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Release Notes - Transfer IQ® | Referral IQ®
Release Notes - Transfer IQ® | Referral IQ®
Ashley Ware avatar
Written by Ashley Ware
Updated over 5 months ago


This page includes release notes from 2020-01-31 to 2024-10-04

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Transfer IQ® Release Notes | Referral IQ® Release Notes


What’s New


What’s New


What’s New


What’s New


What’s New


What’s New


What’s New




What’s New

  • Dynamic Feature Updates - As a part our recently announced content delivery strategy improvements, all future feature announcement and release note updates will be published as dynamic articles and news items so you can stay in the loop with the latest features and fixes. Access this content here.


What’s New

Merge Active and Upcoming Case Tabs - The TransferCenterIQ™ application now provides users with the option to view a merged list of Active and Upcoming cases. When the tabs are merged, the Upcoming tab will be removed from the case worklist and the previously listed Upcoming cases will be incorporated within the Active tab. The ETA will no longer be a determining factor for patients appearing or not appearing on the Active worklist. Your Health System can choose to enable this feature by contacting TeleTracking Support.


What’s New

  • Facility Redirect Reason - Facility Redirect Reasons are now available to be added to the Target Facility Communication card when the Redirected disposition is selected. Redirect Reason also appear as a filterable column on the Transfer Case worklist. This column represents redirect reasons for the preferred facility. If no preferred facility is documented, this column will remain blank.

    • To select a redirect reason, first select the Facility Redirected icon from the Target Facility Communication section on the case’s Communication tab.

    • A window will appear prompting for a Redirect Reason. Choose a reason from the list and select Redirect Reason. The window will close and the Redirect Reason will be added to the Case Log and the Case Grid under the Facility Redirect field.

      • Note: Previously, the Redirect Reason field in the Case Grid was populated with the reason why the Preferred Target Facility declined a patient. Now, the Redirect Reason field in the Case Grid will be populated with the Redirect Reason selected from the Target Facility Communication card.

      • A new Facility Redirect column has also been added to the Disposition Reason dictionary. Dictionary entries associated with the Facility Redirect column will appear in the list of redirect reasons available to choose from when redirecting a patient to another facility.

  • Requested Level of Care - When a case is imported from referrals within the Community Access® portal, the patient’s initially requested Level of Care value will now populate the Requested Level of Care field of the Patient Tab of the Case Record. This field is also made visible, but not editable (grayed out field), from the Bed Request section of the Outcomes tab of the patient’s record.

  • External User Management - The External User Management feature allows health systems to expand their reach securely and receive referrals from non-affiliated medical practices by adding functionality for non-affiliated referring facilities to manage their own Community Access® Portal user accounts. A Referring Facility Admin (RFA) role may be created and associated to Medical Practice Accounts (MPA) and Facilities and associated with their own identity provider. This user may then create and manage user accounts (other RFAs and External Care Providers) within the MPAs and Facilities that they are associated to. This reduces risk for Health Systems and allows the referring facilities to maintain their own user accounts. Your Health System can choose to enable this feature by contacting TeleTracking Support.


What’s New

  • Escalation Contacts - Users can now add the name of the person to the escalation role. After adding the Role, users can select Add/Edit Details to further identify the specific person. Users can choose the name of the person from the provider or staff dictionary.

    • This information is saved in the escalation history (Show History) and the Case Log. This enhancement provides more granular detail for escalation communications.

  • Message Notifications – Users can now send messages by selecting the envelope icon in the transfer case header while the case is in edit mode.

    In the Message Dialog box that appears, users can type a message of up to 1500 characters and select one or multiple recipients. Note: Message Notifications are currently outbound only.

    Notifications require some setup by system administrators for users to receive one or both of the following:

    Wireless notifications: Users receive notifications on wireless devices using the WCTP (Wireless Communications Transfer Protocol) endpoint configuration.

    Email notifications: Users receive notifications in emails that use the value of the Email field in the user’s IQ platform account profile.

    For more information, refer to this technical bulletin.

  • Requested Level of Care - A new Requested Level of Care field has been added to the Patient Tab of the Case Record. The new Requested Level of Care field allows documentation of the patient’s initial Level of Care requested by the referring facility. This field is also made visible, but not editable (grayed out field), from the Bed Request section of the Outcomes tab of the patient’s record.

  • Target Communications Updates - Patient placement specialists using the TransferCenterIQ™ application can now track communications with staff members who are not physicians/consultants. Users in the United States can also track providers who are not in the National Provider Identifier (NPI) registry. Administrators can add people to the Staff dictionary and the Positions dictionary. Patient placement specialists can select staff members and their positions in the new Staff section on the case’s Target Communications page. A card appears in the Staff section for each selected staff member. Users select the icons in the staff member’s card to indicate the following communication events: Call Returned, Conferenced, Cancelled, Consulted, Accepted, and Declined. Each event selected appears in the Case Log. Users can view a history of the staff member’s communications by selecting the Show History arrows at the bottom right of the staff member’s communication card. Users can enter associations for Consult, Decline, and Acceptance events. In addition, users can select positions on the Physician or Staff cards.

    For more details, see the printable technical bulletin.

    Note: The Target Communications cards are now available for in-progress cases and cases that have been completed in the last 90 days.

