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William Pelino avatar
Written by William Pelino
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Actions Menu

The Actions Menu allows staff to complete tasks related to patient care. The Actions Menu can be accessed by anyone using the Patient Details Panel.

The Actions Menu appears as a drop-down list on the top-right corner of the Patient Details Panel.

How the Actions Menu Works


  • The following actions can be completed using the Actions Menu:

    • Edit Patient Attributes

    • Edit Delays

    • Edit Case details

    • Movement

      • Modify the patient’s Target Unit

      • Move the Patient

      • Depart the patient

    • Remove the patient’s information from the Family Wallboard/Add the patient’s information to the Family Wallboard

    • Set a Patient as Away/Returned

    • Bedside Procedure

    • Cancel the Case

    • Complete Appointment

    • Remove from Procedure Schedule

Accessing the Actions Menu

  1. Open the Patient Details Panel.

    1. You now have access to Actions.

Complete Appointment - Actions Menu

  1. In the Patient Details Panel, Click the drop-down to expand the Actions Menu.

  2. Select Complete Appointment.

  3. Confirm that you wish to Complete the Appointment.


  • If a patient still has outstanding uncompleted appointments for the visit, this action will simply complete that appointment allowing for the patient to remain active within the visit to receive care for their other appointments.

  • Completing an appointment may lead to an automatic departure for the patient if that appointment is their last one on the schedule.

Quick Actions

Provide a faster way to perform actions. Staff assigned to multi-purpose units or Staff performing Bedside Procedures would use the various Quick Actions that appear.

Quick Actions Appear at the top of the Patient Details Panel for multi-purpose units, units that share beds for two different purposes. The most common example of this is a location which can be used for both Prep and Recovery.

How Quick Actions Work


  • The Quick Action available depends on the Phase of Care you are entering.

  • Possible Quick Actions include:

    • Mark as “In Transit”

    • Mark as “Returned”

    • Complete Appointment

    • Begin Registration Care

    • Begin Prep Care

    • Begin Procedure Care

    • Begin Recovery Care

    • Depart Patient

Complete Appointment - Quick Action

  1. In the Patient Details Panel, click Complete Appointment.

  2. Confirm that you wish to Complete the Appointment.


    • If a patient still has outstanding uncompleted appointments for the visit, this action will simply complete that appointment allowing for the patient to remain active within the visit to receive care for their other appointments.

    • Completing an appointment may lead to an automatic departure for the patient if that appointment is their last one on the schedule.

Activity Status

Activity status gives a view on the status of staff working in the system. It’s helpful for an overview to determine what people are doing at a given moment. A Charge Nurse would generally be the one monitoring this. It could be used when you need to determine who is available for a specific job that is not being completed.

Activity Status appears on the Staff & Assignments tab of the Zone Staff view and on the Assignments tab of the Unit Staff view.

How Activity Statuses Work


  • Activity Status will appear for anyone who has a coverage selected.

  • As you progress tasks your activity status will change.

  • Activity Status can display In Progress, On Break, Inactive, or any Task Status

  • Start a Break adjusts the Task Status to On Break.

Add-On Case

Add-On Cases are cases that are scheduled after the schedule has been set. Add-Ons can cause disruption and must be slotted within available time or resources. Measuring the amount of add-on cases in the departments gives an admin a glimpse of Add-On volume so that measures can be taken to reduce or accommodate the load. Anyone who schedules cases would need to understand Add-Ons.

The Add-On Case icon appears on the Patient Details, the Roster, the Schedule, and the Appointments view.

How Add-On Cases Work


  • The Add-On Case icon automatically appears depending on the time selected for the case.

  • Administrators can configure the parameters that dictate a case as an Add-On by editing the Add-On Flags settings under the Procedure Unit Settings.



The Anesthesia field allows you to track types of anesthesia that are currently used. Additionally on the Patient Details you can specify the specific name for the anesthesia. This allows proper documentation during cases. Anesthesiologists or closely related field would be the one to determine need for this field.

Anesthesia appears in the Patient Details.

How Anesthesia Tracking Works


  • You can Add an Anesthesia type in the Dictionary to allow your teams to populate commonly used types of anesthesia

  • For a case either when scheduling or afterwards you can associate an Anesthesia Type (Referred to as Anesthesia Name in the Anesthesia Types Dictionary). You can also document the specific name of the Anesthesia in a free text field on the patient details panel in the field Anesthesia Name <Anesthesia Types on the Patient Details>


Examples: Epidural, General, Local

Fields: Anesthesia Name (Appears as Anesthesia Type in Patient Details), HL7 IDs

What's Unique: This dictionary is configured per Facility.


Associating Anesthesia with a Case

  1. On the Patient Details screen or the Create Case Screen locate the Anesthesia Type and Anesthesia Name in the Procedure Details Header.

  2. Select the Anesthesia Type from the Dropdown.

  3. Type the specific name of the anesthesia being used.

  4. Create/Save the case.

Appointment Card

Appointment Cards display patient and procedure information for each scheduled procedure for the date selected. Appointment Cards are used by Procedural Staff. You may use the cards when you want to identify types of procedures for locations. You may also use this to quickly identify the status of your patient.

Appointment Cards appear on the Schedule inside their assigned Location.

How Appointment Cards Work


  • Appointment Cards contain the following information:

    • Case Timer (Gap/Overlap)

    • Procedure Start and End Times: The scheduled start time appears until the patient physically arrives in the procedure location. Then the procedure start time updates and appears in one of the following colors:

      • Green – Started before the scheduled start.

      • Red – Started after the scheduled start.

      • Black – Started exactly at the scheduled start time.

    • If a Case is delayed, the Case Delay Indicator appears next to the Procedure Time

    • Primary Case Responsibility: The person assigned to primary case responsibility. Depending on the department, this could be Surgeon or any other responsibility. This is determined in the Procedure Case Staffing Settings

  • The Date Selector allows you to select the current date or 7 days in the future.

  • The cards will appear once you have a location assigned to a case.

  • Compressed appointment cards appear at the bottom of each location column on the Schedule View

  • Compressed appointment cards contain:

    • the projected Start and End Time of an appointment (based on the duration of the case)

    • the name of the physician performing the scheduled procedure

    • the procedure that will be performed

  • Clicking on a compressed appointment card will open the Patient Details Panel like regular Appointment Cards.


Appointments View

The Appointments View is utilized for the purpose of viewing and managing all appointments scheduled for a specific day. The Appointments View is NOT intended as a primary work screen in Procedural areas. The Appointments View is accessible to most staff members. This list would be used to locate information about any patient appointment that was scheduled today or in the future regardless of status. Anyone who schedules appointments or would need to view cases for the day would use this view.

How the Appointments View Works


  • The Appointment list is populated by rows that contain columns with the following information for each case:

  • The Department Label is displayed in the Appointments column.

  • The List displays all patients for the day, regardless of their status, including departed or canceled.

  • You can select a date to display appointments for that day.

    • You can view Appointments for the current date plus seven days in the future.

  • Filter the view by department

    • You can view appointments for one or multiple departments


Assignment Scope

An Assignment scope determines how responsibilities or coverages function. They are essential for specifying an individual's physical work location, unit, or virtual areas like a Procedure Case or Zone. Assignment Scope is used by anyone managing Facility operations.

How Assignment Scope Works


  • An Assignment Scope must be assigned when Responsibility is created.

  • An Assignment Scope must be assigned when a Coverage is created.

    • Only Unit or Zone Scopes can be associated to coverages.

  • Assignment scope can be:

    • Bed - Assignments to a specific location or bay

    • Department - Assignments to a specific Department

    • Facility - Assignments to the Entire Facility

    • Unit - Assignments to the entire unit

    • Zone - Assignments to a group of units. (Appears on Zone is for the Zone Staff Management view)

    • Procedure Case - Assignments to a specific Case

  • The Bed Scope allows the responsibilities to show up in the Location Responsibilities columns on Unit Staff.

  • The Unit Scope allows the responsibilities to show up in the Unit Responsibilities drop-downs on Unit Staff, Schedule, Unit View

  • The Zone Scope allows coverages associated with the responsibilities to appear in the select staff menu on Zone Staff.

  • Zone Scope also associates the coverages to a Zone Type.

  • Facility Scope and Department Scope don’t currently change functionality.


Assignment Scope defines how responsibilities function in Select Staff.

Bed Location

Bed Locations are a designation of a physical space. It may be used as a patient bed, a room where the bed exists, a location where patients wait, or an operating room. Anything that marks an area where a patient may move at the lowest level would be considered a location. The purpose is to enable tracking to improve flow. All users will see and interact with locations throughout almost ever view within Workflow IQ®.

Bed Locations show as columns in the Registration, Unit View, Schedule, and Unit Staff Views. They show as Procedure Location on the Appointments View, Current Location on the Roster, and as Location on Patient/Task Cards and in the Patient Details Panel.

How Bed Locations Work


  • Bed Locations are configured in the Platform Dictionary

  • The Display Name is what appears in most columns for Workflow IQ®.

  • Bed Locations must have a Parent Unit for Workflow IQ®.

  • Beds in Registration should allow Stacking.

  • Beds that allow Stacking will not appear in the Unit View

  • Location Types that have a functionality in Workflow IQ® are:

    • Home

      • Home location allows X

    • Off Unit Location

      • Off Unit Locations appear as Away Locations?

  • Bed Size does not change functionality in Workflow IQ

  • Is Available does not change functionality in Workflow IQ

  • Holding Does not change functionality Workflow IQ

  • Bed Location Action Type of Procedure/Completion allows:

    • Milestone?

  • External Source Name and ID allows Integrations to update the Location.

  • Locations can be associated to multiple Zones

  • Locations can only be associated with one Unit.


Bedside Procedure

Bedside Procedures are procedures that are performed and monitored independently while the patient is receiving ongoing care in the primary care setting. Generally, Bedside Procedures will be completed in the Prep Phase of Care. Examples of Bedside Procedures include blood draws, portable x-ray, CT scan, etc.

The Bedside Procedure toggle appears in the Actions Menu. The Appointment Details in the Patient Details Panel are updated to reflect the Bedside Procedure, as well as the Milestones displayed on the appointment/patient card.

How Bedside Procedures Work


  • Bedside Procedures can be requested, executed, and tracked.

  • Bedside Procedures are scheduled just like ordinary procedures, but they are not completed in the operating room.

  • Bedside Procedures can be configured.

  • Bedside Procedures require that the Milestone Display configuration uses Milestone Buttons instead of the Milestone Progress Bar. Bedside Procedures will not be available if the Milestone Progress Bar is used.

  • The Bedside Procedure toggle in the Actions menu is off by default but can be enabled as needed.

Performing a Bedside Procedure

  1. Open the Patient Details Panel for the Patient receiving the procedure.

  2. In the Actions Menu, enable the Bedside Procedure toggle.

    1. The Begin Procedure Care action is now available in the Patient Details Panel/Action Menu.

    2. A Bedside Procedure Indicator is visible in the Patient Details Panel.

      1. “BEDSIDE” will appear in orange in the Appointment Details section.

    3. The Patient is removed from their scheduled procedure unit, procedure room view, and incoming list.

    4. The Patient status remains Care Underway until the Bedside Procedure is complete, regardless of the status of the milestones completed.

  3. Click Begin Procedure Care.

    1. The patient’s phase of care label changes to PROC.

    2. Previous milestones disappear and new Bedside Procedure Milestones take their place.

    3. The timestamp when the Begin Procedure Care button was clicked will be recorded along with the user who clicked it.

    4. The Begin Procedure Care button changes to Begin Recovery Care.

    5. The location timer resets.

    6. The Bedside Procedure toggle is disabled for the rest of the appointment.

  4. Physically perform the Bedside Procedure, checking of the appropriate milestones as you go.

  5. Click the Begin Recovery Care button.

    1. The patient’s Phase of Care label changes to REC.

    2. The Bedside Procedure Milestones disappear, and the Recovery Milestones are displayed.

    3. The timestamp and user who clicked the Begin Recovery Care button is recorded.

    4. The location timer resets.

    5. The Begin Recovery Care button disappears.

  6. Physically perform the Recovery Care, checking of the appropriate milestones as you go.


The system allows tracking of Lunch Breaks and Scheduled Breaks. It helps to give your team a rest between caring for patients. Staff can log their breaks on the Unit Staff or Zone Staff Views.

How Breaks Work


  • The Scheduled Break and Lunch Break Columns track if a break has been taken on the Staff Tab within the Unit Staff View

  • Scheduled Break and Lunch Break Columns track breaks on the Zone Staff View

  • Any Staff can log their own break.

  • There are no options to configure break types.

  • The Actions Menu for the Staff Tab on the Unit Staff View shows:

    • Take a Break - When the user is not on a break.

    • Return to Work - When the user is on a break.

  • The Scheduled Break or Lunch Break Columns will be populated with a check mark once the Return to Work Action has been selected.

Start a Break

  1. Within the Staff Tab on the Unit View.

  2. Select Actions > Take Break.

  3. Choose your break type.

  4. Confirm the selection.

  5. Your Activity Status now shows On Break

  6. To return from your break select Actions > Return to Work

  7. Confirm the Selection

  8. Your break will be marked under the break type you chose.

Care Journey

The Care Journey displays a patient's current and targeted phases of care, along with the associated unit and location. The Care Journey is accessible to most staff members. Tracking a patient's care journey is essential for effective, safe, and efficient healthcare delivery. The Care Journey helps track and plan the patient's treatment process, ensuring effective coordination and resource management.

The Care Journey is displayed in the Patient Details Panel.

How the Care Journey Works


  • The Care Journey displays:

    • The patient’s current and targeted Phase of Care, Unit, and Location

      • The targeted Location will only be displayed if the next phase of care is Procedure, and a location was assigned during the appointment creation.

    • A Patient Icon that indicates where the patient currently is

      • When a patient is in the Care Underway status, the Patient Icon is blue.

      • When a Patient is Ready to Move, the Patient Icon is green.

      • When a patient is In Transit, the Patient Icon is gray and moves in between their current phase of care and their next on the map.

      • When a patient is set as away but will return to their location, the Patient Icon is yellow, and the temporary location will be added to the map. The Patient Icon will move to the temporary location on the map.

        • The Location Status of temporary locations will be displayed when a patient is set as away but to return to their current location.

      • Changing the Target Unit will update the Unit in the Care Journey


  • Quickly view the patient’s care journey

Case Timer (Gap/Overlap)

Case Gap times are crucial for managing patient flow, scheduling, and optimizing the use of resources. Managing case overlaps effectively helps hospitals improve operational efficiency, reduce patient waiting times, and optimize the use of available resources. You would use this to help relay expectations of delays for procedures to other patients. The Case Timer may be used by OR Managers, Those Scheduling, or Administrators.

The Case Timer appears on Appointment Cards on the Schedule view.

How the Case Timer Works


  • The Case Timer value is green when there is a Case Gap and Red when there is a Case Overlap.

  • The Case Timer refreshes every minute.

  • Case Gap is the time in minutes that a case in a procedure location is expected to start.

  • The Duration of the procedure in Appointment Details affects the Overlap timer.

  • Case Overlap can be calculated based on the Expected End time for the previous procedure + Estimated Clean + Estimated Setup

  • This calculation is based on the duration of the procedure entered.

  • Overlap - Procedure room turnover time is always considered in all overlap calculations.

  • If another patient is scheduled for the same procedure location at the same time, then an alert appears stating there are two patients whose date, time, and procedure location overlap. You can continue to schedule the patient even though there is an overlap.

  • Examples - Move patient out of Location when another one is in the schedule the Case Timer does not take into account the estimated clean/Setup Time


  • Updating the Clean and Setup Time

Cases (Appointments/Procedures)

A Case is the mechanism that tracks the patient stay throughout Workflow IQ®. You may use cases to track one or many procedures. A Scheduler or Registrar may create cases in the system. The terms Cases, Appointments, and Procedures can be used to refer to the same thing.

A Case determines how Patient or Appointment Cards appear. A Case also appears as a Row on the Appointments View.

How Cases Work


  • You can create a case, appointment, or procedure on the Appointments View or through the Interface

  • A Case requires a Department

  • A Case Requires a Patient to be associated.

  • You create a new patient in the system or search for an existing when making a case “Search for Patient”

  • A Case is synonymous with the term Appointment.

  • A Case Requires an Appointment Start Time, Visit Type, Date under the Appointment Details Section.

  • A Case Requires a Procedure Name within the Procedure Details Section

  • Multiple Procedure can be associated with a Case.

  • Patient Status describes the full functionality of statuses.

  • Normally, case edits/cancels are handled in the scheduling system.

  • Once a case is created it will appear on the Schedule View in the selected Department for the Selected Date

  • If the Case is scheduled for today, it will also appear on the registration tab depending on the Incoming List Rules Configuration

  • Cases can be delayed.

  • If a case is delayed, the delay can be cleared.

  • If a Patient is scheduled for multiple appointments during their visit, the Complete Appointment Action can be used to indicate that that single appointment was completed and continue receiving care for their other appointments.

    • If an appointment is completed and it is the final appointment that a patient is scheduled for during a visit, the patient will be automatically departed.


Add a Case

Each of the below is a step to creating an appointment or procedure case.

Creating a Patient

  1. Select Create Case on the Appointments View

  2. Select the department you will be creating the case for.

  3. The Patient Information Dialog box now appears

  4. Populate the Required Fields

Searching for a Patient

  1. When you are adding a patient in the Patient Information Dialog box you are able to

  2. Search for existing patients

  3. Populate Last Name, First Name, MRN, or Visit Number then select search

  4. The more information you populate the more accurate the search

  5. If matches are found, the matching patients appear in a list view

  6. You can select Use this Visit or Create New Visit to continue with the case creation

Populating Appointment Details

  1. Populate the Required Fields: Time, Date, and Visit Type

  2. Add any other information: Location or Duration

    1. If the appointment being created overlaps with an existing case, a warning will appear. The appointment can still be created but their procedure may be delayed.

Populating Procedure Details

  1. Populate the Procedure Name

  2. Add any other information: Service Line, Anesthesia Type, and Anesthesia Name

  3. Associate staff to custom positions.

Add a Procedure

  1. Edit a case through the Actions menu

  2. Select Add Procedure

  3. Select Save

  4. An additional procedure will be associated with the patient.

Edit a Case

  1. Select “Edit Case” in the Actions Menu

  2. Adjust the Appointment and Procedure Details as needed.

  3. Select Save.

  4. You will be able to add or update details about the patient or their procedure(s).

Cancel a Case

  1. Click Cancel Case from the Actions Menu

  2. You will be asked to confirm

  3. The patient status will now show as canceled.

  4. Once a case is canceled the patient status will show as Cancelled (Appointments Screen or on Patient Card).


Coverages are used to define a collection of responsibilities. They are used daily for staff assignments to Units or Zones. Coverages mainly closely align to Positions in how they are named, but the purpose is different. Coverages should be used in your staff planning or assignment. A Staff Manager may build out the Unit Staff Assignments a few days out. They’ll select employees who are working those days, then ensure that all of the responsibilities needed are covered. A change to the assignment scope would impact what coverages options are available in your Unit or Zone Staff Views.

