When a patient is discharged or transferred, their room requires more than the usual cleaning workflow. As the name suggests, Multi-Stage Cleans allows room cleaning to be done in multiple stages.
TeleTracking® Support must enable the Multi-Stage Cleans feature for it to be usable within the application. Your Health System will then have the ability to enable or disable Multi-Stage Cleans at a per-facility level.
The Multi-Stage Cleans feature will need to be enabled within the application Master Configuration.
Once activated by TeleTracking, to enable the feature for a given facility go to Admin > Settings > Capacity Management > Enterprise Management > Enterprise Information > Select Your Campus > Global Settings > BedTracking > Multi-Stage Cleans
Stage Overview
The first cleaning stage involves the usual cleaning tasks.
In the second stage, an employee who has had additional training uses a specialized machine or process to perform deep cleaning.
Naming Stages
Administrators enable Multi-Stage Cleans and then rename the UDEF8 and UDEF9 statuses appropriately for stage one and stage two.
Naming examples:
Udef8 = Stage 1
Udef9 = Stage 2
Before enabling the Multi-Stage Clean feature for a campus, you will need to clear out the existing UDEF8 and UDEF9 jobs.
The only way to have a Udef9 job is by completing a Udef8 job. Udef9 jobs can be canceled if it is determined they are not needed.
Additional Automation with Multi-Stage Cleans
Specific types of isolation, units, or patient attributes can be configured to automatically trigger a multi-stage clean when the patient is discharged or transferred.
Administrators assign the Second Stage Discharge Cleaning Workflow permission to EVS employees to allow them to receive notifications for the Stage 2 jobs.
Your Health Systems onsite TeleTracking® Administrator will need to create an entire separate Group/Role configuration. You will not want to enable this with an existing Group/Role.
Understanding the Visual Components of Multi-Stage Cleans
Multi-stage cleaning jobs are color coded on the user interface:
Stage 1
Light blue for Stage 1 jobs
Stage 2
Dark blue for Stage 2 jobs.
In Progress jobs display the cleaning stage number (1 or 2) in a color coded circle.
Stage 1
Light Blue circle with number 1
Stage 2
Dark Blue circle with number 2
Key Functionality
Users who have the ability to change job statuses (BT Supervisors) will be able to change Dirty/Clean Next/Stat to Udef8 and vice versa, but not Udef9.
Beds Cleaned Real Time Key Indicator (RTKI) will not increment for completed Udef8 jobs, but will increment for completed Udef9 jobs.
Other RTKIs have not been updated to include Multi-Stage Cleaning jobs.
Employees must use Capacity IQ® EVS Mobile to start and complete multi-stage cleaning jobs.
The Multi-Stage Cleans will not work through the IVR.