  • Patient Placement Specialist (View Only) Role – A new user role labeled "Patient Placement (View Only)" will be visible and available for selection in user's profiles. While this role will be visible in the user interface, development of the code required for this role to function properly is currently still in progress. An updated release note will be provided when this role is ready and usable. Although adding the role to profiles before full feature release would not break existing functionality, please do not apply this role to any user profiles.


What’s New

  • Requested Level of Care - A new view-only field now appears on the Bed Request section of the case’s Outcomes tab. The Requested Level of Care field displays the first Level of Care value selected in the initial bed request from either the TransferCenterIQ™ application or the Capacity Management Suite® solution. This value becomes a permanent part of the patient’s record and, therefore, cannot be changed. Subsequent Level of Care field selections display as expected in the Level of Care field and can be changed multiple times. If the Level of Care is not selected in the first bed request, the Requested Level of Care field appears blank in create and edit modes. In view mode, the field displays double dashes (--). This enhancement is useful in reports for legal purposes.


What’s New

  • Facility Consulted - Patient Placement Specialists can now select the new Facility Consulted icon on the Target Facility Communication section on the case’s Communication tab to indicate contacting the facility for more information.

  • Facility Redirected - Patient Placement Specialists can now select the new Facility Redirected icon on the Target Facility Communication section on the case’s Communication tab to indicate that the patient was redirected to a different facility of an unspecified name.

Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-9680] Users could not save a case when updating it with a bed request. This issue has been fixed, and now users can save a case after adding a bed request.

  • [IQTC-9701] Users were unable to create new cases. This problem has been fixed, and now users can successfully create new cases.


What’s New

  • This release includes technical improvements to enhance performance.


What’s New

  • This release includes technical improvements to enhance performance.


What’s New

Integration with the Capacity Managment Suite Solution

  • Master Patient Index Search – The Master Patient Index (MPI) search feature (Check for Existing Patients button) in the TransferCenterIQ™ application can now search for matching patients across multiple instances of the Capacity Management Suite® solution. The search results in the Existing Patients dialog box now display the following changes to support this update:

    • Gender and Age are combined into one column (Gender/Age).

    • The patient’s social security number is masked except for the last four digits.

    • The patient’s address appears in three separate columns: Address (street only), City, and State. Zip Code no longer appears in the search results.

    • A new CMS Instance column appears.

This enhancement makes it easier for patient placement specialists to locate existing patients in the Capacity Management Suite® solution.

Note: To implement this feature, healthcare systems must have the TeleTracking IQ® platform version 2023-08-16 or later integrated with multiple instances of the Capacity Management Suite® solution version 2023.08 or later. Your TeleTracking Technologies representative will assist your healthcare system to enable this enhancement.

  • Add More Capacity Management Suite Instances – On the Manage Settings page, the TeleTrackingIQ platform now has the ability to add 20 instances of the Capacity Management Suite® solution. Your TeleTracking Technologies representative will assist your healthcare system to implement this feature.


Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-9205] Clients were unable to receive notifications from the TeleTracking IQ® platform regarding data import and export results, or user password credentials. This has been fixed, and now clients receive the emails from the TeleTracking IQ® platform as expected.

  • [IQTC-9281] If the Check for Existing Patients button is selected when creating a case, the Submit Request button is not active on the Outcomes tab > Placement Request Information section. This has been fixed, and now the Submit Request button is active after the Check for Existing Patients button has been selected.

  • [IQTC-9367] Administrators were not able to add roles to a user’s profile in the User Account page. This has been fixed, and now roles can be successfully added to user’s profiles.


What’s New?

  • Identity Provider Updates – Administrators in healthcare systems that use their own client active directory can now edit a previously selected Identity Provider in the User Information section of the User Accounts page. The options in the selection list are namespaces, such as "urn:auth0:dev-teletracking-generalhospital," rather than display names, such as "General Hospital." Namespaces are more helpful information for administrators.


Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-9141] The TransferCenterIQ™ Transfer Case Quick Report displayed no data when generated. This has been fixed, and now when generated, the Transfer Case Quick Report displays data as expected.


What’s New?

  • This release includes technical improvements to enhance performance.


What’s New?

  • This release includes technical improvements to enhance performance.


What’s New?

  • The National Provider Identifier (NPI) registry has been updated for customers in the United States.


Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-9016] After customers created a case, if they then tried to edit the case, the Check for Existing Patient button did not work. This has been fixed, and now the Check for Existing Patient button works when users are editing a case.


What’s New?

  • The National Provider Identifier (NPI) registry has been updated for customers in the United States.


What’s New?

  • This release includes technical improvements to enhance performance.

Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-8868] Sometimes if a user's profile did not include a middle name, the system added an extra space between the first and last names. The result was that a duplicate user was created. This was especially a problem when reports were generated. This issue is fixed by updating to version 2023-03-15.


What’s New?

  • This release includes technical improvements to enhance performance.


What’s New?

  • The National Provider Identifier (NPI) registry has been updated for customers in the United States.

Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-8726] Some customers noticed that the TransferCenterIQ™ application Cases grid did not display the latest cases in a timely fashion. This has been fixed in the code, and now the TransferCenterIQ™ application Cases grid performs as expected.


What’s New?