Coverages will appear in the Select Staff Menu for both Locations and Zone Staff Assignment.

How Coverages Work



  • Coverage can be associated with multiple Responsibilities.

  • A Coverage must have an Assignment Scope.

  • Coverages will appear in Select Unit Staff depending on their relationship to a responsibility and the unit assignment in Unit Staffing Settings.

  • Coverages will appear in Select Zone Staff depending on zones linked to the responsibility's relationship with Skills.


Examples: Bedside Nurse, Lab Tech, PACU Nurse Coverage

Fields: Coverage Name, Assignment Scope


Date Selector

The Date Selector filters the information on a view to only display values for the selected day. Registration or someone who schedules appointments would use this on the Schedule or Appointments View. Whoever has the responsibility of assigning staff would use this on the Unit/Zone Staff Views.

The Date Selector appears on the Schedule, Unit Staff, Zone Staff, and Appointments Views.

How the Date Selector Works


  • On Schedule and Appointments views it allows selections of Today and 7 days in the future.

  • On the Unit and Zone Staff Views it allows Today and 3 days into the future.

  • The Date selected in Schedule/Appointments changes what cases will appear on your view

  • The Date in the Unit/Zone Staff changes what Staff you can see.


Delay Reason

Cases can be delayed for various reasons. Delay Reasons allow staff to indicate that a case will be delayed and document the reason for the delay. Delay reasons are used by hospital staff such as doctors, nurses, and administrative personnel to document and manage delays in patient procedures, ensuring accurate tracking and communication of the reasons for these delays. Delay Reasons are configured by administrators in the Delay Reasons Dictionary.

The Case Delay Indicator appears on Incoming Lists, the Schedule View, Appointment Cards on the Unit View, Patient Cards, the Patient Details Panel, the Registration View, the Room View, and the Appointments View. Delay Reasons appear in Delay Reasons Groups in the Delay Reasons dictionary.

How Delay Reasons Work


  • You can indicate that a case is delayed via an Appointment Card or the patient details panel.

  • A yellow indicator with an “!” symbol will appear next to the Time under the Appointment Details on the Patient Details Panel or on an Appointment Card to indicate that an appointment has been delayed.

    • The Delay indicator automatically clears when the patient enters a procedure location such as an OR.

    • If a Case Delay is set after the Procedural phase of case, however no indicator will appear.

    • If a Case Delay is cleared, the indicator will no longer appear.

  • If you see the Case Delay Indicator on a screen, clicking on it will open a window where you can edit the Delay Reason selected or clear the delay.

  • Delay Reasons can be added, edited, or deleted by administrators in the Delay Reason Dictionary.

  • Multiple delay reasons can be selected when delaying a case.

  • When delaying a case or clearing a case delay, the Delay Reasons appear under the Delay Reason Groups.

  • Delay Reasons can be mapped to an external source.

  • Case Delays and the selected delay reason will be accessible to Data IQ® for reporting.

  • Delay reason examples include:

    • Insurance Issues

    • Waiting for Payment

    • Scheduling Error

    • Bedside Procedure

Delay a Case

On an Appointment Card

  1. Click the Procedure Time listed under the Time field.

  2. Check the box(es) next to the desired Delay Reason(s).

    1. Clicking the arrows next to a Delay Reason Group will display the Delay Reasons for that group.

    2. Clicking the arrow next an expanded group will collapse it.

  3. Click Save Delay Reasons.

From the Patient Details Panel

  1. Open the Patient Details Panel for the Patient whose procedure will be delayed.

  2. Click the Actions Menu.

  3. Select Edit Delays.

  4. Check the box(es) next to the desired Delay Reason(s).

    1. Clicking the arrows next to a Delay Reason Group will display the Delay Reasons for that group.

    2. Clicking the arrow next an expanded group will collapse it.

  5. Click Save Delay Reasons.

Clear Case Delay

On an Appointment Card

  1. Click the Procedure Time listed under the Time field.

  2. Uncheck the box(es) next to the selected Delay Reason(s).

    1. Clicking the arrows next to a Delay Reason Group will display the Delay Reasons for that group.

    2. Clicking the arrow next an expanded group will collapse it.

  3. Click Save Delay Reasons.

From the Patient Details Panel

  1. Open the Patient Details Panel for the Patient whose procedure will be delayed.

  2. Click the Actions Menu.

  3. Select Edit Delays.

  4. Uncheck the box(es) next to the selected Delay Reason(s).

    1. Clicking the arrows next to a Delay Reason Group will display the Delay Reasons for that group.

    2. Clicking the arrow next an expanded group will collapse it.

  5. Click Save Delay Reasons.

Delay Reason Group

Delay Reason Groups are used to group Delay Reasons. Grouping Delay Reasons makes it more efficient to locate a delay reason and delay a case. Administrators can configure Delay Reason Groups in the Delay Reasons dictionary when setting up Delay Reasons and assign Delay Reason Groups to departments.

Delay Reason Groups appear in the Delay selection window, in the Delay Reasons Dictionary, and on the Add/Edit Department screen.

How Delay Reason Groups Work


  • Delay Reason Groups are used to group Delay Reasons.

  • Delay Reason Groups can be added or edited by administrators via the Delay Reasons dictionary.

  • Delay Reason Groups can be assigned to departments, limiting the options that appear when selecting Delay Reasons to delay a case.

  • Delay Reason Groups can contain multiple Delay Reasons.

  • When creating or editing a Delay Reason Group, if an external source is not selected, the HL7ID field will be disabled.

Add a Delay Reason Group to the Dictionary

  1. Go to Workflow Settings > Dictionaries > Delay Reasons.

  2. Click Add Delay Reason Group.

  3. Click Save.

Edit Delay Reason Groups

  1. Go to Workflow Settings > Dictionaries > Delay Reasons.

  2. Click the Pencil icon in the Actions column of the Delay Reason Group that you want to update.

  3. Change the name of the group by typing in the Group Name field.

  4. Select an external source to map the Delay Reason Group’s Delay Reasons to from the source picker drop-down.

  5. Edit existing Delay Reasons by typing in the Name, Abbreviation, or HL7ID fields of the appropriate row.

  6. Delete existing Delay Reasons by clicking the trash can icon at the end of the appropriate row.

  7. Add Delay Reasons by clicking the +Add Row button.

    1. Enter a Delay Reason Name in the Name text box.

    2. Give the Delay Reason an abbreviation in the Abbreviation text box.

    3. Enter an HL7ID in the appropriate text box to map the Delay Reason with the previously selected external source.

  8. Click Save.

Assign Delay Reason Groups to Departments

  1. Go to Workflow Settings > Location Hierarchy > Department.

  2. Select a Facility from the drop-down.

  3. Do one of the following:

    1. Locate the Department that you want to Assign Delay Reason Groups to and click the Pencil icon in the Actions column

    2. Click Create Department and fill out the name and abbreviation for the department.

  4. Click into the Delay Reason Group text box, begin typing the name of the Delay Reason Group you are looking for.

    1. A list will populate, and filter based on what you type.

  5. Select a value from the list. Multiple values can be selected by repeating the previous step.

  6. If creating a new department, check the box(es) next to the unit(s) that you wish to assign to the department.


A department is a collection of units and all of their associated locations. Departments span the phases of care (Registration, Prep, Procedure, PACU, and Recovery). Departments would generally be configured by an administrator during implementation. You would use departments to logically define workflows across multiple units.

Departments appear in Department Labels; in the View Filter on the Schedule, Appointment, and Family Wallboard View; and in the Appointment Details of the Patient Details Panel.

How Departments Work


  • Only one Procedure unit is permitted for each department. However, each department can have multiple units for the other phases of care (Registration, Prep, and Recovery).

  • Departments can be created without a unit associated to them.

  • Departments should have multiple units associated to them.

  • You can have multiple departments associated to the same unit(s)

  • One Department should be configured for Workflow IQ® to function.

  • A Facility can have many Departments

Add and Edit Departments

  1. Go to Workflow Settings > Location Hierarchy > Department.

  2. The Department list appears.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • To create a department, select Add Department.

    • To edit an existing department, select the pencil icon in the Actions column for the department you want to update.

  4. The Add/Edit Department dialog box appears.

  5. In Select Unit(s), select the boxes next to the units that you want to include in the department. The unit’s phase of care is in its Phase(s) column. All the locations for each unit are automatically included in your Unit selection. The Department(s) column of the dialog box lists which department(s) that unit already belongs to (if any). A unit may belong to multiple departments.

  6. Select Save Department.

  7. The department that you configured appears on the Departments view and includes the units that you selected.

Department Label

The department label allows staff to quickly view the department a patient is assigned to. The Department Label is visible to most staff members.

Department Labels appear In the Appointments Column on the Appointments and Roster View, on Patient Cards, on the Patient Details Panel.

How the Department Label Works


  • Department Labels appear in the following colors:

    • Yellow - Cards for patients with appointments who have not yet arrived

    • Blue - After a patient has been checked in, the department label on their card turns blue

    • Gray - When a patient has departed, the department label in their row on the Roster will turn gray.

  • The department associated to the case when the case was created is what label will appear


View Patients' Assigned Department

Learn how to Create Dictionary Items <Platform Capabilities>

Learn how to Edit Dictionary Items <Platform Capabilities>


Within the Patient Details Panel, there is a lot of information you may need to care for your patient. Expand and Collapse allows the most relevant information to be shared by default while giving you the option to see all information by expanding.

How Expand/Collapse Works


  • Information in the Patient Details Panel will be collapsed by default but can easily be expanded.

Expand/Collapse Information

  1. Open the Patient Details Panel.

  2. Click the Expand + button to view more information.

  3. The button updates to display Collapse -.

  4. Click the Collapse - button to hide more detailed information.

External Source

An External Source is an outside source of data that feeds into Workflow IQ®. This is used for sending Procedure Information, Staff Assignments, or trackable Information to automatically update into the Views. An Administrator would work with TeleTracking to configure the integrations during implementation.

You’ll see External Source and External Source IDs on fields that allow custom mapping such as Tasks or Locations.

How External Sources Work


  • An External Source is configured under Platform Settings > External Source Configuration

  • In Fields that accept External ID, you can identify the Source System and the External ID

  • External Source IDs appear in:

    • Tasks

    • Bed Locations


Facilities are health care organizations, such as physician offices, clinics, health centers, large health systems, or hospitals that employ clinicians and provide health care and health services to patients. Facilities would generally be configured by an administrator during implementation or may have already been configured for use with another application.

Facilities appear in the View Filter of the Roster.

How Facilities Work


  • Facility is a Platform Dictionary <Link to Facilities in Platform Capabilities>

  • The only facility fields that have an impact on Workflow IQ® are:

    • Name

    • Abbreviation

    • External Source IDs (If interfacing with another system)

  • Facilities can contain multiple Departments.

  • Staff must be assigned to a Facility in order to view information in Workflow IQ®.


Family Wallboard

The Family Wallboard enables the families of patients to track the status of patients throughout the phases of care during a procedure. Patients requiring privacy, like incarcerated individuals, can be configured in the system to not appear on the Family Wallboard.

How the Family Wallboard Works


  • The family wallboard uses alphabetized tabs to ensure all patients can be viewed on a screen. Each tab of patients is displayed for 10 seconds before scrolling to the next tab. Patients will be displayed in tabs once they have arrived at the facility and at each phase of care.

    • Each tab contains:

      • Identifier Icons – To protect confidentially and PHI, each patient is randomly assigned an icon for families to easily and anonymously recognize their loved one's status. The icon has no additional meaning beyond its use with the patient - it is truly random. Additionally, patient names are represented as the first two letters of the last name, followed by the first two letters of the first name.

      • Progress Bar – While the patient's procedure is in progress, the status bar is displayed in blue. Procedures that have yet to be completed are displayed in gray. When the procedure is completed, the status bar and patient identifier icon are displayed in green.

      • Phase of Care Status Indicator- Each phase of care also has a status indicator in the shape of a circle.

        • A gray open circle indicates a possible phase that the patient has not yet completed.

        • When the status indicator displays a blue open circle, the phase is in progress.

        • When a solid blue circle contains a check mark, the phase has been completed.

        • If a patient skips some of the phases of care, those phases will be displayed in solid gray. For example, if the patient is taken directly to Procedure.

        • A solid gray circle containing a check mark indicates the phase has been completed, but then the patient moved back to a previous phase of care. For example, if the patient completed their Prep but then had to go back to Registration.

  • Patients can be removed from the Family Wallboard to prevent their information from appearing on the Family Wallboard.

  • Patients appear on the Family Wallboard by default but if they were removed, they can easily be re-added.


  • Confidentially monitor the progress of patients during a procedure.

Configure a Family Wallboard

  1. Go to Workflow Settings > Family Wallboard.

  2. The Family Wallboard view appears.

  3. In the Facility field, select the facility that will be associated with the wallboard.

  4. In the Department field, select the department of the facility. If desired, different Family Wallboards can be configured for each department.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • Click Create Wallboard Settings to create a new Family Wallboard.

    • To edit an existing wallboard, click the pencil icon under the Actions section.

  6. The Family Wallboard Settings view appears.

  7. In the Family Wallboard Title field, type the name that you want to display on the family wallboard.

  8. To configure the steps of care, type the name of the step in the Display Name field. To associate one or more phases of care to the step, select the Phase(s) of Care from the drop-down.

    1. Note: There are several steps of care that can be defined and associated with the potential phases of care in the Procedure application. The five phases of care are defined in the following order: Registration, Prep, Procedure, PACU, and Recovery. These five phases must be defined in the proper order; however, a phase can be skipped. For example, you could configure the system to go directly from Registration to Procedure (skipping Prep) but you could not define Step 2 as Procedure and then define Step 3 as Prep. PACU and Phase II units of a perioperative workflow are combined in the Recovery phase as one step.

  9. In Patient Removal Timing, enter the number of hours after the patient is marked as complete or the case is canceled that the name will drop off of the Wallboard. The default setting is two hours.

  10. The Family Wallboard you have set up will be available on the Family Wallboard view.

Add to Family Wallboard

  1. Select Add to Family Wallboard from the Actions Menu

  2. Confirm the selection

  3. You will receive a confirmation they were added to the wallboard

  4. The patient’s procedural journey will now be visible on the Family Wallboard.

Remove from Family Wallboard

  1. Select Remove From Family Wallboard from the Actions Menu.

  2. Confirm the selection.

  3. You will receive a confirmation they were removed to the wallboard.

  4. The patient’s procedural journey will no longer be visible on the Family Wallboard.

First Case Start Time

First cases are evaluated daily based on their start time in each procedure room. Identifying the first case of each day per room allows trends and dashboards to be created around Procedural Performance. Cases that arrive late in the OR usually lead to a domino effect of tardiness throughout the day. Managers in the perioperative Care Setting use these metrics to collaborate with the perioperative staff and make sure the first cases of the day begin on time.

How First Case Start Time Works


  • The First Case Start flag monitors the first case each operating room (OR) handles daily.

  • This first case's start time is measured against the OR's scheduled opening time. Should the first case in any OR commence later than the scheduled opening time, it is deemed late.

  • The OR’s scheduled opening time can be configured as the First Case Start Time in the Workflow Settings.


  • The First Case Start Time value is configurable in the Procedure Unit Settings.

  • First Case Start Time data will be available in Data IQ® in the future.

Incoming List Rules

Incoming List Rules allow you to refine the logic of your incoming lists. Administrators can configure rules by which the Incoming list is displayed, and which patients appear on the unit’s Incoming list.

Incoming List Rules are configured in the Workflow Settings for the Incoming List of any Unit in a Facility. Incoming Lists appear on the left side of the Registration and Unit View.

How Incoming List Rules Work


  • You can configure the logic on how cases cards appear on a unit's incoming list.

  • The Logic is determined by Unit.

  • Each field is combined with AND logic

      • This will Include Patients in these Phases of Care

      • Not Arrived is a selectable option for a Phase of Care.

    • Excluded Units

      • This will exclude any patients with these Units

    • Excluded Visit Types

      • This will exclude any patients with these Visit Types

    • Milestone Trigger

      • This will only show patients that have this Milestone.

    • Minutes Before Procedure Trigger

      • Enter the number of minutes that patients would appear on the Incoming List before their selected time.

    • Patients whose movement target has been manually changed from default will also appear on the appropriate incoming list regardless of incoming list rules.

  • You can have up to 4 Rule Groups per Unit.


Add or Edit Incoming List Unit

  1. Go to Admin > Patient Movement > Incoming List Unit.

  2. The Incoming List Rules view appears. Each unit can have a maximum of four rules. A row on the Incoming List Rules view describes one rule. Each rule describes a type of patient who can appear on the Incoming list.

  3. Select a Facility, Department, and Unit in the fields across the top of the view. The selected unit's rules appear below the unit's name.

  4. In each rule’s section, make the following selections:

    • Phase of Care

    • Excluded Unit(s)

    • Excluded Visit Type(s)

    • Milestone Trigger

    • Minutes before Procedure Trigger

  5. Click Save Incoming List Rules.


To improve operability with other systems many of the functions within Workflow IQ® integrate with HL7. You may want to setup integrations for Cases or Staff that flow from your Electronic Medical System through TeleTracking’s HL7 Agent. This will involve collaboration between Administrators and Interface Specialists at your facility and TeleTracking to map data.

The Interface data could show in areas such as Cases on your Schedule View or Staff in the Staff Assignments.

How Interfacing Works


  • During Implementation, our team will work to map data fed from your EMR or Staffing System

  • Data is configured as an External Source or an HL7 Feed

  • Our system will process data as determined by the HL7 Specifications.

Job Status

Job Statuses are used to track the progress of task completion in Workflow IQ®. Job Statuses are used by facilities using the Request functionality, primarily by Staff members with the fulfiller role, Staff Managers, and Staff receiving task assignments.

Job Statuses appear in the Job Status column of the Unit Staff and Zone Staff Requests.

How Job Statuses Work


  • Job Statuses are updated using task cards on the My Tasks view.

  • Job Statuses can be:

    • Pending - The Pending Job status represents a task in the Pending Status and the Unassigned Column of the My Tasks page.

    • Assigned - The Assigned Job status represents a task in the Assigned Status and the To Do Column of the My Tasks page.

