Admitting processing the change
You would want to speak to your admitting department.
Admitting can send an A02 order through the interface, which will move the current patient in the bed to another unoccupied bed.
Once the bed is cleaned, admitting can send a new A02 order to place the patient in the needed bed.
This way all systems are updated, and new orders will not override manual completed transactions.
If you are unable to have your admitting department complete the request, you can manually put the patient in the bed.
Manually making the changes
Confirm bed is occupied
You will want to confirm that the bed is occupied, and not just another status.
Click BedTracking
Select your campus (if there is more than one)
Select your unit
You have to click Select then select your unit from the list
Click Apply
Find your bed and verify the bed status column.
If the bed shows dirty and is actually clean, you can manually clean the bed.
Once clean, move your patient to the bed.
Moving Patient to a Clean Bed Manually
If occupied you have two options:
You can easily move your patient to a clean bed within the same unit.
If you move the patient to an open bed, make sure to update your admitting dept. This will prevent any new orders coming through the interface to override what was manually done.
The bed that you just moved the patient from should now show as dirty.
To move your patient to this bed, we need to clean the bed.
Cleaning a Bed
Click on the dirty bed status
You will get a pop up and here you will click the drop down for action.
You will select Cancel Cleaning Request
The reason code you will want to select what is appropriate for your facility.
Hit Submit
If bed stacking is enabled, and you already requested the bed for your patient they will move right into occupying the bed.
Putting in the Transfer Request Manually
If you did not already put the transfer request in for your patient, you will need to pull up your patient.
You will need to pull up the Patient Search within Patient Tracking Portal.
Click on your patient
Under Patient action, select Create Bed Request
Select the Target unit and Assigned Bed
Hit Save and Close
In Patient Search within Patient Tracking Portal, after selecting your patient,
Under Patient action, choose Transfer Patient
Select Home Location
Pick your unit and location and click Select
Click Save and Close
Either available option will move your patient to the bed you select for them.
Anything that you do manually make sure to update your admitting dept. This will prevent any new orders coming through the interface to override what was manually done.