  • Quick Notes – Users can now share notes about physicians and facilities with other patient placement specialists in their healthcare system. By selecting the i icon anywhere it appears in the case next to a facility or physician, users can create and edit quick notes in the new Facility Notes and Physician Notes fields on the information pop-up window. Administrators can also create and edit quick notes about physicians and facilities in the Physicians or Facilities dictionary pages. Only the latest notes are displayed. The notes do not appear in the case log and are not saved with the case record. This enhancement provides a new field for capturing and sharing physician and facility information that is helpful specifically for other patient placement specialists when documenting a transfer case. For more information, see the attached technical bulletin here.


What’s New?

  • The National Provider Identifier (NPI) registry has been updated for customers in the United States.

Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-8654] Some customers in the United States did not see any results when they selected the Search for new physician link throughout the TransferCenterIQ™ application. This problem has been fixed in the code, and now the Search for new physician link works as expected.


What’s New?

  • This release includes technical improvements to enhance performance.


Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-8523] Sometimes customers could not save assessments. This has been fixed, and now customers can successfully save assessments.


What’s New?

  • Payor Updates – By default, after a bed request is made, updated payor information in the TransferCenterIQ™ application can be overwritten by updated payor information (via HL7 feed) from the Capacity Management Suite® solution (CMS). In addition, payors currently existing on a placement in CMS may update the payors set in the TransferCenterIQ™ application when a Similar Bed Request is selected during a bed request submission. Now, a new setting on the TeleTracking IQ® platform’s Manage Settings page allows TransferCenterIQ™ users to retain the changes that they make to the case’s Payor field, no matter what payor definitions may exist in CMS. Your TeleTracking representative can configure this setting for your healthcare system. See more details here.


Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-8294] After a physician was selected in a case’s Communications tab > Target Physician Communication section to create a card, the same selection list continued to display the already selected physician. This has been fixed, and now physicians that have already been selected do not appear in the Target Physician Communication selection list and cannot be selected again.


What’s New?

  • The National Provider Identifier (NPI) registry has been updated for customers in the United States.


Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-8166] Usually when users begin typing a few letters of a facility’s name in one of the Facility fields, the corresponding facility name appears in a list for selection. Sometimes, when users typed a facility name as an acronym of all capital letters in one of the Facility type ahead fields, the facility did not appear in the selection list. This has been fixed, and now when users type all capital letter acronyms in the Facility name fields, the acronym appears in the selection list as expected.


What’s New?

  • This release includes technical improvements to enhance performance.


What’s New?

  • This release includes technical improvements to enhance performance.


What's New?

  • Default Locale – Administrators can now see the view-only Default Locale field in the Admin > Settings > Platform Settings page, which controls the SynapseIQ® Enterprise Solution global language and date formats. Your TeleTracking representative can update this field for your enterprise. For more information, see View the Default Locale.

Fixed Issues

  • IQTC-7946] An error message appeared when users changed their Default Team in their profiles but did not change their Call Recording Identifier and Call Recording Identifier Type at the same time. This has been fixed, and now users can successfully change only their Default Team without changing the call recording fields.

  • [IQTC-7957] Sometimes the Cases list did not update when users changed the capitalization of the procedure or patient’s name. This has been fixed, and now updates to the capitalization of the procedure or patient’s name appear on the Cases list as expected.


What's New?

  • The National Provider Identifier (NPI) registry has been updated for customers in the United States.

Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-7450] In rare instances, duplicate cases were created when users selected Create Case. This problem has been fixed by a change to the code. Now, duplicate cases no longer appear when users select Create Case.


Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-7771] Users in the United States saw an error message when they attempted to add certain new physicians with non-US state abbreviations in their contact address in the National Provider Identifier (NPI) database. This has been resolved so that users can add these physicians to cases as expected.

  • [IQTC-7793] Customer administrators could not scroll through the whole Disposition Reasons dictionary. This has been resolved, and now the scroll function on the Disposition Reasons dictionary page works as expected.


What's New

  • Case Teams – A transfer center may have teams to handle certain transfer cases based on geography, clinical specialty, or other characteristics. Now, groups of users who specialize in handling specific kinds of transfer cases can be assigned to appropriate cases. Administrators enter the team names in the new Teams dictionary, and users select the team in the header of the case details. The Teams column can be added to the Cases list. Users can add or edit the team to which they belong using the new Default Team field in their profile page. This enhancement allows a team of patient placement specialists to be easily and quickly assigned to appropriate cases. For more information about case teams go here.

    • Contact your TeleTracking Technologies representative to enable this feature for your health system.

Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC 7579] Users to whom administrators added an On-Call Scheduling™ application role were not able to run On-Call Scheduling™ Quick reports. This has been fixed, and now when an On-Call Scheduling™ application role, such as Schedule Viewer or Service Line Owner, is added to a user, the user can successfully run On-Call Scheduling™ Quick reports.


What's New

  • When the TransferCenterIQ™ application sends a bed request to the Capacity Management Suite® solution, the Capacity Management Suite® solution can now automatically send an A05 (pre-admit) HL7 message to the health system’s ADT system. This enhancement can allow health systems to easily create patient records in their EMR or ADT systems before patients arrive.

    • Contact your TeleTracking representative for assistance to implement this enhancement.

Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC 7036] TransferCenterIQ™ application (TCIQ) can send a bed request for a patient to the Capacity Management Suite® solution (CMS). After the patient is assigned a bed in CMS, the patient’s transfer case can be completed in TCIQ. The completed transfer case can still receive payor updates from CMS. However, payor updates sent by CMS only appeared on the Patient tab of the case’s details and not on the Cases list.

