Custom Patient Messaging can be added to the Clinical Workflow® Suite application to be used for communication with the patient’s family. The Custom Patient message can be used within the Patient record, and selected from the Message drop-down. This will still allow Free Text messages to be added to the message when sent from the application.
How to Add/Create Custom Messages
Navigate to the Admin tab > Clinical Workflow Management > Admin Lists > Code Lists.
Then select Patient Notifications from the Code List, and select Edit
You will then see the current messages listed (if there are current messages built out) in the Manage Patient Notifications window.
Here you can either select to Edit a highlighted Notification or Add a new Patient Notification.
Edit Custom Message
With Edit, you can make edits to a current message.
Name (what is displayed in the Message drop-down within the Patient Message in the Patient’s record)
Description (what is displayed in the Full Text area in Patient Message from the Patient’s record)
Sort Priority (used on the backend to sort dictionary items, not Priority of message)
Inactive (when selected this message will no longer show in the Message drop-down)
Add Custom Message
Add new Custom Messages to the application
See the Edit Message breakdown above for a description of items
Sending Patient Message
You can now select the Custom Message by selecting the Send Message option within a Patient record. Click the drop-down in Messages, and select the Custom message that was created.
Full Text
This will allow end users to add any additional information to the message prior to it being sent.