    • In Progress - The In Progress Job status represents a task in the In Progress Status and Column of the My Tasks page.

    • Delayed - The Delayed Job status represents a task in the Delayed Status and the To Do Column of the My Tasks page.

    • Complete - The Complete Job status represents a task in the Complete Status and the Done Column of the My Tasks page.

    • Cancelled - The Cancelled Job status represents a task in the Cancelled Status and the Cancel Column of the My Tasks page.


Location Responsibility Assignment

Assigning staff to specific responsibilities is essential for providing high-quality patient care, ensuring operational efficiency, maintaining safety, and supporting staff development and well-being. Location responsibilities can be assigned to staff by Staff Managers. Assignments can be made for both unit and bed responsibilities.

Unit Responsibility Menus appear above the location list on the Staff tab of the Unit Staff View. Bed Responsibilities Menus also appear as columns in each row of the list on the Staff tab of the Unit Staff View. Assignments to Bed Responsibilities can also be managed in the Unit View at the assigned location above the patient card.

How Location Responsibility Assignments Work


  • Staff Coverage for the Unit must be assigned before any responsibilities can be assigned.

  • Location Responsibility Menus appear on the Staff tab of the Unit Staff View as drop-down menus.

    • Use the appropriate drop-down menus to select Staff to assign to specific unit or bed responsibilities.

    • Search for a particular staff member to assign to a unit responsibility by clicking the drop-down menu and typing the staff member’s name.

    • Any assignments made on the Staff tab of the Unit Staff View will be reflected at the Unit View or Schedule View Location.

  • Bed Responsibilities can also be assigned managed for a location in the Unit View per the Workflow below.

    • Any assignments made at the Unit View location will be reflected for the location on the Staff tab of the Unit Staff View.

  • They appear in the Room View but are read only.

  • They also appear in the Schedule View as read only.

  • The logic for who appears in the dropdown is described in Responsibilities and Unit Staffing Settings.


Manage Bed Responsibilities at a Bed Location

  1. Go to the Unit View corresponding to the specific location requiring assignment of responsibilities.

  2. Click Add or Edit (if an assignment has already been made) at the location.

  3. Select Staff from the drop-down menu(s) to assign bed responsibilities as desired.

  4. Click Save & Close.

  5. The selected staff assignments will be made and appear on the location in the Unit View and in the Assignments tab of the Unit Staff View.

Location Status

The Location Status feature is crucial for managing patient flow, solving the problem of resource allocation by providing real-time updates on location readiness, which users can rely on to enhance operational efficiency and patient care. Primarily used by healthcare professionals such as nurses and unit managers, it benefits them by ensuring locations are effectively managed, with IT staff responsible for maintaining the system. This feature is most beneficial during high patient flow times, enabling quick turnovers and is applicable whenever location readiness needs to be assessed.

Location statuses appear for each location in the Unit View, the Schedule view, and in the Location Status column of the list of locations on the Assignments tab of the Unit Staff view.

How Location Statuses Work


  • Location Statuses include:

    • Targeted

    • Assigned

      • The Assigned Status Label is Grey

    • Occupied

      • When a Patient is wheeled into a Location, the Location Status is updated to Occupied.

      • The Occupied Status Label is Grey

    • Ready to Receive

      • When a patient has been moved out of a location and all Location Turn Milestones have been completed, the Location will enter the Ready to Receive status.

      • The Ready to Receive label is Green

    • Turn Pending

      • When a patient has been moved out of a location and Location Turn Milestones are configured for the Unit, the location will appear in the Turn Pending status.

      • The Turn Pending label is Grey

      • The Location Cell will also be Grey.

    • Turn Underway - When a location is being prepped to receive then next patient and the first Location Turn Milestone has been marked as complete, the Location Status will be updated to Turn Underway.

      • The Turn Underway label is Blue

      • The Location Cell will also be Grey

  • Set Patient as Away Logic

    • When the patient is set to Away and they have been selected to return the location will remain in an Occupied Status.

    • When patient is set to Away and they will not return the location status will be Ready to Receive.

  • Using the Move Out or Departure Functionalities do not change the logic of the status updating.

  • Statuses related to patient movement will be automatically updated when a patient is moved manually in the system or when Location IQ® indicates that the patient has physically been moved.



Locations define the logical structure of a hospital campus.

How Locations Work


  • Physical locations - Facility, Department, Unit, Room

  • Virtual locations (non-geographic) - Zones defined by the hospital

  • When a staff member selects Mark As “Out Of Room” in a patient's details, the status of the location that the patient leaves automatically changes to Turn Pending.

  • For registration-type units, the Incoming list displays the patients who have not yet arrived at your facility. These are patients scheduled to arrive for today's date.

  • For other types of units, the Incoming list shows patients who arrived in the previous unit and inpatients who skipped the previous unit in the workflow.

Configuring A Facility

  1. Make Facility First

  2. Associate the Facility to your Staff Profile

  3. Add Units under Operations IQ® Platform Dictionary

  4. Add Bed Location under Operations IQ® Platform Dictionary

  5. Create Departments in Workflow IQ® Dictionary

  6. Update Location Hierarchy

  7. Add Zones

  8. Update Procedure Unit Settings

  9. Update Milestone and Task Fulfillment

  10. Update Procedure Case Staffing

  11. Update Unit Staffing

  12. Associate Staff to Facility

  13. Update Incoming List Rules

  14. Update Family Wallboard

  15. Update Procedure Display

  16. Location Turn Milestones

  17. Appointment Milestones

Prepare Locations to Receive Patients

When a location is in the Turn Pending status, follow these steps to prepare the location to Receive Patients.

  1. Select each step as it is completed to track the room turn progress.

    1. The locations in the Prep and Recovery phases of care display the following two steps by default:

      • Location Clean

      • General Setup

      The locations in the Procedure phase of care display the following three steps by default:

      • Location Clean

      • General Setup

      • Anesthesia Setup

  2. After selecting a step, the location status changes to Turn Underway.

  3. Complete and select all the turn steps.

  4. The room's status automatically changes to Ready to Receive.

  5. Results:

    1. You will know the default steps required for completion to prepare locations in different phases of care to receive patients.

    2. You will learn how to transition a location to "Ready to Receive" patients within the Workflow IQ® application.

Go To Room View

  1. In Unit View, go to the unit where you are working.

  2. In the top right corner of the location assigned to you, select the More Options Menu.

  3. Select the Go to Room View option in the list that appears

  4. The Room View appears, showing the Patient Details for the selected location.

Return to Unit View

  1. While in a Room View, select the Return to <name> Unit in the top left of the screen.

  2. The Unit View appears displaying all the locations in the unit.


Milestones are tasks that need to be completed to care for a patient. Milestones in patient care are typically achieved by the healthcare provider responsible for the patient. After a milestone is physically completed, it can be marked as completed in Workflow IQ®.

Milestones appear on Patient and Appointment cards as Milestone Buttons or a Progress Bar. Milestones also appear in a checklist on the Patient Details Panel. You can also see them as Location Turn Milestones.

How Milestones Work


  • Milestones are configured under Workflow Settings > Appointment Milestones

    • The milestones appearing depends on where the patient currently is.

  • You can view milestones and their progress on cards, details panel, and locations

  • Click on a milestone button to mark it as complete on the Registration or Unit Views.

  • After all milestones are complete for a location, the Patient Status updates to Ready to Move.

  • You can edit the timestamp of completed milestones on Patient Details

  • Milestones can be displayed as Milestone Buttons or as a Progress Bar on Cards. This is configured in Workflow Settings > Display.

  • Milestone abbreviations are used to take up less space on cards.

    • The Patient Details Panel lists out the milestone abbreviations, as well as the full milestone names.

  • You can complete milestones

Completing a Milestone

In the Patient Details Panel

  1. In the Patient Detail Panel, select the box next to the name of the milestone to indicate completion.

  2. Select the box again to undo the milestone completion.

Using Milestone Buttons

  1. On a Patient or Appointment card that has Milestone buttons, you can select the button to complete the milestone

  2. You can only undo via the Patient Details Panel.

In a Location

  1. Move a Patient out of a location.

  2. The configured Location Turn Milestones appear.

  3. Click the checkbox next to the Milestone to mark it as completed.

Edit Milestones Timestamps

  1. Open the Patient Details panel.

  2. Hover over the time you wish to edit and click.

  3. Edit the date and time as needed.

  4. Click Save.

Configure Milestone Display

  1. Go to Workflow Settings > Display.

  2. The Procedure Display list appears. Each unit appears in one row.

  3. Select the pencil icon in the Actions column for the unit that you want to update.

  4. In Milestone Display Preference, select one of the following options:

    • Milestone Buttons

    • Progress Bar

  5. The default selection is Milestone Buttons.

  6. Select Save Display Setting.

  7. Milestones appear on the Patient Details, Unit View, Procedure Schedule, and Registration in the format that you selected.

The Milestone Progress Bar

The Milestone Progress Bar provides a visual representation of milestone completion progress. The Milestone Progress Bar is used by the healthcare provider responsible for the patient.

The Milestone Progress bar appears on Patient and Appointment cards and in the Patient Details Panel.

How the Milestone Progress Bar Works


  • The Milestone Progress Bar includes a counter in the following format, “x of y … milestones complete,” where x is the number of completed milestones, y is the total number of milestones to complete for this phase of care and “…” is the Phase of Care in which the milestones must be completed.

  • The counter appears directly above the Progress Bar in the Patient Details Panel.

  • When the Milestone Progress Bar is enabled, a blue color automatically progresses to fill the Progress Bar, and the counter is incremented as milestones are completed.

  • When the Milestone Progress Bar is enabled, milestones must be marked as completed in the Patient Details Panel. No Milestone buttons will appear on patient cards.

Milestone Buttons

Milestone Buttons offers staff a convenient method to mark a milestone as complete directly from the patient card. Milestone Buttons are used by the healthcare provider responsible for the patient to indicate care that has been administered.

Milestone buttons appear on Patient and Appointment Cards.

How Milestone Buttons Work


  • Milestone buttons can be clicked to mark a Milestone as Completed on the Patient Card.

  • You can reset a milestone by clicking its associated button again.

  • Milestones buttons that have yet to be marked completed are blue. Milestones that have been completed are gray and have a line striking through the abbreviation text.

  • When milestone buttons are enabled, Milestones can be marked as completed via the Milestone buttons or using the checklist in the Patient Details Panel.

  • The Milestone abbreviations on the Patient Card can be configured by Admin in the Appointment Milestones section of the Workflow Settings.


Milestones in Patient Details

Milestone in the Patient Details offers staff a comprehensive overview of all essential milestone information in a single location. They provide essential information that enables staff to easily manage milestones. These milestones are used by the healthcare provider responsible for the patient during the phases of care.

The Patient Details Panel contains a dedicated section for Milestone Patient Details.

How Milestone Patient Details Work


  • Track Milestone Progress

  • Mark Milestones as Complete or reset a milestone

    • Milestones are indicated as complete by a line through the description in the Milestone list of the Patient Details or as a grey background.

    • The timestamp for the time when the milestone was marked as completed will appear next to the crossed-off milestone.

  • Edit Completed Milestone Timestamps

  • View Milestone abbreviations and full names.


  • Complete a Milestone

  • Configure Milestone abbreviations

Appointment Milestones

Appointment Milestones are milestones that need to be completed during a procedure. Appointment Milestones would be completed by staff administering procedural care.

Appointment Milestones appear on Appointment Cards and in the Patient Details Panel of the Schedule View.

How Appointment Milestones Work


  • The Appointment Milestones display can be configured as milestone buttons or as a milestone progress bar via Workflow Settings > Display

  • In order for a task to be selectable as a Location Turn Milestone it need to have a an associated Workflow of Pending/Complete.

  • You can reorder the milestones via the up and down arrows.

  • You add a milestone by Adding a Task on the Appointment Milestones Page.

  • Milestones are configured by Unit via Appointment Milestones.

  • The Appointment card milestone display preference changes the way that milestones appear for units that have multiple phases of care.

    • Summary does - X

    • Individually does - X

Configure Appointment Milestones

  1. Go to Workflow Settings > Milestone & Tasks Fulfillment > Appointment Milestones.

  2. Select values for the Facility, Department, and Unit to configure the Appointment Milestones for.

  3. From the Hybrid Unit Preferences section, select a display preference from the drop-down.

    1. Individually means that Appointment Milestone Buttons will appear on the Appointment card.

    2. Summary means that an Appointment Milestone Progress Bar will appear on the Appointment card.

  4. Click Add a Task.

  5. Select the Tasks that will be the Location Turn Milestones for the selected Unit by checking the appropriate checkboxes.

  6. Click Save Selection.

  7. Reorder the Milestones in the order that they should appear in the Milestones Display by clicking the up or down arrows.

  8. Click Save.

Location Turn Milestones

Location Turn Milestones are milestones completed by Enivronmental Services staff in preparing a location to receive the next patient.

Location Turn Milestones appear at a location on the Unit View after a patient has moved out.

How Location Turn Milestones Work


  • You can mark Location Turn Milestones as Complete on the location after a patient has moved out.

  • In order for a task to be selectable as a Location Turn Milestone it need to have a an associated Workflow of Pending/Complete.

  • Location Turn Milestones are configured by Unit.

  • Multi Phase Units cause X to happen for Location Turn Milestones

  • Complete all Location Turn Milestones to automatically set the Location as “Ready to Receive” patients.

  • Location Turn Milestones can be configured by Administrators in the Workflow Settings > Milestone & Tasks Fulfillment > Location Turn Milestones

Configure Location Turn Milestones

  1. Go to Workflow Settings > Milestone & Tasks Fulfillment > Location Turn Milestones.

  2. Select values for the Facility, Department, and Unit to configure the Location Turn Milestones for.

  3. Click Add a Task.

  4. Select the Tasks that will be the Location Turn Milestones for the selected Unit by checking the appropriate check boxes.

  5. Click Save Selection.

  6. Reorder the Milestones in the order that they should appear in the Milestones Display by clicking the up or down arrows.

  7. Remove a Milestone that should not be included by clicking the x in its row.

  8. Click Save when all of the Milestones that should appear have been added and are listed in the correct order.

More Options Menu

The ellipsis icon, known as the More Options Menu, is utilized to access various menus of actions available within the application. The More Options Menu is used by Staff completing or assigning tasks and by staff assigned to specific locations.

The More Options Menu is located on the top-right corner of all Locations in the Unit View and on the top-right corner of assigned Task Cards on the My Tasks view.

How the More Options Menu Works


  • The More Options Menu can be clicked on to open a list of actions that staff are able to complete.

  • You can use the More Options Menu to:

    • Navigate to the Room View for a location in a Unit View

    • Remove a Task Delay

Move Out/In Button

The Move Out/In Button is used to quickly move a patient from one location to another. The Move Out/In Button is used by staff transporting patients.

The Move Out/In Button appears on Patient Cards in the Unit View.

How the Move Out/In Button Works


  • Clicking the Move Out Button will result in the following:

    • The Patient Card will be moved to "Away: In Transit" and the room will be emptied.

      • If a patient was moved out of unit with the PACU phase of care, they will be placed in "Departure".

    • The room will be marked as Ready to Receive.

  • The Move In Button enables healthcare providers to efficiently relocate patients who are marked as away but are expected to return to their designated location.

  • The Move button is one of the most direct patient movement capabilities

Move a Patient Using the Move Out Button

  1. Find the Patient Card of the patient that you wish to move.

  2. Click the green Move Out button on the Patient Card.

  3. The patient's appointment card no longer displays on your unit's view, and the patient appears as In Transit on the next unit view or has been departed.


The Workflow IQ® application tracks a patient’s care and movement throughout a facility. Patients may need to be moved to receive care in a different location such as getting an X-ray in Radiology, moving to a different unit such as ICU based on their current level of care needs, or being departed from the facility. Patients can be moved by transporters or nurses.

Patients can be moved using the Actions Menu, Quick Actions, or the Move Out/In button.

How Movement Works


  • Examples of types of patient movement in Workflow IQ® can include changing a patient’s location, setting a patient as away, returning an away patient, departing a patient due to care being completed or a canceled case.

  • Location and Patient Statuses are updated in correlation with patient movement.

    • When a patient is moved from a location, the location status is set to Turn Pending and the Patient status is set to Away.

    • When a patient is moved to a location, the location status is set to Occupied and the Patient Status is set to Care Underway.

  • Touchless Workflow: If your facility has the Workflow IQ® application integrated with Location IQ®, the patient's card automatically moves, turns white, and changes patient status to Care Underway when the patient is physically moved. Your unit can see when the patient is likely to be ready to move by watching the milestones as they are checked while the card is in the Incoming list.


Cancelled Cases

Cases can be cancelled for several reasons including changes to the condition of a patient’s health, scheduling conflicts, failure to verify insurance, etc. Cases that have been created in Workflow IQ® but need to be cancelled, may result in some changes to a staff member’s normal workflow. A Scheduler or Registrar may cancel a case in the system. Staff scheduled to perform procedures and other patients may be affected by the cancellation of a case because it could result in schedule changes.

A Cancelled banner appears at the top of a canceled patient's card on the Unit View, at the top of a canceled appointment card on the Schedule, and at the top of the Patient Details Panel, or at the top of the Patient Details in a Room View.

How Cancelled Cases Work


  • If a patient associated with a canceled case has arrived, you will need to depart the patient when they leave.

  • After canceling a patient, you can edit the case or depart a patient to remove the patient from the location on the Unit View and Location-Based View and remove the patient from the Roster.

  • Canceling a case automatically sets a Patient’s status to Cancelled.


Relocating a Patient

Patients can be relocated to other bed locations, units, or phases of care in Workflow IQ®. Patients can be relocated due to changes in their condition, resource availability, for diagnostic testing or treatment, etc. Relocating a patient impacts the staff assigned to the previous and new location, as well as the patient themself.

Patient cards are used to show the location of a patient. Moving the patient will result in their patient card being moved to the new location.

How Relocating a Patient Works


  • Patient Cards can be relocated using the Move In/Out Button, dragging the card to the new location, or using the Movement Action Menu items found in the Patient Details Panel.

  • If you changed the patient's location in the current unit and phase of care, the patient's card clears from the original location and appears in the new location. The location can be in a different unit and/or different phase of care depending on your other selections.

  • If the patient’s status was originally Move Requested, the location from which they move automatically displays a status of Ready to Receive.

  • If the patient’s status was originally Care underway, the location from which they move automatically displays a status of Turn Pending.

  • If you changed the patient's unit, the patient's card clears from the original unit and appears on the Unit View of the new unit. The unit can be in a different phase of care if you make a different phase of care selection.