    • In a previous release, this issue was fixed for completed cases that were created after May 25, 2022. As of the 2022-06-22 release, the issue is also fixed for completed cases that were created before May 25, 2022. Now payor updates sent from CMS to completed transfer cases appear in the Cases list for all cases.


Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-7413, IQTC-7428, IQTC-7430] Sometimes the quick reports On-Call Schedule and On-Call Audit History did not display any data. This has been fixed, and now when users go to On Call > Quick Reports and select the On-Call Schedule report or the On-Call Audit History report in the Report Type field, the reports display data as expected.


What's New

  • NPI Updated - Previously, the National Provider Identifier (NPI) registry was updated as necessary. With this release and going forward, in addition to as-needed updates, the TCIQ application will update the NPI registry routinely every month.

Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-7381] When users attempted to print a transfer case’s details by any of the following means, the resulting print preview did not display any case information. The problem occurred when users:

    • Selected the print button when in view mode.

    • Selected Save > Save & Print when in edit mode.

    • Selected Save > Print when in edit mode and prior to making any changes.

    • This issue was fixed but not reported in version 2022-05-11. Now, users can successfully print a case’s details by any of the above means.

  • [IQTC-7071] Customers noticed that screens were slow to update throughout the TransferCenterIQ™ application. The response time has been improved, and now the TransferCenterIQ™ application updates in a more timely manner.

  • [IQTC 7024] The TransferCenterIQ™ application can send a bed request for a patient to the Capacity Management Suite® solution (CMS). After the patient is assigned a bed in Capacity Management Suite® solution, the patient’s transfer case can be completed in the TransferCenterIQ™ application. However, the patient’s completed transfer case can still receive payor updates from the Capacity Management Suite® solution. The problem was that payor updates sent by the Capacity Management Suite® solution appeared differently on the Patient tab of the case’s details than on the Cases list.

The completed case’s details displayed the updated payors as:

But the completed Cases list displayed different information:

This has been fixed, and now when the Capacity Management Suite® solution sends payor updates to a completed transfer case, both the case’s details and the Cases list display the same information.


Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-7095] When filtering the Cases list by Disposition Reasons, users could not view beyond the first 50 disposition reasons alphabetically arranged in the filter drop-down list. Even typing the disposition reason in the filter field did not display dispositions that started with later letters in the alphabet. This has been fixed, and now users can type the first one or two characters of a disposition reason that appears later than the first 50 entries in the Disposition Reasons filter list, and the filter list then refreshes displaying the entries that match the typed characters.

  • [IQTC-7182] When users created patient bed requests via the TransferCenterIQ™ application, the patients' diagnoses appeared incorrectly in the PreAdmitTracking® application. The text “label_primary:” and/or “label_secondary:” appeared before the patients’ diagnoses rather than the text “Primary” or “Secondary.” This has been fixed, and now the patients’ diagnoses appear with the number “1” before the primary diagnoses and the number “2” before the secondary diagnoses. The words “Primary” and “Secondary” are no longer spelled out.

  • [IQTC 7229] Some customers noticed that drop-down lists were slow to populate and the application froze when users attempted to move from screen to screen. This issue has been corrected.

  • [IQTC 7250] When administrators navigated away from the Dictionaries >Dispostion Reason page and then returned to the page, the Disposition Reasons list did not appear. This has been fixed in the code, and now navigating away from the Disposition Reasons page and returning to it displays the Dispostion Reasons list as expected.

    • For more information about the fixed issues in this release, please click here to see a technical bulletin.


Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC 7150] Sometimes customers saw a gray screen with no content. This has been fixed.

  • [IQTC 7077] The search fields in the User Accounts list did not always display the characters that administrators typed. Consequently, the search did not return the correct results. This problem has been fixed, and now the search fields display what the user types, and the search works as expected.

  • [IQTC 4166] When users generated quick reports and case print reports as PDFs in Google Chrome™ browser, the report appeared in the transfer case tab replacing the case information. This has been corrected, and now the reports open in a separate tab while the transfer case remains open in another tab.


What's New

  • TeleBot – TeleTracking is expanding its support offering for customers in the United States with the introduction of a new artificial-intelligence (AI) chatbot accessible directly from within the TeleTracking IQ® platform. TeleBot allows customers to search for articles and content on their own, chat with a robot for commonly asked questions, and/or chat with a Client Support Engineer for more complex, involved inquiries. TeleBot will gradually become available for the majority of our solutions over time, however, the TransferCenterIQ™ application will be the first product in which you will see the TeleBot chat icon located in the bottom right of the screen.

    For more information, go here.

    Note: TeleBot is not supported by Microsoft® Internet Explorer® browser.


What's New

  • Temperature Source Field –Users can now capture the method by which a patient’s temperature was taken in the Clinical section of a transfer case’s Patient tab. Users can select from the options in the new Temp. Source field’s drop-down list. This enhancement gives context to a patient’s temperature to better enable caregivers to interpret the temperature value.


What's New

  • This release includes technical improvements to enhance performance.


What's New

  • Cases List View Improvements – TeleTracking® Technologies has improved the performance of TransferCenterIQ™ by adding new data fields and columns for better Cases list view functionality. When the TransferCenterIQ™ application refreshes, the Cases list view remains in the user’s current location rather than resetting to the top of the list view upon refresh. In addition, the Created Date/Time column now displays From and To filter fields to allow case filtering by a time range. Also, the Combined Age/Gender column can save space on the list view. Finally, if your health system uses the medical transport feature, new columns allow you to view a patient’s medical transport information without opening the patient’s details. For more information, click here.

Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-6366] Some users noticed that the Cases list automatically scrolled to the top every time the page refreshed. This has been fixed, and now when the Cases list refreshes, it remains in its original position.


What's New

  • All Characters Accepted in Referrals List Search – The Preferred and Referring Facility search fields on the Referrals list can now search for any character, including special characters such as *, ', #, ^.

  • Combined Age and Gender Column – The TransferCenterIQ™ applicationCases worklist (Active, Upcoming, and Completed tabs) now allows users to display the patient’s age and gender in one combined column. The patient’s age appears on a color-coded round background that is pink for female, blue for male, and gray for unknown gender. This enhancement allows users to save space on the Cases worklist.

    • Note: The separate Gender column and Age column continue to be available for use and are included in the Base Default Cases worklist that is supplied by TeleTracking without any need for configuration.

  • Medical Transport Columns – Users can now add medical transport columns to the Cases worklist. The Transport Arrangements, Transport Company, Transport Mode, and Transport Request Status columns are now available via the Show/Hide Columns icon at the top right of the Cases list.

  • Created Date/Time Filter – The Created Date/Time column now displays From and To filter fields to allow filtering the cases by a time range. In the From field, users type a beginning date or select the calendar icon and then select a date in the calendar that appears. In the To field, users type an ending date or select the calendar icon and then select a date in the calendar that appears.

Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-6366] Some users noticed that the Cases list automatically scrolled to the top every time the page refreshed. This has been fixed, and now when the Cases list refreshes, it remains in its original position.


What's New

  • This release includes technical improvements to enhance performance.


Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-6556] Users could not add physicians/consultants to a transfer case or dictionary because they saw an error when they selected the Search for new physician/consultant link. This has been fixed, and now the users can add new physicians/consultants in the TransferCenterIQ™ application as expected.

  • IQTC-6332] Administrators saw a second vertical scroll bar in the Disposition Reason dictionary in the Admin section. This has been fixed, and now the Disposition Reason dictionary only displays one vertical scroll bar as expected.


Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-6167] Some customer administrators were unable to move ungrouped facilities into an enterprise structure on the Admin > Structure > Enterprise page of the TransferCenterIQ™ application. This has been fixed, and now administrators can successfully make changes to their enterprise structure. For more information about configuring enterprises, see Managing Enterprises.


What's New

  • New HL7 Dictionary Fields – Administrators will notice a new optional HL7 field when adding a new entry to any of the following dictionaries. Currently, this field does not serve a purpose, however, in the future it will be used for interface support. The screen shot below is an example from the Allergy dictionary.

    • Isolation

    • Medical Alert

    • Organism

    • Allergy

    • Unit

For more information, see Create Dictionary Items > Isolations, Medical Alert, Organism, Allergy, and Unit.


What's New

  • Assessments – The new Assessments section on the Patient tab of the patient's transfer case record allows the user to document assessments conducted for the patient. Fields within the assessment section include various data points such as the type of assessment (initial assessment vs. re-assessment), the assessment order date/time, assessment start and end time, etc. Multiple assessments can be recorded on a case if applicable. Click here for a technical bulletin with details, or for more information, see: Enter Assessments.

  • New HL7 Dictionary Field – A new optional HL7 identifier field has been added to the Bed Location and Facility dictionaries. This field will be used for future interface support. For more information, see Create Dictionary Items > Bed Location and Facility.

  • User Accounts – The creation of user accounts has been standardized for both health systems that use the TeleTracking Active Directory and health systems that use their own Active Directory. This update only affects administrators who manage user account creation.

  • TeleTracking Active Directory - For health systems that have the TeleTracking Active Directory, administrators can now update the Username field on the User Accounts page where they could not previously.

  • Client Active Directory - For health systems that have their own Active Directory, administrators now see a new Username field that was not previously available on the Create Accounts page. This is a required field. Going forward when creating new accounts, administrators must enter a username that matches the format of their active directory. User accounts that currently exist will automatically populate the Username field from the client’s Active Directory in the correct format.

    • This change was necessary to help standardize the user creation process across the TeleTracking environments and has no impact on the way current users log-in to the system. It is only necessary to add a Username when creating a new user profile.


  • [IQTC-5910] When users selected a patient, who existed in the Capacity Management Suite® solution, to use for a case that already had Payor information in the TransferCenterIQ™ application, then creating a bed request cleared the Payor information. This has been fixed. Now, the TransferCenterIQ™ application supplies the Payor information when making a bed request and a similar bed request exists. If users select Use This Existing Request when the TransferCenterIQ™ case has one or more payors and the Capacity Management Suite™ patient is not associated with any payors, then the payors remain in the TransferCenterIQ™ application.

    For more details, see the Payor section of How Is Information Synchronized in Integrated Mode?


Fixed Issues

  • [OP-5595] When users, who were integrated with the Capacity Management Suite® solution, created a new case and selected Check for Existing Patients, then multiple entries for the same patient appeared in the search results. This has been fixed, and now the Check for Existing Patients function does not return multiple records for the same patient.


Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-5413] For bed requests made from the TransferCenterIQ™ application, the Assigned Bed column in the Cases worklist did not clear when Capacity Management Suite® solution users removed the bed assignment. This has been fixed, and now when Capacity Management Suite® solution users remove bed assignments, the TransferCenterIQ™ > Assigned Bed column clears.

