in the selected units or (if no units were selected) in units within the selected campus that are within the membership of the user who generated the report.
If a patient had multiple observation sessions, only the most recent one appears.
The report displays only observations with start dates and times that are within the date and time range selected when the report was generated.
Patients are included on the report if their observation start times are earlier than now, the observation has already ended, and the observation has a set stop time.
The user who generates the report can choose to display either the patients' names or medical record numbers (MRNs) in the Patient column on the detailed view of the report.
The user who generates the report can choose a summary view or a detailed view. If the summary view is selected, data for each unit appears, but individual patient names or medical record numbers are not listed. If the detailed view is selected, data for each patient within each unit appears.
All patients who meet the report criteria are included, regardless of patient status.
Observation Compliance Report Column Descriptions, Unit Summary, and Report Summary
Detailed Report
This column... | Displays... |
Patient | Patient's last and first name or medical record number. Patients are listed if they: 1) Have an observation start time earlier than the time that the report was generated, they have a set observation stop time, and the observation has ended, 2) Have EITHER home locations, specialty locations, or current locations within the selected units. |
Admit Source | The admit source associated with each patient. Admit sources can be selected on the Patient/Placement Details form. |
Admit Type | The admit type associated with each patient. Admit types can be selected on the Patient/Placement Details form. |
Observation Start Date Time | The date and time that was selected for the patient's observation to start. Observation start dates and times can be selected on the Patient/Placement Details form or from a list view. |
Observation Stop Date Time | The actual observation stop date and time. This is not necessarily the same as the calculated stop date and time (calculated based on observation start time and the set duration). Example: If observation start time is 11/15/2009 at 7:00 and duration is 5 hours, calculated stop date and time is 11/15/2009 at 12:00. Actual stop time might be 11:00. The actual stop time of 11:00 is shown in this column. |
Allowed Duration | The scheduled duration of the patient's observation in hours and minutes (for example, 06:30 means that observation should last 6 hours and 30 minutes). Observation duration can be set on the Patient/Placement Details form or from a list view. |
Actual Duration | The hours and minutes that the observation actually lasted. This might not necessarily match the allowed duration. Example: If observation start time is 11/15/2009 at 7:00 and duration is 5 hours, calculated stop date and time is 11/15/2009 at 12:00. Actual stop time might be 11:00. The allowed duration is 5 hours, but the actual duration is 4 hours. |
Duration Exceeded | If the actual duration was longer than the allowed duration, the hours and minutes by which the allowed duration was exceeded appears in this column. Otherwise, this column is blank. |
Summary Report and Unit Summary
Name | Description |
Total Observation Patients | Total number of patients who are included on the report for the unit (for example, 4). |
Total Compliant Observations | Total number of patients who are included on the report for the unit whose actual observation duration was shorter than or the same as the allowed duration (for example, 4). |
Percent Compliance | Percentage of patients who are included on the report for the unit whose actual observation duration was the same as or shorter than the allowed observation duration. The calculation is Total Compliant Observation for this grouping / Total Observation Patients for this grouping (for example, 50%). |
Average Observation Time Beyond Allowed Duration (HH:MM) | Sum of (Actual Duration minus Allowed Duration) / (Number of patients whose observation duration exceeded the allowed duration). Example: A total of 4 patients are included on the report for the unit. 2 patients' actual observation duration exceeded the allowed observation duration. One of the patient's allowed duration was 4 hours, but the actual duration was 6. The other patient's allowed duration was 12 hours but the actual duration was 15. The total number of hours by which allowed observation duration was exceeded is 5 hours. (2 hours for one patient and 3 for the other). The total number of patients whose actual observation duration exceeded the allowed observation duration is 2. The calculation is 5/2=2.5. The Average Observation Time Beyond Allowed Duration is 2.5 hours (02:30). |
Report Summary on Both Detailed and Summary Report
Name | Description |
Total Observation Patients | Total number of patients included of the report for all units on the report(for example, 8). |
Total Compliant Observations | Total number of patients included of the report for all units on the report where the actual observation time was the same as or shorter than the allowed observation time (for example, 6). |
Percent Compliance | Total Compliant Observations divided by Total Observation Patients (for example, 6 / 8 = 75%) |
Average Observation Time Beyond Allowed Duration (HH:MM) | For all patients and units on the report, sum of (Actual Duration minus Allowed Duration) / (Number of patients whose observation duration exceeded the allowed duration). Example: A total of 8 patients are included on the report. 2 patients' actual observation duration exceeded the allowed observation duration. One of the patient's allowed duration was 4 hours, but the actual duration was 6. The other patient's allowed duration was 12 hours but the actual duration was 15. The total number of hours by which allowed observation duration was exceeded is 5 hours. (2 hours for one patient and 3 for the other). The total number of patients whose actual observation duration exceeded the allowed observation duration is 2. The calculation is 5/2=2.5. The Average Observation Time Beyond Allowed Duration is 2.5 hours (02:30). |
Observation Compliance Report
Unit: Select the units that should be included on the report. Click the magnifying glass next to the Units box to display a list of units in your membership. Select the check boxes for the units that should be included on the report, and then click Select to save the selection and return to the Units box. To return to having all units in the campus that are within your membership included on the report, click the restore icon next to the Units box. If you do not select any units, all units associated with the selected campus and to which you have membership will be included.
Note: At their observation start times, patients must have home locations, current locations, or specialty locations in the selected units to be included on the report.
Patient Display Name: Select whether patients' first or last names or their medical record numbers will appear on the detailed report (if No is selected for Summary View).
Observation Start Date Time: The report will display only completed observations that started within the date and time range that you select. If a patient had multiple completed observations within this date and time range, only the most recent one will appear. Click the calendar icons for the From and To boxes to select dates. Type the beginning and ending times for the range in 24-hour format (for example, 15
:59 for 3:59 PM). For example, if you selected November 15, 2011, and 07:00 AM for From and November 16, 2011, and 09:00 AM for To, then only observations that started between 7 AM on November 15 and 9 AM on November 16 can appear on the report.
Summary View: To display data for individual patients within each unit on the report, select No. To display only unit and summary data, but no detailed data for individual patients, select Yes.