Set as Away/Returned

If a patient needs to go somewhere outside of the perioperative space, for example Radiology, this can be indicated by setting the patient as “Away: In Transit”. Staff transporting the patient would set the patient to away before moving the patient and after returning the patient to their location if applicable. This is a crucial functionality in tracking the patient and their care.

The Action to set a Patient as a Away is available in the Actions Menu of the Patient Details Panel. When a patient is away, their temporary location will be displayed on the Care Journey in the Patient Details Panel.

How Setting a Patient as Away/Returned Works


  • When setting a patient as away <link>, you can select whether or not the patient will return to their current location.

    • If you marked that a patient would return to the location, their patient card will remain in the bay.

      • The Patient status listed in the Patient Details Panel, and on the Patient Card, will be updated to “Away: In Transit”.

      • The temporary location will be displayed on the Care Journey in the Patient Details Panel.

    • If you marked that a patient will not return, the bay will be emptied, and the patient card will move to the selected location with the Care Underway status.

  • Marking the Patient as returned will update the Patient status to Care Underway.

  • If any milestones were achieved before a patient temporarily left and then returned, the progress will be automatically saved. Staff members can resume working on the milestones from where they stopped when the patient left.


Departing Patients allows staff to clear Patients out of the application when they are departed from a Facility. Anyone in charge of discharging patients can access the Depart Patients functionality. Patients are departed to clear a room in a hospital or when a patient is ready to leave the Facility.

Patients can be departed from the Action Menu, using the Move Out button, and using the Quick Action button.

How Departing Works


  • When a patient is receiving recovery care, their target is automatically set to departure.

  • Patients can be immediately departed or targeted for departure at a later time.

  • When a patient’s final appointment is marked as completed, the patient will be departed.

  • When a patient is departed, the following occurs:

    • The patient’s card clears from all Incoming lists.

    • In the Patient Details panel, the Target Unit becomes Departure.

    • The patient’s Current Location column on the Roster displays Departure.

    • The patient’s Status column on the Appointments view displays Departure Complete.

    • The Patient Card will be removed from the Unit View, Schedule View, or Registration View.


Move Patients

By Dragging

  1. Click and hold on the Patient's Card

  2. Drag the Patient Card to the appropriate destination

By Actions

  1. Select Movement > Move Patient from the Actions Menu

  2. Populate the required fields: Phase of Care, Unit, and Location

  3. Select Move Patient

  4. Results

    1. The patient has now been moved to your selected destination

    2. The patient's card becomes white and displays a status of Care Underway.

    3. The status of the location the patient was moved to is updated to “Occupied”.

Set Patient As Away

  1. Select Set Patient As Away from the Actions Menu

  2. Select the destination location.

  3. Indicate whether the patient will be returning to their current unit

  4. Select Save

  5. Results:

    1. If the patient was marked to return, their card will remain in the Location and show as an Away status.

    2. If the patient was marked not to return, they will be removed from the location.

Returning an Away Patient

  1. Administer all required care at the Away location.

  2. Physically return the patient to their assigned bay.

  3. Open the Patient Details Panel and select Mark as “Returned”

  4. The patient is successfully returned to their assigned location and can continue receiving care on their journey.

Depart Patients

By the Move Out Button

  1. If the patient is currently in the Recovery Phase of Care the functionality of the Move Out button changes.

  2. Select this button and confirm to mark that the patient has physically left the facility.

By the Depart Patient Quick Action

  1. The Depart Patient Quick Action Appears in the Patient Details Panel if a patient has been moved into the Recovery Phase of Care or the Patient has been targeted for departure.

  2. Select the Depart Patient quick action button and confirm to mark that the patient has physically left the facility.

By Depart Now Button

  1. Open the Patient Details Panel for the departing patient.

  2. Expand the Actions Menu.

  3. Select Movement > Departure.

  4. Select Depart Now to immediately depart the patient.

  5. A confirmation will appear on the screen indicating that the patient was successfully departed.


  • The patient’s status in the Patient Details changes to Departure Complete.

  • The patient’s Current Location column on the Roster displays Departure.

  • The patient’s Status column on the Appointments view displays Departure Complete.

Target a Patient for Departure

  1. Select Movement > Departure from the Actions Menu.

  2. The Departure dialog box appears.

  3. Select Target Departure.

  4. The Depart Patient quick action now appears in the Patient Details Panel and can be selected to depart a patient when ready.

Cancel a Patient's Move Request

You can undo a move request after the patient's card was dragged to a location from the unit's Incoming list.

  1. If a patient's status is currently Move Requested, then you can go to Actions > Movement in the Patient Details.

  2. Select Cancel Move Request in the menu that appears.

    1. The Cancel Move dialog box appears.

  3. Select Yes, Cancel Move Request.

  4. Results:

    1. The patient's card clears from the destination location, their status returns to either Ready to Move or Care Pending (depending on their milestone completion), and the destination location returns to Ready to Receive status.

    2. The other options on the Movement list become active after the move request is canceled.

My Tasks

The My Tasks view displays all requested tasks for an individual user and allows them to track their progress in completing tasks. The My Tasks view is used by facilities using the Request functionality, primarily by Staff members with the fulfiller role.

How the My Tasks View Works


  • View Task Cards that are Unassigned or Assigned to you. <LINK> (to task cards)

  • Unassigned Queue -When tasks are created, they appear as Task Cards in the Unassigned queue until they are assigned to staff who have the required skills and coverage.

  • Task Status Columns - To Do, In Progress, Done, Cancel <LINK> (to task statuses)

  • Tasks that are Delayed will move back to the To Do Column.

  • Moving Task Cards to update a task status will also update the Job Status on the Requests tab of the Unit or Zone Staff Views.




The Workflow IQ® User Interface is divided into several sections. The main sections with which you will interact are:

Primary Navigation

The Primary Navigation Bar allows users to move between the various functions of Workflow IQ®. A green line appears under the active tab.

Note: The "More" tab may appear in the Primary Navigation Bar. It will appear when there are more options available to a user than can be display on the screen. Depending on the resolution of the screen and/or a user's role, the "More" button may or may not appear.

View Title

The view Title reflects the active area in the Primary Navigation Bar.

Contextual Navigation

Depending on the currently active area, this allows the user to define actions in various subunits of the user's facility. As such, they are customized to each facility and may not look the same from one application of TeleTracking IQ® to another.

Secondary Navigation Bar

The Secondary Navigation Bar is context-specific and displays options that appear after a selection is made on the primary navigation bar.


Allows the user to see the number of results viewed on their screen. You can select up to 100 results.


The views area allows for navigation between views of results. Use the Previous and Next buttons to move from one view to another in numerical order. By using the drop-down menu, the user can select a view number and jump to that view directly.

To access Workflow IQ®, follow these steps:

  1. In the Operations IQ® Platform, select Procedure.

  2. You may see different tabs depending on your user role(s).

  3. Select one of the menu options to navigate to that view in Workflow IQ®.


Patients are individuals receiving medical care or treatment. Workflow IQ® tracks patient care journeys throughout a facility.

Patient information is visible on nearly every screen of the application.

How Patients Work


  • Patients are created when an appointment is scheduled either via an interface or manually in the system.

  • Patient Information that can be collected for an appointment via the create a case button includes Last Name, First Name, Gender, DOB, Medical Record Number, and Visit Number.

  • Patient Statuses are available throughout the application.

  • Patient Attributes can be used to indicate more detail about the care a Patient requires.

  • Patient and Appointment Cards are used to track a patient’s location, status, and care.

  • A patient’s family can view their progress during a procedure on the Family Wallboard.


  • Create a Patient

  • Search for a Patient

  • View a Patient’s Procedural Journey on the Family Wallboard to Family Wallboard

  • Move a Patient (to movement)

Patient Attribute

Patient Attributes are characteristics associated with patient visits that help caregivers make decisions to better care for the patients. They help document and create visibility of anything your organization would like to track on a case. View patient attributes to provide downstream visibility to allow staff to make special preparations for patients. For example, if an attribute indicates that the patient has a latex allergy, you will want to assure that the Procedure to which the patient is moved does not have any latex in it.

Attributes would be added either by an integration or by staff.

Patient Attributes appear as Patient Attribute Labels in the Patient Details Panel, on Patient and Appointment Cards, and in the Patient Attributes column of the Appointments and Roster Views.

How Patient Attributes Work


  • Patient Attributes do not have to be added to a patient. If no Patient Attributes are added, the Standard Precautions are advised to staff caring for the patient.

  • If a Patient Attribute was mistakenly added to a patient, it can be removed.

  • Patient Attributes must belong to a Patient Attribute Category in the Patient Attributes Dictionary.

  • Abbreviations can be configured for Patient Attributes when creating them in the dictionary.

  • The More Attributes Label can be used to see additional patient attributes.

  • Patient Attributes are created in Workflow Settings > Dictionaries > Patient Attributes

  • Fields available in the Patient Attribute Configuration are Patient Attribute Category, Patient Attribute, Limit Selection to One Attribute per Patient, Name, Abbreviation, and HL7 ID.

  • Some example Attributes are Communication Barriers, Geriatric, Fall Risk, Hard of Hearing, Legally Blind, and Disoriented.


Add Patient Attributes

  1. In the Patient Details, select Actions > Edit Patient Attributes.

  2. The Add Patient Attribute dialog box will appear

  3. Select a category to expand it and see its attributes.

    1. When a Patient Attribute selection has been made for an attribute category in the Patient Attribute Edit Menu, a checkmark will appear next to the category name.

      • When editing/adding patient attributes, those that are multi-select appear with check boxes while attributes that are single select appear with radio buttons.

      • If all selected attributes have been removed, the check mark will no longer appear next to it in the list of categories.

  4. Select the appropriate attributes.

  5. Click Save Patient Attributes.

  6. The selected Patient Attributes will appear on the Patient Card and Details.

Remove Patient Attributes

  1. In the Patient Details, select Actions > Edit Patient Attribute.

  2. The Add Patient Attribute dialog box will appear

  3. Locate the Patient Attributes that have been added by searching for the categories marked with check marks.

  4. Select a category to expand it and see its attributes.

  5. To remove an added attribute, select it a second time.

  6. Click Save Patient Attributes

  7. The removed Patient Attributes will no longer appear on the Patient Card or Details.

Add/Edit Patient Attributes Dictionary Items

Add New Category

  1. Go to Workflow Settings > Dictionaries > Patient > Patient Attributes.

  2. Click Add Patient Attribute Category in the Patient Attributes Dictionary

  3. Give it a name.

  4. Determine if the category should only allow one attribute to be assigned to a patient

  5. Add a patient attribute.

  6. Select Save.

Add Another Attribute or Edit Existing Category

  1. Go to Workflow Settings > Dictionaries > Patient > Patient Attributes.

  2. Select the Edit Icon next to the category you wish to change.

  3. Adjust the Name

  4. Select Add Attribute to add the required information.

  5. Select Save.

Patient Attribute Categories

A Patient Attribute Category is a collection of multiple Patient Attributes. Patient Attribute Categories make it easier to locate a desired value when assigning a Patient Attribute to a patient in Workflow IQ®. Patient Attribute Categories are used by the staff who add patient attributes to patients and setup by administrators maintaining the Patient Attributes Dictionary.

Patient Attribute categories appear above the attribute labels at the top of the patient details panel and as a list in the Patient Attribute Edit Menu.

How Patient Attribute Categories Work


  • Attributes can be restricted to either be multi-select fields or single-select fields based on the “Limit selection to one Attribute per patient” setting value that’s configured per Attribute Category.

  • Attribute Categories must contain at least one Attribute but can contain many.

  • Some examples are Language, Age, Caution.

    • We may have Language as the name for the Patient Attribute Category, which would have attributes such as Deaf, Spanish Speaking, or Communications Barrier.


The More Attributes Label

When too many Patient Attributes to fit on one card or in a column have been selected, the More Attributes Label appears. The More Attributes Label allows staff to view additional Patient Attributes that did not fit. Staff viewing Patient Attributes would use the More Attributes Label.

The More Attributes Label appears on the Roster View, the Appointments View, and on Patient and Appointment Cards.

How the More Attributes Label Works


  • The More Attributes Label is used to show a lot of Patient Attributes in a small space.

  • The More Attributes Label appears with a blue background and a number indicating how many additional Patient Attributes were selected for a patient.

  • Hovering over the More Attributes Label displays a list of the additional attributes.


  • View Patient Attributes

The Patient Attribute Label

Patient Attribute Labels enable healthcare staff to promptly access essential information required for completing the care of individual patients. Patient Attribute labels can use abbreviations to make it quicker for care staff to identify a patient attribute associated with a patient.

Patient Attribute Labels display Patient Attributes on the Patient Details Panel, on Patient and Appointment Cards, and in the Patient Attributes column of the Appointments and Roster Views.

How Patient Attribute Labels Work


  • Patient Attribute labels appear with a red background and an exclamation mark to signify the importance of paying attention to these attributes.

  • If no Patient Attributes were selected for a patient, the gray “Standard Precautions” label will appear instead.

  • Abbreviations configured at the time of Patient Attribute Dictionary Item creation are used for Patient Attribute Labels displayed on Cards, but the full Attribute name is listed in the Patient Details Panel.

  • Patient Attribute Labels appear grouped under the appropriate Patient Attribute Categories in the Patient Details Panel.

  • If there are too many Attributes to fit on one card or in one column, the blue More Attributes Label will be used.


Patient Card

The Patient Card is the visual representation of a patient's location in a given healthcare facility and is the primary means by which patient information is contained and updated in Workflow IQ®. Patient Cards are accessible to most staff members.

Patient Cards appear on the Registration and Unit View views.

How Patient Cards Work


  • Patient cards clear from all incoming list when Patient Status is Departure

  • The Patient Card has limited Personal Health Information displayed.

  • A Patient Card is created for each appointment scheduled.

  • Patient Cards contain the following information:

    • Patient Status, Department Label, Current Phase of Care or Phase of Care the Patient is going to, Requests Menu, Patient Name/Patient Pseudonyms if enabled, Procedure Name, Appointment Time, Case Delay Indicators, Procedure Location, Associated Staff, Patient Attributes, Standard Precautions (if no Patient Attributes were noted), Milestone Buttons or Milestone Progress Bar, Requests Menu, Move Out/In Button

  • Clicking on the Patient Card opens the Patient Details Panel.


Patient Details Panel

The Patient Details Panel provides more in-depth Patient/Appointment information. The Patient Details Panel is accessible to most staff members.

The Patient Details Panel can be accessed by clicking on Patient Cards on the Registration or Unit View views, clicking on an Appointment Card on the Schedule view, or clicking on a Patient’s row on the Appointments or Roster views. When opened, the Patient Details Panel will appear on the right side of the view.

How the Patient Details Panel Works


  • The Patient Details Panel contains PHI, ensure that it is only shown to authorized personnel.

  • The Patient Details Panel can contain the following information:

    • Patient Information

      • Status, Appointment Department, Requests Menu, Patient Name/Patient Pseudonyms if enabled, Add-On Case Icon, Standard Precautions if no Patient Attributes were noted, Patient Attributes, Gender, Age, D.O.B, Medical Record Number, Visit Number

    • Appointment Details

      • Appointment Time, Case Delay Indicators, Procedure Duration, Procedure Location, Visit Type, Appointment Date, Appointment Department

    • Procedure Details

      • Note: There will be a Procedure Details section for all of the patient’s scheduled procedures.

      • Procedure Code, Procedure Name, Service Line, Anesthesia Type, Anesthesia Name, Associated Staff

    • Care Journey

    • Milestone Progress Bar and Checklist


Accessing the Patient Details Panel

  1. Select a row or a card to view the Patient Details Panel.

    1. The Patient Details Panel appears on the right side of the screen.

  2. Select the X to close the panel

    1. The Patient Details Panel is now hidden.

Patient Pseudonyms

Patient Pseudonyms are a way to assign an alias to patients' names on the Workflow IQ® user interface in order to protect patients' privacy. Patient Pseudonyms are useful when your screen could be viewed by others. For example, you may do your job in a location that the public passes and could read your screen.

Patient Pseudonyms can appear on patient and appointment cards, in the list of patients on the Appointments view, in patient tabs on the Family Wallboard, in the list of locations on the Unit Staff Assignments tab, and in the list of requests on the Unit Staff and Zone Staff Requests tabs.


  • Normally the patient's name appears as the last name followed by a comma and the first name. The same order is maintained when the name appears as a pseudonym. The Workflow IQ® application uses the first two letters of the last and first names separated by two dots. The first and last letters are capitalized. For example, the name Smith, Fred appears as Sm..fR.

  • Patient pseudonyms are set on a user-by-user basis.


  • Enable/Disable Patient Pseudonyms

Enabling/Disabling Patient Pseudonyms

  1. Select the arrow next to your name in the top right to display the options.

  2. In the menu option list, select the Patient Pseudonyms toggle switch to set it to the On position to enable Patient Pseudonyms.

  3. In the menu option list, select the Patient Pseudonyms toggle switch to set it to the Off position to disable Patient Pseudonyms.

Note: Give the application time to process the aliases before clicking again. It may take a minute.


  • A message appears to indicate that the Patient Pseudonym setting was updated successfully.

  • If the toggle is enabled, patient names appear on the user interface using aliases.

  • If the toggle is disabled, entire patient names appear on the user interface without an alias.

Patient Status

The Patient Status refers to the current treatment status of a patient. Continuous assessment of patient status is fundamental to delivering high-quality, effective, and safe healthcare. Understanding and accurately recording a patient’s status is essential for effective communication among healthcare providers and for ensuring that the patient receives appropriate care throughout their hospital stay.

The Patient Status appears in the Patient Details Panel, on Patient and Appointment Cards, in the Patient Status column of the Appointments View and the Assignments Tab of the Unit Staff View, and on each patient tab of the Family Wallboard.

How Patient Statuses Work


  • Patient Statuses get updated when Patient and Appointment Cards are moved, when Location IQ® technology indicates that a patient has moved, or when staff completes milestones or cancels a case.

  • Patient Statuses can be:

    • In Transit - Previously Away while selecting the option to retain assignment to a location and then move out is marked.

    • Care Underway - When a Patient card has been moved into a location in the Unit View, their status updates to Care Underway.

    • Not Arrived - When a Patient has an appointment scheduled for the current day, but they have not yet arrived for the appointment, their Patient Card will appear in the Incoming queue of the Registration View in the Not Arrived Status.

    • Ready to Move - When a Patient has received all of the necessary care to be received for their current location and all of the milestones have been completed, their status will update to Ready to Move.

    • Unknown

    • Cancelled - When a case has been Cancelled, the Cancelled Patient Status is used.