    Note: The Assigned Bed column on the Cases worklist can also continue to be cleared when TransferCenterIQ™ users cancel the bed request in the case's Outcome tab > Request Bed section. Refer to Cancel a Placement Request in Integrated Mode here.


Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-4744] When users who selected Create Case, made a change, saved the case, and selected Edit Case, then the case opened in edit mode in a new tab. This has been corrected, and now edit mode for the case appears in the same tab as the view mode.


What's New

  • Chromium Edge Supported - The TeleTracking IQ® platform now supports the new Microsoft Edge® browser, which is based on a Chromium engine. Edge Legacy is not supported.


What's New

  • Error Messages Color Change – Application error messages that appear at the top of the TeleTracking IQ® platform are now orange versus red. Application error messages display information that requires an action from a user. One example: Entry of a missing required field prior to completing a case. This color change makes it easier for users to distinguish between application errors and system errors, which continue to display in red.


What's New

  • Concurrency Enhancements – Several improvements have been made to better handle situations when two users are editing the same transfer case at the same time. The case Save button is now only enabled when the user is required to click save when documenting in a patient’s case record. The Patient and Outcome tabs of the patient case record are the only tabs that require a save. The only other portions of the patient case record that require a save are the fields in the case header (Date Created, Case Owner, and Case Needs Review). If a user has not made any changes to those tabs/fields, the Save button is now disabled (greyed-out).

    In addition, when a patient case record is open in Edit mode, the system checks for new updates every 5 seconds. If another user in the TransferCenterIQ™ application makes an update, the system provides a message indicating the name of the person that made the edits. If another user in the Capacity Management Suite® solution makes an update, the system provides a message indicating it was a Capacity Management Suite® solution user but does not display the specific user’s name at this time. The user is then prompted to refresh the page in order to see the new saved updates and continue with their edits. Any unsaved changes upon refresh will not be saved. For more information, refer to Concurrency Management.

Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-5358] When users started a new case and added a note to a communication event in the Case Log, the event note did not save when the case was saved. This has been fixed, and now communication event notes are saved when the user selects Create Case.

  • [IQTC-5359] When users saved a note for a communication event in the Case Log, the note's Save button became disabled and the note dialog box remained active. This has been fixed, and now a note for a communication event saves as expected.


What's New

  • Weight Field Accuracy – The weight field in the Clinical Details section of transfer cases now captures three decimal places instead of two. This enhancement more accurately indicates newborn and infant weights.


What's New

  • Bed Location Dictionary – Administrators in health systems that do not have the TransferCenterIQ™ application integrated with the Capacity Management Suite® solution can now create and edit Bed Location dictionary items. Administrators can configure the following optional items for each bed location:

    • Name – Name of the bed location.

    • Abbreviation – Shortened form of the bed location name.

    • Display Name – Name that appears on the user interface.

    • Parent – Unit that includes the bed location.

    • Allow Bed Stacking – Multiple patients may occupy this location at once, such as discharge lounges or nurseries.

  • Unit Dictionary – Administrators in health systems that do not have the TransferCenterIQ™ application integrated with the Capacity Management Suite® solution can now configure the following optional items for each unit:

    • Name – Name of the unit.

    • Abbreviation – Shortened form of the unit name.

    • Parent Facility – Facility that includes the unit.

    • Phase(s) Of Care – One or more phases of care that the unit performs, such as Registration, Preop, OperatingRoom, PACU, PhaseII.


What's New

  • Integration with Multiple Instances of the Capacity Management Suite™ Solution - The TransferCenterIQ™ application can now integrate with more than one Capacity Management Suite® solution instance when health systems are forming a new tenant. This allows for a distributed architecture to access a larger number of facilities. The functionality allows:

    • A bed request for a patient made in the TransferCenterIQ™ application to be sent to any instance of the Capacity Management Suite® solution

    • A user to access multiple instances of the Capacity Management Suite® solution from a single TransferCenterIQ™ application login.

      Several specific configuration considerations apply. This feature is currently available in a limited release fashion. Please consult your TeleTracking representative if you are interested.


Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-4943] The text insertion cursor jumped to the beginning of the line while users were typing in a transfer case note. This has been corrected, and now the cursor remains in the expected place while users are typing notes. For more information about creating notes, refer to Create Cases > Enter Notes Information.


Known Unresolved Issues

  • [IQTC-4856] When editing dictionary items, administrators cannot dismiss the Unsaved Changes dialog box by selecting Yes, Discard Changes. The workaround is to select the X in the top right corner of the dialog box.


Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-4713] The Google Chrome™ browser version 86.x displayed misaligned elements on the Admin > Create and Edit User pages, making it very difficult to read. This has been fixed in the code, and now the Create and Edit User pages appear correctly when displayed by the Google Chrome™ browser.


What's New

  • Updated Color Scheme – The colors on the TeleTracking IQ® platform have been updated. Headers, links, and buttons are now a shade of blue which conforms to accessibility standards developed by the World Wide Web Consortium.

Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-4684] Sometimes when users submitted a bed request and the Possible Duplicate Bed Request dialog box or the Similar Bed Requests Exist dialog box appeared, then a red error message appeared under the Date Created field stating, “Please enter a valid date and time that is not in the future.” This has been fixed, and now the red error message no longer appears along when the Possible Duplicate Bed Request dialog box or the Similar Bed Requests Exist dialog appear in response to a bed request.