Phases of Care

The Phase of Care represents where a patient is in their care journey. Each phase is crucial for staff to provide comprehensive and effective care, ensuring that patients receive the right treatment at the right time and are supported throughout their recovery. The phase of care is also used by family Members of patients to follow their loved one's procedural journey.

Phases of Care appear in the Phase of Care Labels throughout Workflow IQ®, on Family Wallboard Patient Tabs, and on the Care Journey of the Patient Details Panel.

How Phases of Care Work


  • Patients flow through the workflow's phases of care during their procedure.

    • Generally, a patient progresses through the Phases of Care in the following order: Registration to Prep to Procedure to PACU to Recovery.

    • A patient may need to move backward in the usual care workflow such as from Procedure back to Prep. In addition, for certain procedures such as those that may require less sedation, it is normal and expected for the patient to proceed directly to Recovery from Procedure. You can achieve these different workflows in Workflow IQ® by changing the patient's Target Unit.

  • Usually, one unit provides one phase of care although there are exceptions such as Prep units that are also used for the Recovery phase of care.

  • The procedural workflow involves some or all of the following phases of care that are configured in Workflow IQ® by default:

    • Registration: This type of unit is where outpatients typically enter the care setting. This unit is usually divided into configurable subareas. Subareas could be something like a reception area, registration area, and waiting area.

    • Prep: In this type of unit, caregivers prepare patients for their procedures. Individual Prep unit names can be configured as appropriate for your health system.

    • Procedure: In this type of unit, surgeons and providers perform procedures on the patients. Individual Procedure unit names can be configured as appropriate for your health system.

    • PACU: PACU plays a critical role in the perioperative care continuum by providing specialized care and monitoring to patients immediately after surgery until they are stable for transfer to a regular hospital unit or discharge home.

    • Recovery: The Recovery units are where patients are cared for while the effects of their sedation wear off. Individual Recovery unit names can be configured as appropriate for your health system.

    • Phase II - This is the continued recovery unit for the patient. Once the criteria have been met, the patient will be discharged home.


Phase of Care Label

The Phase of Care label allows staff to quickly view the phase of a care a patient is currently in or going to next. Phase of Care Labels ensure that patients receive comprehensive and coordinated care. The Phase of Care is visible to most staff members.

Phases of Care Labels can be found on Patient and Appointment cards and in the Phase of Care column on the Appointments view.

How the Phase of Care Label Works


  • The Phases of Care Labels that appear in the Workflow IQ® application are:

    • REG - Registration

    • PREP - Prep

    • PROC - Procedure

    • PACU - Post Anesthesia Care Unit

    • REC - Recovery

  • A Phase of Care can be seen:

    • With an arrow or without an arrow. If an arrow is present, it indicates that the patient is on the way to that phase. If no arrow is present, the patient is in that phase currently.

    • With a brightly colored background to make it easy to locate and aid staff in making decisions quickly



Positions define what responsibilities, tasks, or requests a staff member can perform based on associated Skills. You can use a Position to combine more than one Skill Group to make maintaining common groups of skills and responsibilities easier. A change to the associated skill groups inside a Position would affect all users assigned that position.

Positions are used in configuring staff members in the Select Staff dialog box and in the Unit Staff Management view.

How Positions Work


  • Positions are directly related to Staff, Skill Groups, and Responsibilities.

  • Positions are assigned permanently to staff members.

  • Positions are associated with Skills through a Skill Group.

  • Positions can inherit skills through Skill groups and Responsibilities. The responsibilities related to a Position are available in the Responsibilities dictionary, so it is less visible.

  • Appearing in Select Staff is linked to the Position relationship with Skills. <Select Staff Functionality>

  • Appearing in Location Staff is linked to the Position > Coverage relationship <Location Staff Functionality>


  • Add Positions

  • Assign Staff


Examples: Anesthesiologist, CRNA, Infusion Tech

  • Example - When to modify Positions:

    • Ashley has the Circulator position and is uniquely in charge of Cleaning Beds periodically.

    • You run a trial and want to be more efficient with our team members. You would like others to help lean in like Ashley.

    • Solution:

      • You make the call to add the Cleaning Beds skill group into the Circulator position. Now, everyone assigned to that skill can immediately take on those additional responsibilities without manually adjusting staff profiles.

Fields: Position Name, Skill Group


A Procedure refers to a specific medical or surgical intervention carried out to diagnose, treat, or manage a patient’s condition. Procedures can vary widely in complexity and purpose. Procedural staff use Procedure information to prepare for and perform procedures. Schedulers can use procedure information to ensure that appointments are scheduled efficiently, and resources are available to care for patients effectively.

Procedures appear in the Patient Details, on Patient and Appointment Cards, on the Appointments View, ad on the Assignments tab of the Unit Staff View.

How Procedures Work


  • Each procedure typically involves a series of steps and protocols to ensure patient safety and effectiveness.

  • The Schedule View shows all of the Procedures scheduled for the day.

  • Procedure information such as the Procedure Name, Service Line, and Anesthesia Used, and Associated Staff can be entered when creating or editing a case.

  • Appointment Milestones can be used to track Procedural task completion.

Procedure Case Staffing

Procedure Case staffing defines Primary, Secondary, and additional Procedure Case Responsibilities that can be assigned to staff. Procedure Case Staffing is configured by an administrator. Procedure Case Responsibilities are assigned by anyone who creates a case or adds a procedure.

The Primary and Secondary Procedure Case Responsibility assignments are displayed on Patient Cards. All Procedure Case Responsibilities appear in the Procedure Details section of the Patient Details Panel. The Procedure Case Responsibilities appear as drop-down menus for Procedure Case Responsibility assignments when creating or updating Procedure Details in a case.

How Procedure Case Staffing Works


  • Procedure Case Responsibilities are defined by Facility and Department.

  • Procedure Case Staffing associates a Position to responsibilities for assignment to patient procedures.

  • Procedure Case Responsibilities are listed throughout in the following order:

    • Primary Case Responsibility

    • Secondary Case Responsibility

    • Additional Case Responsibilities



Examples: A Surgeon is the primary, Case Anesthesiologist is secondary, and an Infusion Lead is additional.

Fields: Facility, Department, Responsibilities (Includes Primary, Secondary, and Additional)

Configure Procedure Case Staffing

  1. Go to Workflow settings > Staff > Procedure Case Staffing.

  2. Select the Facility to set the Procedure Case Staffing for.

  3. A row will appear for each department in the selected facility.

  4. Click the pencil icon in the Actions column for the Department to edit the Procedure Case Staffing for.

  5. Use the drop-down menus to select the Positions of the staff that should be associated the Primary and Secondary Procedure Case Responsibilities.

  6. Click into the Additional Procedure Case Responsibility field and select the desired Position(s).

    1. You can type in the field to filter the list that appears or scroll through the list to find a Position.

  7. Click Save Procedure Case Staffing.

  8. The selected positions will now appear as drop-down menus for responsibility assignments when creating or updating a case.

Procedure Code

Alphanumeric codes assigned to tasks, medical services, or procedures by healthcare professionals. Procedure Codes are used for by medical coders, healthcare providers, and claims staff for billing and tracking services.

Procedure Codes can be found within the expanded view of the Procedure Details section in the Patient Details Panel.

How Procedure Codes Work


  • Procedure Codes are specific to Departments.

  • Procedure Codes are added via the HL7 interface and cannot be added manually.



Examples: A05, A09, A12

Fields: Code, Department

What's Unique: This dictionary can be viewed per Facility.

Procedure Unit Settings

Procedure Unit Settings allow Administrators to configure the Estimated Clean and Setup Times, the First Case Start Time, and the Add-On Flag settings. These settings are used to are used to control data throughout the Workflow IQ® application.

Procedure Unit Settings are not visible on the user interface. The values entered in the Procedure Unit Settings affect the Case Timer estimates on the Schedule, which cases are flagged as the First Case of the day, and which cases are considered Add-Ons.

How Procedure Unit Settings Work


  • Procedural Unit Settings are configurable per procedural unit of a Facility.

  • If a Unit does not appear in the list of Procedural Units, verify that it was configured correctly in the Operations IQ® Platform Unit Dictionary.

  • When you save the Procedure Unit Settings, a confirmation message will appear at the top of the screen and the new values will appear for the edited unit in the list.


Configuring the Estimated Clean and Setup Times

  1. Go to Workflow Settings > Schedule > Procedure Unit Settings.

  2. Select the Facility to Configure the Estimated Clean and Setup Times for.

  3. Select a Procedure Unit to set the Estimated Clean and Setup Times for from the list that appears by clicking the pencil icon under the Actions column of the row.

  4. Enter an estimate in minutes for that amount of time it takes to clean a location.

  5. Enter an estimate in minutes for that amount of time it takes to setup a location for the next patient.

  6. Select Save Procedure Unit Settings.

Configure First Case Start Time

  1. Go to Workflow Settings > Schedule > Procedure Unit Settings

  2. Select the Facility to Configure the First Case Start Time for.

  3. Click the pencil icon in the Actions column for the Unit to edit the First Case Start Time for.

  4. Set the First Case Start Time as desired.

    1. First Case Start Time is the time that the OR opens and the time that will determine if the first case of the day is late. Any first cases per room starting after that time are considered late.

  5. Click Save Procedure Unit Settings.

Configure Add-On Flags

  1. Go to Workflow Settings > Schedule > Procedure Unit Settings.

  2. Select the Facility to Configure the Add-On Flags.

  3. Select a Procedure Unit to set the Add-On Flags from the list that appears by clicking the pencil icon under the Actions column of the row.

  4. Configure the Add-On Flags for the unit as desired.

    1. Set the Add-On Cutoff Time by typing the time in HH: MM format.

      1. This is the time after which any cases added would be considered an Add-On.

    2. Set the Add-On Cutoff Type by selecting a value from the drop-down menu.

      1. Selecting Previous Day would classify any cases added after the designated cut-off time on the previous day as an Add-On.

      2. Selecting Same Day would classify any cases added after the designated cut-off time on the current day as an Add-On.

    3. Add-On Cutoff Time – (Required) Type the time of day that the Add-On window either starts or ends depending on the Add-On Cutoff Type.

    4. Add-On Cutoff Type – (Required) This setting determines if the Add-On cases are for the same day or the previous day.

  5. Set the “Closed on Weekends” toggle to on (blue) to indicate that the unit is closed for the weekend or off (gray) to indicate that the unit is not closed for the weekend.

    1. Note: This toggle should be used to indicate if Saturday and Sunday should be included in the calculations. If the toggle is off, calculations will include data from Friday to Monday. If the toggle is on, calculations will include data from Friday to Saturday.

  6. Select Save Procedure Unit Settings

  7. Results

    1. Add-On Flag configuration determines which cases are considered Add-Ons

    2. Tracking add-on cases allows hospitals to operate efficiently, prioritize patient care effectively, and manage resources and finances in a way that supports both quality care and operational excellence.


The Registration view is used to virtually complete the check in process of outpatients arriving at a perioperative location. This view is used primarily by Registration and/or Waiting Room staff, such as Registrars.

How the Registration View Works


  • The Registration View Displays the Following:

    • Incoming List - The Incoming List appears on the left side of the Registration view. It displays patients with procedures scheduled for the current day who have not yet arrived at the facility.

    • Registration Locations - Registration locations appear in the center of the Registration view. These are subareas that Patient Cards can be moved into to once a patient has arrived at Registration and is physically moving into the location represented on the screen, such as Reception or Waiting Areas.

    • Patient Cards - Learn more about Patient Cards

    • Requests Menu - Staff can create area and patient requests from the Registration View.



The Reports view contains a form for generating a report of all procedures completed at a location/department during a specified date range. Reports are used by Case Managers.

Reports are downloaded automatically in the browser after clicking the Generate Report button.

How the Reports Work


  • The Reports View Contains:

    • Report Parameter Fields used to limit the results generated by the Report

      • Required: Facility, Department, Start Date, End Date

      • Optional: Last Name, First Name, MRN, Location

    • Report (After Downloading)

      • Reports contain the following fields:

        • appointmentId - Unique identifier for the appointment

        • departmentId - Unique identifier of the department the appointment is scheduled for

        • department name - Name of the department the appointment is scheduled for

        • firstName - First Name of the Patient

        • lastName - Last Name of the Patient

        • gender - The Patient’s Gender

        • dateOfBirth - The Patient’s Date of Birth in MM/DD/YYYY format

        • mrn - Medical Record Number when creating an appointment

        • visitNumber - Visit Number entered when creating an appointment

        • procedureDetails - Details about the appointment including the Procedure Name, Responsibilities required of staff to care for the patient, Name of the Lab Lead and Surgeon, Anesthesia Name and Type, Procedure Code, and Service Line

        • unitname - name of the unit the procedure was performed in

        • unitEntryTime and unitExitTime - when the patient entered or left the unit

        • timeInUnit - the time a patient spent in the unit

        • milestoneName - name of a milestone event that was completed

        • phaseOfCare - Phase of Care the patient was in

        • milestoneCompletionTime - When a milestone was completed

        • milestoneCompletionUser - Who completed the milestone

        • patientAttributes - Patient Attributes designated for the patient

        • apptDate - Date the procedure was scheduled for in MM/DD/YYYY format

        • scheduledStartTime - Time the procedure was scheduled to start

        • actualStartTime - Time the procedure actually started

        • scheduleDuration - Length of time the procedure was scheduled to take to complete

        • actualDuration - Length of time the procedure actually took to complete

        • scheduledProcedureLocation - Location the procedure was scheduled for

        • actualProcedureLocation - Location the procedure was completed in

        • visitType - Visit Type selected when creating the appointment

        • firstCase - This value represents a flag that is applied if the procedure is scheduled to be the first case of the day


  • Fill out Parameters to limit resulting report data

  • Generate Reports

Generate a Report

  1. Select Reports from the navigation menu.

  2. Select the Facility and Department to generate a report for from the corresponding drop-downs.

  3. Select a Start and End Date for the report.

  4. Fill out Optional Parameters as desired.

  5. Click Generate Report.

  6. A .CSV file containing the procedures carried out in the chosen Facility/Department within the specified date range will be automatically downloaded through the browser.


Requests can be made in Workflow IQ® for staff to deliver or pickup equipment, perform services, or report to a location. Requests are crucial in ensuring that a location is properly equipped to provide effective care to a patient. Staff Assigned to a location or area can create, view, or cancel Requests. Staff with the Fulfiller role can assign a request task to themself and track its progress to completion. Staff Managers can monitor requests for their Units or Zones.

Requests can be viewed at their created locations by expanding the Requests Menu. Requests appear as tasks on the My Tasks view. Requests also appear in the Requests tabs of the Unit Staff and Zone Staff views.

How Requests Work


  • Requests can be targeted for:

    • Unit - Requests for an entire unit can be made from the Requests Menu in the top-right corner of the Unit View.

    • Location - Requests for a specific bed/bay can be made from the Requests Menu in the top-right corner of a location in the Unit View

    • Patient -

      • These tasks are specific to a patient procedure appointment

      • They can can be made from the Requests Menu in the top-right corner of a patient card or the Patient Details Panel

  • Create, Edit, View, and Cancel Requests

  • To create a new Area Request, there must be a stackable location within the unit. Otherwise, the "Create Request" button will be greyed out and you will not be able to create a new area request.

  • After a Request has been created, it will appear Unassigned on the My Task view where staff for the targeted area can begin working on its completion.

  • A Request must be in progress before it can be completed.


Create a Request

  1. Select the Request Menu for an Area, Location, or Patient Card

  2. Select Create New Request.

  3. In the Create Request Dialog box select a request type.

    1. Delivery, Pickup, and Service Tasks are available for any request-target

    2. When targeting a patient Staff Requests are available.

  4. Complete the Request Details and then click Create Request.

Edit a Request

  1. Selecting the Request Menu for an Area, Location, or Patient Card

  2. If there is an active request, you will see it appear.

  3. Select Edit on the request you wish to change.

  4. Adjust your information.

  5. Click Update Request.

Cancel a Request

  1. Open the Request Menu for an Area, Location, or Patient Card.

  2. Click Cancel beside the request you wish to cancel.

Viewing a Request

In the Request Menu

  1. Open a Request menu that has a value other than 0.

  2. You will see any active requests for the target area, location, or patient.

In the Patient Details

  1. On views that don’t have a request menu showing you can still view patient targeted requests.

  2. Open the Request Menu from any Patient Details Panel to view active requests for that patient.

In a Staff View

  1. Select the Requests Tab with the Unit Staff or Zone Staff Views

  2. Adjust the Unit or Zone within the View Filter

Requests Menu

The Requests Menu allows staff to request service, delivery, pick up, or staff tasks to be completed for an area, a location, or a patient. Staff Assigned to a location or area can create, view, or cancel Requests using the Requests Menu.

The Requests Menu appears as a drop-down menu in an area, location, on a patient card, or in the Patient Details Panel. The number of Requests for an area, location, or patient appear next to each Request Menu.

How the Requests Menu Works


  • Clicking the Requests Menu displays a list of any existing requests with options to create a new request, edit any existing requests, or cancel any existing requests.

  • When a request has been created the number of Requests on the Requests Menu will increase by one.

  • When a request has been cancelled the number of Requests on the Requests Menu will decrease by one.

  • A confirmation banner appears to indicate that your actions were successful when a request has been created, edited, or canceled.

  • Request Menu will show Request Types of Delivery, Pickup, Service when the menu is on the Unit View Navigation, a Location Cell, A Patient Card, or the Patient Details Panel

  • The Request menu will show a Request Type of Staff only on a Patient Card or Patient Details Panel.


Request Type/Task Type

Different types of tasks have different requirements. You may ask why this is Request Type/Task Type. They can be used in the same manner. The Task Type field is utilized during request creation/editing to determine which additional information is needed from staff to complete the request. For instance, tasks related to pickup and delivery may require the selection of specific equipment, whereas Staff selection is mandatory for creating a Staff request. Throughout the Application the term Request Type has more use, so we’ll continue in that fashion.

How Request Types Work


  • Request Types can be:

    • Delivery Type should be used for a Request needed to deliver something to a location such as medical equipment to a target area, location, or patient

    • Pickup Type should be used for a Request needed to pickup something from a location as medical equipment to a target area, location, or patient

    • Service Type should be used for a Milestone or Request to complete a service of some type such as clean a spill at a target area, location, or patient.

    • Staff Should be used for a Request when you need staff at a location

      • The list of Staff members that can be requested is populated with any staff assigned to the case or room.

  • Where you click the Request Menu determines what Destination of your Requests and also what types are eligible

    • Delivery, Pickup and Service are available on Unit, Location, or Patent Request Menus

    • Staff is only available on Patient Request Menus


Responsibilities are a daily assignment to indicate a function in which staff are performing. Staff may be acting as a Circulator 1 one day and a Circulator 2 the next. Your organizations list of responsibilities may have overlap with the names of your skill groups, but the purpose of responsibilities is different. Responsibilities introduce us to the concept of Assignment which is where Coverages come in. Depending on your preference you can have a manager assign daily responsibilities, or your staff choose their assignments. Changing the associated skill, coverage, or position for a responsibility would have an impact on the functions your staff can accomplish.

Responsibilities show up in the Location Staff Menu

Unit Staff Responsibilities show up in Unit Responsibilities Menu on Unit Staff

Bed Staff Responsibilities show up in Bed Responsibilities Columns.

Responsibilities show in Procedure Details

Responsibilities don’t show in Zone

How Responsibilities Work


  • Responsibilities can be associated with Locations, Zones, and Cases.

  • A Responsibility must be associated with one Skill.

  • Only staff created with a position that has the associated skill will be able to be assigned to the responsibility.

  • A Responsibility must be associated with one Coverage.

  • A Responsibility can be associated with a Position.

  • A Responsibility can have an HL7 ID.

  • The Position field is used in conjunction with the HL7 ID to map staff from an integration the related Position

  • A Responsibility must have an Assignment Scope.

  • All assignment scopes are available for selection.

  • The associated Assignment Scope can not be changed once the responsibility is created.

  • If the Assignment Scope is a Zone, then a Zone Type must be populated.

  • Appearing in Select Staff is linked to the Responsibility relationship with Skills. <Select Staff Functionality>

  • Appearing in Location Staff is linked to the Responsibility > Coverage relationship <Location Staff Functionality>

  • Responsibilities can be assigned to appear as a bed or unit responsibility in Unit Staffing <Unit Staffing Functionality>

  • Responsibilities can appear as a case responsibility in Procedure Case Staffing <Procedure Case Staffing Functionality>


  • Add Responsibilities

  • Assigning Staff


Examples: A nurse may fulfill the Charge Nurse responsibility for the day on the Preop unit.

Fields: Responsibility Name, Associated Skills, Assignment Scope, Zone Type, Coverage, Default Position, HL7 ID

Room View

Rather than seeing the whole unit as is displayed on the Unit View, you can see a simplified view displaying only one location from the unit. This view ensures that details regarding other locations do not overwhelm or clutter your display. The Room View is useful for staff assigned to a specific location. Typically, staff members that will need the Room View are Procedure room staff.

Access the Room View of a location in a unit by selecting the More Options Menu on the location and selecting Go to Room View.

How the Room View Works


  • The Room View displays the following:

    • Room Status

    • Staff assigned to the room

    • The Patient Details of only the room that you selected expands to fill the whole screen.

    • The Incoming list continues to display all the patients who may possibly be assigned to the location that you opened in the Room View.

    • If a Case is delayed, the Case Delay Indicator will appear next to the Appointment Time.


  • Return to Unit View

  • The Room View offers the same functionality as the Patient Details Panel.


The Roster view presents a detailed list of patients that have had visits entered into an integrated EMR or ADT system for a Facility on a particular day. The Roster is used by facilities that utilize patient tracking. The Roster is used by roles within the Procedural area, including the Registrar and Waiting Room Staff.

How the Roster View Works


  • The Roster view displays a list of containing rows of patients for the current day who have a visit entered by an integrated EMR or ADT system.

  • The following columns are available for each row on the Roster:

    • Patient Name, DOB, Patient Attributes, Current Location, Appointments, Badge ID

  • You can view the Roster for the current date plus seven days in the future.


  • View all patients on a specific day per Facility who have a scheduled case

  • Easily locate a patient by sorting or searching for specific details

  • Attach the Location IQ® tag to the patient

  • Select a date to display the roster of

Same Day Cancellations

Same-day cancellations are cancellations that occur on the day of a scheduled surgery. Same-day cancellations are extremely disruptive and represent a significant challenge in healthcare systems. They contribute to inefficient operating room time usage, a waste of limited healthcare resources, and emotional stress on the part of the patient and family. Staff with the ability to cancel a case can create a Same Day Cancellation.

A Canceled banner appears at the top of a canceled patient's card on the Unit View, at the top of a canceled appointment card on the Schedule, and at the top of the Patient Details Panel, or at the top of the Patient Details in a Room View. There is no visible distinction between a canceled case and a same-day cancellation.

How Same Day Cancellations Work


  • Same Day Cancellation data is gathered in Workflow IQ® and reported in Data IQ®.



The Schedule displays the working schedule of a procedural area for a given day. The Schedule is used primarily by OR teams, Anesthesia teams, and other Providers, though it can be accessed by other staff members. Patient statuses and locations are updated in this view, and patients are removed when they exit the Procedure room.

How the Schedule View Works


  • Groupings of locations appear in tabs next to the view title.

    • The number of locations in each tab/group partly depends on the size and zoom setting of the monitor on which the Procedure Schedule is displayed.

  • Location columns for each location in the selected tab.

    • Below the name of the location, the names of staff members appear who are assigned to the location for several procedures such as an Anesthesiologist or Circulator.

    • The TBD (To Be Determined) Column displays all procedures that do not have a procedure location assigned yet, for instance, an Add-On case.

  • Real-time changes and visualization for each patient to all end-users

  • Automatic Display- The Procedure Schedule view automatically displays each tab for 15 seconds in a rotation. After the last tab appears for 15 seconds, the display begins again with the first tab. A progress bar appears below the currently displayed tab to indicate how soon the tab display will change.

    • You can interrupt the automatic rotation by manually selecting the tab that you want to see. The display jumps to the selected tab no matter where it is in the automatic rotation. The timer resets to zero, and after 15 seconds, the automatic rotation begins again by displaying the tab that follows your selected tab.

  • Appointment Cards for cases scheduled for the day, by Procedure Room.

  • Schedule shows Units with Procedure Phases of Care

  • For each procedural location, Appointment Cards for three cases will be displayed.

    • The card at the top will represent the appointment that is currently underway.

    • The cards for next two appointments scheduled in that location will appear below it.

  • Compressed versions of appointment cards will be displayed at the bottom of each location column.


  • View Patient statuses and locations

  • View Patient/Procedure Details

  • Remove Patients from the Schedule when they exit the Procedure room

Select Staff Menu

The Select Staff button opens the Select Staff Menu. The Select Staff Menu allows staffing managers to indicate who is scheduled for the day. Staff members in some organizations can assign themselves to locations. Assigning staff is crucial in ensuring proper coverage and quality of care can be achieved.

Select Staff appears on the Assignments tab of the Unit Staff View and the Staff & Assignments tab of the Zone Staff View.

How the Select Staff Menu Works


Date Selector

  • The Date Selector next to Select Staff indicates what date the staff will be scheduled for.

  • By default, the selection is set to the present day, but users can view up to three days in the future.

On the Unit Staff View

  • The Edit Selected Button allows multiple staff to be edited at once. <LINK> to Bulk Assignment workflow

    • This is only available in the Unit Staff view.

  • Edit Selected allows for bulk assignment of Bed Responsibilities.

  • The Coverages that appear inside the Select Staff Menu are determined by the responsibilities assigned to a unit via Unit Staffing and the coverage related to the Responsibility. <Unit Staffing> <Coverages>

  • The Staff that appear in Select Staff are determined by the skill associated with an assigned responsibility via Unit Staffing, and the staff inheriting the skill either through a skill group or position.

    • They must also be logged into the application to be assigned?

    • Example: A staff member has a Responsibility (for today) of Prep Nurse in a specific unit and has the Position of Prep Nurse. When a coverage is going to be assigned, their names appear in the Prep Nurse Coverage tab of the Select Staff dialog box for possible selection.

On the Zone Staff View

  • The Coverages that appear inside Select Staff are determined by the responsibilities related to the Zone Type selected in the View Filter to Zone Type.

  • The Staff that appear in Select Staff are determined by the skill associated the responsibility that is related to the Zone Selected in the View Filter, and the staff inheriting the skill either through a skill group or position.

    • Staff must also be logged into the application to be assigned?


  • Bulk Assign Staff

  • Select Staff for Coverage

  • Associate a Coverage to a Unit

  • Edi Unit Staffing Responsibilities

Select Staff for a Coverage

  1. Select the Unit/Zone to update using the View Filter.

  2. Click the Assignments tab.

  3. Select the appropriate date from the date drop-down.

  4. Click Select Staff to the right of the date field.

  5. For each coverage tab, assign the desired staff by clicking the check box next to a staff member’s name.

  6. Click "Yes, Select Staff" to set and save the assignments.

Edit the Unit Staffing Responsibilities

  1. To edit which Responsibilities can be assigned on the Unit Staff View, go to Workflow Settings > Staff > Unit Staffing.

  2. Select the Facility to edit the Unit Staff Responsibilities for.

  3. Select the pencil icon in the Actions column of the row for the unit that you want to edit.

  4. Click the Bed Responsibilities field and select one or multiple responsibilities.

  5. Click the Unit Responsibilities field and select one or multiple responsibilities.

  6. Select Save Unit Staffing

  7. Results:

    1. Your Bed Responsibilities selections will populate as columns on the Assignments Tab

    2. Your Unit Responsibilities selections will populate the Unit Responsibilities section above the Unit Staff Assignment List.

Associate a Coverage to a Unit

  1. Identify what Responsibilities you want to be assigned <LINK>

  2. Determine if they are associated with the unit you’d like the coverage to show up for in Unit Staffing <LINK>


  • The Select Staff Menu appears in Unit Staff or Zone Staff Views


The Show/Hide Button can be used by most staff members. This button provides staff with the ability to hide or unhide the main navigation bar on the screen. This could be used to display a screen in a command center or to make more room on a screen.

The Show/Hide Button appears on the top-right corner of most pages in the Workflow IQ® application.

How the Show/Hide Button Works


  • Clicking the Hide Button will remove the navigation bar from the screen.

    • When the main navigation bar is hidden, links to other views will be unavailable.

  • Clicking the Show Button makes the navigation bar reappear on the screen.


  • Show the main navigation bar

  • Hide the main navigation bar


The Sidebar on the left side of the screen can be expanded or collapsed to make more room on the screen. Sidebars can contain information that does not need to be displayed consistently. Anyone with access to a view containing a sidebar can utilize the feature.

Sidebars appear on the Registration View, the Unit View, and the Reports View.

How the Sidebar Works


  • The Sidebar contains a button with arrows on it that can be selected to open or close the sidebar.

    • When the arrows are pointing to the right, clicking the sidebar button will open the sidebar.

    • When the arrows are pointing to the left, clicking the sidebar button will close the sidebar.

  • On the Registration and Unit View, the Incoming queue is displayed in the Sidebar.

  • The Unassigned Queue is displayed in the Sidebar of the My Tasks View.

  • The Reports View sidebar contains links to different types of reports.


  • Close the sidebar.

  • Open the sidebar.

  • Access the Incoming Queue <LINK>

  • Access the Unassigned Queue <LINK>

Skill Group

A collection of multiple Skills that makes it easier to set up Positions to assign to Staff. A change to skills associated with a skill group would affect multiple users either through a defined Position or through a directly associated Skill Group.

How Skill Groups Work


  • Skill Groups can be associated with employees or units so that the appropriate staff members can be assigned to locations that require those skills.

  • When you create a new skill group you must assign at least one skill.

  • You can assign multiple skills to a skill group.

  • You can assign multiple skill groups to Staff and Positions


  • Skill groups are administrative tools that help manage permissions efficiently without changing user views.

    • An example:

      • You want to add the "Cleaning Beds" skill group, you would include both the "Operating Room Clean" and "General Patient Room Clean" skills in that group. Since your organization requires all cleaning staff to handle every type of cleaning, assigning the skill group automatically gives you the necessary permissions to clean both operating rooms and general patient rooms. This simplifies permissions management and ensures consistency across tasks.



A collection of multiple Skills that makes it easier to set up Positions.

Examples: Anesthesia Administration, OR EVS Skill Group, Circulator Skill Group

Fields: Skill Group Name, Associated Skills


Skills are capabilities required to complete specific work. Skills are the hub between Responsibilities for Staff Assignments and Tasks for any type of Requests. They allow us to assign and track what people can accomplish. You may consider adding a skill when a new task is created, or if you have a distinct skillset you want to track for a new responsibility. Changing the name of a skill has no effect on how it functions.

How Skills Work


  • A skill does not have to be associated with a Skill Groups

  • A skill can be associated to multiple Skill Groups.

  • A skill does not have to be associated with a Tasks.

  • A skill can be associated to multiple Tasks.

  • A skill does not have to be associated with a Responsibility.

  • A skill can be associated with multiple Responsibilities.

  • Some skills appear automatically in your system. <Default Skills>

  • Skills define what a Position and Responsibility can do, and what Tasks someone can take.

  • The "General Patient Room" skill associated with the "Cleaning Beds" skill group is crucial for your responsibilities.

  • For example:

    • Location Responsibility: Bed Cleaner (with the General Patient Room skill).

    • Task: Patient Bed Clean Service (also associated with the General Patient Room skill).

  • Solution: Since you have the "General Patient Room" skill, you are qualified to perform any "Patient Bed Clean Service" tasks and can take on any "Bed Cleaner" responsibilities. This ensures you are fully equipped to handle these tasks seamlessly.


  • Skills are an administrative component and don’t directly tie into or change any view.


Skills are capabilities required to complete specific work.

  • Spill Clean

  • Infusions

  • Equipment Delivery

  • Skill Group

  • Tasks

Staff Dictionary

A staff account is crucial for users to carry out daily tasks in Workflow IQ® and document staff assignments. Help Desk Administrators manage these accounts, ensuring that staff members have appropriate access based on their assigned Facilities, Positions, and Skill Groups. Positions define the core responsibilities and functionalities, while Skill Groups allow for specialized tasks. Proper setup ensures users can view and perform their roles effectively, with all necessary details and permissions managed through the Staff Dictionary. Without an associated staff account, users won't be able to access relevant information or functionalities.

The Staff Dictionary in Workflow IQ® functions as the user management system, which allows for the creation and management of employees.

  • Examples of roles: Administrator, Anesthesiologist, Circulator, Technical Support.

  • Key Fields: IQ Username, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Suffix, Position, Skill Groups, Facilities, HL7 ID.

  • What's Unique: Even if you have access to the Workflow IQ® menus, you won't see any information until your account is associated with a Staff Account.

How the Staff Dictionary Works


  • Staff are directly related to Facilities, Positions, and Skill Groups. You can assign multiple of each of these fields to a Staff User.

  • The Facilities that are assigned to a staff member determine what that user may have access to view in the application or where they may show up to be assigned.

  • The Positions assigned to staff unlock functionality for anything further down the chain (Responsibility, Coverage, Skill, Tasks, Skill Group…)

  • The Skill Groups assigned to staff also unlock functionality for anything further down the chain. (Skill, Task, Responsibility, Coverage). Skill groups are uniquely more flexible than a defined Position.

Core Functions

The core function of the Staff Management system within Workflow IQ® is to ensure that staff members have the appropriate access, responsibilities, and permissions to perform their roles effectively. This is accomplished through the Staff Dictionary, which serves as the central hub for creating, managing, and assigning staff accounts.


When configuring staff users, it’s important to decide when to assign a Position versus a Skill Group.

  • Positions should align with the staff's roles and functions and are typically assigned by default.

  • Skill Groups are for unique workflows that differ from the standard roles.

    • Example: As a Circulator, you have a specific set of functions. However, if you also need to handle bed cleaning periodically, you wouldn’t be assigned the full EVS position, which covers all EVS tasks. Instead, you would be given the "Bed Clean" Skill Group, allowing you to perform the necessary cleaning tasks without taking on the entire EVS role.


Staff members responsible for assigning and managing tasks within Workflow IQ® include Charge nurses, EVS staff, and other healthcare personnel. These individuals, along with administrators, use the system to ensure tasks are assigned appropriately for both short-term and long-term needs. The categorization into short-term and long-term assignments helps effectively manage staffing based on immediate patient care, procedural support, and overall facility operations.


  • Staff assignments in Workflow IQ® can be categorized into short-term and long-term assignments:

    • Short-term assignments address daily operational needs, such as specific bed locations, units or zones, individual patients, procedures, appointments, and overseeing trainees.

      • Short-term assignments are typically allocated daily or per shift, while long-term assignments are established for extended periods, defining staff's primary work locations and responsibilities.

    • In contrast, long-term assignments cover ongoing responsibilities at the facility level, where staff are assigned to one or more facilities for their primary roles.

  • Short-Term Assignments:

    • Bed Location: Nursing staff are assigned to care for patients in a specific bed location during their shift.

    • Unit/Zone: Staff, such as charge nurses or EVS staff, are assigned to a specific unit or zone.

    • Patient: Nursing staff are assigned to care for a specific patient, regardless of the patient’s bed location.

    • Procedure: Non-nursing staff are assigned to a specific procedure.

    • Appointment: Non-nursing staff are assigned to a specific appointment.

    • Other Staff: Staff can be assigned to oversee a trainee, applicable to both nursing and non-nursing roles.

  • Long-Term Assignments:

    • Facility: Staff are assigned to one or more facilities where they primarily work.

  • Dropdown Indication: A gray dropdown shows when no staff are assigned for a given day in a Staff Responsibility

  • Select Staff Menus (: To appear in assignment menus, staff must have a Position with a configured Skill matching the Responsibility and be scheduled to work that day.

    • Example: A staff member has a Position of Prep Nurse and has been given the Responsibility (for today) of Prep Nurse in a specific unit. When coverage is going to be assigned, their names appear in the Prep Nurse Coverage tab of the Select Staff dialog box for possible selection.

  • No Staff Message: If no staff are listed, it indicates no assignments for the selected zone and date(s).

    • A message such as “There are no staff selected as working today in this unit” may appear if self-assigning.


  • If you navigate to the Unit Staff view > Assignments list for the unit and date that you selected, then you will see your name.

  • You can also navigate to the Unit Staff view > Staff list, select the unit to which you assigned yourself, and you will see that your name appears for the date that you selected.


Staff Responsibilities

Charge staff and designated personnel, use staff assignments and responsibilities within the Workflow IQ® application to manage tasks and staffing effectively.

These assignments are displayed in various areas of the application: "Bed Responsibilities" appear in the Unit Staff > Assignments Tab after Proc Time, while "Unit Responsibilities" are shown above the table as a dropdown menu. In the Zone Staff > Staff + Assignments Tab, the Zone Assignment column manages staff within zones. Procedure Staff Assignments are visible on the Patient Card, Appointment Card, and below the Anesthesia Name in the Patient Details Panel, based on the order defined in Procedure Case Staffing. The Schedule shows Unit Staff Assignments Menus in a read-only format, and adjustments to location-level staff can be made in the Unit View. Staff assignments are populated when tasks and roles are assigned, ensuring clear responsibilities and access to necessary information.