Key Changes

  • Updates to Near Duplicate Bed Request Message- There were a few problems with the Near Duplicate Bed Request dialog box that have been corrected. As a refresher, the Near Duplicate Bed Request message appears when submitting a bed request for a patient whose details matched an existing patient record in Capacity Management Suite® solution. The following changes have been made:

    • The user is no longer presented with a generic message, rather, they are now prompted with options to link to an existing patient in Capacity Management Suite® solution or proceed with a new request.

    • The message no longer appears upon cancelling a bed request. This was previously erroneously displayed.

    • The Possible Duplicate Bed Request message appears when the patient’s basic demographic information is updated to alert the user that they may be creating a duplicate patient in Capacity Management Suite® solution.

Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-4467] Sometimes customers noticed duplicate notes appeared in the Case Log. This has been fixed, and now duplicate notes are not created in the Case Log.

  • [IQTC-4638] After saving a case and then selecting Edit, the case reloaded to the Patient tab no matter what tab the user was on previously. This has been fixed, and now selecting Edit after saving the case displays the same tab that the user was last working on.

Known Unresolved Issues

  • [IQTC-4684] Sometimes when users submit a bed request and the Possible Duplicate Bed Request dialog box or the Similar Bed Requests Exist dialog box appears, then a red error message appears under the Date Created field stating, “Please enter a valid date and time that is not in the future.”

    Workaround: This will be fixed in a future release. Until then, users can ignore the message. When users complete an action in the Possible Duplicate Bed Request dialog box or the Similar Bed Requests Exist dialog box, the red error message clears. The case saves without a problem, and the original Created Date remains. (Fixed in v2020-10-14).


What's New

  • Physician-Facility Associations – Patient placement specialists can now associate a facility with each physician's communication outcome (Cancelled, Consulted, Accepted, Admitting, Declined). If the facility that the specialist selects does not currently appear in the case's Target Facility Communications section, the facility is automatically added. The associated facility’s name will appear on the corresponding Case Log event. The associated facility is also recorded in the communication history drop-down list located underneath the physician's card accessible by clicking the chevron button. Additionally, the facility association can be configured to be a required field. This feature allows health systems to document in more detail the nature of physician communications.

    For more information, refer to the following Help topic: Enter Target Physician Communication beginning at Cancelled communication.

  • Escalation Associations – Patient placement specialists can now associate escalation roles with a physician and/or a facility. More than one escalation with the same role can now be added to a case. When specialists select the role they are escalating to, the Escalations Association dialog box appears. Users can select from the physicians and facilities that have been contacted previously for the transfer case. The user can also select the No Physician Association option and the No Facility Association option if they do not want to make an association. The user's selections appear in the escalation card under the name of the role and also in the Case Log in the escalation event. This feature allows health systems to document in more detail the nature of escalation events.

    For more information, refer to the following Help topic: Enter Escalations


What's New?

  • Improvements to IQ Navigation Usability – To help streamline usability, the TeleTracking IQ® platform navigation menus are no longer visible from the patient case details record tab. This minimizes the number of tabs that remain open and helps our users stay better organized. This enhancement also ensures a user does not accidentally navigate away from a patient’s case details record that they were viewing or editing. If the user wishes to navigate to another part of the TeleTracking IQ® platform, they can now easily do so by selecting the new Open New IQ Tab link in the top right of the Worklist tab. Then, a new tab opens allowing the user to have easy access to different applications and views within the TeleTracking IQ® platform.

  • View Mode and Edit Mode for Patient Case Details – Previously, when a user had a patient case details record open, upon save, the patient case details record continued to remain open on a tab in edit mode. This became problematic because any other updates that were made to that patient’s case could conflict with the edits the user continued to make. Now, when users save the patient’s case details, the case displays in view-only mode with the option to enter edit mode by simply clicking the pencil icon that appears in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

    Note: The case details also displays in view-only mode when the user submits a bed request and then selects Use This Existing Request in the Similar Bed Requests Exist dialog box. This functionality prevents concurrency error messages from appearing if another user is editing the same placement request in the Capacity Management Suite® solution.

Known Unresolved

  • [IQTC-4502] When users sort the Cases list by the Age column in ascending order, blank values appear last. Previously, the blank values appear first. When users sort the Cases list by the Age column in descending order, blank values appear first. Previously, the blank values appeared last. Please keep in mind these differences from the previous functionality when sorting the Cases list by the Age column.


Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-4393] When users added notes to cases, sometimes the name of the note’s author appeared as “object.Object.” This has been fixed, and now the name of the note’s author appears as expected.

  • [IQTC-4443] Placement requests in the TransferCenterIQ™ application for the TeleTracking IQ® platform did not receive updates to the Bed Request Time when updated in the Capacity Management Suite® solution. This problem has been fixed, and now when the Bed Request Time is updated in the Capacity Management Suite® solution the Bed Request Time on the transfer case is also updated.


What’s New

  • Reporting Enhancement – SynapseIQ™ Enterprise Analytics now includes data from the Issues and Notes fields of the transfer cases in the TransferCenterIQ™ application. This enhancement augments the data set available to users for creating reports about transfer cases.

Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-4308] When the Community Access® Portal was not integrated with the National Provider Identifier (NPI) registry, users could not create a referral because they selected a non-referring physician in the Referring Physician field. This problem is fixed, and now in health systems that are not integrated with the NPI registry, the Referring Physician selection list is populated only by referring physicians. This removes the possibility of selecting non-referring physicians.


Known Unresolved Issues

  • [IQTC-4272] Occasionally, a physician’s information changes in the United States National Provider Identifier (NPI) Registry. If that physician is then added to a case or referral, the physician’s information icon and the physician search do not display the NPI updates.

    As a workaround, after selecting the physician in the case or referral, then users need to select the Search for new physician link and select the physician again. This action manually re-adds the physician and the new information from the NPI registry. The Physician dictionary and all cases and referrals update with any changes to the physician’s information.


What's New

  • Referring Physician Search Enhanced – The search filter for Referring Physician field of the Create Referral and Edit Referral pages now displays a Search for new physician link for health systems in the United States. External care providers select the link to search the National Provider Identifier (NPI) Registry. The registry allows users to find a referring physician by name, taxonomy, state or NPI number. This enhancement helps to distinguish physicians with the same name from each other and helps the user to make the correct choice.

    For more information, refer to the following Help topic: How to Make Referrals > Referring Physician

  • Simplified Medical Practice Account Configuration - Health systems in the United States no longer display the Referring Physicians field on the Medical Practice Account configuration page. Administrators no longer need to limit the referring physicians whom external care providers can select. Instead, users can search for any physician in the National Provider Identifier (NPI) Registry. This streamlines the medical practice account setup process and allows external care providers a wider range of possible physicians to select.

    For more information, refer to the following Help topic: How to Create Medical Practice Accounts

  • Start New Case Button - The Create Case button on all tabs of the Access > Transfers > Cases list has been replaced with the Start New Case button. Selecting Start New Case displays a new case details page. After entering the case details, patient placement specialists can then select the Create Case button to save the new case at that point. This enhancement allows the buttons on the list view and the case details page to more accurately reflect the application’s behavior at different points in the transfers workflow.

    For more information, refer to the following Help topic: How to Create New Cases


What's New

  • Referrals Custom Default View – Administrators can now configure default Referrals list views to automatically appear when users sign in. The default view for Referrals list appears for external care providers. Administrators can select which columns appear, the order of columns, column width, the column by which the list is sorted and the direction of the sort. In addition, administrators can type text search filters to only display cases in which that text appears and can select one or more filters from the column drop-down filter list to display cases with the selected data. The administrator's selections automatically appear each time the users sign in. Users who make their own customizations to the default list view can then return to the default view by selecting Reset to Default in the top right corner.

    For more information, refer to the following Help topic: Manage Default List Views

  • Referring Facility and Destination Facility Addresses – The search filter for the Referring Facility and Destination Facility columns on the Referrals list now display the facility's the city and state. This enhancement helps external care providers to select the correct facility when the names of different facilities are the same or similar. For example, Children's Hospital may exist in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and also in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

    For more information, refer to the following Help topic: Search Referrals.

Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-3008] After a referral was added to the Cases list, the Activate Bed Request box in the Placement Request Information section of the Outcomes tab was not selected by default. This has been corrected, and now the Activate Bed Request box is selected by default before the bed request is submitted.


Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-3987] When users tried to scroll down the search results from the National Provider Identifier (NPI) registry, the list jumped back and forth. This has been fixed by updating the format of search results. However, the first time users search the NPI registry, the results list will appear blank. Users must sign out and sign in again to see the updated search results. Thereafter, the NPI search results appear as expected.


What's New

  • Note Tags Column on Cases List – Patient placement specialists can add the new Note Tags column to the Cases list by selecting it in the Show/Hide Columns list. The Note Tags column automatically displays the note tags associated with any note in the Case Log, excluding notes for events or issues. If the names of the note tags are truncated by the width of the column, users can hold their mouse over the note tags to view the full text in a tool tip. Users can filter the Note Tags column by selecting the name of the tag in the Search box below the column heading, or they can begin typing the name of the note tag they want to select. Administrators can also set the Note Tags column to appear by default on the Active, Incoming, and Completed Cases list views. This enhancement allows users to easily view which patients have a note tag associated with them and to limit the Cases list to those patients. For more detailed information, refer to: For Administrators: Create Dictionary ItemsFor Administrators: Create Default List ViewsFor All Users: Add or Remove List ColumnsFor All Users: Enter Notes Information

Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-3887] Administrators could not create an IQ Platform user account for a person who was already configured on the Clinician page or on the Physician dictionary because the email addresses for both accounts would be the same. This problem has been fixed, and now existing clinicians and physicians can be added to the TeleTracking IQ® platform > User dictionary with the same email addresses.


What's New

  • Additional Security for Uploading Files – The TeleTracking IQ® platform now whitelists files with the following extensions. Whitelisting these file types adds a level of security because only files with these extensions can be uploaded to the TeleTracking IQ® platform. The acceptable files are: doc, .docx, .htm, .jpg, .mp3, .msg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .rtf, .tif, .txt, .wav, .wma, .xps.


Fixed Issues

  • [IQTC-2231] Sometimes, users could not complete a case because they could not cancel the case’s open bed request. This has been fixed. Now, when users try to complete a case and receive a message that there is an open bed request, the users can cancel the open bed request. They will be able to complete the case as desired. This fix requires an update to the Gateway service. Your TeleTracking representative can assist you to make this update.

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