What are Staff Responsibilities


  • Any Area where Staff Assignment names populate

  • Unit Staff > Assignments Tab > Any Column after Proc Time. This is where the Responsibilities associated to Unit Staffing Settings appear that are of type “Bed Responsibilities”

  • Unit Staff > Assignments Tab > Above the Table > The Responsibility Name + Dropdown. These are responsibilities associated to unit staffing that are of type “Unit Responsibilities”

  • Zone Assignment Column is technically a Staff Assignment menu on Zone Staff > Staff + Assignments Tab > Zone Assignment Column

  • Nothing on the Family Wallboard

  • Nothing on My Tasks

  • Nothing on Appointments

  • Patient Card

    • Procedure Staff Assignment

  • Appointment Card

    • Primary Procedure Staff Assignment

  • Patient Details Panel

    • Anything Below Anesthesia Name for a specific Appointment. The Procedure Staff Assignment is configured in Procedure Case Staffing Rather than Unit Staffing.

    • Logic for how the order of these staff assignments populates for Procedure staff is based on the order they are laid out in Procedure Case Staffing. (Primary > Secondary > Additional in order they appear in dropdown.)

  • Schedule

    • Unit Staff Assignments Menus show here but are read only

  • Unit View

    • Below the name of the location, you can adjust the location (Bed) level staff

  • Room View


Subjects are assigned to tasks to determine where in the Workflow IQ® application tasks appear. Subjects are used by anyone creating Tasks, and are assigned at the time of task creation

How Subjects Work


  • Subjects can be:

    • Location – Use for tasks regarding the physical location as opposed to the patient or appointment. An example would be to use this task for a spill clean in a physical location.

    • Procedure Appointment - Use for tasks regarding the patient or appointment


  • Visibility

  • Location Based

  • Procedure/Appointment

Target Unit

A Target Unit is the preferred unit in which to place the patient. A target unit is used by Transfer Center staff, Charge Nurses, Unit Managers, Bed Assignment Coordinators, and clinical staff to manage patient transfers and ensure appropriate bed placement. You may adjust the Target Unit to adjust the Care Journey of Cases from a Procedural Perspective.

Modify Target Unit appears in the Actions Menu. Additionally, it appears in the Destination Unit on the Care Journey located in the Patient Details.

How Target Units Work


  • The procedural workflow involves some or all of the following phases of care. Patients move through these phases during their care journey. Usually, one unit provides one phase of care, although there are exceptions - e.g., Prep units that are also used for the Recovery phase of care.

    • Registration - This type of unit is where outpatients typically enter the care setting. This unit is usually divided into configurable subareas. Subareas could be something like a reception area, registration area, and waiting area.

    • Pre-Op - In this type of unit, caregivers prepare patients for their procedures. Individual Prep unit names can be configured as appropriate for your health system.

    • OR / Procedure - In this type of unit, surgeons and providers perform procedures on the patients. Individual Procedure unit names can be configured as appropriate for your health system.

    • PACU - this unit (Post Anesthesia Care Unit) provides specialized care and monitoring to patients immediately after surgery until they are stable to transition to an inpatient unit or discharge home. The PACU focuses on the postoperative phase immediately following the surgery until they are stable in order to transfer from the PACU to the clinical unit or home.

    • Phase II - This is the continued recovery unit for the patient. Once criteria have been met, the patient will be discharged home.

  • Managing and coordinating patient transfers within a healthcare facility.

  • The Target Unit serves as the destination for patients being moved from one unit or facility to another, ensuring they are placed in the appropriate location based on their medical needs and bed availability.

  • The target unit is used to streamline operations, facilitate efficient patient flow, and enhance communication between staff members involved in the transfer process.

About Changing Target Units

Sometimes a patient’s care does not proceed in the expected flow from Registration to Prep to Procedure to PACU to Recovery. A patient may need to move backward in the usual care workflow such as from Procedure back to Prep. In addition, for certain procedures such as those that may require less sedation, it is normal and expected for the patient to proceed directly to Recovery from the Procedure. You can achieve these different workflows in Workflow IQ® by changing the patient's Target Unit.


  • The unit that you selected appears in the Care Journey of the Patient Details.

  • If you did not select a unit, the patient’s card appears on the Incoming list of all units associated with the Phase of Care that you selected and each of those units appears in the Target in the Patient Details.

  • The patient’s card is cleared from the original target unit’s Unit View > Incoming list.

  • The patient’s card appears on the Incoming list in the Unit View view for the unit that you selected.

Modify Target Unit

  1. Select Movement > Modify Target Unit from the Actions Menu

  2. The Modify Target Unit dialog box appears.

  3. Populate the Phase of Care

  4. If you have more than one Target Unit with the selected phase of care, you can choose to select a unit.

    1. Select Nothing to allow it to appear on the incoming list for both target units in the selected Phase of Care

  5. If your selected phase of care only has one unit, it will be populated by default

  6. If the unit that you selected skips over a phase of care or moves backward, then a confirmation dialog box appears.

  7. Select Yes, Modify Target Unit to continue changing the patient’s target unit.

  8. Select Save & Close.

Task Attribute

Task Attribute Categories and the Task Attributes within them are used to further define something specific about a task. They speed up the management of task types that may fall under a specific category such as a Cleaning Task, that has the attributes of the type of cleaning. We may have Clean Types as the name for the Task Attribute Category, and they have types of cleans as the Task Attributes, such as Body Fluids, Medicinal Spill, Cleaning Fluids, or Others.

Task Attributes appear in the Task Attribute Selector when submitting a new Task, on Task Cards, and on the Request Menu for previously requested tasks

  • Show in Task Attribute Selector

  • Show in Request Menu for previously requested tasks

  • Show on Task Cards

How Task Attributes Work


  • These can be created at Workflow Settings > Dictionaries > Tasks > Task Attributes

  • The Task Attribute Category needs to be created first in order to have Task Attributes Created.

  • Task Attribute Categories are collections of Task Attributes.

  • Task Attribute Categories can be associated with multiple Tasks.

  • Task Attributes are a way to further define a type of task.

  • Task Attributes can only be associated with one Task Attribute Category.

  • An Example would be a Category of Equipment with Attributes of an IV Pump, Heart Pump, and Da Vinci Robot.

  • You can have multiple Task Attributes with the same name as long as they are in different Task Attribute Categories.

  • Using Task Attributes is not advisable if you have well-defined tasks and aim to streamline your workflow, as any Task with a task attribute necessitates several clicks to complete the request.

  • When a new request is submitted and the Task is configured with a Task Attribute Category, the Category, and the Attributes appear as optional to associate to a Request

  • Any Task Attribute selected will appear on the Task Cards on the My Tasks view.


Task Card

Task Cards allow staff to track tasks or requests that need to be worked. All members of your organization who would be recipients of A Request would manage their Tasks on the My Tasks View by moving Task Cards. Managing actions in this fashion provides a quick overview of what needs to be done so that staff can efficiently manage their day.

Task Cards appear on the My Tasks view.

How Task Cards Work


  • Task Cards are self-assigned by Dragging and Dropping the card into a column on the My Tasks View.

  • Task Cards allow Staff to track the progress of the completion of assigned tasks.

  • The More Options Menu is three dots that appear in the top right of the cards.

  • The More Options Menu appears for cards once they are Assigned.

  • Task Cards can contain

    • Task Status which shows the active status of the Task/Request

    • Request Type which shows the type of the Request

    • Task Name appears under the Request Type.

      • This is the Task selected under the Task Dropdown when a Request is entered.

    • Requirement/Equipment fields show any Task Attributes selected related to the selected task when the request was entered.

    • Location shows where the Origin/Destination is. It is origin or delivery due to the nature of Delivery or Pickup requests.

    • Patient Name appears if the Request is a Staff Request

    • Comments entered from the original request will display if entered.

    • More Options Menu allows you to take additional actions.

      • The Delay changes the task status to delay regardless and is available for the To Do column or In Progress column

      • Remove Delay resumes the previous status.


Task Status

Task Status refers to the current state or progress of a task. It indicates where a task stands in its lifecycle, from creation to completion, and helps in tracking and managing tasks effectively. Task Statuses are used by staff members responsible for managing and completing tasks, such as Charging staff or designated personnel

Tasks Status Appears on the My Tasks View, The Request Tabs on the Unit and Zone Views, and The Staff Tab on the Unit Staff View.

How Task Statuses Work


  • Task Statuses can be: Pending, Assigned, In Progress, Delayed, Complete, Cancelled

  • Pending is waiting to be started or assigned.

  • Assigned means a task has been assigned to a staff member but work has not yet begun.

  • In Progress is the state of actively being worked on.

  • Delayed is a state of not progressing as planned.

  • Complete is when the task has been successfully finished.

  • Canceled is used when the task is terminated and will not be completed.

  • Task Statuses can be shown inside the Activity Status field which appears the Zone Staff and Unit Staff Views.

  • Activity Status on the Staff Tab of the Unit Staff View inherits Task Statuses.

  • Activity Status on the Staff & Assignments Tab Tab of the Zone Staff View inherits Task Statuses.

  • Job Status on the Requests Tab of the Unit Staff View inherits Task Statuses.



Tasks are actions that need to be completed as part of a workflow. They track a physical action or series of actions to collect data. Tasks may be used for Ad Hoc requests such as Collecting Patient Labs. Standardized tasks such as check Vital Signs can appear as milestones in order to move through the phases of care. Tasks will be used by the majority of the staff using the application. Any adjustment to a Task can affect how it shows up in multiple areas so adjust the type, skill, and subject with caution.

Where Do Tasks Appear?

  • Tasks appear in the My Tasks view

  • Tasks appear as Milestones

  • Tasks appear in the Requests Menu <Request Menu>

  • Tasks appear in Unit Staff > Requests Tab

  • Tasks appear in Zone Staff > Requests Tab

How Tasks Work


  • Tasks are a dictionary built under Workflow Settings > Dictionaries > Tasks > Tasks.

  • The Fields you configure on the task dictionary affect functionality such as Appointment Turn Milestones, Location Turn Milestones, and All Types of Requests.

  • A Task must have one skill attached.

  • A Task must have a task type

  • A Task must have a subject and can have multiple subjects.

  • A Task can optionally be in a Task Attribute Category <Task Attribute Category> <Task Attribute>

  • A Task can optionally have a Workflow.

  • Assigning a Workflow makes the task eligible to be a Milestone <Milestone Info>

  • If no abbreviation is specified on the task definition, the first three characters of the task name will be used as the abbreviation when relevant.

  • A custom abbreviation is only available if you assign a workflow.

  • The External Source ID allows mapping to an interface system.

  • Canceled Tasks remain on the Zone Staff and Unit Staff views for 24 hours.

  • Tasks appearing in the Request Menu on a Patient Card or Patient Details have a subject of Procedure Appointment.

  • Tasks appearing in the Request Menu on a Location have a subject of Location

  • A Task has to be type Service to show on milestones.

  • Some examples of tasks may be Vital Signs, Anesthesia, Patient Labs

  • Fields that appear on tasks in the dictionary are:

    • Task Name, Task Type, Skill, Subject(s), Task Attribute Category, Workflow, Abbreviation, External Source IDs, External Source, External ID.

  • Tasks and Requests is used synonymously in some areas.

Assign Yourself a Task

  1. Locate the Unassigned Column in the My Tasks View.

  2. Click and drag the Task Card into the To Do or In Progress columns.

  3. Results:

    1. The Task will now be assigned to you.

      1. To Do jobs will show as Assigned in the Staff Views.

      2. In Progress jobs will show as In Progress in the Staff Views.

Begin a Task

  1. Click and drag the Task Card into the In Progress column.

  2. The task appears in the In Progress column with a status of In Progress.

Delay a Task

  1. Select the More Options Menu on a Task card on the My Tasks View.

  2. Select Delay.

  3. To remove, repeat the steps and select Remove Delay.

  4. The card will move back to the To Do column with a Delayed status.

Cancel a Task

  1. Click and drag the Task Card into Cancel on the My Tasks View.

  2. Click Yes, Cancel Request.

  3. The task appears in the Cancel column with a status of Cancelled.

Complete a Task

  1. Click and drag the Task Card from the In Progress column to the Done column

  2. Click Yes, Complete.

  3. The task appears in the Done column with a status of Complete.


A Unit is a defined area within a healthcare facility where specific types of patient care are provided. It typically includes a group of rooms, beds, or spaces dedicated to particular medical functions, such as surgery, recovery, or intensive care. A unit is part of a hospitals department. A Unit is necessary when there is a need to organize and deliver specialized care to patients. Units are essential for managing patient flow, ensuring adequate staffing, and providing targeted care based on patient needs, such as during surgery, recovery, or intensive care. They are staffed by a multidisciplinary team that may include doctors, nurses, charge nurses, and support staff. The specific roles depend on the type of care provided in the unit, with each staff member having designated responsibilities.

Units can be added by going to Admin - Data - Dictionaries - Unit

How Units Work


  • Specialized Patient Care: Delivers focused care based on the specific medical needs of patients, such as surgery, recovery, or intensive care.

  • Organized Patient Flow: Manages the movement of patients through different stages of care within the unit.

  • Staff Assignment: Assigns and manages staff roles and responsibilities according to the unit's specific needs.

  • Resource Allocation: Ensures the availability of medical equipment, supplies, and resources for patient care.

  • Coordination: Facilitates communication among healthcare providers to ensure coordinated and efficient care.

  • Monitoring and Reporting: Tracks patient progress and milestones, providing data for reporting and decision-making.

  • Safety and Compliance: Maintains a controlled environment to meet healthcare standards and safety protocols.

  • Procedure Support: Provides the infrastructure necessary for medical procedures, recovery, and ongoing treatment within the unit.

  • To locate a specific location, it's essential to first identify the Unit in which the location resides. Additionally, a patient's phase of care can be associated with the Unit they are assigned to, which can be observed in the Unit View.

  • Name/Abbreviation/Facility/Auto Unoccpy/Phase of Care + External Source ID's are the things within the Unit that impact Workflow IQ®.

  • Bed Location is where beds can be added to a unit.


Unit Responsibilities

Unit responsibilities are assigned during shift changes, staff meetings, or when organizing the daily operations of a unit. The responsibility of units fall on Staff members within a healthcare facility, including nurses, doctors, and administrative personnel. Unit responsibilities are assigned to ensure that each staff member is accountable for their specific role.

You will find Unit Responsibilities on the Unit Staff Views and the Schedule View. <Links>

How Unit Responsibilities Work


  • Assign staff to a Unit Responsibility via the Unit Staff List.

  • Staff must be associated with a coverage via Select Staff to appear for that day’s assignment.

  • Unit Responsibilities that appear are configured in the Unit Staffing Settings for each unit.

  • Assigned staff appear on the Schedule View but are not editable within that unit.

  • The same Unit Responsibility can be associated with multiple units.

  • Review the Responsibility Topic to fully understand responsibilities.


  • Assign a Unit-Level Responsibility to Staff

Unit Staff

The Unit Staff view is used by the Charge staff to manage breaks and lunches for Unit Staff, view Requests and Request statuses, assign staff to Unit Coverages, and assign Staff to Unit or Bed Responsibilities. The Unit Staff view is primarily used by the Charge staff, but other users can be given access as needed.

How the Unit Staff View Works


  • Manage Assignments by Unit

  • Review Requests by Unit

  • Review Staff Statuses and manage Breaks

  • The Unit Staff view contains three tabs: Staff, Requests, and Assignments.

  • The View Filter for this View shows all Units within the Facility you have associated.

Staff Tab

The Staff tab is used to effectively manage staff breaks, lunches, and assignments to ensure smooth operations and appropriate coverage within the unit. The Staff tab is used by Charge Staff throughout their shifts to manage staff breaks, assignments, and track breaks.

Access the Staff tab by selecting Unit Staff in the navigation bar of the Workflow IQ® application, and then selecting Staff from the menu on the Unit Staff view.

How the Staff Tab Works


  • The Staff tab displays a list of rows populated with Staff members and the following information pertaining to their breaks and lunches:

    • Staff, Position, Activity Status, Scheduled Break, Lunch Break, Location Assignments (# of locations assigned), Actions Menu


  • Manage and assign Staff breaks and lunches per Unit

  • View Staff Activity Statuses by Unit

  • Easily locate a staff member in a Unit by sorting or searching for specific details

  • See Positions of Staff

  • See the total number of locations assigned.

Requests Tab

The Requests tab is designed to provide Charge staff with an organized view of Requests, Task Assignments, and Job Statuses, allowing them to efficiently manage and respond to the needs of the unit. It may be used when you have delays and need an overview of how your teams are working. Access the Requests tab by selecting Unit Staff in the navigation bar and then selecting Requests from the menu on the Unit Staff view.

How the Requests Tab Works


  • The Requests tab displays a list of rows populated Requests assigned to Staff in the selected Unit and the following information

    • Created Time, Requested Task, Requirement, Location, Patient, Job Status, Task Assignment.

  • Requested Task column is the name of the Task Type

  • Requirement Column will be populated by any Task with associated Task Attributes

  • The Location is the destination of the Request

  • If there is. Patient Associated they will appear in the patient column

  • The Job Status shows the current status of the job.

  • The Task Assignment Column shows who is assigned to the task.

  • You can use the column filters to sort through information.


  • View Requests By Unit

  • View Assignments and Status of Requests

  • Easily locate requests per unit by sorting or searching for specific details

Assignments Tab

The Assignments tab is used during shifts to manage staff assignments. The Tab is used by Charge Staff to assign staff to Unit Coverages and assign Staff to Unit or Bed Responsibilities. It ensures appropriate staffing across locations and units to maintain efficient operations.

Access the Assignments tab by selecting Unit Staff View and then selecting Assignments from the menu on the Unit Staff View.

How the Assignments Tab Works


  • The Assignments tab displays drop-down menus used to assign Staff to Unit Responsibilities, as well as a list of all Bed Location Staff Assignments.

  • In order for Staff Assignment Menus to appear, for either Unit or Bed Assignment Scope, the responsibilities must be assigned to the units with the Unit Staffing Settings. <Unit Staffing Settings>

  • The Coverages populating the Select Staff Menu are based on the selected Unit in the View Filter and the responsibilities associated with that unit via Unit Staffing. <Select Staff Functionality> <Staff Assignment Menu Functionality>

  • The Assignments tab contains a list of locations with information about each. You can view the following information to help assign staff:

    • Location

    • Location Status

    • Patient Name

    • Procedure, Provider (Displays the Primary Case Responsibility based on the Procedure Case Staffing Setting

    • Procedure Time (Proc Time)

    • Bed Location Staff Assignment Menus <Workflow - Topics | Staff Assignment >

  • You can use the Data Selector to make assignments for today plus three days in the future.

  • The Select Staff Menu for selecting Coverages appears on this tab. See Select Staff for more.

  • You can Bulk Edit Bed Location Assignments via the Edit Selected Button.

  • You can Assign Units and Bed


  • Manage Staff Assignments to Locations and Units

  • Manage Unit Coverage Assignments

  • Locate Staffing Information for Units and related information in one place.

Assigning a Unit Responsibility

  1. To assign Staff to responsibilities over an entire unit, use the Filter View to select the Unit.

  2. Click the Assignments tab.

  3. Select the appropriate date from the date drop-down.

  4. Ensure that Staff Coverage has been added for that day, otherwise you will be unable to proceed. Refer to Adding Staff Coverages for instructions.

  5. Select the appropriate Staff members for all of the Unit Responsibility menus that appear above the Location assignment table.

  6. Unit Staff Assignments will be saved automatically.

  7. To update Unit Staff Assignments, select a new staff member from the Unit Responsibility menu of the assignment that needs to be updated.

Assigning a Bed Responsibility

By the Assignments List

  1. On the Unit Staff view, select the unit using the View Filter.

  2. Select the Assignments tab.

  3. Ensure that Staff Coverage has been added for that day, otherwise you will be unable to proceed. Refer to Adding Staff Coverages for instructions.

  4. Select the appropriate date from the date drop-down.

  5. In the row to update, select a staff member’s name from the Bed Responsibility menu.

By Bulk Assignment

  1. On the Unit Staff view, select the Unit using the View Filter.

  2. Select the Assignments tab.

  3. Ensure that Staff Coverage has been added for that day, otherwise you will be unable to proceed. Refer to Adding Staff Coverages for instructions.

  4. Select the appropriate date from the date drop-down.

  5. Select the check box(es) next to the location(s) to update bedside assignments and select Edit Selected.

  6. Update assignments as desired and select Yes, Edit Assignments.

On the Unit View

  1. Go to the Unit View of the location to be edited.

  2. Select either ADD or EDIT on the location to be assigned to a staff member.

  3. From the Add/Edit Staff, select the appropriate staff.

  4. Click Save & Close.

Unit Staffing

Unit staffing is established during the staff setup process and when new responsibilities need to be available to staff members. Responsibilities for Units are configured in the Unit Staffing Settings located in Workflow Settings. The main goal of unit staffing is to ensure that each staff member is assigned responsibilities that match their skills within a specific facility and unit. Consider adjusting Unit Staffing to further define responsibilities across Units or Locations.

The Responsibilities configured via Unit Staffing will appear on the Unit Staff View as Location or Unit Responsibilities.

How Unit Staffing Works


  • Unit staffing defines which Bed and Unit Responsibilities are eligible to be assigned to staff.

  • The Bed Responsibilities Field allows you to determine the responsibilities that are assigned to staff members who care for patients in a location or bed location.

    • The items that appear are responsibilities that have an Assignment Scope of Location: Bed.

  • The Unit Responsibilities field allows you to determine the responsibilities that are assigned to cover the entire unit.

    • The items that appear are responsibilities that have an Assignment Scope of Location: Unit.

  • You can assign multiple responsibilities to a Unit

  • Unit staffing is determined during the staff setup process and is continually referenced when assigning responsibilities to staff members.

  • The purpose of unit staffing is to map Bed Level or Unit Level Responsibilities to a specific unit. This allows them to appear

  • Unit staffing is managed by administrative and clinical leaders responsible for assigning staff to specific responsibilities within a unit.


Examples: An Anesthesiologist, a Circulator, a Surg Tech, and a CRNA are all assigned to an OR Unit.

Fields: Facility <Link>, Unit <Link>, Responsibilities (Includes Bed Responsibilities and Unit Responsibilities)


  • Configure Responsibilities per Unit at the Bed and Unit Responsibility level

Unit View

The Unit View is primarily used by charge nurses and other staff working in Prep, Procedure, and Recovery units, as well as those involved in tracking patient movements and managing care. It is utilized throughout all phases of patient care, from admission to discharge, and is particularly valuable for monitoring patient movements and staff assignments on the day of care. The Unit View helps ensure that patients are in the appropriate locations and that staff assignments are managed effectively. This view displays all locations within a unit, including the Incoming list, patient cards, and location statuses, providing detailed information about patients, locations, and staff within the selected unit.

You can access the Unit View view by selecting Unit View in the navigation bar.

How the Unit View Works


  • The Incoming list shows information for the selected unit. This allows you to know what patients may be coming to your unit.

  • The main window shows all of the selected unit's locations and their statuses

  • You can interact with Patient Cards for patients in the selected unit to:

    • Move Patients

    • View Patients in their assigned locations

    • Create, Edit, or Cancel Area, Location, or Patient Requests

    • Access the Patient Details Panel

    • Manage Location Staff Assignments

    • Access Room View

    • View Patient Information Quickly

    • Mark Milestones as Complete or Track Milestone Progress

    • Depart Patients


  • Track Incoming Patients

  • Monitor Unit Locations

  • Patient Management

  • Milestone Tracking


Users are assigned by each facility and granted specific permissions based on their roles within the organization. Each user has individualized access to the applications they are authorized to use. Users may include administrators, nurses, EVS supervisors, transport supervisors, and others, each with permissions tailored to their specific responsibilities.

How Users Work

Add Staff User

  1. At Workflow Settings > Staff > Staff select Add Staff

  2. Associate the IQ Username, if the user logs in, as well as the Last and First Name of the staff.

  3. Associate Positions and Additional Skill Groups.

  4. Add Facilities where the staff will work.

  5. Select Save Staff

View Filter

The View Filter enables staff to efficiently access specific information by refining the displayed data on a view to exclusively present the chosen site. It is used to focus the view on specific segment of the Enterprise, such as a Facility, Zone Type, Unit, or Department. It is located in the navigation bar of most views within the system, usually positioned to the right of the current view’s name.

You will see this on the Registration, Unit View, Schedule , Appointments, Unit Staff, Zone Staff, and Roster Views.

How View Filters Work


  • The View Filter is a drop-down menu that allows you to select the specific hospital segment for which you want to access information.

  • The Filtering Options are different per View

  • They can include Facility, Zone, Unit, or Department.

    • The Roster view displays patient information per Facility.

    • The Zone Staff view displays Staff assignment and request information per Zone.

    • The Registration view and Unit View display patient cards and locations per Units.

      • Registration shows locations with a Registration Phase of Care

      • Unit View shows locations with Phases of Care other than Registration

    • The Unit Staff view displays staff and request information per Unit.

      • The View Filter on the Unit Staff view is multi-level. First, hover over the Department and then select the Unit within the Department.

    • The Schedule, Appointments, and Family Wallboard views display information per Department.

      • Generally, the View Filter only allows staff to select one site to view at a time. The Appointments view however, allows multiple departments to be selected.

      • Tabs of bay groupings appear next to the View Filter on the Schedule view that allow for further display filtering.


The View Filter is available on the following views: Registration,


Patient visits occur when patients arrive at a facility to receive unscheduled care. Visits are populated in Workflow IQ® from a hospital system’s EMR or ADT System. Doctors, nurses, administrative staff, medical assistants, case managers, and billing specialists use visit information to coordinate and document patient care.

Visit information appears on the Patient Details Panel and the Roster. When a patient is moved to another area, the visit information will appear on their Patient Card.

How Visits Works


  • Visits cannot be manually entered into Workflow IQ®.

  • The following information may be documented about a Patient Visit:

    • Patient Name

    • Patient Attributes

    • DOB

    • Age

    • Gender

    • Language

    • Visit Number

    • Medical Record Number

    • Allergies

    • Precautions

  • Staff can search the Roster to locate a patient’s visit in the system.

  • When a patient visit appears, the patient may be badged or have a case created for a procedure.Visit Type

Patient visit categories are crucial for classifying visits based on their nature and purpose, enabling your healthcare team to organize and manage patient care more effectively. These classifications are primarily utilized by healthcare staff, including administrative, clinical, and IT teams, throughout the entire patient care process, from admission to discharge. By categorizing patient visits, you can ensure that each patient receives the appropriate level of care according to their visit type. While the Visit Types themselves are not configurable, you have the flexibility to configure the associated HL7 IDs for your integration requirements. This customization helps streamline your workflows and enhances coordination across your healthcare services.

You can edit an ID for Visit Type in Dictionaries > Patient > Visit Type.

Visit Type appears on the Patient Details Panel and when you create new case on the Appointments View.

How the Visit Type Works


  • Categories visits based on their nature and purpose, aiding in the organization and management of patient care.

  • Used by administrative, clinical, and IT teams throughout the patient care process, from admission to discharge.

  • Helps ensure that each patient receives the appropriate level of care based on their visit type.

  • Visit Types are fixed within the application, but the associated HL7 IDs can be configured.

  • Allows for configuration of HL7 IDs to meet specific organizational needs or integration requirements, enhancing workflow efficiency and coordination.

  • Visit Types are a filter for Incoming List Rules

  • Visit Types appear while creating a Case or Editing a Case.


Wheels In/Out

Wheels In and Wheels Out data are utilized by hospital administrators, clinicians, and operational teams to track patient flow and enhance efficiency. By leveraging this data, hospitals can improve patient care, streamline operations, and support strategic decision-making. Wheels In data is captured when a patient enters an OR location, while Wheels Out data is recorded when they leave, either manually or automatically via Location IQ®. This data is visible in reports and integrated within hospital information systems, with the Wheels In milestone appearing for all patient records in the patient details. This integration is crucial for monitoring patient movement and calculating key metrics such as Block Time Utilization and Room Turnover Time.

How Wheels In Works


  • The Wheels In data is captured when a patient enters a room. Wheels In data is visible in reports.

  • The Wheels In entity is populated when a patient is moved into an OR location or Location IQ® indicates that a patient has entered an OR location.

  • Selecting a Patient as “In Room” marks them as “Wheels In” for reporting purposes.

How Wheels Out Works


  • The Wheels Out data is captured when a patient leaves a room. Wheels Out data is visible in reports.

  • The wheels out entity is populated when a patient is moved out of an OR location or Location IQ® indicates that a patient has left an OR location.

  • This data point is available for reporting and calculating key metrics, such as Block Time Utilization and Room Turnover Time.


Workflow is a way to organize and streamline processes, ensuring tasks are completed efficiently, accurately, and consistently. Workflows are utilized by staff members responsible for task management, such as Charge staff or designated personnel, and are applied whenever tasks require tracking and oversight, particularly when marked as Pending or Complete. By integrating workflows with specific tasks within a system or application, tasks are effectively managed, tracked, and completed. This integration enhances operational efficiency and accuracy, with workflows eligible to be displayed as Appointment Milestones or Location Turn Milestones.

How Workflows Work


  • There is currently only type - Pending/Complete

  • One workflow can be associated with a Task.

  • Tasks with a workflow of Pending/Complete are eligible to be populated as an Appointment Milestone or Location Turn Milestones


The context of a workflow encompasses the specific environment or scenario in which the workflow is implemented. It involves the tasks, processes, and objectives that the workflow is designed to manage and optimize. In your system, workflows are crucial for organizing and tracking tasks that require oversight, particularly those marked as Pending or Complete. This is especially relevant for staff, such as Charge staff or designated personnel, who are responsible for ensuring that tasks are executed efficiently and accurately. By integrating workflows with tasks, the system enhances operational efficiency by making these tasks eligible for display as milestones, facilitating effective monitoring and timely completion.


Zones are groups of Bed Locations designed to enhance the efficiency of hospital operations, ensure patient safety, and deliver specialized care tailored to different medical needs. Zones are typically created during the hospital planning or reorganization phases, whenever there is a need to enhance operational efficiency or improve patient care. Zones are established to streamline hospital workflows, ensure patient safety, and deliver targeted care to different medical groups, ultimately improving the quality and efficiency of healthcare services. Hospital administrators and healthcare planners are responsible for creating and managing Zones. Zones can be applied across various Units within the hospital.

You can add or edit Zones through Dictionaries > Location Hierarchy > Zone

How Zones Work


  • A zone is a collection of several units and all or some of their associated locations.

  • A Zone is created with a Zone Type, a Zone Name, and at least one Bed Location.

  • A Zone can only have one Zone Type.

  • Multiple Zones can have the same Zone Type.

  • A Zone can include multiple Units.

  • Multiple Zones can include the same Unit.

  • Zones can but do not have to include every Bed Location in a Unit.

  • The names of Zones appear on the View Filter of the Zone Staff View


Facility -> Unit
Department -> Unit
Unit -> Bed Location
Zone -> Bed Location


Add or Edit Zones

  1. Go to Workflow Settings > Location Hierarchy > Zone.

  2. The Zone view appears.

  3. In Facility, select the facility.

  4. In Zone Type, select the name of the type of zone. The table refreshes to display the zones that match your selections.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • To create a new zone, select Add Zone.

    • To edit an existing zone, select the pencil icon in the Actions column for the zone you want to update.

  6. The Add/Edit Zone dialog box appears.

  7. Zone Type - Accept the default that was on the Zone Management view or select a different type from the drop-down list.

  8. Name - Type a name for the zone.

  9. Location(s) - Select the location(s) that you want to include in the zone.

  10. In the table of locations that appears, select the checkboxes next to the locations/locations that you want to include in the zone.

  11. Repeat the process with another unit selected to include locations across different units in the zone.

  12. Select Save Zone.

  13. The Zone names appear for possible selection in the Zone Assignments and Zone fields on the tabs of the Zone Staff View.

Zone Staff View

The Zone Staff view is primarily used by the Charge staff throughout the day to manage the operations of Zone Staff. This includes monitoring and adjusting staff coverage, overseeing breaks and lunches, and handling requests to ensure all zones are adequately staffed and managed. The view provides essential tools for maintaining smooth operations and continuous coverage, and it can be accessed by selecting "Zone Staff" in the navigation bar. While it is primarily used by the Charge staff, other users may be granted access as needed.

To access this view, navigate to the Zone Staff section from the application's navigation bar.

How the Zone Staff View Works


  • Manage Breaks and Coverage: Oversee breaks and lunches for Zone Staff, ensuring proper coverage across all areas.

  • Monitor and Address Requests: View and manage Requests and their statuses to address needs or issues within the zones.

  • Assign Staff Coverage: Assign and adjust Zone Coverage to ensure all areas are adequately staffed.

  • Staff Assignments Management: Manage staff assignments, including breaks, lunches, and zone assignments.

  • Track and Handle Activity Statuses: View and manage Activity Statuses and related tasks within the zones.

  • User Access: Primarily used by Charge staff, with access potentially granted to other users as needed.

  • Zone Assignments: Manage Zone Assignments per staff and adjust as needed.

  • Date Selection: Select and display dates for making assignments, with visibility up to three days ahead.

  • Search and Sort by Zone: Easily locate staff members in a Zone by sorting or searching specific details.


Staff & Assignments Tab

The Staff & Assignments tab, primarily used by the Charge staff, is an essential tool within the Workflow IQ® application for managing Zone Staff coverage. It allows for the assignment of breaks, lunches, and Zone Assignments while monitoring staff activity statuses to ensure adequate coverage. By facilitating the planning and scheduling of staff assignments and breaks, this tab helps maintain smooth operations and proper staffing throughout the day. Users can view and manage staff assignments for the current date plus three days into the future.

Access to the Staff & Assignments tab is available by selecting "Zone Staff" in the navigation bar of the Workflow IQ® application and then choosing "Staff & Assignments" from the menu in the Zone Staff view.

How the Staff & Assignments Tab Works


  • Display of Information, such as a list of staff members and shows relevant details for each staff member (Staff Name, Activity Status, Zone Assignment, Scheduled Break, Lunch Break, Actions Menu)

  • Manage Zone Coverage Assignments - Assign staff to specific zones and adjust zone assignments as needed to maintain coverage.

  • Select a Date for Assignments - Choose a date to display and make staff assignments where you can view and manage assignments for the current date and up to five days into the future.

  • View Staff Activity Statuses by Zone - Monitor the current activity status of staff members within each zone and ensure that staff are available and correctly assigned.

  • Locate Staff Members - Easily sort or search for specific staff members within a zone where you can Quickly find and view details of individual staff members.

  • User Access - Primarily used by the Charge staff, however, other users may be granted access as needed.


  • Display of Information

  • Manage Zone Coverage Assignments

  • Select a Date for Assignments

  • View Staff Activity Statuses by Zone

  • Locate Staff Members

  • User Access

Assign a Zone

  1. Within the Zone Staff View select the Zone Type from the View Filter

  2. Hover over the Staff you which to assign a zone and the Zone Assignment Column to reveal an Edit Icon.

  3. Click the Pencil

  4. Select a Zone.

  5. If you want to remove a zone, then click the X.

Requests Tab

The Requests tab is used to view and manage requests, ensuring timely responses and task assignments. The Requests tab is essential for efficiently tracking and managing tasks and ensuring that patient care and other critical operations are handled promptly. This tab allows staff to monitor job statuses and ensure that the right resources are allocated to the right zones. The Requests tab is primarily used by Charge staff.

Access the Requests tab by selecting Zone Staff in the navigation bar of the Workflow IQ® application and then selecting Requests from the menu on the Zone Staff view.

How the Requests Tab Works


  • Used to manage and monitor tasks across various zones.

  • Track the creation, assignment, and status of requests in real time, ensuring efficient workflow management.

  • Maintaining timely and accurate responses to patient care needs and other critical tasks, and while primarily used by Charge staff, it can be accessed by other users as needed.

  • Allows filtering on X Columns.


  • Real-Time Monitoring

  • Task Assignment Management

  • Status Tracking

  • Sorting and Searching

  • Access Control

  • Zone Management

Zone Type

Zone Types are used to group Zones. Nurses, patient care assistants, or environmental services staff (responsible for cleaning and maintaining rooms) use the Zone Type to identify and manage the areas they are responsible for.

Zone Types appear in the View Filter on the Zone Staff View. They also appear in the Zones dictionary where you configure what locations are in each zone.

How Zone Types Work


  • Zone Types can be:

    • OR EVS

    • Pre and Post-Op EVS

    • Radiology Services

    • Sterile Disposable

  • Currently, Zone Types are hard coded.

  • When a Zone Type is selected in the View Filter on the Zone Staff View, only Staff and Requests for the Zones assigned to that Zone Type will appear on the screen.

  • A Zone Type can be assigned to multiple Zones and Facilities.


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